miiA mubml ttfce ail? Debraehan f, i flji iii m nyu , i n .7 m fi ' In a Social ttlay Q Pignut GUI Initiated three men lasl night at the chapter house. Homer Southwlek has left school to woik In his father's hank at Friend. hunny Hull of Fremont hao bocii vis iting his Delta Tan brothers this werk Kappa Kapra Gamma w'l! Rive a matinee party this afternoon. Kappa-Alpha Tneta will ha a "kat sup" at the chapter house icr.lr.ht. Miss Van llo-n will toon bo cue oT the young ladies living at th Kappa houre. The choir of St. Luke's Episcopal church will give an informal party at Valsh hall Tuesday evening. Miss Rachel Nicholson las leturned from Lead, S. D., where Mi has ben isiting Miss Pearl Archibald for a i.-ionth past. J''H Miyni" Klllian has returned fiom Centervilb', Iowa, whrn she has been spending the holidays wn'i .lits Winifred Howe!!. Miss Gladys Uargreaves entertained Lie Kappat at the chapter house last Hiiiulay and Monday at a house iunty at her homo. Hob Thompson, who has been quite ill at his homo in Omaha bIivi) the holidays, resumed his work at the uni crbity yesterday. -'ty colors, and pennants of ycl'ow and blue, the colo;3 of '07. Puiifli wos served In the "ordinary," which wao decorated with palms and class colors, another feature not often enjoyed. A program of twenty dances, with Eddie Walt's orcheptra, made the af fair most successful from the point of view of those attending. The following committee had the hop in charge. Clarence G. Johnson, Lincoln, chair man. William lllne, Fremont, nu.ster of ceremonies. C. A. Sunderlln, Tekamah. Reeta Clark, Omaha, C. B. Duer, Hastings. Bess Lumry, Fullerton. Minnie Sweezey, Lincoln. John Voorhees, Chicago. Roy Hake. MontolBe I ce, Omaha. Mabel Cramer, Hastings. George Elmendorf, Lincoln. Denton Slaughter, Omaha. Vlnda Hudson. Lincoln. Helen Bridge, Norfolk. Ellery Davis, Lincoln. Helen Hendrie, Omaha. ? 0 $ 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 a o a o Ross P. Curtice Co. PEREMPTORY SALE .FINE PIANOS.. On account of his fathei's '.II.icsb, Harry Reed has been compolh'd to give up his work at the university and take charge of his father's business at Mal ei, Iowa. Tonight a ha'iqiiet commemorating bo. foun atlon i-l Sigma Chi nt Ne 1 -aska will be given nt t!:- chapter bouse. A miml r of alun'ni will be IKtrent. Mr. A. G. Schreiber entertained a Eloct number of his friends at a "Emokor at the Alpha Theta house Tues day evening. An evening of surpassing enjoyment was culminated by Mr. Schrelber's guests presenting him with a fine French briar pipe as a token of their friendship and esteom. Owing to a conflict of dates at Fia-t-rnlty hull, the freshman hop was 1 eld last night at the Lincoln hotel for tne first time. SeveicI features usually coiie'iicuoi s ly their absenc at class Inactions narked il o affair last night. There were neat decorallons of palms, unhcr- "Wr--"WV. RI995 the Drug George Ade Up.to-Date. "Mr. Smith, this is the fifth time thib week that you have been late. What is th matter?" "Well," said Smith, with the hope less ah of one bucking against fate, "I started two hours ago from the library, 1 ut must hne lost n little time up and down steps." Tears ot sympathy welled up 111 the instructor's eyes and diopped In glis tening globules to the ground "Mr. Smith." when he could control his trembling voice &o convulsed with emotion. "Mr. Smith; once I tried for two hours and three minutes to find my way through the studious throng on the library steps and in Uni. Hall. Mr. Smith, we suffered together. Your lateness Is excused." Moral: Instructors aren't so hard hearted. A Wittman Bros, have Bought our old quarters at 207 South tlth a oireer, useo oy us ior our wnoiesaie stocks ana tney demand im A r Q 0 0 0 (? ? c 0 0 0 mediate possession. Our present warerooms are already crowded and we have no place to put this surplus stock of Pianos. It is therefore necessary to sell many of these instruments at once or be compelled to pay storage, and we offer you an op portunity to buy them at practically YOUR OWN PRICES d 0 () '0 0 0 (' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 We cannot here quote prices, but we assure you they will d () be found much lower than ever before, and we urge you to call () () at once and select your instrument. Any reasonable trms of () Q payment will be accepted. () 0 0 Box of cigars given away every day. Fred Powell, Oliver theatre building,. Electric Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing 0 0 0 0 a 0 Ross P. Curtice Co. 1125 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 0 0 4 Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels 35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Wolf anger Warthon & Co. Our fee returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent ability of same. "How 4o obtain a patent" sen, upon request. Pato'j, secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, , The Patent Recoup, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulut by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE Address, VICTOR . EVANS A 00., (Patent Attorneys,) Evmnm Building, WASHINGTON, D. Cc . i ' 120 OSTUKKT. TIIONKA UO!i Cutter We wish all our stndents friends to know that. the Best Ice Cream OOMES tfROM Franklin Ice Cream . , and Dairy Co... MAM&ACit&tajfc&tQJtAJSAfc THE P. D. SMITH CO. i 7 , . t. COAL Vw. - krf Carry all tne best grade of domestic cals, among which will find the Rex Lump at $7.25 Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at OOan'cC.ihe test Maitland you ever'sw at. 37,50' All kinds of iteam coajL the Jbesk money can buy. & J? o jt J jfc s $ v. '"r,r jc e- Office 11 OTPhoriC 39. Yard. 6 and.N.JPb9n.t.-37flvB , fr?ttl3,oTre5TttTo?ffrcnre oTo 6 & I'fltf WfflECTg' -',r ! hi m ! ! nrtflrfVJrvvuvAJrfJAivALruvvw. 188 So. 12th St. "EonerjT 208 I ''S'l -L"''f-lT'f'' 'dY:'-i- , rr ''k.' w " "ir ?" "TTT imJNt mhbi t V fjsn . '-