The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1904, Image 1

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    ZCb&lDatls IRebraeftan
First Chancellor of the University
Addresses a Large Crowd.
Yesterday morning at convocation
University students and many resi
dents of Lincoln had tho pleasure of
listening to A. R. Benton, tho first
chancellor of tho Univeraity. The
speaker was Introduced by Professor
Fosslor with the following woll select
ed words1:
"On the 15th day of February, 18G9,
scarcely two years after having been
admitted into the Union, tho legisla
ture of Nebraska passed the fundamen
tal law by and under which the Uni
versity lives. The state had then bare
ly 100,000 Inhabitants. Nevertheless,
tho founders set themselyes resolutely
to tho task of providing a homo for
a University old University hall is
still the trystlng place for many of us
and of finding a faculty that should
lay tho cornerstone and tho founda
tions of Nebraska's chief educational
structure broad and deep. A few high
minded and devoted idealists began In
tho autumn of '71 tho pfocesa of culti
vating and quickening young Nebras
ka mindB, of leading them into a
knowledgo of tho arts and tho sciences,
into language and literature, into his
tory and philosophy.
"Tho regents In their wisdom chose
as their chief counsellor and master
workman a man whom all of us, who
knew him in those formative years,
loved as a father, both for his devotion
und his love, whom all of us revored
for his wisdom and farsightedness, a
f man whose head and heart were ever
ini tho right, and whose sympathy with
and for tho best things was never
questioned, a man who is still young
and lithe despite the four score yoars
and more that set upon him; a man
whoso en tiro number of days, ty-two
years and more, has been given to the
upbuilding of the highest life In oth
ers; a man whom we, today, gladly
and Joyously welcome to our midst,
and whom I now take special satisfac
tion and pride in presenting to you as
the ilrst chancellor of tho University
of Nebraska ex-Chancellor A. It. Ben
ton." The University yell was given by
way of greeting.
Dr. Bentoni addressed tho students
as follows:
"Members of the University of Ne
braska, it is Indeed a great pleasure to
meet with you. As well Btated by your
presiding officer for more than fifty
yeas it has been my prlvilogeto deal
with young lives. Iwjsh to greet you
today for your abundant success in
making this institution what it now
Is. It seems a long time since being
here to inaugurate the work, thirty
two years ago, and a great many events
of interest havo occurred during that
time. Tho opening scone was In the
old chapel of tho main building, with
100 students on tho roll a number
which to us meant a promising open
ing. Tho Scriptural thought, "Whore
anything shall ond well' shall bo a
small beginning" la to the point.
"At the first inaugural I indulged In
phophecy somewhat and am glad to
say my two prophesies have been fully
realized. I said that it will bo found,
V i with tho growth of tho University that
tho campus will become Inadequate.
Also that the time was coming when
tho state of Nebraska would take more
pride In Its University than in any oth
er state Institution. The citizens of
this state aro pcoud and they have a
right to be. This Institution has a
most glorious record, not only within
tho state's own borders and In neigh
boring states, but abroad. You aro the
T0Jm0t&00l00'M1,1Ttt'4r tHi40ilf
true benefactors of thlB Institution.
However, with all your advantages and
opportunities, I wish to warn you
against mistakes. Wo have two
sources from which to derive our edu
cation. First, the world of life, and
second, from books. Tho tendency
among students is to say that the first,
the school of life, has very little to
give to them. In this wo are apt to
orr. We should come in touch and
keep in touch with the great world
movements that are going on to broad
en out life, not In paying attention to
frivolities and worthless exercises, but
in seeing what men are doing; what is
going on in India, China, Russia and
Japan; who are the actors in tho great
drama of human life, and human so
ciety. These are tho most excellent
studies that can be pursued. Another
thing is to come in touch with the best
thoughts and the beet minds of the
worhL This was tho ancient method
of education. It was the course Socra
tes pursued. He went into all kindB
of assemblies and counselled with all
classes of men. Then he constantly
tested himself to see where he stood
In wisdom and in morals, and' he was
perhaps tho wisest man of his day. The
Socrates method, that of coming in
touch with the highest, loftiest, noblest
and purest minds is highly com
mendable. "Your personal contact wan one
another also Is highly valuable in
moulding your educational ideal, but
you should not fail to cultivate the
closest contact with your professors,
.and thus profit by their knowledge,
their inspirations and influence. But
to know tho world is not the ,only
thing. To know and understand' hu
man life Is equally Important, ns also
tho knowledge from books. Neither
must bo neglected. You are all bene
ficiaries here and I can not impress
upon you too strongly my sincere hope
you will make tho best out of your op
portunities, and as you go out from
these... walls to give the world the very
best that is In you."
New Courses in Greek.
of these courses at leaBt one semester
of the study of tho Greek language
be taken. Such a course for beginners
Is offered during the second semester,
three hours a week.
The attention of students Ib called
to tho following new courses in the
department of Greek hiBtory and lit
erature: Courses 42a, 44a, 46a, and 58. These
courses aro each two hours a week.
Therearo two lectures a week and
two hours credit. These are new
courses, offered for the first time dur
ing the coming semester. They are
open to students of all the colleges
and do not presuppose a knowledge
of tho Greek language. Course 42a in
cludes a general survey of Greek his
tory; course 44a, studies in Homeric
life and literature and' the- entire Iliad
read in the English translation; course
46a is a study of the complete works
of Herodotus in translation wmi col
lateral library readings and' lectures;
course 58 is a literary study of the
Greek dramatists, historians and ora
tors, with selected masterpieces from
each writer studied in the best English
Although the above mentioned
courses do not presume a knowledge
of tho Greek language and in fact
Buch a knowledge is not absolutely
necessary for those courses yet it is
Btrongly recommended for those who
can possibly arrange their prograni of
studies that In connection with any
Palladian Program.
Tho Palladian Literary society will
meet this evening and the following
program will bo given:
Music, Selected
Paper, Mr. Wm. H. Smith.
Recitation, Miss Boose.
Paper, Miss Balsley.
Piano boIo, Miss McWhinnle.
Reading, Miss Nellio Miller.
Essay, Mr. John Clark.
Judging from the list of memberB
who will participate In the above pro
gram, Its quality will be beyond question.
Affairs in Athletics.
There is little doing in athletics at
present. The basket ball schedule is
still hanging fire, and it will prob
ably bo some little time before it Is
closed up. 'Ihe Freshmen are busy
practicing and have gained tho start
of the other classes, although tho oth
ers will soon have organizations com
pleted. Most of their men practice
daily and will bo well seasoned and
able to start in advantageously when
the class teams aro organized. 1 ne
girls are expecting to bo active soon.
If negotiations can be closed with Min
nesota they will journey to Minne
apolis to try their prowess there.
A number of promising baseball
candidates havo shown up for cage
work. Most of these men havo good
experience on good teams, and some
nave excellent records behind them.
i.owever, tho full number of good men
in battery positions have not yet come
out, but as spring approaches mey
will probably drnt around for practice.
Wisconsin and Illinois havo severed
athletic relations, official correspond
ence having been exchanged on the
subject and a mutual understanding
arrived at.
Well Attended Concert.
p One of tho largest audiences that has
gathered in Memorial Hall during the
present year listened to the presenta
tion of tho Faculty Recital of the
School of Music. The- program was
substantially as printed in Wednes
day's Nebraskan, and was composed of
original compositions by members of
tho Conservatory.
The recital was a thorough success
In every way and its contributors are
to be congratulated on tho excellent
entertainment preserftad., q
No girl in the University can afford
to miss Dr. Wharton's talk to the Y.
W. C. A. Sunday at 3 p. m., room 106,
University hall. Come and make this
meeting tho largest one of tho year.
Chapin Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13tk.
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th.
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service.
A Stockholder's Rally and
ception in Art Gallery.
A big Stockholders' Rally and Re
ception Is planned for tomorrow even
ing in the Art Gallery. This meet
ing will mark tho culmination of tho
exhibit and will bo opon to the pub
lic. Tho usual adtmlssion feo will bo
charged. Addresses will be mado by
Attorney F. M. Hall, President of tho
Art Association; C. H. Geere of tho
Stato Journal Dr. F. M. Fling, Prof
T H. Hodgman, Miss Sarah S. Hay
den, Prof. J-awrenco FoBsler and City
Superintendent W. L. Stevens.
An informal reception will bo held
at tho beginning of the mooting at 8
p. m. The reception will bo followed
by felicitations over tho Association
having money enough to buy a picture.
It has been the custom In tho past to
put the profits resulting from tho ex
hibits to such a use, and In this way a
small nucleus has been acquired for
a larger collection. It seems probable
that tho profits this year will bo suffi
ciently large to purchase a picture of
value and one that tho association may
be proud to possess.
The condition of tho finances will
bo fully discussed and it will bo defi
nitely determined what grado of a pic
ture may bo furnlBhcd. It is also quite
likely that an actual selection will be
mado as a number of subjects will bo
presented for consideration. Tho mem
bers of tho association will decide tho
matter, although it is not known
whether tho choice will be mado by
vote or otherwise. A meetinir of tho
oxecutivo committee was hold Wednes
day evening to arrange the program
for the meeting and to take measures
for urging all of tho hundred stock
holders to bo present.
Tho association now owns a respec
table numbor of pictures, some of thorn
being of exceptionally high valuo and
excellence. Tomorrow evening thoy
will all bo hung in one place with a
placard suspended abovo bearing the
sign, "Association Pictures." As is
well known tho Art Association loans
these pictures to tho University Re
gents until the time shall como when
tho .state establishes a free art gallery.
Some discussion has been started in
regard to an effort being mado to se
cure an appropriation from tho state
legislature at its next session. For
this purpose about $5,000 would bo nec
essary. This project Is worthy of agi
tation and an attempt mightwell be
made, considering the highly desirable
end in view. This subject will be dis
cussed tomorrow night at tho meellng.
This will bo tho final session of the
Art Exhibit for this year, and it should
be favored with an especially good at
tendance. This exhibit lias been out
ranked by no former one, and all who
attended aro willing to testify to its
excellence and urge others to go. A
largo number of school children havo
attended this week, taking advantage
of tho reduced rate and tho educational
privilege offered. Tomorrow night Is
expected to round up tho session with
a rousing meeting which all University
iieopie aro urged- to attend.
"Heads in Pastel" by Howard Chand
ler Christy. Six Ideal heads In color,
each 11.00. The Lincoln Book Store.
The "Bully" the students' favorite
cigar, at Wohlenberger's.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N
Tol. 787. Baggage hauled.
Chris Bath Parlon. llth and P SUj.
Board $2.50 per week at the Good
Health Cafe.
Swell up-to-dato shoes, big discount.
Sanderson's Sale.
. &)
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