v.i . A " " , I . Cbc 2) a 1 1 b It e b r a g ft a it 1 1 c EDISON Phonographs and Records New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c each Fall line of Barney & Berry Skates- ATHLETIC GOODS Of Every Description Girard Cycle Co. 1304 O Street. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 S. 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates farnidhed upon application Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN NEBRASKA RatcH $1.00 nnd $1.25 Por Day. Special Rntuj by tho Wwk. BOYD HOTEL , MRS. KATE MARTIN, PROP. Only ono block from B. k M. Depot. Only ono block from Post Ofllce. Near nil street enr linos. 731 O Street. Lincoln, Nubroxka JENNIE SINCLAIR Gonoral Stenographer, Mlmeogra - phlc WorkTA Specialty 319 RIohardfl-BI'k. Lincoln, Nob. Phono B765 Dr. Jno. J; Davis Q Graduate Optician and1 Belractionist. Headnches and all Nervous Troubles lioved by correctly .fitted Spectacles. Prices Low. Consultation free. Homo Office, 1238 O St. Phono B 955 LIKOLOK 60 YEARS- EXPERIENCE !ifC o.it frnn nl.1nt nampr for llfinirtnff ualeilts. l'litcnts taken turough Munn A Cb.'recetYl tpeclal node;, without charge, in tno Scientific American. Abnndsomolrlllntrnted weekly, TJirReat ctr. .dilation of any solentlflo Journal. -Terms, t3 a year j four months, ft Sold by all newsdealers, MUNN t'Cb.?" Hew Yortc i ;v j HH Trade Marks 'WIHHt DESIQNq 'FFTTV CopvniQHTo &c Anyone fending a sketch nnd description rny quickly nscortiiln our opinion free whether on InTOiiilnn Is prohnbly patentable. Lomrnuulca. LionYn rlctlyconOdenUal. HANDBOOK on I'atenU Academy Notes. The young women's Social Hour lub hold a pleasant session last Fri day afternoon, the third this year. Tho program committee, MiBses Mary Minor. Carrie Lute and Elizabeth Ly man, had arranged an attractive pro gram consisting of a piano solo by MIbs Jessie Doylo, entitled the "Rustle of Spring." and a Schumann .selection by Miss Florence Chapman. Mrs. T. M. Hodgman gave an Informal talk on the art exhibit and in particular the message of Sargent. The refreshment committee, consisting of Misses Hazel Cameron, Helen Cornell, Florence Chapman. Keo Currie, Julia Deweese and Maud Dilworth. delighted the girls with a two-course luncheon of choco late, turkey sandwiches, pickles, fruit saladB and cake. Twenty-five of the young women thus spent a pleasant hour. A veiy neat open book case has been put in the reception room for the eighty exchanges which are now com ing to the Academy. The students will probably enjoy comparing these period icals, many of them very ambitious, with their own modest publication. But as our exchange editors remark in this issue if we are small there la op portunity to grow. Messrs. Elmer Johnson, A. R. Blge low and George A. Withers have reg istered in the Academy the past week. Mr. F. J. Porter, who was forced home a week before tho vacation by rheu matism, has returned and although by no means well aB yet will resume his woik. We welcome him back. Many Inquiries from prospective sec ond semester students are coming to the office. Next week's Nebraskan will contain particulars of a recent com munication from the principal to high school principals, which Ib attracting considrtable attention. The Lincoln Academy News made its second appeal ance this morning, it contains a fetter from Prof. G. E. Bar ber to teachers of Latin, which will be appreciated. The young men are wondering If the girls' basket ball teams will give them good cause for shouting. They promise to raise the roof if occasion offers. A Webster's International Diction ary will hereafter be available and thus a want long felt be supplied. New Books Received. Two large boxes of valuable books have been received at tho llbrary-from France, -consisting of two sets that arc certainly valuable acquisitions. One of these sets is extremely aluablo. and has been secured after a six years' waif! It is the Encyclopoedla of La rousse, and Is the finest work 67 its kind published. It could hae been se cured before had there not been a dif ference as lo price, and comes now only when the desired concession was made. It Is valded at 785 francs. The other set consisted of a number of vol umes containing a list of all books pub lished In Franco from 1840 up to the present time. This book- will bo of -great assistance in locating French ro-!bokB and giving Information as to their costi Similar lists of English, German and American literature are in possession of Mr. Wyer, and this lat est acquisition fulfills a long-felt want. Professor Bessoy has just finished two articles for tho Encyclopaedia Amerlcnna, ono on the topic "Plants" and the other on "Prairie Vegetation." He has now under preparation .an ar ticle on "Russian Travel Notes," and papers on "Tho Structure and Classi fication of the Protophytes," for tho proceedings of the American Micro scopical society, and "Notes on the Agriculture of the Caucasus Moun tains" for tho proceedings of the So ciety for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. Restaurant Uniquq, 1228 o St Wright Drug Co,. 117 No. llth. All this weok, Sanderson's Discount Sale. Lctning's, ice crenra and candy; 11th and' Tj Sts. NOTICE TO FORESTRY STUDENTS. A change has been made In the Freshman studies in the forestry group whereby the course in elementary for estry (forestry 8) will not bo given the second semester. In its placo stu dents in forestry will register for tho study of woods (botany 35), which will bo given as a two-hour course for the benefit of these students. This arrange ment Is for tho coming semester only, and It is understood that next year the omitted work will be given. All for estry students who take tho study of woods next semester under this ar rangement aro asked to boo me at the earliest possible moment, in order that I may know how many books to secure for their use. CHARLES BESSEY. Sam'B Cafe. The only place in the city to get the famoitB "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special sorvlco foi la dies. Univezsity Bulletin LOST A 1902 L. II. S. class pin. Finder please leave at thiB ofllc. The English club will meet Satur day evening, January 1G, with Miss Dorothy Green, 2501 R street. Meeting of tho freshmen hop com mittee this mornln at 10 a, m., U. Ill, to turn in tickets and settle ac counts. ATTENTION BASEBALL MEN. All mon desiring to try for the base ball team should see Captain Townsend at once especially battery poBltlonB. NOTICE. The Pedagogical club will meet at 7:30 this evening In U. 212. Superin tendent Fowler will address the meet ing. LOST A middle-Jointed, modern Waterman fountain pen, at chapel time Friday. Probably left In Station A, or dropped In the main building. Please leave at Nebraskan or executive ofllce. WfrW& V m7 -. 1 - .T .aJ 1. w tla kt Selected by the . - .- it it it it it F it it it it i it it it it it Government!; it H To carry tho United States Over- j land Mall across the continent, on account of Its being tho best a and most" direct line it , n - it it it it it a it it it it it it H it it a 204 miles shorter to Salt Lake x. City. 278 miles shorter to San Fran- cisco. 278 miles shorter to iks An- $ geles. l 358 miles shorter to Portland. l 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake a City. , . it 1fi linnra milolrAr in Qnn T?rn ?? cisco. it it 16 hours auiclcer to Los An- ? geles. . I 1G hours quicker to Portland, it THAN ANY 0THED LINE it a a it it it it Electric Lighted Trains Daily & B. SL0SSEN, General Agent t it J isiSioIL 1 ir i Tm firsts' I ? VIA Omaha the Union 1 Pacitic is 1 ikt Hi BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal Univorsity Student Is Urged to Patronizo these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National." BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, Shannon, Marshall & Richards, BATHS Chris' Place. BICYCLES, ATrfLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Girard. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Booli Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Claroy, Fo- llart. CLOTHING Unland, Mageo & Deemer, B. L. Palno, Armstrong, Toggery. COAL Gregory, Dlorks, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemlng. Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kltchon. DAIRY Franklin, Loming. DRUGGIST Btolnor, Woempner. Roc tor, Brjwn, Rlggs, Wright. FLORISTS Chapln BroB. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. GROCERS Keystone. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guonzol, A. M. Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. Lincoln Transfer. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & Quonzel. DANCING HALL Fraternity. HOTELS Llndoll, Walton. LIVERIES Molick. LUMBER Dlorks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern CoramtT clal. NO VELTI ES Thorpo. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Oreor, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Wcsterflcld, Unique, Doq Cameron, Good Health. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Slfoe, Cincinnati Shoo Storo. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. MANDOLIN & GUITAR INSTRUC TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J. 8UITORIUM Webor, Burt's. TAILORS Unland. BumBtead, Lud wlg. ESTABLISHED 1871 FURNITURE CURTAINS CARPETS STOVES HARDY Futnitute Co 1124 O St. Lincoln, Neb. B LI) E FRONT S H 0; E HH i'H u r I. K.lft.h 1326 O St 1 i ' 'i ,1 r '.ti ' ' - -J - J '. 1 w -r '! -1 l .i M K U V i '" itj 4i ' i- V Jf'r' U v tt -. . d&i dfl&S2!8ito& t ,. . L. ;fiJ CM?: - K -i !. gr a 1 C n