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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1904)
. - r- , V . ZLbe D a i I s ft c I) r a 0 li a n , Ce Dtp tiebraskan. A consolidation of (T& SMperlan, Vol. 01 , The Nobrnakan, ToL lo, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. JBdltor-lnObi.f 4olnu Manager Olromlator John D. IUo A. a. Bohreiber O. A. Sawyer AHOOU.TB XDITOB4: A. V. Beoker Ktwa . . . . ithi.tu UUrarr Dorotiur Qrn Oajlord O. Bennett RKPonTinfi P. A. KwlnR, D. P DoYoung C. II. Ttiylor, Edtfnr Mollott, Mabul Fowilor. Offloeei Editorial, vHtTnwAnm, V JllU. ' Port Oflloe, Box 10, Station A, Ltnooln. pubaoiiptlon Price, S3 pr year. In adrano. Batarad at the poetoflloe at Lincoln, Nebraska aa eoond-olau mall matter. Editorial Remarks A FINAL WORD. The two communications in today'B issue conclude the agitation of the hack problem as far as we are con cerned. Wo believe that the question has been presented strongly and clear ly, chiefly by the students themselves. There Is no reason to doubt but that all most Intimately concerned have had tho matter brought to their at tention and have been impressed there by. We have not tried to give advice, although wo never object to doing so whenever wo can find anyono willing to tako It. The views expressed are representative of the students body at large, and with many of them our own coincide. There Is no need-to go over the ar guments presented again, even for a brief resume. But It is certainly fitting to reflect upon the ways and means of abating this extravagant absurdity, and to bring the practice of hiring hacks within reasonable limits. Tho remedy lies in tho hands of the men -itho have most reason for complaint, If they only have tho strength and will to apply it. They have suffered from a custom carried to excess, and all the harder to put up with because they could Illy afford to meet the demands made and yet were unable to avoid them and still move In society. No one by Independent action could accomplish anything by himself, and through the lack of an understanding they have continued to suffer. But now that the matter has been thoroughly agitated, an understanding can be reached, if they only havo sufficient Individuality and judgment to enatile them to act in concert. - A few of the mbst pessimistic may tfhakc their heads In wise cowardice, and some may be so deceived by their calm -sageneBS, as to bo forced into a similar view. And if they wish to ride in hacks, no one can object. But let the vast majority who feel the strain that this misguided Idea of fashion has put upon thorn, look the problem In the face and let their common sense and best judgment prevail. Otherwise they wlH bo made to feel with greater force than ever their own lack of In dividuality and their helplessness to resist patterning after the folly of a few. There Is no .exaggeration In this. , Now is the time for those who suffer from the parasitic conventionality that lias come to prevail In connection with University functions, to step forth and help themselves. If they fall to do so now, there's no telling when they an. This Is a question that can not ofton v be ngltated so publicly, and now after the path has been made comparatively, t Is up to them to show their inctal. This 1b not a challenge, but on appoal to reason. Tho gradual and Insistent approach of examination week brings its at tendant terrors and doubts, and all of us are beginning to awake to the seri ousness of the ordeal before us. To the student who has worked hard and whose daily recitation has been up to a satisfactory standard there is little cause for fear. No fnstructor is apt to wander Into fields as yet unexplored by tho class to find material to base his examinations upon. In fact row go outside of the actual work covered, and only those who have failed to exert their best efforts will have cause for trepidation. o Again we wish to urge those desiring positions on The Nebraskan rcportor lal Btaff for next semester to make their wants known at once. Those whose work is steady and of a good quality will be eligible for one of the editorial positions next year, as these places are open to competition, and fall to those showing themselves to be the best fitted. Next week the Ncbraskan staff will bo revised to a considerable extent in preparation for next semes-1 tor's campaign and during that time we expect to see all the vacancies filled. DEBATING ACTIVITY. Three Big Pebates Held. Gen eral Notes. JJpon debate the attention or the acadomlc world is now largely cen tered. The papers from the principal Universities, especially in tho west, are full of news concerning these con tests, and editorial articles on their fundamental value as tests or mental power to give which schools exist uriniarlly. The Michigan-Minnesota debate, in the Central Debating league, which took place at Minneapolis Friday even ing, Is reported to have been one of the greatest debates ever hold in the league. The Minnesota auditorium was packed long before the debate. The question was, 'Hesolved, That the ad judication of labor disputes should be made a part of the administration of justice." Michigan, who supported the afllrmathc, won unanimously. iuc three judges were all men from Iowa. One of them was Chief Justice Emlln McLaln, who judged the Nebraska Missouri trust debate last May. Iowa fell a victim to Illinois at Illi nois Friday night by a unanimous de cision. Labor unionism was the sub ject. "The Dally Maroon," C.nrago Lni ersity. of last Friday, (ontalns a por trait of Cecil C. North. Nebra?ka. '02. who did his firpt intercollegiate debating- as a member of the Nebraska team which thrashed Missouri at Co lumbia, in 1902. The great annual inter-society de bate at Wisconsin, famous for years throughout the American college world, took place Friday evening. In connection with' the new debaTe between Johns Hopkins and Brown, a "Brown alumnus has given a $10 prize for the man who makes the best show ing in the preliminaries and up to and including the final contest. For the debate the question will be the justi fiability of the attitude of the United States toward the republics of Panama and Colombia. Professor Trueblood. who has imme diate charge of debating at Michigan, accompanied the team to Minnesota for Friday's contest. On tho way the team practice in Chicago. Board $2.50 per Health Cafe. week at tho Good I-eming's, ice cream ana candy; 11th and L Sts. Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter for Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. . Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O Chairs and ladies and gentlemen. St. Lincoln Transfer 'Phone, 176. Co. Baggage. id W A SALE OF t KINDS, SILK AND LEATHER $ ilf - . m 75 dozen to start with. They arc our regular stock jL j in white, black, and colors, all styles, and the biggest b bargains we have ever given in our belt department, fijji 25c and 50c Each The belts on the 25c table sold up to $1.25 each. The belts on the 50c table sold up to $2,00 each. The L jjj buckles themselves are worth more than the price in vy most cases. A chance to own several new belts at in i uit u,buu lusi ui uiie oi ineir itina. iMILLER & PAINE I We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream OOMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 183 So. 12th St. Phone. F 205 THf FIRST NATIONAL BANK w ???. SuY 11U.000.00 dlyld Un ed Profits 40,000.00 9. H. BURNIIAM, President. A. J. SAWYER II. S. FREEMAN Vlce-Pres. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. DASTERDAY. Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician and Delraclionist. Headaches and all Norvous Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Spectacles. Prices Low. Consultation free. Home Office 1238 O St. Phono B 053 LINOLON M, The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR FINE PHOTOS Western Glass & Paint Go. JZth fe M. StJ., Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to O. H. Man Qasollne, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil 25 No, J2th Street. Telephone 473 "- BELTS, ALL 3S33a33323 THE BE8T ALWAYS THE CHEAP EST Tho Connoctlcut Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. offers a Policy that Combines all the valuable features that experience has shown to bo desirable- In life Insurance, and 1b liberal. Just and definite in all Its terms and conditions. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN It PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln Ilntwi $1.00 and $1.26 Per Day. Special Ratca by tho Week. PA VI. HOTFI U U I II III! ILL MRS. KATK MARTIN, PROP. Only ono block from B. M. Depot. Only on block from Post Officio. Near all htrcvt enr lln. 731 O fltreot. Lincoln, Nebraska OUD WORK IS WELL KNOWN We always have and always will ap preciate the support of tho students reports to the contrary notwithstand ing. YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tol, 754. 1514 O Street. COMPANY General Machinist All Klndi of prfrh Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11lk Straet Lincoln, Nebraska PfotM. it A LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Mngazinea. . . . US North 11th Street. T. J. THORP POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tablea all newly covered, bes cues and balli, newly papered, everything up-to-data,' Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 141 fllltlSLPtoneLMI fT V ? f- K : .: ' - - i yMgJL