Tfat ., .-.' -.r..-T-,'.r. .. ...,-TTt-h, r ,,T'.tii 'rfwi.'iiiK-nmirt-f-Tir- iinii n lw w P'jsamaiaantrr, '.-iffB Ws&4sfi$jfc ttbe ID a i I ftebraehan i u 1 L3 h I HWHQMI ftWWM SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1 those of Other Days THE BIG PIANO HOUSE STREET f 135 SOUTH llth 1 i m l OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Stcger & Sons Vosc & Sons Emerson Mueller A, B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments MMMWMMMMMMMMIMIMWMM'NW J HHtH)McNHfiNt-NHtt H C7 1 -fr 11 -. .41 o pr on nvinru it H it it )t it it it I 9( H it it it it it it Selected by the Government To carry the United States Over- y land Mall across the continent, t on accoimi of it being tho beet it and iiu it Jirrct lino it- 5 w iTJfiirjiW 4. i ilMI i n vsasTiiTBM " 11 KJIIP, i iri9 u 1 5v u 3 r'u,un - u ' U Z VIA flmnhn fhp Uhinn n $ w Pacific is $ 20-1 miles shorter to Salt Lake City. u H it 1 r it 41 H it At n n n u n it u it n it it h n it it it it it it it 278 mllos shorter to San Fran cisco. 278 miles shorter to Los An geles. r58 miles shorter to Portland. 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake City, 1G hours quicker o San Fran cisco. 16 hours quicker to Los An geles. 1(3 hours quicker to Portland. THAN ANY OTHEB LINE A letter has been received from Ar thur Kdgrcn by a friend of the Kd trrcn family In this city, stating that upon bin arrival in Sweden on Christ mas morning he found that his Bister Anna had died Just two days after his father, ond that they had been burled on the emme day. Continuing farther he says: "Wednesday, December 9, papa went out walKing after dinner with a good friend. Then he came home In perfect health, ate supper, and went in to see Anna.' who was low. Then he went out In tho hall and snt on the sofa, but In a few minutes he called mamma and said he had a pain in his Bide. He walked) Into the bed room unasslBted andi laid down on the bed. Ho knew he wns going to die and told mamma ko. Sho (alledi the doctors who wero with Anno and they said thrre was no hope . He talked to the last minute begging them to hold' up his left aim. as the circulation was stopping, then he thanked tho doctors and said that he wns not afraid, but wns grieved to leave his family. He sent his love to me and his brother in California He told mamma he was only going to a higher world, that this world was only the beginning of Ufa He then said good bye to mamma and! Vrrna and closed his eyes. "Papa had been In unusually good health, but two weeks before his death the doctors, specialists from Stock holm, examined Anna and said she couldn t live moro than a month, Mnm ma says, he grieved terribly about that aiid when Anna began to sink It broke his heart. "Ann had lToen sick a month before the end came, but two weeks before she died the doctors told mamma and papa that there was no hope. Wednes day night they told her that papa wns dead, she asked for some meal ho that she could get btrength to get up and help mamma. The next day she wink rapidly and early Friday morning she fald to mamma: "Kiss mo, you alone." Then she said she felt nervous and wnnted to sleep, and sho slipped away In a few minutes. That nervousness was death, but she did not know it. Tho funeral services were held in Os termolm's church, the largest church in .Stockholm, and they wero burled in Avrlka. papa's birthplace. Mamma was so weak that she laid' In bed sev eral clays alter the funeral, unable to walk, but now sho is gaining steadily. "Wo are now with an uncle of mine, in a beautiful place In the moun tains, right by a lake. They took mam ma and Verna here Just as soon as they could leave DJunholm. Tho days are short and cold, but every day after dinner I take mamma out sleighing on the lake, which extends many miles from here. Wo will return to Avrika some time in the spring, as mamma Is very anxious to leave horo. Reraom her me kindly to all. Sincerely, "ARTHUR EDGREN." Attorney Ray M. Harris, who gradu ated from the University in 1897, and from tho law collego In 1890, was ap pointed county attornoy of Butler county by the county board at Jta last meeting. January 5th. He was ap pointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge A. J. Evans, wh resigned to begin his duties as district Judge of tho Fifth udlclal dis trict, to which office he was elected last November. Mr. Harris Is a son of ox-Lieutenant Governor Harris. Ho has been located at David City since his graduation from the University law school In 1900. Ho has been success ful as a practitioner and ban built up a considerable clientage. He is well known over the county and has tho confidence of those who know him. He is a democratic democrat, and has been active In the interests of his party. As a lawyer, he Is energetic, aggressive and careful. His appointment as coun ty attorney Is acepted there by the ma jority of the people, without regard to politics, as a deserving recognition. Electric Lijhtci Trains Doily E. B. SLOSSEN, General Afcnt Ben P. Bailey, a University student last year, has charge of the lighting plant at Okamxllge, I. T. J. 9. Swenson, '01, Is working the poetofQce at Omaha. Nova Taylor, '02, Is teaching at Pal- The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circular cf Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session duiing the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). -jyTbe courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. 1 The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois r I l B Jm aFl r jv?wSv,; THE COLLAR'S THE THING that givew finish to a man's dresB that and the tie. Without a coat ho is a gentleman cooling off without a collar he Is a well, a man negligent of IiIb attire. We have the collars and ties and shirts and things that make a man look well and feel comfortable. There's variety, beauty and good quality In this store full of MEN'S FURNISHINGS and we don't charge much for them. W. E. UNLAND CO 1042 O St. Stop Throwing Dirt on your floor. We are showing a large new line of ,4? WORK BASKETS Harry Porter 125 So. 12th : ! ""i'-Sw$";";-5"$,?-j5't,'?-" i $ tta BarJb, That quaint old not only one of seaside resorts but also one of estintf places in mission town is the most lovely of Californ ia. fg the most intcr- 0fcpiofov theworld. Here, hundreds of years ago, Christianity was iirst preached to the American Indians by the Spanish friars. The old mis sions are still there, and are vis ited every season by thous ands of tourists who travel over the UNION PACIFIC "The Overland Route" because it is the best and qujekest line to that noted place. 1 'ia Omaha it is 16 hours quicker to San Prancisco than any other line. ELECTRIC LIOHTED TRAINS DAILY Full information fyrnlthtd on aftli'ntton to E. B. SLOSSON, qen. Agt. i V: ) JlHJHWHMHiHRi n,yra' N0U' 1 -J I Vri. ..-. -- rTsarrac ?52nr .'-tri' Cv ., Y , .,.r-t-..n I nliiiMriifirlu"" "1"" r "" . '" . "" ' ftZ