.WBte'i JW.,4 JkAW,, ' - T U. g N 'ijK'i l"' '' ,... , -.-f-'Mfw. ,.-w.-'' '" Li,lM?iv- f- "ir-l,,WViL'";Vl "'-.l,' ' ?. ' V.. y T r . , , ,... , awryf", - - , - - . -' $wv . -. -,, - -" . - . Ht r be H) a 1 1 1 TleDraenan ! ) 1 i i I. fc e Z)ap Itebraskan. A consolidation of The Heaporifin, Vol. Ill, The Nobrnnkan, VoL la, Scarlet mid Cruntu, Vol. 4. Edl tor-In-Chief t damlncM Manager Circulator Nnr Atbletle Literary John D. IUoe A. O. Bohrelber O. A. Sawyer AMOOIATB KDITOnS: A. F. Booker Qajrlord O. Bonnett Dorothr Green Bkpoiitkiih P. A. Rwing, Vlolot Irwin, O II. Treylor. W. C. RamHoy, Blgar Mnllott, and Mabel Fofwlor. Offloeat Editorial, U XV Foat onoa, Box id, : Boilneaa. D 811U. tatlon A. Llnooln. abaorlptlon Prioa, f3 per year. In dvanoe. Batarad at the postoffloo at Llnooln, Nebraska as aeaond-olasa mall matter. Editorial Remarks Matty of us aro beginning to realize that the present somcster la noarlng Its close, and In some Instances the realization Is hardly a pleasant one. For tho80 who have fallen behind no time Is better than tho present for striving to mako up deficiencies, and those who have kept abreast of their studies can feel a cortaln measure of satisfaction and confidence. Thore is nothing liko the end of a semester to provo the fact that tho student who works ib the best off after all. unablo to find a remedy without seem ing to fall behind what is demanded by conventional forms. In other words they obliged to mako a show just be cause othere do. A certain number of men have tho mean-for hiring hacks much more frequently than others, and upon tho latter a constraint is placed compelling tnem to follow the example set, although often a sacrifice is entailed that they can Illy afford to boar. Tho utter extravagance call ing for a needless waste of money, in so many instances by those who can not afford It, is a condemning fact, and it ought to be curtailed. The great majority of University men hire hacks for the informal affairs, simply be wiubo they feel that thoy aro obliged to, although it goes against their grain to do it. Thero is certainly room for reflection here, and a remedy Is badly needed for the present condition of affairs. The organization of tho class bas ket ball teams Is getting under way, and soon Borne interesting brushes between these rival aggregations will bo announced. The fight for tho cham pionship last year was watched with great Interest, although attended with some bitterness. Some vigorous prac tico work has been engaged In by class teama already organized and as soon as all the classes aro represented and tholr teams sufficiently seasoned, games will bo arrangod, Basket ball is an excellent game for bringing out tho spirit of tho clas and raising it to a sufficient pitch, and tho team that wins tho championship will havo to work hard for the honor and can feel proud of their achievement after it Is gained. Scrap at Iowa Settled The factional Bcrap that has been raging for some time at the University of Iowa has come to a peaceful con clusion. Tho two factions, known as tho "Politicians" and tho "Athletes," who havo been struggling for tho con trol of tho Athletic Union, have com promised) by selecting a "Politcian" president of tho Union and an "Ath letic" assistant treasurer. The squab ble involved tho control of tho "Dally Iowan" and plans wore being made by tho "Athletes" to start a new daily to bo called "Tho Old Gold." According to press reports, however, enough stock has been obtained in the "Dally Iowan' to give tho "Athletes" control of that organ, which will now be con ducted under their management. "Tho Old Gold" will not see tho light of publicity, therefore, while tho "Dally Iowan" may bo expected to enter a wider field of Influence. MS at Open-it's a good time to buy an overcoat. All overcoats, fine, medium and low-priced ones, all 1-5 off. Fancy mixed suits the same. You should see the beautiful shirts we are showing- Ma gee & Deemer. 1109 O Street - Lincoln, Neb Union-Doane Debate. The meetings of state organizations that aro being held at the University this week have excited consldeable In terest among the students and many of them havo taken the trouble to attend. Those who have attended any of tho meetings havo been repaid for their pains.-TTTo meetings of the Historical Boclety were especially interesting, as many points in the history of our stato constitution were dlscused that were of interest to law students, as well as to others. And In this con nection it Is not a bad thing to call attention to tho agricultural meet ings that will bo held here next week. All of these meetings havo a good effect, in bringing prominent and rep resentative citizens of. tho stato Into actual contact with our University In order that thoy may see tho scale on which tho work i conducted and ap preciate Its needs. It is with pleasure that tho University welcomes' this class of visitors and opens wide her doors to them. January 22 has been announced as tho date of the annual Union-Date de bate. Tho contest will bo held In Crete this year, and the Doano men aro pre paring their arguments with the expec tation of making an excellent show ing against tholr opponents. Messrs. James, Pfolfor and McRoynolds, as has already been announced In these columns, will have the affirmative In the argument. The question will bo tho Negro problem. Each speaker will be allowed 15 minutes, except the first on the affirmative, who will operi with 13 minutes and close with three. Thero will be no judges. The Unions expect to send a largo delegation to Crete to encourage their representatives. THE BE8T ALWAY8 THE CHEAP EST Tho Connecticut Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. offors a Polloy that Combrnes all tho valuable features that experience has shown to be de Blrable In llfo Insurance, and is liberal, just and definite In all Its terms and conditions. For further Information or sample policy call on JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln Battalion Notes. Western Glass & Paint Go. J2th Ic M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Company "B" had Its picture taken last evening In front of the library. Tho signal corps has begun active work. Last night drill was hold in tho armory. The guard was posted in the halls of Hie main building. Guard mount on Friday has been dis continued until further orders are re THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $200,000.00 Surplu 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM, President A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vice-Pres. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Teachers Wanted - We need-at once a few more teach ers, ootn exponenceu anu inexper ienced. Mre calls this yoar than over before. Schools supplied with competent teach ers free of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION, 1423 Arch Street, Philadel phia, Pa.; 174 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tenn. PERSHING RIFLES. Regular drill Thursday evening at 7:15 sharp. Applications for member ship will now bo received from those who will have credit for one Bomester's' drill jiX the end of this semester. Blanks may be had from the captains of tho battalion. Applicants will ap pear and drill as recruits until their applications are acted upon. By order E. D. STANLEY, Captain. Fraternity Hall 13th & N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Ib now opoiyfor dates for College and Frater nity 'dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER S SHARP Room 308. Fraternity Bid. -V- w The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Chilling Cleaned and "Pressed Phone 700 Northeast Cor. Uth & O Sts. Chris' Bath Parlor, llth and P Sts. Good Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fnsliicned Homo Cooking. Meals Served a lu Carto. THE HOME CAFE 2I4 8fiVih8t. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE In the 'discussion regarding the hir ing of hacks, presented elsewhero In our columns, we aro giving publicity to a question that concerns many and is a matter of public Interest. Many students have had forced upon them the necessity of hiring hacks for com paratively unimportant affairs, but while feeling the burden, have been Lincoln Local Express, llth and Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. N.' Board $2.50 Health Cafe. per week at the Good Swell up-to-date shoes, big discount. Sanderson's Sale. The Whltebreast Co.. at HOC O St. is the place to buy coal. If you want a real bargain, Sander son's Sale is the place to get it. Up-to-Dato Soda and Magazines. Fountain 11 North llth Street. I POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, Including customers. I. P. POWELL, 146 N lltb St Plnne L f 14 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska! CAPITAL - Sioo.ooo.aa. OFFICERS John B. Wright. Pr. J. H. Wweott. V!c-Prca Jo. SamucU 2nd Vtct-Pru. P. L. Hall, CuUm "S. W. B. Rrom. Art. XUtix. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to 0. H. Man Gasoline, Kcro&ne , Lubricating OU 25 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people je j j ji KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY USCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-773 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Soe our full line of fanoy boxes, inolud Ind FOOT BALL8 and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bltter-Swoeta, But termilks and Vonitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLLART 1131 0 STREET Cigats and News Hovels tor Sole or Exchange ft t ' V. "Y t fr"1 , ainyi. T" WiiaM " twmmmmww ;i., $