The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    ! MT'""""''""j" fl
fcbe 2 a 1 1 v tlebraeftan
te Daily Debraskan.
A contolldfttlon of
Ife Htprian, Vol. 81, The NT)riUWn, YoL Ui
Bcarlel and Cream Vol. i.
ihntnw If aoacr
John D, filo
A. O. Bohrilber
0. A.Bfr
nooxin iditoTw:
RsrofiTKlw P. A. Ewing, D. P Do Young
C. II. Taylor, Edffar Mollott, Mobnl floanler.
mmi Editorial, U KOHi Btulnew, U 111)4
Pokt Olio, Box 18, fluUSn A, Unoola.
foteoripUoa Prloc, 8 per xmr. In ftdvano.
- - - i ,
Str& at th pofltoftloo at Ltnooln, Nabraaks
M aocond-olau mall matter.
!-! i
Editorial Remarks
With UiIb Ibsuc The NcbrftHkan com
pletes Kb course for the flrflt semester.
We do not expect to publish next week,
because the attention of the members
of our staff will be occupied with their
examinations. However, wo expect to . nre glad to bo able to present to our
In debating we publish tho following
celf-explanatory letter from the South
Dakota Agricultural Colloge:
"President of tho University Debat
ing Association. -Dear Sir: Would
you kindly send mo a copy of tho con
stitution and rules of the Debating as
sociation of tho University, or if you
do not have a printed copy, would you
Inform me ob to your plan of carrying
on Joint debates with other Institu
tions? What kind of a compact or
agreement do you enter into? W?
wish" to make a permanent arrange
ment with our Stato University at Ver
million, and knowing the prominence
of Nebraska In debating matters, I
thought that your experience might bo
of alue to lis. Very tiuly,
''A. 8. HARDING.
"Brookings. S. D."
Wo have been pleased to hear many
favorablo comments upon tho letters
that have been published in our Alum
ni columns, from Mr. Samuel Ander
Bon, '03, who is now at the head of the
Protestant College at Beirut. Syria. We
A Rare Opportunity
We have bought a lot of
be out again the first of next scniestcr
with new prospects and alms In view
aud with our sails Bet for the last
course of our voyage.
As in past years tho management of
this paper has constantly had new
problems to meet and difficulties to
adjust, but these have been disposed of
In Buch a way as to afford us a certain
moaBuro of satisfaction. Wo find no
reason to complain of lack of interest
or Biipport on the part of University
peoplo or tha business men of the city.
On tho contrary wo appreciate tho In
terest shown by our readers and find
comfort In the belief that they have
supported ub through a recognition of
tho mission that a college paper ful
fills; We havo striven to make our
paper recommend ItBclf to tho Univer
sity public, and have nover found It
advisablo or necessary to resort to an
appeal in an effort to rouse up sym
pathy in tho hopes of gaining addi
tional support thereby.
In a great University like ours there
Ib a broad opportunity oppn to the
college paper. Tho field Is Infinitely di
versified and were It possible to come
In touch with all tho parts, a most
desirable consummation! would bo ac
complished. There are many ways in
which University peoplo could help, and
we do not doubt but that they Would
bo willing to do so If tho matter could
bo brought prominently to their atten
tion.' Our facilities for getting the news
are limited; although we strive to cover
all the departments regularly, tho task
is Indeed difficult to accomplish Mem
bers of the faculty and others In posi
tions of authority could simplify our
task greatly by voluntarily notifying
us of events with which they are con
cerned or which pass undet their ob
servation. Our reporters do good work
but of course many things happon
which they havo no opportunity of ob
serving ' As to policy and make-up, there will
readers In today's Issue another of
these pleasant letterB from Mr. An
derson, describing his travelB and ex
periences In Europe, trusting that our
readers will find much of Interest In
them. All the places that ho writes
about have a historical association
which Is readily recognized by those
who have studied and read extensively.
New Courses in Education.
New goods and one of the BEST MANUFACTURES
which we will place on sale
February 1st
at a price which will enable evety Student to sport a
FIRST CLASS PEN. At a very low price
Education 20 A study of the peda
gogy of the Gospels from the point of
Mew of modern pedagogy aud psychol
ogy. Tills Is a general course. It Is
intended not only to be useful to pros
pective teachers, but to Interest others
In general educatlonnl principles, meth
ods and alms (with a view to more
helpful co-operation In educational and
social problems) , and to give oppor
tunity for studying tho general prin
clpieB of personal contact and Influ
ence. Practical applications will be
lade to the work of the secular school,
Sunday school. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W.
0. A. and to business and professional
The second semester's work may be
taken by those who have not taken that
of the first semester. New students
should consult the Instructor before
' Ofilce Hours M.. W.. F., 3 to 4 p. m.;
Tu., Th., 2 to 3 p. m., In U. 210.
Education 10 This course takes up
tho later historical development of the
high school, and Includes a study of
the curriculum, methods, almB and
problems of the high school of today
in the light of this historical Btudy and
the study of adolsceuce. Special at
tention will be given to observation
and study of local high schools and
other secondary schools. The course
is adapted to .mature students and may
bo taken asa ojio hour or a "two hour
course. It is not necesary to take
Education 9 before taking Education
10. New students should consult tho
instructor beforo registering.
Office Hours M W., P., 3 to 4; Tu.,
Th., 2 to 3 p. m.. In U. 210.
Music at Chapel
o un i unun i o
X, waa w a g i(r
o o
0 y n
X o t
o o
o o
o ii i AtiiriTrnos?
8 1042 O STREET 8 f
ri o n
Selected by the
To cary tho United States Over
land Mail across tho continent. H
h on account of its being tho best
l and mqst direct lino n
S PjnTnttV
A largo number listened to the rend
ition of tho musneal selections at tho
New Time Card
bo no marked changes in Tho Nebrns- chapel yesterday morning. A program
kan next semester. Tho united ener- of ftn "nuT"?I hIsl? ?rdr WaS, rCn,d"
...... . , , , ored, the selections bolng very Inaplr-
gles ot our staff will be exerted. In keep- ln(f Tno BtU(ient ' d their
Ing the paper up to a proper standard appreciation by lespnqho and domon-
Jn furthering its progress in whatever Btraive applause.
ways possible. Wo can make no an
nouncement now as to our staff for next
semester but it will be revised to a
consldbfablo extent. To thoso depart
ing we can only extend our thanks
for their faithful and efficient services,
hoping and trusting that thoy have
benefitted by their experience.
Get tickets for Officers' Hop from H.
I. Parker, O. F. Brown, L. P. Hewitt,
A. H Lundin. E. P. Stanley or C. A.
Board $2.50 per week at the Good
Health Cafe.
Lincoln Transfer T Co.
tione. 176
This D SS. C T)nftAi Bknn TCI..V.
A? sir indication .of the prestige that cba,r6 Two rtoorB of rlc e.
Nebrab'Ka do-jib amo-QgAvofitcrn, cousgaB atrcf, . x lillJfiK'i'lJ
Missouri Pacific
Effective December Cth, train
No. 208 will leave Lincoln at
8:35 a. m. and run through with
out change to Auburn via Dun
bar, Brock and Talmage, with
through coach to Nebraska City.
No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. m.
and carry through coach and
Pullman sleeper to Kansas City.
City Office, S. W. Cor. 12th & O.
F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A.
VIA Omaha the Union
Pacific is i
204 miles shorter to Salt LakT"U
City. it
278 miles shorter to San Fran- it
clsco. n
278 miles shorter to Los An-
geles. 1 1
358 miles shorter to Portland. i&
12 hours quicker to Salt Lako j
City. !
16 hours quicker to San Fran-
16 hours quicker to Los An- U
16 hours quicker to Portland. t
E. B. SL0SSEN, General Agent j
Electric Lighted Twins Dally
tbia ure la ou every box of the geauio
Laxative BrorooQufnjne Tawet
tie rwnefly hat ctarea a cold 1 oae Heir,
' n
J"4J, & ixL4tAtfi.U '