Vfbc ails flebraeftan X Zbe Dally Wtbrashan. A conaolldntlon of The Ewperlan, Vol. tit, The NobmaUan, VoL 1. Bcarlek nd Cream, Vol. i. Bdltor-in-Chlf 4alnM Manayer OtroulAtor John D. Illoo A. O. Bohrtlbw O. A. Bawjer AMOOIATM XDITOIU: Athletic Literary Dorothy Ora IlironTKiW P. A. EwIijk, Vlolot Irwin, C II. Tnylor. W. C. KatnHoy, Ednr Mollott, and Mnhel Fowler. OfQoest Editorial, U BOOM: Bnslneu, U $ PMt Offloa, Box 18, Station A, Linooln. SabaoripUon Prloe, fS per year. In advanoe. Btrad at the postolBoo nt Linooln, Nebraska as looond-olaM mall matter. Editorial Remarks KANSAS INVESTIGATES. JcMordin,f to the press reportR BCnt . ... - . .. out frolrw -w riMiri'. amim uini noing J inKcn by the1fi&n8nB nuthorltfea to In veutlKftte the charsEes of PlrbfesHionnl Ism preferred ngnliT TmombeiB of their footbnll team. The troublo, as Is well known, arose cer the action of five of the strongest members of the Kansas team who played with the LamaTB. Mo., teanv against Carthage, a purse of $500 being at stake. I a mnrs won. 70 to 0, and collected the stakes. Carthage, however, did not feel at all genial in accepting without complaint what Lore the ear-marks of a shady deal. As a result she brought suit to recoMi', alleging that l.amars violated the agreement that tha teams should lie an "all home" affair by play ing live Kansas university men. Pooler. Hicks, Gregg. Allen and Hire. It Is alleged that these men received pay for playing, which not only violated the agreement, but makes them profes sionals and bars them from the Kansas team hereafter under the "presidents' agreement." Prof. M. W. Sterling, chairman of the Kansas athletic board, has beon on tho grounds investigating the charges nntl is now awaiting aflldavlts from Carthage and Lamars before making his report to that body. The l.amars parties assert that there was no purse up and according to reports, the Carthage people hold a contrary vlewi The players themselves deny th,at there was a puise up according to their knowledge, although It does seem sur prising that they should walk Into a situation with -their eyes wide open. However, they are obliged to face a charge of professionalism, which is not yet disproved, a fact which the con servative Casper Whitney forgot to take note of In his ratings or western institutions In the last issue of Out ing. It therefore seems .unreasonable that he kjiould accept as absolutely true from mere hearsay a charge to the dls afctage of one institution and Ignore nBaSjr charge existing against un did not know' the facts, have announced his Jils is a good indica te of his opinion. grounds for Land it 1b plat either preju- kf ailing being to a man Liral In this did not it said ins upon rig the we are not ach'crBe to selng Justlco done In view of the Irantic effortft of Kansas to discredit Our team, after fall lug to show the proofs. We can say with equal poslthenes that Kansas has n professional team, and who will there be to gle final decision? (Bar ring Casper Whitney) No one. Professor Sterling's statement re garding the situation Is as follows: a m n t i Oaylord O Benneti "I -annot say definitely just what will be done. I found some favorable and some unfavorable- evidence and we will get all we possibly can and endeavor to maintain a high standard of clean athletics. een at the cost of five of our best players If needful." It may not be found "needful," but while no chargesare made as yet. the findings of Ujfc Kansas board of control are aw s.ed with Interest. The approaching examinations for the Rhodes scholarship are beginning to cause quite a stir among certain of our students, and as th?y come closer Into proximity more evidences are to be discerned of there being a considera ble number of candidates. As n large amount of I.alln and Greek arc includ ed in the requirements It is plain that the students of the classics have the advantage. Thus tho competition Is narrowed down to quite a degree, but still there are many students here who are fitted to make a creditable show ing, and none of these should be back ward about making a trial. Here Is Indeed a good oppoituulty for a supe rior education, amid surroundings that promise much for advancement and benefit. Any blight student hav ing thr requirements has a nance, and a realization of this fact would have a good effect in bringing out a larger number of candidates. Tho coming spiing will sec the foun dations laid ot a number ot new build ings, which will contribute largely to the advancement of our institution. o matter what kind of KUicess there may be achiced along intellei tunl. ath letic and educational lines, the depart ments embracing these must be prop erly housed before they can attain to full development. Accordingly ve can all view with satisfaction and delight the prospci't-of enlarged facilities for canylng on wink that is now hampered by lack of kmhucis to further Itr, prog- ' CSS. Waterman Fountain 'Pen $2.00 to I20O O Street. $5.oo RECTORS THE BE8T ALWAY8 THE CHEAP EST Tho Connecticut Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. offors a Policy that Combines all the valuable features that experience has shown to bo de sirable in life Insurance, and is liberal. Just and definite in all Its terms and conditions. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital ?200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER II. S. FREEMAN Vice-Pres. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS ASBt. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY. Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Teachers Wanted Wc need at once a few more teach ers, both experienced and inexper ienced. More calls this year than ever before. Schools supplied with competent teach ers free of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION, W1W Arch Street, Philadel phia Pa.; 174 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tcnn. Good Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fnsliicned Home Cooking Meals Served a la Carte. THE HOME CAFE 2'4 s,2ynhst. Western Glass & Paint Go. I2th & M.Sts.t Lincoln, Neb. Fraternity Hall 13th & N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER S SHARP Room 308, Fraternity Bid. The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get yoor Clothing Cleaned and 'Pressed Phone 700 Northeast Cor. Uth & O St COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nibraakm CAPITAL - Sioo.ooo.ao. OFFICERS John B. Wrijht, Prtx. J. H. Wetcott, Vlw-Pm Jot SunucU 2nd Vic-Pi. P. L. Hall, Gukb V. B. Rjrotu. Au). Ctuth. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to O. H. Man Qasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil !25 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 OUD WORK IS WELL KNOWN We always have and always will ap preciate the Bupport of tho otudonti reports to tho contrary notwithstanding. Have a Splendid .Meeting. The Sunday meeting of the V V C. A. was an e.s)ecially good one. Mrs. N. i. Easterday gavo- an interest lug icpcrt on the ninth biennial conven tion of the Ameilcan committee, which was held at Wilketsbarre. Pa., in April, 1903. Mrs. EaBterday lelt with the as sociation some very valuable sugges tions as to conducting the financial and devotional departments of the work. Her address was of great interest and all pi sent thoroughly enjoyed it. The noonday prayer meetings in the Y. W. C. A. room are growing In pop ularity. They, are well attended, but the room will hold a tew more. Every girl should make an effort to attend. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. jfi s KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY lsCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Soo our full line of fancy boxes, inolud ina FOOT BAbLS and DKE3S SUIT OASES. Try our Bittcr-Swcets, But terniilkB and Vein trans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchange YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tel, 754. 1514 O Street. Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Succuaon to STEINER PHARMACY. !M O Str(t? Phon 707 Lincoln, NA. Manufacturers of Stciner'e Balsam Rhubarb Oolfl Capsules. Pile Oare&nd Gray's Condition Powdera. Faculty Fortnightly Meeliiu'. For the next two w . cks the noon meetings in the Y V. loom will be a led by d iff e lent lacJes of the faculty, n The leaders for this week will be: Tuesday Miss How-ells.. Wednesday MIhs Bouton. Phuisday -Miss Stringer. Friday Miss Pound. Eery irl In the University is urg ently invited to attend, as tho meet ings will bo of unusual interst. jnjustico rer. but Llncdln Transfer Co. 'Phone. 176. Baggage. Lincoln I.oeal Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 ' For oil Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GroerPrlntlng Co There is no watcb clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. U23 O Streel LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. 113 North 11th Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, ucwly papered, everything up-to-data, including customers. B. P. POWELL. 145 N lilH SL PHaae I 664 T. J. THORP COMPANY General Machinists All Kind of RvptMag Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 111b Stmt Lincoln, Nebraska PtoM. I4 "I r