V Cbe Batlp Heftraehan more or Cess Cocal 9inK9MnMMai A i vf MIbbcs SauiulcrH. Anderson nnd Sow aid of Elgin, have registered nt the Conservatory of Music MIbb Delta Wlllamuth and tlio Misses Martin, of Lincoln, havo taken up the study of muslo at the Con-nervatory. Professor Stout addressed the Irri gation Congress on "Recent Obser vation on the Water Supply of Ne biaska." The Kellog Telephone Co., of Chi cago, has loaned the Unlvendty in struments and supplies for setting up a model central etieigy exchange. The clasB in mechanical engineering has been making some tests with the Lewis Bteelyold dynamometer that has lately ben srt up in the M. E. room L. A. Cutshall enjoyed a visit this week from his brother, who was at tending the meeting of the represen tatives of the Nebraska Independent Telephone companies. Mr. Ilolman. a representative of 'i Wge jewelry house, was entertained by several of the boys who appropriat ed large Bums of money In the Inter ests of his financial welfare. Professor. Luckey will deliver a lec turo at York tho evening of January 29th. on "The Homo and the School." Tho locture will be before the meeting of tho York County School Teachers' nnd Social Officers' association. A suney and preliminary ehtimate was made by the civil engineering de partment for filling in and grading the north end of the football field The goal posts will have to be moved to give room for the new plnslcs build ing. The Coura of Study committee and the business manager of the Summer School have sent out a list of questions to each member of the faculty, asking their advico on certain points connect ed with the plans for the coming sum mer session. Drr A. Ross Hill formerly of our philosophy department, has been made director of the conimlng summer school of the University of Missouri. Ho is making an effort to secure some good men at this University to serve on the summer school faculty. Professor Caldwell is busily engaged in reading four theses presented by candidates for a degree. These theses were submitted by H. R. Tucker, Susan Dlnsmore, Genevieve Mursh and Mary Davles. Thero will bo eight American History candidates for a de gree this year. A nev course in psychology which If The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN POUNTAIN PEN Has no superiof. We sell it. 127 South II Street. & a study in the mental development of the human child will bo open to stu dents who have had course 5 or by spedal permit of the instructor. Fred Kuhlmau, who took the M. A. degree in tho psychology department of the Nebraska University and Blnce the doctor's degree at Clark Univer sity will contlne his work at Clark and e ture on the subject of "Idiocy." Plans are under way for organizing a clinic at the hospital for the insane. This clinic will be held every Wednes day morning for the purpose of mak ing a psychology study of insane. It is open to advanced students In psy chology and will br conducted by Dr. Young. Hn Society Miss Paulino Hush has the PI Phi house. moved into MihS Vivian McDowel. of Omaha, Is visiting at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Phil Harrison's prolific pen lias pro duced another beautiful prom, poster, which is attracting much attention on the bulletin board in University Hall. Miss Olive States entertained at din ner Thursday evening for her cousin, Miss Lillian White, prior to the de parture of the latter for England. MIbb White is a member of Northwestern chapter of Gamma Phi Heta An informal leap year paity was given last night at Walsh hall by a number of University girlb A pro gram of twenty dances and four extras was danced, tho men only being al lowed to make their own choice In the four extras. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Eunice .hapeioncd the party Th OtllceiH' Hop coining at. the end of examination week, deserves a largo attendance. Successfully mastering final quizzes Is conduthe to some slight exuberance of spirits and this hop of fers a good vent for such an overflow The officers have something of a rep utation along hop lines to maintain and doubtless Messrs. Mohrman and Parker, who have the affair In charge, will see that this reputation does not suffer The engagement of MUs Olive l)ob on to Dr. Lamlr of Waverly was for mally announced at the Conservatory liesda evening Eoity invitations r lenponded to and a number of i'Il of town guests were present, in hiding Misbes Cox and Meyers of hralia. A short musical program w.ts n'ejed and Mieses Upton. Dill an.! ''obson sang. After a touch of the 'ght fantastic, light refreshments v.'ei f rved. Many beautiful presents wviv im ived. The possibilities are that the "oust rvatory will soon lose Miss Dob-son. It ia not always tho firm who makes the most noiso and has the loudest signs that does, the tmslnes of largest pioportions. Occasional tooting of horns is good, but a horn that toots ill the time becomes monoton us. George Bros, print anything. En le nity building. "Phone A319. Sptilal rates to students wishing vpewriting done. 512 Richards block XJ&M.tJCtx.x y. vjuor. jl tx Xxk. SEE THE fc DEVIEW PRESS ABOUT YOUR- Printing f ? Phono 384 1131 N Street, trTcyrcyrcyrcyrcyrsrryivrcyrcTi I t X We keep ahead by selling just a little better fitting $ t clothes than others do. T There is tone and style in our "Kensington" suits i and overcoats equal to the product ot the best t tailors. Overcoats and business suits one-fifth I off. I J ! Magee & Deemer j !-::!-::-- ;--! !!' -i--ii-y-i ...j...j 3 THE P. V. SMITH CO. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which will find the Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.50. All kinds of steam coal, the best money can boy. i j' j' j Office 1140 O. Phone 329. Yard 6 and N. Phone 376 roToxyrcytf'ST5-Yffro-Tff 8 roToToTSTtfrtf Western Glass & Paint Co. 12th M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Buy of... The Farmer's Grocery Jo.g Special low prices to fraternities and boarding clubs. See us. W e can save you money. 226-240 North" JOth Lincoln 21 The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR FINE PHOTOS ESTABLISHED 1871 E. HAL-LETT Jeweler e&nd Optician BYES EXAMINED FREE 1143 O St. Stclncr-Wocmpcner Drug Co., Sucecuon to STEINER PHARMACY. IU O Street Phone 707"1 Lincoln. NK vtaimfacturors of Steiuer'a Balsas ttoabarb CoMpupsuli;. PUo Oure an Gray's Ooudmoti FoWders. Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-GroorPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clock or article of Jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-'-l he-Minute Jewek, PROMPT SERVICE. ,1123 O Stree COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska i CAPITAL - Siod.ooo.aa. OFFICERS John B. Wright, Pm. JH. Wctortt, Vice -Pre J Stmueli 2nd Vice-Pru. P. L. Hfl, C&tkUa W. B. Ryone. Aut, Cub Quality goes a long ways witji particular .people We solicit the patronage of all particular peopfe. jc jc ji jt KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCII 5 BLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-773 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN See our full line of fan'or boxes, Inolud. Ind FOOT BALLS nd DBE8S SUM? OASES. Try our Bittor-Sweeta, But termilka and Venitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLLART 131 0 STREET Cigats and News Koveb lor SJe or Exchu J t ?v, n,. feV't-t.aaBff jV-lV, &x SJftll&JlVf, v'Ljlv--. -v V i j v t iLaSdiJLL. ' rHS 1