:i,rr'' - -vy ' -" ? (E b e Bails Tlefrrag-fian m V THE COLLAR'S THE THING that gives finish to a man'B dress that and the tie. Without a coat he Is a gentleman cooling off without a collar ho Is a well, a man negligent of his attire. Wo have the collars and ties and Bhirts and things that make a man look well and foel comfortable. There's variety, beauty and good quality in this store full of MEN'S FURNISHINGS and wo don't charge much for them. W.E. UNLAND CO 1042 O St. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 S, 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates furnished upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA RatcH J1.00 and $1.25 Per Dny. Special Raten by tlio Wovk. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, PROP. Only ono block from B. M. Depot. Only one block from Poet Ofllco. Near all street car lines. 731 O Stroot. Lincoln, Nebranka JENNIE SINCLAIR Ggnoral Stenographer, Mlmoqgra phlo Work A Specialty 319 Richards Bl'k. Lincoln, Neb. Phono B765 Dr. Jno. J. Davis 9t Graduate Optician and DelraclionisL Headaches and all NorvouB Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Spectacles. Prices Low. Consultation froo. Homo Office 1288 O St. Phono B 955 LLNOLCN Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-droorPrlntlng Co There Is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix G A. TUCKER The Up-1o-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Street T. J. THORP COMPANY General Maohlnlsls AU Kinds ol Repairing Lock Smiths. PLATERS 808 Sp. 11th Str.et Lincoln, Nebraska &A This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Table the remedy that cares a cold la eae'day FJ3 Kansas Sends Question. Another question has been submitt ed byi Kansas for tho intor-Btato de bate, and the Debating Board, consist ing of Professors Ross, Taylor and Fogg, met yesterday to consider the question. After discussing it thorough ly, a letter waa sent to Kansas last night in regard to tno question, dealing with the matter of definition. As usual our authorities are insisting upon den nitione, which clear sighted policy has always been productive of good results in the past. A leter has bden received from North Dakota by Secretary Ira Ryner, containing an urgent request for es tablishing debate relations with this University. This is tho fourth letter of this kind received this year, and it shows that a debate with Nebraska is a thing to bo sought after by other ambitious institutions. South Dakota made a similar request early in the season, but it was found "impossible to tako favorable action upon it. - Two of tho big debates in the Cen tral Debating leaguo tako place this evening, tho Chicago-Northwestern, at Chicago, and tho Minnesota-Michigan, at Minneapolis. Tho Iowa-Illlnols debate will ocur this evening. Rev. S. Z. Batton Next Sunday. Rev. Samuel Z. Batten, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, will address the men's mass meeting at the Oliver theatre next Sunday after noon on "Tho Useless Man." Rev. Mr. Batten, before called to his present station, had filled successful pastorates in Philadelphia, New York City, and Morristown, N. J., from which place he camo to Lincoln. While in New York City, Mr. Batten held many very successful open air meetings, and since then he has, on different occasions, oc cupied tho platform at various Chris tian Endeavor conventions. Men of tho city who have heard Mr. Batten speak will need no word of encourage ent to bo induced to come out to hear him at this meeting. To those who have -not had tho pleasure of hear ing him, may be said) that it will be well worth tholr while to take advan tage of this opportunity. Tho special musical attraction se cured for this meeting 1b tho Chicago Lady Entertainers, concerning whom Mr. F. L. Hannum, chairman of a lec ture course committee In Pennsylvania, says: "The Chicago ladies made a tre mendous hit. I have been connected with lecture courses more or less for tho past fifteen years, and' I have never secured a better attraction than this company. The quartet worn was ex cellent smooth well shaded and even ly balanced. I do not wonder thnt I Illian B. Parsal hns received medalrf. She deeervos all she has and more. Bessie M. Mercer has the most fascia ating contralto voice that it naff ever been my good fortune" to hear. In ex pression, range and timbre, It is sim ply a marvel. Every number was en cored." Recommendations suGh as this assures a most pleasant musical treat. Mr. Batten is a graduate of Buck" nell University at Lewisburg, Pa., is deeply Interested In tho students of Uncoln, and will bo especially pleased to greet college men. Womans' Faculty Club ' Meets. The Womans' Faculty club met at tho homo of Mrs. Fossler Tuesday evening and enjoyed their usual social time. Mrs. Fling read a paper describ ing the interesting scenes, events and experiences in connection with the visit of Dr. Fling and herself at New Orleans at tho National Historical meeting during the holidays. The next meeting will be at the homo of Chan cellor Andrews, wliere the gentlemen members of tho faculty will bo en tertained. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's, Oliver theatre building. The Whltobreast Co., at HOG O St., is tho place to buy coal. LYMANS SPORTING GOODS HOUSE Photographs, Bicycles, Typewriters and Sewing Machines Rented, Repaired and Exchanged 231 SOUTH 11th STREET - Telephone B. 1232 Good Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking. Meals Sorvod a la Carte. THE HOME CAFE 214 south Fraternity Hall 13th & N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Ii now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to studants. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 308, Fraternity Bldg. f " "if JL "Uf 1 "tk "Jrf lir ilf "A "tit L W A' "if lf if A " Selected by the n it it it it it it it it it Government! a it n it To carry the United States Over H land Mail across the continent, i(. it on account of its being tho best it 11 and most direct line n it it it it it - it it it it it it maiiKJ $ VOl5 j it it it it it it it it it ii VIA Omaha the Union Pacific is . . . 3f it it it n it it it n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it 1 204 miles shorter to Salt Lake ce city. 278 miles shorter to San Fran- n cisco. ' I 278 miles shorter to Lob An- H geles. II 358 miles shorter to Portland. 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake City it it it it 16 hours quicker to San Fran cisco. 1G hours quicker to Los An geles. it n it 1G hours quicker to Portland, it v . it THAN ANY OTHEfi LINE it it it it Electric Lighted Trains Daily it it E B. SLOSSEN, General Agent TVTrTVT'a'TV'r'T'VTTTvTT BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & 0., Shannon, Marshall & Richards. BATHS Chris' Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Qlrard. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Claroy, Fo- liart CLOTHING Unland, Magoe & Deemev, B. L. Palno, Armstrong, Toggery. COAL Gregory, Dierks, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemjng, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Loming. DRUGGIST Stelner, Woempner, Ree- tor, Brown, RlggB, Wrlgnt FLORISTS Chapln Bros. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. GHOCERS Keystone, FURNITURE Rudge & Guonzol, A. M. Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. HARDWARE Hall, Rudgo & Quonzol. DANCING HALL Fraternity. HOTELS Llndell, Walton. LIVERIES Molick. LUMBER Dierks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern CommGT-tf cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLAS8 Western Glass & Paint Co. PLUMBING-Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Grlflln Greer, Now Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAUR ANiTS Wester field, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health. SHOES Perkiua & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoo, Cincinnati Shoe Store. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. MANDOLIN & GUITAR INSTRUC TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAILORS Upland, Bumstead, Lud-wig. ESTABLISHED 1871 FURNITURE CURTAINS CARPETS STOVES HARDY Futnitute Co. 1124 O St. Lincoln, Neb. B LU E FRONT S HOE SHOP J. Kelbach 1326 Q St hf 1 1 Fa ' i f, fM.Bw4 If.