The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. in. NO. 67
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Game With Grand Island. Dr.
Pound Base Ball Chairman.
The Athletic Board met yetteulay
evening and elected E. F. Davis, of
Lexington, manager of the football
team for next year. The three candi
dates for the place were J. K Moni-j
son IS. b. Davis ana r. .). i-iarnson.
all competent men. Mr. Davis is well
acquainted with the routine work of
the Athletic Boaid, having served as
student member of that body and Ik
Ing also a good business man. is well
fitted for the place to whMi he has
been elected. He was second assist
ant manager of the football team this
year and proved a reliable mnn in this
Tho campaign has been a busy one,
as aUjjthTee of the candidates were able
mGfwn a large following of friends.
ThdJOTll membership of the board was
A game was scheduled with Grand
Island College for Sept. 24th, which
Is the first gome on the schedule. Dr.
Pound was elected chairman of t he
baseball committee.
Conservatory Students to Give
Program in Memorial Hall.
Charter Day men will meet in the
gymnasium at 1 o'clock today. The
track team men. ulso the gymnastic
team men, will meet at the same hour.
The men who are working for the
long distance running will meet this
afternoon at 4 o'clock. If the weathcr
Is too severe to admit of our door
mittees will be held as usual.
Canines Must Suffer.
The watchman of the library has re
ceived orders. to kill at sight any dogs
that may make their appearance in or
about the library. Yesterday the first
victim met its sad fate, by suffering
sudden death at the cruel hands of the
janitor. Tills action has been neces
sitated by theJiroquency of dogs in the
library and the disturbance they often
cause. Any method of extermination
from chloroform to a club will be em
ployed. Students and visitors of the
library, who care anything for their
pets, may profit by a gentle warning
to keep dogs away from the library.
Prof. Dann Gives a Lecture.
Professor Dann of the Greek depart
ment gaie a highly interesting Illus
trated lecture at convocation yester
day morning on early Italian art. In
the passing of religions with the differ
ent periods the place of ait could
readily bcjUscerned. growing to great
er importance until the exclesiastical
became the minor part. The lecture
was very rquch appreciated by ttudents
of art as well as those who are not
so conversant with this branch of education.
Answer From Kansas Expected.
Kansas has not yet sent a reply to
ho last communication of our debat
ing council, who had entered Into fur
ther correspondence in regard to a
question. A reply Is expected today
telling what she fleslreB to do about
a question It is plarned to debate
tho Bamo question with Washington
as is used In tne meeting with Kansas.
The regular cabinet meeting of the
Y..M. C. A. will be held In the asso
ciation, rooms this evening at 7:30. Re
ports by the chairmen of various com
mittees will he hed as usual.
The University School of Music will
give a recital in Memorial Hall this
e ming. Peculiar interest is attached
to this ovent. because the program con
sists of original compositions by the
mcmbeis of the faculty. This Is the
flist recital of tho year, and the fea
tures arc of the highest class. The re
cital given by the Conservatory stu
(''nts jmt before the holidays wns a
nmrlud slice ess and aroused much ap
pirciatlvc intcicht. and the one to
night will not fall behind. Let all at
tend and bo benefitted. Following is
the program:
Violin and Piano Suite in G Minor,
Mortimer Wilson; Allegro Moderato
Andante Allegro Molto, Miss Silence
Dales and Mis. Will Owni Jones.
Piano Solo Phantasy upon German
Folksong; Heinrich Pfltzner; (Farewell
Song); Mr. Heinrich Pfitzner.
Four Songs for Soprano "Baby's
Dimples. (To Jane Eames); "A Bunch
of Roses." "The Poppy Girl." "Scotch
Folksong;" Miss Ada Castor.
Piano'Solo "Fndine S.ilte." Through
Foist. Evening at the Cottage, Wed
ding Journey. Return Through Forest;
Howard Kirkpati i k; Nelly Giiggs.
Four Songs for Soprano "Lullaby,"
"Autumn," "Do They Know." "Field
Solitude. Heinrich Pflt.ner; Miss Cas
tor Piano Solo "Modern Suite" Alle
gro Grazioso Andante Rellgioso Al
legro Vlo. Mortimer Wilson Mr. Pflt.
ner. Three Songs for Tenor "Sea Gyp-"
sy." "Madrigal." "Invitation." Nelly
Griggs; Mr. Everett Carder.
Piano Solo Study in A Flat. Bouree,
.iiume and Variations. Henry Eames;
Miss Alleyne Archibald.
Two Songs for Soprano "So Blue
Thine Eyes." "Clover Blossoms," How
ard Kirkpatrlck; Miss Castor.
Variation for Piano, on Theme by
Mr. Wilson. Heinrich Pfitzner: Mrs.
Will Owen Jones.
Trio for Piano, Violin and 'Cello In
D Minor, Heinrich Pfitzner; Allegro
Moderato; Mr. Pfitzner. Misses Dales
and Eiche.
Accompanist, Mrs. Cnnie Belle Raymond.
Ex-Chancellor Benton Tomorrow
Tomorrow morning university peo
ple will bo given an opportunity of
hearing a talk by Dr. Benton, former
chancellor of this Institution. Since
leaving Nebraska, twenty-six years
ago. Dr. Benton has been connected
with Butler university, at lrvington,
Ind.. holding the presidency for a num
ber of years, and continuing as an in
structor in ancient languages u to
within the last three years. Although
eighty years of age Dr. Benton is as
hale and hearty tih a young man. His
ent-lie life has been devoted to educa
tion, and his strong point has always
bein his popularity with the students.
His character as well as his devotion
to this institution may be illustrated
by an incident which occurred when
he wns chancellor here. An Instructor
was needed In chemistry, and as funds
weie low, Chancellor Benton offered
to pay $500 If the University would
pay the same amount. The offer was
accepted and the first depaitmtnt as
sistant, G. E. Bailey, was employed.
Certainly a good turn6ut is due Dr.
Benton tomorrow morning, with a
lousing University greeting.
The weekly prayer meeting in the
Y. M. C. A. will be led this evening
by Prof. F. W. Smith, who will dle
.cuss "Some Special Phases of Bible
Chris Bath Parlors; 11th and. F StB.
The Bully, the student's favorite
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
Tel. 787. Bdggago hauled.
Several University Men Will Try.
The Conditions.
Board $2.50 per week at tho Good
Health Cafe.
A number of students of our univer
sity hao expressed their intention of
trying for the Rhodes scholarship and
Home of them are even now engaged In
close study in. the work of preparation.
The actual time of holding tho exami
nation hero Is Indefinite-, although It Is
known that it will be held at some,
time phortly after the spring vacation
cloaca. Chancellor Andrews will
be chairman of the committee having
In charge tho arrangements of this
event. The committee has not yet
been announced.
A committee of the presidents of
various colleges in the fetate met last
week and laid down some general rules
for conducting the examinations. They
will be in charge of a committee con
sisting of representatives from each
institution. Three half days will be
devoted to tho examinations. Uniform
paper and ink will be iiBed. After the
lespousion examinations the list of
candidates will consist of those who
passed them successfully, and the one
having the best record In requirements
will receive the honor.
This examination is not strictly com
petitive, but It is intended to glvo as
surance that all candidates are fully
qualified to enter on a course of study
at Oxford University. It will there
fore be based on requirements- for Re
sponsions tho first public examination
exacted by the University from each
candidate for a degree. The Rhodes
sbholars will be selected from candi
dates who have successfully passed this
examination. One scholar will be
chosen for each stato and territory to
which scholarships aro assigned.
The requirements of the Responslons
examination, as stated in the statutes
of the University of Oxford, are as fol
lows: Candidates must offer the following:
(1) Arithmetic the whole.
(2) Either Algebra or Geometry.
(8) Greek and Latin grammar.
(4) Translation from English Into
Latin prose.
(5) Greek and Latin authors.
Candidates must offer two books, one
Greek and one Latin, or unBeen trans
lation. The following portions of the
under-mentioned authors will be ac
cepted: Demosthenes: (1) Philippics 1-3.
and Olynthlacs 1-3. or (2FDe Corona.
Euripides: Any of the two follow
ing plays: Hecuba. Medea Alcestls,
Homer (1) Iliad 1-3. or 2-6; or (2)
Odyssey 1-5, or 2-6.
Phato., Apology and Crlto. i
Sophocles. Antigone and Ajax.
Xenophon, Anabasis 1-4. or 2-5.
Caesar. De Bello Galileo, 1-4,
Cicero: (1) tho first two Philippic
Orations; or (2) the four-Catiline "Ora
tion, and In Verrom, Act 1; or(3) the
orations Pro Murena and Pro Lege
Manilla; or ( . the treatise De Senec
tate and De Amicltla.
Horace: (1) OdCs 1-4; or (2) Sat
ires; or (3) Epistles.
Livy, books 21 and 22. (After Mi
chaelmas, 1903, books V. and VI.)
,. Virgil: (1) the Bucolics, with books
1-3 of the Acneld; or (2) the Georglcs;
or (3) Tho Aeneld, Books 1-5. or 2-G.
Papers covering this range of study
will be prepared by examiners appolnU
ed by tho trustees, and will be sent to
each centre, where, at a date publicly
announced, the examination will be
held under proper supervision, and the
papers returned to the examiners.
A list of those who have success
fully passed this test will, as soon as
possible, be furnished to the chairman
of the committee of selection In each
state or province, or to the university
making tho appointment, and from
this list tho committee or university
will proceed to elect tho scholars.
The commltees and universities mak
ing appointments will bo furnished
with a stotement of the qualifications
which Mr. Rhodes desired In tho hold
ers of his scholarships, and they will bo
asked in exercising their right to selec
tion to comply as nearly as circum
stances will pormlt with the spirit of
the testator's wishes.
They will be asked to furnish to the
trustees as full a statement ob possible
of the school and college career of each
elected scholar, with tho special
grounds of his uppolntment, together
with suggestions, If desired, as to the
course of study for which he Is best
It has been decided that all scholars
shall have reached at least the end of
their sophomore or second year work
at some recognized degree-granting
university of college of the United
Scholars must be unmarried, must
bo citizens of the United States nnd
must bo between nineteen and twonty
fivo years of ago.
Where several candidates present
thomsolvcs from a single college or
university, tho committees of selection
will request the faculty of the college
to decide between their claims on the
basis of Mr. Rhodes' suggestions, and
present to the committee the name of
the candidate chosen by that college as
Its representative in the final election.
Candidates may elect whether they
will apply for the scholarship of tho
state in which they have acquired the
abovo-mentloned educational qualifica
tion, or for that of the state In which
iney have their ordinary private domi
cile, homo or residence. They must bo
prepared to present themselves for ex
amination In the state they select. No
candidate may compete In more than
one state.
Candidates for scholarships should,
during the month of January, 1904,
notify the chairman of tho committee
of selection In the state or territory for
which they apply, or the head of tho
university appointing to the scholar
ship, of their Intention to present them
selves for examination. Tho decision
of tho committee of selection or of tho
university making tho applngment Is
to be final ns regards eligibility.
A Number of Interesting
dresses Made.
Yesterday evening occurred the flrBt
of the meetings of the State Historical
society, and a good-sized crowd -was
present in Memorial Hall, the place of
meeting. The program consisted of
papers and addresses on thegeneral
subject of "The Making of Nebraska
Constitution," and wore listened to
with great Interest and marked appre
ciation. Judge George B; Lake, oj
Omaha, gave an address on "The- mak
ing of the Constitution ofl8G(3;" Judge
Wakely of Omaha, on "Tho Conventioir
of 1871;" Judge Broady of Lincoln, on
"Tho Convention of 1875 -Tho One
Night Constitution." and Juuge W. M".
Robertson, of Norfolk, on "The Con
vention of 1875 The Debate on the
Sopnrate Propositions." J
This evening at G p. m. there will be
a supper and social meeting for mem
bers of the above societies, and their
visiting frlonds, at the LIndell. The
meeting this evening will opon at 8
p. m. In Memorial Hjfll, where there
will be held a roundtmble on the con-'
vontlon of 875, conducted by Hon. J.
L. Webster, president of the conven
tion, and made up of surviving mem-.
hers of that body. Tho annual busi
ness meeting of the society will also
be held.
-The Nebraska Territorial Pioneers'
Association -will meet In Memorial Cha
pel, at 2 p. m., today for sociay remi
niscences and election fit officers.
Swell up-to-date shoes, big. discount.
Sanderson's' Sale.
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