The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1904, Image 1

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atlv Iftebraekan
President of Leland Stanford a
Guest of Dr. Ward.
Prcsldont David Starr Jordon, of In
land Stanford University, who is just
..'turning from Washington, D. C . will
'top off at tho University today, and
if he arrives in time will address th
Indents of the zoology department nt
:'.v). Dr. Jordan Btops off at Lincoln
ir transact somo scientific business
with Dr. Ward, whose guest ho will
lie during his stay in the city.
Dr. Jordan's subject before the zo
ology department will be "The Oppor
tunities for tho Scientific Man in the
Government Service," and as this is
perhaps the only opportunity Universi
ty people will have of hearing tho
president of tho great western Uni
versity, a general Invitation is extend
ed to hear him at this time. It is a
privilege no ono should fail to avail
'iim?elf of. Dr. Jordan is toc'ny one
o tho most prominent men in the edu
ational world and as a scientist ho
lanks very high. He is also an au
thority on fish and seal fisheries, and
his report of tho Alaskan Fish Com
mission submitted to the government,
embraces several volumes. Besides all
his interests In his official capacity
Dr. Jordon finds time to write and is
the author of numerous books. His
children's stories are widely read and
are considered very choice. Ho is a
man of largo rmyslque as well as men
tal capacity, and as a public speaker
Is considered very entertaining
The Dramatic Club Plays.
Following Is the dramatic personae:
(By Thomas J. Williams.)
Mr. Simonidees Swanhopper (A
Model Young Bachelor)
J. W. Hoar
Lawrence Lavender (A Valet from
Mayfair) Mr. John L. Clark
Mr. Bloomfield Brambleton (A
Country Gentleman)
Louis Llghtner
Cicoly (Brambleton's Daughter)
Miss Vivian Leo
.Matilda Jane (A Superior House
maid) Miss Florence Sullivan
.Mrs. Butterfield Miss Scott
Chalina Miss Erford
Mrs. Du Bois Mrs. Lain
Mildred Miss Cooper
Miss Tryphona Sanford..Miss Hawksby
Mrs. Phoolan Miss Davis
Mrs. Martin Miss Hazlewood
Mrs. TlbbotU Miss Johnson
Mrs. Pendleton Miss Sargent
Miss Mai vina Splnnoy . . . Miss McCune.
Mrs. Crannon Mies Hannah
Head Cook Grace Roper
Tho plays will be given in the chapel
and no admission will be charged.
All are invited to attend.
Chris' 3ath Parlora. llth and P Sts.
Sam's Cafe. Tho only place In the
city to get tho famous "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service 'for ladies.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 U St.
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
eood service.
Lincoln Transfer Co.
Phone, 176.
Lcmlng's, ice orenm. ana candy; llth
and L Sts
What Other Colleges are Doing.
No Reply From Kansas.
Up to yesterday evening no icply had
been rccehed from Kansas In tesponse
to the last letter of inquiry sent Wed
nesday by our Board of Control.
Tho championship of the Central De
batirg League will be fojght out at
Chicago by Michigan and Northwcst
. rn on April 8.
Michigan is jubilant over winning
from Minnesota by unanimous decision
in Die fate of confessed prejudice,
against t hi ir side, by all three Jndgen
At Illinois the interest in debate this
year Is the greatest in the history of
the University. The audience at the
Illinois debate was the laigent ever
known at a debate there.
The Kansas-Colorado debate takes
j.lace at Boulder; the Kansas-Missouri
debate at Lawrence. Both these con
tests Kansas won last year, Nebraska
being the only team that lowered the
colors of the Jayhawkers.
For the Minnesota debate Iowa picks
her team tonight. At Iowa there is an
opidennc of student squabbles this
year, the latest, apparently, being on
over the Judges for this preliminary.
The 'Dally Iowan" states that over
ten names have been suggOLted by the
societies which have got control of that
contest and that all have so fai been
On the inter-state debate bulletin
board appears the recent number of the
University of Chicago "Maroon" con
taining the picture of Cecil North, '02,
whom Chicago appointed aa one of her
three representatives In the Central
Debating League contest With North
western, an appointment which brought
him ?reat honor, and, Incidentally,
Paljadian Debate.
The Palladlan Debating club will
meet next Saturday evening nt 8 o'clock
sharp, and the advisability of discon
tinuing the Monroe Doctrine will be
thoroughly thrashed out by men who
have had much experience in diplo
matic affairs, who can orate, indulge
in logomachy, or sit quiety in their
seats during the bombastic onslaught
are cordially invited to attend with
out regard to age, rank or lass dis
tinction. " .
Tho lively meeting last Saturday
evening infusejl a contentious spirit
among the logicians aud the heavy nlr
that shrouded the early part or the
meeting was pierced by the heavy
volleys of rhetoric and tho exhibition
of correct reasoning Tho seemingly
undeniable facts exposed by one side
were butted Into and denunclated by
the other. The preponderance of evi
dence swayed from side to sldo until
the best informed minds were unable
to judge which side of tho question
they believed.
Come out and catch tho fever of this
debating spirit and be a participant
In the ejaculations.
Interesting Subject at Men's
Mass Meeting Sunday.
"Nebraska Manhood" Is the bubject
that will bo discussed at the men's mass
meeting to be held at tho Oliver thea
tre Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr
F. L. Willis, general secretary of the
Omaha Y. M. C. A., will bo tho speak
er of the afternoon. Mr. Willis is
well known to a largo number of the
studentB at the University. He la well
known as a platform speaker, being
in continual demand in tho big Chris
tian conferences and conventions In
tho various parts of the country. He
Is a big man, with a big heart, a big
vo'co and a big message for college
men. A largo number of University
men are taking advantages of these
mass meetings from Sunday to Sunday,
and are receiving unmeasured benefit
therefrom. A most cordial Invitation
is extended to those men who have
beon missing these meetings to como
and give them a trial. These are op
portunities which no college man can
afford to misa, and tho time spent In
this way will bo exceedingly remuner
ative. Mr. Jules Lombard, of Omaha, will
Bing, among other songs, "I'm a Child
of the King." Mr. Lombard Is a vet
eran of the civil war. He la a man
weighing 250 pounds, with long flowing
locks of white hair, which tell of a
long Bovcnty years of Bervice. His re
markable voice haa lost none of the
sweetness of hla early manhood, when
It counted for so much to the boys in
blue behind priBon walls during the
war of the rebellion, when he and his
brother, now deceased, used to vlBlt
the prisons with their melodies,
"Saved by race," wtTl be sung by
Messrs. Lombard and Wilis, tho latter
of whom has a voice of no mean quality.
Attend the Frank Roberson lecture
on "China" next Monday night at St.
Paul's church. Tickets, 25 centB. Il
lustrated by atereopticon.
Board $2.50 per week nt the Good
Health Cafe.
Box of cigars given away every day
at Powell's, Oliver theatre building:
Five Men Can Be Given Educa
tion and Position
The following letter may be Inter
esting to University students, contain
ing as It does nn opportunity for a
good position after taking the course
of instruction offered'
Vianccllor E. B. Andrews, State Unl
veislty, Lincoln, Nebraska.
"My Dear Chancelloi I believe our
lppresontallve nt Lincoln, Mr H. II.
Loughbrldge. spoke to you In regard
to our Summer .School of Life Ahbu -unco,
to be held In New York begin
ning July 1st. 190-1, alBo our vlco pres
ident. Mr. Tarbell, has written you,
ind I now write to you agnin to that
e.ul, that you will Beeure from tho State
University for us say five young mon
about twenty-five years of ago, who
have in whole or In part worked their
way through college. The conditions
are that the entire expense of tho edu
cation Is bonier by tho Equitable, all
that !s required of the atudont8Vls the
fare to and from New York. During
the scnool their board, lodging, laun
dry and entertainment is all furnished
by the society, and they are sent out
in tho various agency well equipped
for tho business It is a Bplendld op
portunity for joung mon, and I hope
you will assist me In this, and at the
Bame tlmo yo l will bo rendering n
valuable assists nee to these young men.
Yours very truly,
"il. D. NEI3LY.
Here Is a good chance for tho right
sort, of men. Ab may bo seen from tho
letter, independence and an ability vo
hustle aro the desired requirements,
and any man of sufficient ago and ex
perience can gain a good foothold here.
Conservatory Notes.
Students' musical recital at chapel
this evening.
Miss Castor made a trip to Wilbur
Monday night.
Miss Gertrude Price haa registered
at the Conservatory of MubIc.
Ml s Ethel Gurnow of HlllBdalc.,
Mich., is registered at the Conservatory.
Miss Helen Berger, who recently
moved to Milwaukee, with her par
ents, has returned" to Lincoln to study
nt tho Conservatory.
Union Program. 'JZ
The following program will bo rend
ered In Union Hall thlB evening:
Vocal Soio Mi. Hutton
A Story" Jonathan Miss NJckerson
Instrumental Solo Mies D'ArnoM
"Tho Conquest of Chicken"
Mlsa Veda Lanphear
"News from the Absent"...-
' Mr. Hanlla
Vocal Solo Miss Herbert
Critic's Report.
There will be a meeting of the local
Bird club this evening in Professor
Bruner's laboratory In M. A. hall. No
formal papers will bo read, but mem
bers will continue their study o.f Ne
braska birds.
Oliver Theatre, Sunday, 4 P. M.
Mr.F.L. Willis, of Omaha on "Nebraska Manhood."
Mr. Jules Lumbard Will Sing.
V I mi.A Txri.ii.u-. x r- i i - nt.
LJA "" TymwJurwtUH, "uO., HI XXW U DU,
i wuutxwoooocx the place to buy, coal,
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. llth.
Chapin Bros.. Florists', 127 So. 13tk
r .
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