The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1904, Image 1

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p5e IDail IRebraskan
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VOL. ffl. NO. 66
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Very Encouraging Letter Receiv
ed From Minnesota.
-" ..(p
DlClapp received a letter from Pro
fessor Jones, chairman of tho athletic
board of Minnesota, yesterday, which
makes tho prospects for a game seem
very bright.
Professor Jones said that .he sees no
reason why a game can not be ar
ranged if the dates can be made to
suit. As we arc holding open our
dutes for this game there will be no
trouble-on that s'otv.
Judging from the wording of Profes
sor Jones' letter Minnesota will not
play either Chicago or Michigan and
this makes It almost certain that they
will be able to arrange dates with Ne
braska. In an article In the Minneapolis
Journal Dr. Williams Is quoted as say
ing that a game will probably be ar
ranged between Nebraska and Minne
sota. He stated that the game would
be arranged If Minnesota did not sched
ule a game with Chicago.
Minnesota will probably not sched
ule with Chicago according to the let
ter Dr. Clapp received.
Dr. Williams, who is Minnesota's
coach, says that he thinks the game
(till be played October 15th or No
vember fith.
This will give Nebraska a good hard
schedule for next year. Iowa. Minneso
ta. Illinois and Knox. Such a list
ought to do the eyes of football enthu
siasts good, it is one of the best sched
ules Nebraska has ever had.
iirt7-orteayal of Jesus
St- tfs 'an. H v uLi' nal Sa-
Christ is ttte orilyorritffilirtrmo:
who can be set a6fyn t "any nation
and at any time, and 'exactly. "fit Into
that time. Mr. Palmer's address was.
unusually impressive and effective, be
cause It permeated with the tragedy of
a personal experience, and because of
the many heartaches which he had
brought to h-ls dear one by his erring
life. Ho used as his text John 7:4G,
'Neer man spake like thlB Man."
Before the address of the afternoon
the magnificent audience showed the
deepest appreciation of the high quality
of music furnished by the Temple male
quartet of Boston, one of the finest
musical organization which has ap
peared in Lincoln. The mcmbciB of
this remarkably fine quartet possess
unusually excellent voices, which har
monize perfectly In their sweet and
thrilling songs. The quartet responded
to two hearty and enthusiastic encores.
F?icUthQLritio3 Want Cohting-
rv Attend.
,.. W W a - IV m-'my.m ----
rV .
"v-v -
Vonloln nVia
1 :.
of tho commlttae
coming fair In St Lo
"To tho Commandant
versitj of Nebraska. Line
Senior Footballists Get Insignia.
Negotiations are under way to ar
range another "pair" of games of bas
ket ball for next Friday evening with
tho city Y. M. C. A. Our first team
will play their first team, and our fac
ulty will play a team picked from the
business men's class. These would
be two excellent games and we hope
they will bo arranged.
Tho western basket ball trip which
tho men hoped to take next week Is
postponed for the present. Colorado
Springs was not able to arrange for a
game for next week and our team could
not afford to make the trip without a
gan:e with. Colorado Springs. Tho trip
will probably be taken a little later on
In the season.
The Charter Day work Is going on
nicely. It would add greatly to tho
interest in the work if more men
. would come out and work.
This event should occupy a promi
nent place in athletic circles. Coming
as It does at a time when everything
in thr. athletic line Is at a sort of
standstill, everyono should turn in and
help to make the day a success.
-In all probability medals will be
given thlB year for first and second
places. -
hot the men who are Interested In
athletlcB keep this day in mind and
turn out and work for places in the
events which will take place and in
that way help to make tho day a suc
cess. The Freshmen basket ball men
mr. Saturday afternoon and olected
Chcrles Clayton Miller captain. Miller
comes from South Omaha and ought to
make a "strong man." He has had a
goad deal of experience In the game.
The Freshmen are confident of de
veloping ,n winning team, their spirit
Is to be commended.
The members of the victorious Senior
football team In tho intcr-class games
have Just received their caps and Jer
seys. The caps are black with a green
winged football in front. Thc Jerseys,
which arc of a high grade, are also in
back, bearing a scarlet "0" inscribing
a small "4." also In scarlet. Besides
the honor attached to tho possession of
onq of these fine jerseys their good
quality makes them at the banie time
very useful and can not fail to have
Its influence In stimulating llercer com
petition and consequently greater In
terest in Inter-class athletics, a mat
ter which can not be given too much
Ex-Chancellor Benton Will Speak
Thursday morning at convocation
ex-Chancellor A. R. Benton, now over
eighty years of age, will address the
students. Let us give him a rousing
reception and make him feel thorough
ly at home at the institution for which
ho did so much In Its infancy. Let ua
make this a University affair, and
give Dr. Bonton a good appreciation
of tho growth of Xc University since
his official connection with It twenty
Beven years ago.
Seniors to Play High School.
A basket ball game has been sched
uled for Wednesday evening between
tho Seniors and the High School team.
Judging from tho record that the two
teams have made so far this game
holds promise of being a close con
test, and should draw a large attend
ance. It will be) held in the armory,
and an admission of 10 cents will be
charged to defray Incidental expenses.
Everyone come out.
Will Elect New President.
Law Students Seek to Strength
en Class Athletics.
of the
The English club will meet Satur
day evening, January 1(5. with Mlsa
Dorothy Green, 2501 R street. Miss
Florence Richardson, Mr. M. T. Brown,
and Miss Olivia Pound are on tho pro
giam. The club elects a new president
at this meeting. Miss Abba Brown, the
foimer president, Is no longer In at
tendance at school.
CJhapln Bros.. .Florists. 127 So. Mth.
A Great Audience Attends.
About one thousand men, the larg
est audience which has greeted any
sneaker in the series of men's mass
meetings, assembled Sunday .afternoon
aJLJthe Oliver theatre to hear Mr. Chas.
H J Palmer of Chicago, national field
secretary of "Tho Gideons." The. sub
ject of Mr. Palmer's address "was, "Our
' Master Jesus." The central thought
$2.25 will buy a swell
shoe at Sanderson's Sale.
Board $2.50
Health Cafe.
per week at the Good
Palne's Clothing,
It closes Saturday
"J -" All . T"
"Dear Sir- The Loulalank.PirfM6e.
Exposition will open April SOand-i;
iNovemixr .iu, jij. i ne executive
mlttee will provide a mod.1! 'camp
be tiFcd by visiting milltarj oreaniMl-
tions during the fair, and every possi
ble attention will be paid to sanitation.
The barracks will be comfortable, well
lighted, supplied with ample toilet and
bath rooms, and plenty ot pmv water.
Tho drill and parade grounds will em
brace fcbout 170 acres. The Exposi
tion will be upon educational lines,
and from present outlook, notwith
standing the extent of space cov
ered by the exhibition palaces, which
already exceed by 50 acres those of the
World's Columbian Exposition, the
number of square feet applied for ex
ceeds by 25 per cent our present ca
pacity. All military organizations will be
given quarters, and probably ono ad
mission will be charged. The uniform
will thereafter admit cadets. Good
meals will be furnished at a price not
exceeding 2o cents. Several military
schools have applied for quarters, also
a number of regular military organi
zations, among them some of the old
est In the country. The Invitation to
attend the Exposition in Tr body Is thus
early extended to your Cadet Corps by
the committee on ceremonies', feo that
ample time may be had In which to
mako Uie necessary arrangements. We
hnve every reason to believe that very
low transportation rates will be given
to all military organizations In uni
form. ' Trusting to have an early and fav
orable response. Yours very truly,
Speaking of the above proposition,
Captain Chase said yesterday to a Ne
braskan reporter that a month s actual
expenses, Including railroad fare, prob
ably would not exceed $30 per man,
with a proportionately less expense
should the encampment be shorter than
that. Such an experience as would be
thus afforded a company from Nebras
ka could not be estimated in its practi
cal benefits as well as In the oppor
tunity It would furnish for pleasure.
Tho expense, according to Captain
Chase, would be much less under the
proposition than would be possible un
der any other condition, as hotel bills
would be entirely eliminated. A com
pany from the University would be un
der the command of Captain Chase.
Poveral of our neighboring institu
tions have expressed the Intention of
accepting the exposition's invitation.
Minnesota will probably be represented
by a good sized battalion. Kansas ex
pects to beTlttlngly represented? It is
up to the members of the battalion
whether or not Nebraska shall have
the chance to uphold the excellent rep
utation her military department has
always enjoyed. A better opportunity
to demonstrate again In our title to the
second West Point, could not be de
sired. All cadets desiring" to Join the com
pany should It be formed, are requested
to hand their names to Captain Chase
at oncq, Further details may also be
obtained from him. The committee with
'the matter in charge desires to know
exactly how much space will be re
quired for the camp In order that the
plan of the grounds may be completed
as soon as possible.
The law students are arranging to
take a prominent place In University
JUhlotlch. While theywiave heretofore
taken some part In various phases of
athletics and not Infrequently mustered
;up a good team, yft they lacked organ
isation ana -orten norore uic enu or
the season Individual playeiB were on
some acadomlc team and ceased to ho
Identified with tho law school. ThlB
"stato of affairs was very detrimental
,to class spirit In the law classes. To
:fenody this defect an attempt was
&a early in the fall to gain ropre-
sontation on me inier-mss mnienc
ssdeiatjon, but no satisfactory ar-
Kement count ne arrived ai. a mass
meeVJng was then held. whirled to
to tmx appointment of a special
mtttco A0 araw "B'H'IM I(Hr Inter
Class Atlol!pjwsp'claticf:tne- rW
SchooUwJUXb IjiminJJftft, wide ita r$ "
port' "-laf tjld3r&u' sUbmitled' the
fplowHu2Mgkjnuh wpr-'nt once
favora4lffiJJiv;fhe first year
cIubs,' YoUytttt special meetings of
the JurfJ,br'apn,j Senior' classes thoy
were frjrmally considered and accept
ed. ThlB will placo Intor-Class Ath
letics In the Law.Cpllogo on an equal
footing with athletics In tho Academic
Article I. This organization shall be
known as the Inter-Class Athletic As
sociation of the Collego of Law of tho
University of Nebraakn.
Article II. The purpose of this or
ganization is the furtherance of In
terest in Inter-Clnss Athletics.
Article III.
Section 1. The members of this As
sociation shall consist of three classes
of the College of -Law.
Sec. 2. Eligibility of Individual
members of classes to represent their
respective classes In Inter-Class Ath
letic sholl be regulated by tho follow
ing conditions:
1st. Members of tho first' year class
must be students regularly Instructed
In the College of Law.
2d. Members of the second year
class must be students having between
twenty and four hours' credit In the
College of Law. f
.'d. Members of the third year class
must be students who are candidates
for degrees or' such as havo over forty
hours' credit In the College of Law.
4th. No member of any class of the
College of Law, who, while so 'regis
tered, Identifies himself In athletlcs
wlth any other class of the University,
shall be eligible to represent his
Article IV
Section 1. The Inter-Class Athletic
Board shall consist of twelve members,
Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O
Chairs and ladies and gentlemen.
Cartoons by McCutcheon, containing
the famous "Boy in Springtime," pic
tures, $1.25, at The Lincoln Book
each clars-being entitled to four mem
bers. Sec. 2. Members of tho Inter-Class
Athletic board shall be appointed by
the presidents of the different classes.
,Sec. 3. Members of the Inter-Class
Athletic Board shall hold office for one
Sec. 4. Tho officers of Uio jMb&r-
Class Athletic Board shall corof
a president, vice president, ajHry,
and a treasurer, to be elho
Article V.-
The Board si
Section 1.
ernlng Athlei
classes of tt
Sec. 2.
Sec. 3.i
of the
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