cT b e Balls tftebraeftan Cfte Dully Uebraskan. ms A oonnolldntlon of rh HcMperiMi, Vol. 01, The Nobrukan, VoL lo, Scarlet and Groam, Vol. 4. dltor-ln-Ohfaf jBitam .Maaagw Olronlator New Athletic UUrarr JohnD. Rlo A. O. Bohrlbr O. A. Bawjrar ooiatb KDiTons: A. Ft Beeker aaylortl O. Bnnett Dorothy Qrn RKronTKltR P. A. Kwlni;, D. P DoYoung C. II. Tuylor, folar Mollott, Mnbul FwHlor pffloMi KdltortajrU KMH; Bnalneai, U 111). ' Post Oaoa, Box 18, Station A, Ldnooln. ftabaortption Prloe, tS pr ytar. In advaribcK- Btrd at the postofaoo at Ltnooln, Nabraaka u aeoond-olau mall matter. llmlnnr) pontrsts Is notic cable through tho absonc til' ho many of the strong battlos for Nebrnska. This simply means thnt nfw mm mu.t Im devel oped, who will In time boi-omc hard and poafioned veterans upon whom al most absolute reliance can be placed At Kansas most of the old men are back, and our method of training has been installed there, Huch being the rabc, our men will have to train hard, and that is what they expect to do. The material Is good but it will have to be worked over, and the final selec tion will represent the best that can be produced h(re. READINGS AT CHAPEL. Editorial Remarks Miss Fay Ewing Gives An Inter esting Program. There seems to be home c nance of Kitting a basket ball game with Wis consin, as the Hodgers are contem plating a southern trip. However, In doflnltenesH still prevails and an un-d(-rstnnd1npr hns not-been- reached:-Just what sort of a showing we could make again Wisconsin Is a matter of con jecture, but we are certainly willing to try and find out. The team seems stronger than even last year and when the season gets well under way It will doubtless give a good account of It self. - o - This week I'niveihlty students will bo given ample opportunity to put in spare moments attending the meetings of the various state associations, most of which are to be held on the Unlver meetlngK are primarily for the pro motion of organized1 agriculture, and slty campus. While some of these will mainly interest farmers and stock men. yet the bpeclal talks by prominent professors of our own and neighboring Universities, and by men of practical experience, will be found interesting as well aH instructive- to anyone. The time and place of tho various meet ings is announced on the 'Organized Agriculture" postois. whicl hae been dlf-trlt.uted throughout the city. o The first of the examination sched ules were due to be posted yesterdaj atternoon In conspicuous places in the halls of the buildings about the exception of a few cases the examina tions win all be held in the looms wheie the classes recite. Special ai rangoments, of course, will hae to be made for those who can not be th.is accommodated. Especially--where the dorses will be obliged to do work with apparatus, special arrangements will have to be made. The law schedules w re Issued early, some being In cir ( ulation Monday morning. The ttrbt of the regular schedulew will of couise be subject to change, but It is not prob iUe that any extenshc modillcation will be found necesary. The past week has been maiked with a whirl of intellectual debating activi ty among the institutions about us iMlnnesota and Michigan, Iowa and Il linois,, and Chicago and Northwestern have all met and settled their differ ences with conclusive iesults. As far as we are concerned w are still wait ing on Kansas and watching the spirit ed contests among our eastern neigh bors. I'ntil we reach a definite under standing with Kansas little can be done here but as soon as all neejs- sary arrangements are made, then our Inaction will be changed to bustling preparation. Tho list of candidates for the pre ctebaters who formerly won hard fought Miss Kay Kvvlng entertained a re sponsive audience at Memorial hall yesterday morning during convocation period, at which she gave several in teresting selections of reading that proved the excellence of her expres sions and Impersonating powers. The first number was "Birds' Christ mas Carrol." a very amus-lug selection, which by the perfect rendition of the reader, pictured the scene of the anx ious, fretful mothei;. whc.'.e dignity was at stake in the amount of etti quette she could ( ram Into her host of children The second selection was '"1 he Swed ish Version of the Disioveij of Amer ica " This was a humorous pie e given with the new'y Atnetii nni.ed Swede's brogue in an oflWJfnt Miannei that was quite laughable The history in this might perhaps be termed "Source" for we considered the knowledge of the historian in dealing with facts, and from whence th.'y came In con nection with this short sketch many new points were brought out in the voyage ot Columbus, and his landing in America, thnt were certninl a revela tion lo all hcr aie studying American histoiy. The hibt of the leadings was the "Two Bi other," which was rendered Tciunlly as well fis the others The enteitainment as a whole wr-i of the ery best the production!- wew' fittingly chosen, and the ease and nut-malne-ss with which Miss ICwing was poce.ssed aie cenamly marks of pio llclency and aptitude loi thai class ol woi k BL jH There are no two hands, or two feet, or two heads ex actly alike; still no one these c ays thinks of having his J gloves, shoes or hats made to order. The same princi- pie applies to tigure and clothing. I here is no necessity nowadays for having your suits made to order the best dressed men arc our customers. One-Fifth Off Fancy Mixed Suits One-Fifth Off Overcoats MAGEE & DEEMER JWm "-vjvnr.-j"-rvsrtrtvvvnvvvvvwJrjvvru- We wish all our stndcnts friends to know that the Best Ice Cream COMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 183 So. 12th 8t. Phono. F 208 THE BEST ALWAY8 THE CHEAP EST Tho Connecticut Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. offore a Policy that Combines all the valuable, features that experience has shown to bo de sirable in llfo insurance, and is liberal, just and definite in all Its terms and conditions. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln ltatca $1.00 nncl $1.26 Pur Day. Special Hates by tho Week. Academy Notes. Tin ht'iond i.h' ol llic l.iiuo'n Academy Ncwh limit- its aiveiirancc last week It ontaiu a hcliiful ai title- fioin Pint ! K Hai her on the teaching ot Latin in Mt-mdniy schools The next issiif will h;t a woid tioni I)i H K Mont It is with gicat it'Kiet that the- Acad em bids good be to so many stu dents who will enter the Vnherslty Fc brunt y Ut The best, wishes of all go with them that th.ii I'niwrslly work may be pleastiie to them and an honor to the hchool thnt prepared them The evpciiment with the Japane.-e student, Mr Kim Akagi. has proven a decided success. Orcat interest in his work is shown bj him and he is doing excellently In algebra and chemistry he finds little difficulty now, but in English there is of course trouble. His persistant patience, cheo fulness and eager cle&he to loam makes his work cr satisfactory to his teachers THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' J Q YD HOTEL Capital $:hh).ouo 00 , SuPohiA 110.000.00 I Undivided Profits 40,000.00 3. II. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWY&R II. S. FREEMAN Vice-Pros. Cashier. II B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cr.shler Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTDRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician nna Rcfractionisl. jgjjfgy Headaches and till Nenous Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Spectacles. Prices IjOw. Consultation free. Homo Office I2HK O St. LINOLON Phone 13 Uofl MRS. KATK MAUTIN, PROP. Onlj ono block from B. ft M. Dopot. Only one block from Post Office. Near all Mroct ear llnoa. 7.11 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska OUR WORK IS WELL KNOWN We always havo and always will ap preciate the support of tho Btudents reports to tho contrary notwlthBtand-Ing. YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tol, 754. 1514 O 8troot. JgW&?. The sihed.ile of c causes lor next se mnM will be posted Saturday It has been impossible to arrange hours advantageous to the students this year on account of the- Lincoln Medical Col lege courses carried by the Acadomy. I lwidontallj it should be noted that Miss Hartell has given complete sat isfaction to both the Medical faculty, ' and students by the thorough courses she is giving and her tactful manage ment The laboratory is a busy place at all hours of the day with three Academy dhislons and two College dl lslons at work. i Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13tk. The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR FINE PHOTOS Western Glass &. Paint Co. 1 2th fc M. Sts.f Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Tank Line Successors tp 0. H. Man Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating OH 25 No. J2th Street. Telephone 473 L J. THORP LB COMPANY General Machinists All Kind of ROfuirlng Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Phon. 614 UNDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up'to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. y Street, IIQ North 11th POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, oewly papered, everything up-to-daU, Including customers. i. P. POWELL. 146 N lltb SL Pbone L til J )