ffmiSm i5','TW, r''xtsHi!f(f8Rf - . : . ., 1 . voi hl NO. 75 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JANUARY'23, J?04. PRICE 3 CENTS sassvagiRaBfi1 ' smmk '. ,m-' - :-.,.-,' Xfl)e2atto IFiebraehan S v ) v IP m ii - b- R IT . & 6 iv i.' U j, K? t- n A.V . WIN A CLOSE GAME University Beats City Y. M. C. A. Faculty Also Victorious. Under tho glow of tho electric lights which winked and blinked at the, ex pectant people, a large and enthusiastic crowd gathered to witness the basket ball games between the University first team and the Y. M. C. A. flrRt team, and tho Y. M. C. A. business men's team and the Unl. faculty team, last night The gamo was called at 8:30, the Unl. defending tho west goal, the Y. M. C. A. tho east Y. M. C. A. gained first point from a foul. Unl. was penalized again, but Y. M. C. A. failed to basket. Hewitt threw first basket for Unl. from a foul. Honors oven. Y. M. C. A. threw bas ket from field, pretty throw. Elliott throw first basket for Unl. Unl. penalized. Y. M. C. A. failed basket. Y. M. C. A. made basket from foul and added another. Y. M. C. A. made.pretty throw for field goal. Added another in next minuto. Elliott made another basket for Nebraska n- ter as minuto of fierce play. Elliott threw another basket. Unl. penalized. Y. VU C. A. made basket. Y. M. C. penalized. Hewitt failed basket. El liott made another field goal. Elliott threw sensational basket from almost center of field, and added another In a short time, and still another from the middle of the field, it seemed almost as Lf he couldn't miss a basket. Uni penalized, but Y. M. C A. made a basket from foul and soon added a field . basket, and In the next fow plays an other. Newton threw next field goal for Unl. Y. M. C. A. added another bas ket and the first lialf closed. Tho faculty team then came on the field. Unl. defended east goal, Y. M. C. A. west. Y. M. C. Ji. threw first field basket. Tho umpire had to rush into tho fray, stepping over faculty .warriors, to get ball when foul was called, so fierce was tho play that the men were loath to give up the ball. Unl. was penalized and Y. M. C. A. throw basket. Y. M. C. A. was penalized but tym failed basket. Again they were penalized, and Uni. threw basket. Tho half colsed with tho ball out of bounds In the hands of a University man. Dr. Clapp announced that next Fri day evening the same teams that played that night: will play again in the Uni. gymnasium. An admission of 15 and 26 cents will be charged. Second half of tho first team game followed the faculty half. Hagenslck who did not play the first half on ac count of a sprained ankle7wentJn this halfr Y. M. C. A. threw 'first field basket. Unl. added one a few seconds later and the Y. M. C. A.dd od. .a second. Y. M. 0. "A. threw basket frqjn a Unl. foul. ;ijf Hagensick threw second basketfor UnJ., and added anojther In a, few, ijpln-r utes after the ball hdjl been wojUed down the field in pretty shqpo by Hewitt ana Newt'bn. 'Ujil. penalized, Y. M 0. A. missing basket, Y. M. ..0. A. penAlizejl and Un missed basket. Y. M. C.tA- threw sensational basket from field, man made tho throw just as ho was' fall ing; Beers throw basket for Unl. Half closed with final score 24 to 26 in . favor of Unl. TJie game was a fast and clean ono all 'tho way through and was a first class exhibition of the game of basket hall, . Tho last half of the faculty gamo was called, Y. M. 0. A. throw first goal. Prof. Norman threw first goal forUnl. Y. M., C. A. followed wtti a basket In" few minutes. Tho faculty. , throw two moro goals and tho. gamo v Closed,. Score,, 10 tp 8, in favor of Unl. OFFICERS HOP Fraternity Hall, Friday, January 2gtfy TICKETS $J,50 r - - TICKETS $J.50 Following is the lino tip of tho first team. Wo regret that we were unable to secure the line up of the Business Men and Faculty. Y. M. C.A- University. Matson . . . guard Hoai Granger Beera Fields center Hewitt Hammel forward Newton! Raymond Hagensick-Elllott Referee Mrsh. Umpire Morrow. Timekeepers Benedict and Bell. Goals Thrown Y. M. C. A.: Ray mond '3, Fields B, Hammel 1,; Univer sity: Elliott 5; Hagensick; Newton 1; Hewitt 1. Free Throws Unl vorslty 2; Y. M. C. A., 4. FouIe Y. M. C. A.. 7; Universi ty. 14. Tho Invitations which wero sent out for these games wore well responded to and from tho hearty applause throughout tho games tho visitors ap parently were enjoying themselves. After Doane's Scalp The debate arranged between tho Union Debating club and Doano Col lege came off last night. Tho question: "Resolved, ThaT"The Southorn States are Justified in Disfranchising tho Negro," was supported by Pfeifer, Mc ReynoldB and James, the Union squad. Tho negative wo have not been ablo to ascertain but whoever they are, it is perhaps safe to say that they found In the Unlvorslty representatives a fair foe. Aside from James, who is known in. the debating world, tho Union team is new in the field, yet thc.v have had enough experience in the club debates to prepare them, and having had the question under consideration for some weeks, thoy undoubtedly tried a little team work, as well as Btrang Individual argument. At the time of going to press no word as to tho outcome had been received, but It is not expecting much to believe the first scalps of tho season will be brought home today. Mens' Mass Meeting University meu will bo pleased to hear that Mr. Jules Lumard. the white haired war veteran of seventy years, with a volco of wonderful power and sweetness will sing at tho men's moot ing tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Oliver theatre. -Mr. Lumbard and his brother, now deceased, wero the men who often sang to prisoners dur ing tho war of the rebellion. Among other selections Mr. Lumbard will sing "I'm a Child of the King," and with Mr. Fred L. Willis." the speaker of tho afternoon, will sing, "Saved by Grace." Tho subject of the afternoon address will bo "Nebraska Manhood," a theme in which all Unlvorslty men are much interested. This will probably bo the last chance of hoarlng Mr. Willis, who has accepted a call from the. associa tion at Worcester, Mass.. for which place he will leave in a short time. The doors will bo open at 3:45 sharp. Dr. Davis Honored. Dr. E. W. DavlB has been elected as sociate editor of tho new magazine, "Mathematical Science," which is pub lished in Chicago under the auspices ftf tho Central Association of Mathema ticians. Four Issues aro published n year, eachaiming to meet the need of teachers of mathematics in the high schools. Tho editors believe that there are radical defectB in tho methods of teaching mathematics employed in tho high schoolB. In this connection the work of Miss Long of the Lincoln High School is being watched carefully, as sho is making experiments along the line of correlation of science and math ematics. She 1b ably assisted by Miss Jean Tuttle and Mablo Cleveland, well known University alumnae. Miss Long has written an oxtended account of her experiments for this year. Basketball Practice New English Literature Courses A number of students having been unablo to enter English literature 13 at the beginning of the year, .there Js offered during tho second semester a course for those yhaexpect to teach literary subjects in high schools, or for any others who wish a brief course "in llteraryjylnfijples and modes, with adaptations and practical applications, covering tho exact matter to be given in secondary schools and co-ordinat? ing with composition. Requirements for ontrance aro English literature V and VI, and English I and II. Appli cants with less than these requirements may bo admitted only by special ar rangement. The course will cpver two hours and will bo given by Mr. Wal lace on Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p. m.. L. 310. Work in the above course will be ac cepted by the department this year in lieu of courses 13 and 14 for those who have been prevented from taking these two from tho beginning, Inasmuch as tho same fundamental principles will be Insisted upon. This afternoon work In tho gym nasium will be continued the same ai before. Scrub and class basket ball teams will practice from 1:30 to 2:30. The Gym class from tho farm will also meet then. From 2:30 to 3:30 Charter Day, track team, and Gymnasium team men will meet. From 3:30 to 4:30 first team basket ball practice, Sam's Cafe. Tho only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service fM I dies. CUrls Bath- Parlor, 11th and P Sta, No Reply from. Kansas. The question with Kansas is not yet Bettled, no word haying been received up to yesterday evening. If no repjy was received this morning it was un derstood Nebraska would start up tho telegraph. Tho question lies with Kan sas, and tho reply that is awaited is a letter sent Wednesday evening making further Inquiries regarding the sub ject for discussion. Beginning Academy Courses. Botany. German, Chemistry, Alge bra -Y,- Solid Geometry, Beginning Plane Geometry, Beginning Algebra and seventeen other courses. pun '8 'z 8as4noj--ao3uBJad 'a -q Union Shining Parlor, 10i8 O St Chairs and ladies and gentlemen. "' i T, 1 Restaurant Unique, 1228 O Bt.h , - . , ' $ .Wright Drug C(,117Ne. lit'fc . AN ANNUAL PRIZE Committee on Bryan Prize Ar ranging the Question The committee on the "Bryan Prlzo" aro preparing to make an announce ment concerning the inducement of fered and the rules of tho contest. This prlzo has been offered annually for several years past, but at no time has tho competition been as keen as has beon desired. Tn no Instance has the interest aroused come up to expecta tions, but it Is hoped that this year a largpr number of candidates may sco fit to compete. This prlzo consists of tho income from tho Investment of a permanent fund of $250, which Mr. Bryan set aside for this purpose, undor tho orig inal terms governing tho offer. Tho object of tho offer was to arouse in tho students of tho University a spirit for research and Btudy of leading econ omic questions, thereby educating thorn up to tho realization and conception of the problems that occupw public at tention. A keen, hard-fought competi tion among a reasonable number of candidate should produce such a result, and ft is to bo hoped that tho matter can bo brought prominently to tho at tention of tho students, so that a largo number of them may bo sufficiently aroused to enter tho lists. Tho question now under considera tion of tho committeo Is, "To What Ex tont8hould Political Parties be Sub jected! to Legal Control.' It is quite probable that this question will be adopted. It applies to tho political parties of the United States alotte. Pres ent conditions roust bo considered, as well as what has been done and what will be dono. Such problems.. as tho ballot laws, primary election laws, etc, will be Included. Tho committeo hav ing chargo of affairs is composed of Professors Caldwell and Taylor, and Dr. Sherman. As an Illustration of tho small de gree of Interest that has been evinced In tho past, it is but necesary to recall tho showing mado each year. Last year only three essays wero, handed lu. Two years ago there weto' two. One of these, which was by ff r the ablest, did not conform to the rules, and' was accordingly thrown out. Tho other was held .to bo "Unworthy of being awarded tho prjze. But tho objection was afterward withdrawn upon the vigorous protest of the writer, who re ceived the prize. No limitations are mado concerning the subjects offered, excepting that they be connected with somo question of government It la also desirable, but not required, that the. contestants be long to either of the two upper classes or are taking- igraduatc work. Tho committee has the liberty of choosing the question, as well as of awarding, the prize, " If the productions offered are not up to a sufficiently high standard the com-1 raltteo can. withhold tho awarding of the prize. In such case tho money will be added to tho permanent In vestment, It is. not Intended, that the prize be thrown away on an Inferior production, as. the aim of the bestpwer was to stir a competition that would result in ojdeep, and thorough research and bring forth essays indicative of the best talent in the University. Men having talent and ability and. an aptitude for bard work can find an opening here. The prize ltsejf as well as the honor attached tp. winning it ought tp appeal to many. This Is a con test which many good students would find it to their advantage to enter, and it is hoped that a goodly number of. candidates wljl make the'effprt, Chapin Bro., Florist. J2.7- So. Htk. The WliitebreVcoM at'UQG.O St is tHe "place to" buy coal. ."" - '1 : ifl ' ll ' i it - ', I n i iiv v KM i . ri" .'. -sT .V- ,. - taii3atonMnw-'5v,2,