Jibe 2) a 1 1 v "ttebraeftan c I l t 1 s SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Stegcr & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck 1 I And 23 others. We sell new I Pianos on $5 monthly I payments MMMMMWMMMMIIMIMMMMmMl ESTABLISHED 1871 E. HMLLETT JeAeler and Optician EYUS EXAMINED FREE 1143 0 St. (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) r New Time Card VIA Missouri Pacific Effective December Gth, train No. 208 will leave Lincoln at 8:35 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via. Dun--bar. Brock and Talmagc, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman sleopor to Kansas City. City Office, S. W. Cor. 12th & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR FINE PHOTOS KHWftlW l"' ' srfc&fis Hotel Walton J5J5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-prieod house in city. RATES-$t Per Duy and Up Campus Gleanings Convocation Thursday IOx-Chancollor Benton. Friday Mimic. Dr. Ward addressed the geological club last night. MIhh Rota Clark, of Omaha, 1h pledged to Chi Omega. Dr. JohiiBon'K class in Iatin 3 has finished Horace and ban taken up "Adelpbi." McRsrs. J. L. McHrlen and J. W. Crabtree, high school inspector, are In Omaha on business. Rev. Frederick (Jravc-H of Ord Ih visiting at Urn Episcopal club house with bis brother Flllott Graves. The Sigma Alpbs hold Initiative cer emonies yesterday evening, receiving into membership Mr. Flllot Craves, of Kearney. Albert Wat kins, business manager of the Morton History, is making a trip through the western part of the state. The Faculty Woman's club met last night with Mrs. Grummann and Mrs. Fossler, at the home of Mrs. Fossler, lf)47 S street. The Y. W. C. A. social which wasH announced for Saturday evening, Jan. Kith, at the home or Mrs. F. M. Hall, has been indefinitely postponed. Dr. C K. Oondra will givo an illus trated lecture on "Industrial Nebras ka," at Juniata, Neb.. Friday evening, January 22, for the benefit of the high school. The recital tonight in the chapel should call forth a large attendance. The, numbers will all be furnished by the instructors at the School of Music, and an entertainment of an unusually high order Is assured. Miss Houton gave an instructive, and Interesting talk to over fifty girls at the Wednesday noon-day prayer meet ing. The meetings, which are in charge of faculty ladles for this week and next, are being well attended. Tho Historical Society lias just learned of the existence of an oil painting of Manuel Lisa, one of the earliest French traders of the terri tory, who founded Fort Lisa in 1805. The Society will obtain a photograph of the painting, if possible, and a copy will appear in the Morton History Of the Morton History of Nebraska. Miss Abble Burns, a former graduate student in tho German department, who is at present teaching German at Wesleyan University, is contemplat ing a trip to Germany this summer, and will leave about April 4. Pro fessor Fossler has been asked to sug gest some graduate student to take Miss Burns' place, until her return. Univezsity Bulletin Tho English club will meet Satur day evening, January 10, with Miss Dorothy Green, 2501 R street. NOTICE Tho person who took a note book belonging to L. J. Pepper berg from tho book rack in the library will win tho owner's heart-fejt thanks by returning same. NOTICE. Thero will be an open meeting of the local Bird club on Friday evening, January 15. in M. A. Hall. The lead ing talk of tho evening will bo given by Myron II. Swenk on "Tho effects Man has had on North American Bird Life." All persons Interested Hf any way are cordially invited. THE LECTURES in Ornithology 1 (13) will bo repeatod next semester. For the accommodation of the great est number of students tho time set for tho lectures will ho 9 a. m. Sat urday. Tho courso will Include several field trips for studying habits, nest ing, etc. L. BRUNER. oooocooooooooooocxxxxxx ROR ARTISTIC :the students find: KEININ ED Y. The Photographer RIGHT UP-TO-DATE Studio vaoII equipped and modern- Very latest styles In nil sizes. 132 South 12th St. LINCOLN. NEB. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r ft The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Kach will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). J-i?"The courses in Medicine are given 111 connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Woman's Home Companion tOO A YEAR . - rv IOC A COPY. I Tilt CBOWElXt HIHKPA1HICW COHfAMY. PUBLISHERS omtfclr, 40 to U VH, Zxh 1J br 16 UekM. wiuci . u v.ui.u.ui3 ucimci SCU- sationalism nor provincialism. It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing. A Live Agent Wanted In Every Community. Most Liberal Terms. Subscription Price $1.00 a Year. Ten Cents a Copy. Send Tfefl Cents ior a samPle cPy and we wil1 send yu an elegant 'u 'v-'iiio engraving, 20 by 25 inches in size, of Landseer's famous painting " Defiance, or Stag at Bay.'' Mention this offer when you write. o Address WOMAN'S HOME We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream OOMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 188 Bo. 13th Bt. Phone. F 200 PORTRAITS Theology Education THE IDEAL HOWE MAGAZINE Is in its twenty-eighth year; is frinied on fine paper and pro usely illustrated. It gives 40 to 54 pages a month, each page 11 by 16 inches, and a new and beautiful cover in colors every issue. Its editors and contrib utors are the most popular American writers ; in snort, it is the ideal family magazine, magnificently illustrated. Its departments are edited by ex perts and are full of interest. As a home magazine it has no su periors, and few, if any, equals. 600 Pages 1,200 Pictures EACH PAQE IS EQUAL TO FOUB ORDINARY MAUAZINE PAOES... Hundreds of thousands con sider it a family necessity. It is clean, pure and inspiring. Its contents, while varied, are entertaining and of the highest COMPANION, Springfield, Ohio All Students Look Alike to Us Whether they belong to a Frater nity or not Jewelry at low prices for everyone Special attention to repairs, FRANK C. RICHARDS JEWELER 1028 O Hi for acceptable Ideas. State It patented. THE PATENT RECORD, RnltlmnM UA Subscript' on price of tho Patient Rboobo fUSQ f" iM.u'iiu. iwiium not. ''wwitiiwwfofofi MinmLMmxxB