The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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tt b e all? flebraeftan
and conifortB, hut they are hy no means
necessaries for our happiness. We go
with (ho hoys bocause we enjoy their
society and because we. like thora,
not llielr carriages, and our good opin
ions nnd regards' arc- not hascd upon,
nor exchanged' for the dollars and
cents1 they spend' for us.
If there Is lu the maficullno mind
ono thought of feminine responsibility
In thjs "Hack Problem" do the boys
have not the Ingenuity to break away
from a "much honored'' custom, and
fed that under the circumstances they
can. not take the Initiative, Suppose all
tho self-reliant and self-respectllng
gills In th' University (which of course
means every "co-ed') unlto and Bhow
our courage, good senso and Independ
ence, hy agreeing to lncludo In every
acceptance of Invitations to functions,
from this time on, "Fleaso do not send
n carriage," and thus prove to tho boys
that we truly and really desire their
happiness and welfare. We do not or
der a carriage for ourselves when we
go to sorority and other glrl-partles.
though time and again we have braved
storms of rain and snow and groped
our way in darknea when street carB
were not avnllablo. By all means girls,
let us save the University.
One of the "HACKERS."
Apropos of tho hack discussion, 'has
H occurred to any of tho victims of tho
custom that tho way to freedom lies
In their own hands? Of the 200 men
who go In University society scarcely
ten can really afford to hire a hack for
every little Informal event of the year.
The other 190 should have independ
ence enough and manhood onough to
discountenance that for which thoy
can not pay and not bo ashamod to
take n honorablo stand consistent
with their ciicumstances. Some one
must pay the freight and if it is not
those at home already remitting
monthly at a sacrifice, it la made up
by additional burdens or adltlonal self
denial at the University. Why go on
one or two meals a dny for two weeks
to pay for a hack? You can't fool
anybody. We all know you can't af
ford It. and are simply playing the
ape to tho dozen snobs' who by vulgar
dlBplay seek to acquire a superior po
sition. And the girl who wants to ride
because, the other girls do even though
she knows her eBcort can notjifford It
needs something more than higher ed
ucation; pho needs common sense. Her
own mother was not that kind of a
girl, or her father would long since
have died in tho poor house, and she
would not now bo 'hero insisting that
hor feet be protected.
If the fellows Would stop trying to
hit a gait they can not consistent' af
ford those few who by mere spending
hope to cieato favor would soon be
classified where they belong, .as snobs.
"In the Nebrnskan's article last
Thursday entitled "A Living Question,"
the writer Is inclined to blame the girls
tor what he considers an unfoitunate
condition of affairs In the social life
of the UnlvereItyThese are some of
his assertions, "girls are the foremost
in demanding," "many consider it a
hreurh of form and courtesy If obliged
to walk," "others go In carriages and
they arc ashamed1 to-go In a lees pre
tentious manner," etc., and concludes
with a narratiorrof the hardships which
the men suffer, all on account of tho
'These allegations nre both unfair
and unjust, for no well bred young wo
man demands -anything from her es
cort, nor oven questions him as to how
he proposes to care for her when she
accepts his Invitation to functions,
neltherls she so rude as to refuse prof
fered courtesy. As to "financial em
barrassments," and "tho sacrifice of
necesltles for tho luxury" of a hack
ride, young ladles are not in tho habit
of roquliing allldavlts from young gen
tlemen concerning their "laundry and
board bills' before accepting or refus
ing polite invitations'. Therefore I
consider the attempt to throw tho re
sponsibility on tho girls as a breach
Of truth as well aB of courtesy.
In reference to tho above wTSSorely
wish to make tho explanation that the
statements quoted were by those Inter
viewed by our roportere, and for these
we are not necessarily responsible as
being our own opinion. Wo had no
desire to see the girls brought Into
tho discussion at all
We only wish to
think the writer for favoring us with
nor opinion.
Oliver Theatre, Sunday at 4 o'clock P M
Rev. S, Z. Batten, Pastor of First Baptist
Church, Lincoln,
The Historical Society Meetings
Tho meetings of the Slate Historical
society held during tho week, were
aimed at the hislory of our Btate con
stitutions of 186G, the one they failed
to adopt in 1871, and the present con
stitution, which was adopted in 1875.
The records of these conventions have
never been printed1, which left us with
an uncertain history of tho conditions
Involved, and the intention of tho peo
ple who framed them, and) the debates
on ll.e Ucciiments being burned, thus
leaving the people of Nebraska with
nothing to hand down as definite his
tory of these Important facts.
In Aiew of these conditions It was
deemed a wise policy to bring together
the remaining participants of those
conventions, that they might review
tho events that took place and a com
piled history could be printed accord
ing to their statements.
It Is the intention of the State His
torian society, since thcHO constitutions
have been thoroughly reviewed In the
recent speeches and discussions, to
publish a volume dealing exclusively
with tho three constitutions and the
motives of the men who Introduced
and championed each.
This will sorve as an excellent re
search for those somewhat unfamiliar
with the workings and interpretations
of our state constitution, and tho man
agement of tho society who devised
this plan is certainly to bo commended
for his thoughtful work.
Big Meeting Tomorrow
Rev. S. Z. Batten pastor of the First
Baptist church of this city, who is to
adxlress the Men's Mass Meeting at the
Oliver theatro tomorrow afternoon at
4 o'clock, has anunusually interesting
record for a man of his years. In an
artlcio written by tho Rev. S. S. Mer
riman of Trenton, N. J., in "The Treas
ury," a magazine published in the east,
some of Mr. Batten's characteristics are
set forth. Following is a brief extract:
"Mr. Batten was born in Swedesboro,
N. J., August 10, 1851). Ills early life
was passed upon tho farm. Ho en
tered tho preparatory department of
tho University of I.ewlsburg, now
Bucknell, in 1879. and he graduated in
1885 with high honors, winning several
prizes for meritorious work In philo
sophical and literary studies. He spent
tho first years1 of his pastorate In coun
try churches, and later took the Mana
yunk church. Philadelphia, a charge in
New York. City, and Morrlstown, N. J,"
from which place ho came to Nebraska
and entered his present pastorate. "He
held the office of tho president of the
Baptist Young People's Union of Penn
sylvania, and was chairman of the
Christian Citizenship committee of
New York City. He takes an aggres
sive Interest In tho promotion of civic
righteousness. Ho has been called by
tho New York papers tho "Parkhurst
of Morrlstown, where his personal ef
forts have forced tho indictment of law
breakers, and a better enforcement of
the laws." Certainly this is a good
recommendation for tho man who Is
to occupy the platform at the mass
meeting tomorrow afternoon, the cor
rectness of which is vouched for by
those who know Mr. Batten."
The Chicago Ladies Quartet, which
has been secured for the music on this
occasion, gave in the season just closed
150 entertainments In fourten differ
ent states, and wore very largely en
gaged for tho entire season of 1903
1904. H. It. Wray, editor Leechburg
(Penn.) Advance, says of them: "Ono
of tho greatest successes of the season.
Fine specimens of womanhood physi
cally, their dres and general make-up
was faultless. Singers vied with each
others for first honors, u was leu ror
Estello Clark to bring the audience
fairly to their feot with cheers for every
number." It Is gratifying to hear the
many expressions of appreciation for
the work of this famous quartet. A
largo number of Lincoln people who
havo had tho privilege of hearing the
Chicago ladles, are very enthusiastic
In their praise of the quartet and of
those in chargo of the meetings for se
curing these high grade musical at
tractions. A cordial Invitation Is extended to
University men and' all men of the
city, to attend. The doors will bo open
at 3-45 as usual.
Dr. Luckey's New Book.
Piofefsor Luckey's book meets a
distinct need which has been keenly
felt both in this country and abroad,
fiid it is receiving a welcome in vari
ous quarters. The topic treated hos
bien long neglected, but is now win
Mug a leading place in educational
Professor Luckey treats his subject
from both a historical and a scientific
point of view. His clear, straightfor
ward style never leaves us in doubt as
o his meaning. In tho early chapters
We gives us a rapid sketcn of profes
sional training for teaching in Ger
:nany (as the foreign type which has
exerted most Influence in this country)
and In the United' States. He shows
tnat Brown University was the first
to establish a Normal department, that
such departments were regularly for
elementary teachers, exclusively or
opnrt. being often attached to prepara
tory departments, and mat Iowa Unl
veislty first developed a course devoted
to the training of secondary teachers
out of what was originally a strictly
elementary normal course. Many of
the larger eastorn universities and col
loges did not feel tho need of estab
lishing such departments, as tho states
were already supplied with special
Normal schools.
The later chapters deal with the spe
cial movement for the training of sec
ondary teachers which originated in
side the University. Professor Luckey
finds that present conditions and the
nature of the training demanded point
edly suggest a division of the Held of
professional training for teaching. Nor
mal schools, he believes, should con
fine themselves principally to the train
ing of teachers for elementary schools
unrversltlos to the training of teach
ers for secondary schools. In devel
oping his view he makes uso of sta
tistics, a collation c opinions of edu
cators from many sections of the coun
try, and a careful pedagogical study of
tho alms and nature ot the two classes
of pupils to be educated.
The book is more than a history, it
is a very suggestive pleco of writing
and Is calculated to stimulate thought
and to direct attention more pointedly
to ono of the most important school
problems of tho day. In this connec
tion ono of tho most Interesting and
BUggestlve parts of the book Is that In
which he compares tho characteristics
of the child wjth those of the adoles
cent, tho method of instruction suited
to tho elementary school with that
needed in the secondary school audi the
course of training which applies to the
elementary teacher with that most use
ful for the sevondary teacher Differ
ences lr. the two classes of pupils he
finds suggest differences in method of
Instruction, and both suggest differ
ences In the nature of training for
teacher, In elementary as compared
with secondary schools.
.To Illustrate his thought as to the
kind of teaching required for secondary
teachers, he gives specimens of the
work given in tho University of Ne
braska. H1& outlines for tho history
of education are given la full, occupy
ing, about a third of the book. This
feature gives added val-" to his work.
Altogether tho book fills an import
ant place in educational llteraturo and
Is of permanent value. We may bo glad
that Nebraska University has taken
the Initiative In publications of this
nature dealing with American education.
Every Loyal University Student
1 3 Urged to Patronize these
Nebraskan Advertisers, and
to Mention the Paper
While Doing So.
BANKS Columbia, First National.
BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C,
Shannon, Marshall & Richards.
BATHS Chris' Place.
Hall, Sidles, GIrard.
Op, Brown, University Book Store.
Sam Hall.
CIGARS Powell, Llndsey, Clarey, Fo-
CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer,
B. L. Palno, Armstrong, Toggery.
COAL Gregory, DIerka, Whltebreast,
P. D. Smith.
CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell,
Lincoln Candy Kitchen.
DAIRY Franklin, Leming.
DRUGGIST Stoinor, Woempner, Rec
tor, Brown, Riggs, Wrignt.
FIX5RISTS Chapln Bros.
DRY GOODS Miller & Paine.
GROCERS Keystone.
FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M.
Davis, Hardy.
EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln
HARDWARE Hall, Rudgo & Guonzol.
DANCING HALL Fraternity.
HOTELS Lindell, Walton.
LUMBER Dlorks.
NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer
cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe.
OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line.
PAINT & GLASS Western Glass &
Paint Co.
PLUMBING Korsmeyer.
PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen
tury, Ivy Press, Review Press.
RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique,
Don Cameron, Good Health.
SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander
son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoe,
Cincinnati Shoo Store.
TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J.
3UITORIUM Weber, Burt's.
TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Lud
Furniture Co.
1124 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
,t -