The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 23, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    abe 2)ail flebraehan
I -Q, Cbose of Otber Days -flfe
n m nwmnwMiiii Jl w mm umi
From 9am Anderson.
Dear NrhraBkan:
The nrltlsh trains make exi client
time, on the runs, but are very Blowly
handled at station!. The equipment
is good, though the cniH on the aver
age are inferior to ours. The road beds
are excellent. Tickets are taken at
the depots, the collectors going to every
one of the four or six compartments of
each car, entailing much loss of time.
The doors open on the sides, except in
the vcstibuled trains, which make only
through runs.
It was dark when 1 reached London,
and I made haste to And my hotel, near
Bedford Place. Next morning saw me
trying to decipher the signs on thos
awful vehicles the busses in dread
ful efforts to get somewhere, in three
London Is a great conglomeration of
many small towns. The old city is
not more than a mile square, but the
lines of demarkation are not visible
now to the ifntroineel eyes of visitors.
The vast number of b.iildings are four
or five stories higher. There are very
few sky scrapers. Here and there are
to be seen magnificent public building-'
or churches. Now and then a public
squat e, j.urrounded by an iron fence,
and dotted with monuments, or a
grassy sward, with "keep off the gras"
signs in plain, sight.
Of course I saw Westminster Abbey.
I' is a magnificent edifice. Gothic. 1
think, with its two towers piercing the
slues. 1 wandered about in it trying
to read epitaphs and inscriptions until
wearied. However, I found the tennis
of the old- royal personages. Longfel
low's and Lowell's Memorials, and tin
tombs and marble busts of Gladstone,
Livingstone, Darwin, Tennyson, and
hosts of others.
Across the street are the Houses of
I'atMament. 1 only got a glimpse of
these but saw the great ball where
Charl.'s I was tried for his life. Most
interesting, since we had been study
ing a phase of that period in Dr. Jones'
classes last semester.
The Tower of London is grim and
solid looking, but far from beautiful.
The most interesting things to me were
the collections of Medieval armor, and
the crown jewels. These latter are daz
zling to the eye, of course, and repre
sent fabulous wealth. The crown, scepl
ties and royal plates were all en
closed in a great steel cage surroumled
by guards, and are kept there except
on great occasions.
I also saw the Hank of Bngland,
walked through it at a 2:10 gait, lest
the numerous policemen should sus
pect I was a bank robber. Thence to
Kt. Paul's. It would be useless for me
to attempt a description, save to say
it Is grand and large. The dome is an
important feature, and is noT unlike
that of the capltol at Washington.
Many of England's noted dead are in
terred within its walls. I attended di
vine service there on Sunday but could
make out little more than the sound
of the speaker's voice and most of the.
people wor-e similarly affected.
London has numerous transportation
systems, but all are unsatisfactory. The
bus is a miserable substitute for our
electric trolley lines and the present
subways and undergrounds are not very
desirable owing to the unwholesome at
mosphere pervading them. If Mr.
Yerkes can give London fast, clean, and
easy transportation facilities with his
new system, he will double the fortune
he made in Chicago.
After a short stay I took a flying
trip to Naples in order to catch the
French steamer for IJeirut, but even
the. week's time gave opportunities to
see considerable at some points. Cross
ing the channel was dreadful. At first
I feared I was going to die of seasick
ness, but in a short time I cared not
whether it was death or life, I felt so
miserable. The trip only lasted three
hours, but it wa3 far worse than all
my seventeen days on the Atlantic and
Mediterranean combined. But on
reaching Ostend and getting some hot
coffee our spirits revived and wo went
on through Belgium rejoicing.
The first stop was Stuttgart, whore
a night was spent with our old friend,
Carl .Meier, Nebraska '99. Carl was in
excollont. health and spirits, and is dili
gently pursuing his" studies in history
for the doctor's degree. He had just
finished a semester's work at Heidel
berg, and was touring In Germany,
sight -seeing by day and absorbing
Bacde( ker by night. He came the next
thing to hugging me when wo met nt
the station. My hand hIbo was nearly
wrung off. but It has recovered its nor
mal condition. Carl has grown a beard
a la France, and has lost his reputa
tion in neither the United States nor
the University of Nebraska. He plied
me with questions about the "Unl,"
and especially the department of his
tory and its professors until the "we
sma hours." Next day ive parted af
ter a tour of that beautiful city.
My next stop was C'arlsruhe, a de
lightful (ity. I had to rack my brains
to use German enough to get a din
ner, but thank's to Professor' Fossler
I got sufficient to sustain life until
Basle was i cached. Suffice it to say
it was the best mrnl I ate between Scot
land and Beirut. Swell rants in
London had greater variety, but for
wholesomcness and real satisfaction of
appetite, give me "ein gutcs doutchcH
Mittogscrisen" evcrytitue.
In Carlsruhe as in Stuttgait, Hie
buildings are (liiefiy of stone really
artistic, four to six stories and very
substantial. A uniformity of size and
structure is very noticeable In these
German cities, which is not usual in
America, especially in New York and
Chicago, where sky scrapers may fre
quently be seen beside buildings of a
few stories, making the iriegularity
painfully apparent. The p.ibllc build
ings of the above German city are of
white stone, sin rounded by parks and
drives. ThA tiolley electric cars are
here as well as in the Swiss and Ital
ian (itics. Basle and Lin erne are
much like the German it it's in aspect -fine
streets lined with li aul il'ul and
substantial buildings. This is nioie
especially true of Basle', as Lm erne is
crowded in b(lween the base of the'
mount. litis and the lake', though the lat
ter has nicmy magnificent hotels. The
old bridge across an arm of the blue'
waters of Lucerne is quaint. The pic--lures
Longfellow describes are becom
ing obliterated and are fast fading. The
lion carved in the side of the mountain
is still to be seen. It is wonderful. ,
Of eourse the Alps are grand. The
Swiss mountains and lakes are very
similar to those of the Scottish hlgh
Jands. The former are on a larger
cale. but the Alps lack the beauty
which the green and the purple heather
From Lucerne through the famous
St. Gothard tunnel (!) mile long), we
went to Milan, Italy. te see the cathed
ral and L. ele Vinci's famous picture.
Neer have I seen Mich a profusion
of sculpture as that in. or rather on,
the Milan cathedral. Some one has
truly descrjbed its roof as a "forest
of statues." Over three thousand adorn
its roof. I shall never forget the im
pression received as 1 gazed down upon
them from one of the pinaelcH above.
Milan is a city ol art. fine buildings
and broad and elegantly paved streets.
It contrasts most strongly with Home
anel Naples 4 the seeming prosperity
anel culture of its eitizejis. anel in its
business push and enterprise.
Rome is wonderful more wondorful
In its past, however, than its present.
St. Peter's surpasses all the edifices
I have ever seen, taking It all in all.
Its great collonades. Its vast dome,
commanding the surrounding country;
its internal magnificence In sculpture
and paintings; its columns; its fine al
tars and mosaics; all these made me
speechless in wonder. I was ready to
pay homage to the genius of Michael
Angelo as one of the world's greatest.
But "never a rose without a thorn."
Surrounding this' magnificent church
are thousands of poor very poor peo
ple, struggling for existence. I see now
that newspaper reports about bread
riots in Italy are not till false. Yes,
even In that magnificent church, a wo
man came asking for alms. Probably
that was the place for her to do. "No
doubt of It. for there if anywhere she
should receive help. But it seems to
mo that something was wrong, and I
asked myself this question: "Would
Christ were He here in person, as Ho
was nineteen centuries ago, sanction
aiifli nvnnrwllt urn rt limn nml lnhnr find
, wealth for such magnificence and al-
low pauperism to prevail so widespread
under the very shadow of those
walls?" I will let you answer that
question. Art Ib grand, ami beautiful
and noble, and Inspiring, and has n
place In the world, but If It Is culti
vated nt llm expense of the physical,
social and moral and Intellectual well
being of Its supporters, there had bet
ter be less of It. However, I am not so
pessimistic but to believe both com
patible with each other.
Dee. .10, ion.1. Bolrut. Syria.
Ernest Pollard. '93, of Nehawka.
Neb., who Is In charge of the State
Horticultural soe-iety exposition exhibit
aJ. St. Louis. Is visiting old friends nt
the University.
O. II. Tlmnierman. '01. who was
ejected county surveyor or Rlehnrdseni
county In November, left yesterday for
North Loup em offielal Jiuslnesa. He
expeets te) be back for examinations.
Evan T. Sage. 'Oli, whe has been
principal e)f the Beat i Ice schoolri for
the past year anel a half, writes for
his paper from Chlengo.
Mr. Joseph F. Berggren. law 'oil.
enme down from Wahoo last Saturday
anel spent the greater part of this week
In Lincoln looking up u e'ase' in realty
in the sttit.' library and visiting his
Phi Delta Phi brothers anel other
Lincoln Local ExpresB, 11th and N.
Tel. 787. Baggage hauled.
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