MMlMiMtaIMia' 4 41 gbe "tft'aUg flebraehan 8 - IZ I ' " -.-.,... .. . : ...p,, ,, , wbm .-.- -. ..... I J . Ktff I more or Cess Coca! . fly j BJ I-. i 4 V A. C. Melor, a former unlvoplty stun dent, Is vIhIUhk unlvcrBlty frlcndH.' Hairy Oioff, formerly n university Rtudont, Is visiting IiIb Beta Thcta Pij brothers. . . The department of botnny roeetved Kovernl nets of 1'unRl during the holi days for addition to tln university her barium. Mr. Pprslnger lectured in American history fl yesterday. Professor Caldwell having been called away by the death of his cousin. Professor Hrnce will lecture to the claes In oducatlon 7 next Tuesday on "Tho Teaching of Physics In the Com mon Schools." Professor Caldwell went to Have lock yesterday to attend the funernl of his cousin, Mr. Henry Iflwnn, who succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. During tho holidays Professor Hes-K-y nt tended the meetings of the Amer icniLAHBoclatlon for tho Advancement of Rclepces In St. Louis. Dr. Cook, of tho lnw school, read a paper yesterday boforo tho Nebraska State Har assoclatjon meeting at Oma ha on "Tlii Commonwealth of Aus trolln." P. V. Popoon. )'.. attended the 107 rout implement dealers' convention, and wns a campus visitor. He Is located at Table Rock and Is the father of a tine boy. at present about one month obi. The gepeial secretary of the Y. W. C A. bus several opportunities for younjr ladles to earn a part of their college expenses. All Interested should se? her at once at the association rooms Mr. L. -D. Tremaln of Lincoln, whoae death was announced yestorday. will bo remembered by many old university people as the father of 'Miss Mary Tre maln, who attended the university Bev eral years ago. f Albert Searle will discontinue his Htudles In the jinlverslty next week, when ho will "move with his parents to Topeka, Kns,. where he will attend Washburn colloge. His brother Ralph will remain in school. The members of tho Y. M. C. A..liv ing Temple fund books or pledge cards nro requested to report to the secretary at onto. It Is1 very Important that -the association know immediately what has been done In this mattor. Abbot, whose severe illness at his Jiomo In Fremont was reported last week, will shortly publish a novel from tho press of McClure, Phillips & Co., of New York. He will also contribute several short stories to forthcoming numbers of McCluT6fi Magazine. Mr. I Loading, a forestry student, has Just returned from tho Black Hills. Ho brought several plno logs contain ing bark-boring booties for the ento mology department. Theso beetles are very destructive to timber. A Bpecial examination will bo made of them by tho entomology department. Professor Hitchcock, expert agrostol oglst In the United States department of agriculture, has been stationed at Lincoln for tho purpose of' carrying on Homo co-operative work with the agricultural experiment station. Pro fessor Hitchcock, who is an accom plished botanist, was many years ago ojie of Professor Bessoy's students. Additional Alumni Not&s. "Ralph Woods, law '03, Is practicing law with E. E. Rosllng of Tacomo-, Wash. P. P. Duffy, C. C. Telleson and John Forsythe, all alumni students,, yjjjttd, on tno campus uuring tno presont week, - . W. F. Moior, Eliza R. Meior and I0mmaf. Meier, all of tho class of '03, aro in South Bend, Wash., schools. Thoformer is nrlno.lnnl nt hlfh school. Word hab come, from Ernst Bessey, ''JO, now In tho University of Hallo, that a couple- of weoka ago ho was re quested by the' United States depart ment of agriculture to proceed at once to Riga and other points In RubbIb ir jjrder to procurfixectolu.eods. which me department wanted immediately. H1h trip Into Russia Is likely to take him to St. Petersburg and Moscow both of which are very Interesting In tip; winter season. Battery Practice in the Cage. Battery practice is now being held In tho cage In the basement of the armory, and a number of mert are now operating at both the transmitting and receiving end of the line dally. The hour fiom 2 to 3 p. m. each day has been set aside as the- time for candi dates for tho 1h)X and behind the bat to work together. Soveral men are throwing regularly now. Captain Townst'nd is now making preparations for the spring practice, and la looking over the grounds for now material. Kansas Sends Question. The long awaited question from Kan sas was received yesterday afternoon by our debating board. II Is now being considered and Professors Fogg. Tay lor and Ross, who constitute the debat ing board? will correspond with the Kansas authorities further New Daily at Iowa. A new dally Is to begin publication at the University of Iowa In the near future. Iowa already supports one dally, and It Is difficult to see how there is room for another in a school of that size. The Dally Nebroskan wishes "Tho Old Gold" a prosperous career and trusts that It may provo equal to tho usual vicissitudes of a college pa per. ' How They Were Fooled. A younger member of tho faculty has a strawberry story that ho never tires of tolling, and In hopes that Its ap pearance tn print wouia put a quietus upon his raUnfta an(.,securo his friends a much-needed resi, wo have decided to give It space In this column, As the 8torV'.g0Da, he was .-out "camp ing with a friend oho fine siimmer's day on the Bluo river. They were JiiBt returning to camjj after setting their lines, when they met an old farmer, of tho bush-whlskora. kind, and with an air of simplicity that was simply amaz ing. Here was a chanco for some fun, and the boys dfd not-let It slip. With fine cut sarcasm and pretended goocf fellowship, TTicy guyed him all out of' countenance. And tho best of It was, ho Boomed totally unaware that thoy wore making fun of him, but smiled good-naturedly at their sallies and seemed not at all put out Finally, re moving hjs pipe from hs lips and hold ing lb up In his queer fashion, he gazed Into space for a moment and thon drawled out: "I was just a thinkln' that ef you fellers cared a bit for strawberries, you can just take a bucket and go up to my place and got all you, can use." Indicating the direction of his place, ho strolled off and disappeared Into tho brush. Tho rest wo clvo verbatim: - "Gayer than rabbits, we grabbed up our buckets and lit out, with visions of luclous red borrles dancing before our eyes. Sure enough, wo found tho patch whero ho said it was. We had just Ailed' our pair, and our iHckots, when tho worst racket, that man over saw.- broke looao upon us. A loud of btnj-ahot, U couple of vicious, dogs and an old fanner as mad as a hornet lit onto .uauUl-aLtluyBarao Umo and con vinced nrf-wo ha'd Wn badly Bold. Wo rjed. Jo. explain, but It wpuldn't work, and wo "had to shell out all our loose .change to satisfy the avarico. of. -the justice of tho peace." Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th. (HSk the advantage ubhht of permanency. 11 ALL SINGER PARTS ARE Exact duplicates of each and ABSOLUTELY INTERCHANGEABLE, every part are always and Instant. ly obtainable at SINGER salesrooms In every Ity In the World; this makes the SINGER almost immortal. What a contrast with, the anonymous macfyinop sold by irresponsible dealers. Singer machines, are sold only by The Sinqer Manufacturing Co., dealing iirectly from maker to user. THE SINQER COMPANY 18 PERMANENT AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE ALWAYS AT HAND TO OARC FOR SINQER MACHINE8. This is an important consideration to the purchaser of a sewing-machine. BOIO ON INBTALMCNT8. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. MAKING ONE MILLION SCWINO-MACHINES ANNUALLY. SALESROOMS IN EV tny CITY. R. H. GILLESPIE I BOOKBINDER 1524 O Street, Lincoln PHONE J MO I pWFPTrNf tQ0R$9 Western Glass & Paint Go. I2th Ic M. Sts., Lincoln, Nek Fraternity Hall 13th N Street Newly furnished and decorated. la now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 308, Fraternity Bldf. SXCUmiD OS FEE RETUTUfED. Ren1 modrt or sketch for Frenonlnlon Oil to patentability. Send for our tlulAn Seek and ' What to Invent." Finest pub lications Ismicd for Free distribution. Patents secured through ua advertised without charge In The Patent Itecortf. Sample Copr Free. Addreoa EVANS, WILKENS i. CO., WASHINGTON. D. C. S DAKEHLDR05. LNGRAVINGCO. jrrtfciWRitW? ILLUSTRATORS ENGRAVERS najy-tone, plamin newest J jflninS SINGER PARTS." Sinco tho SINGER sewing-machine was first Invented, more than four hundred different makes of sewing-machine novo command gone Now it Is a well-known fact that sewing-machlnss wear out in parts; if such parts cannot be dupli cated, the whole machine Is no longer of any value to its ownei Many a woman has experienced the annoying loss of some small part from her sewing-machine and has then found that tho dealer from whom she bought It had no duplicate part or that the manu facturers had gone out of business and she must get out of hei dilemma as best she could. Old Machines Exchange. ) )K)hM:-jKhNjMhM( Selected by the! it it it Government it it it it it To carry the United States Over land Mail across the continent, ou uccouni 01 us oeing tno best and most direct line it it H it ir ir, it it it it it it it it t it it it it iK ii $ it it it it it a it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it rrMJ- V 8 PiCTGft VIA Omaha the Union Pacific is it it it . i t 204 miles shorter to Salt Lake--"-City. .l- 278 miles Bhorter to San Fran- Cisco. 278 miles shorter to Los An- geles. ' "; 358 miles shorter to Portland. -32 hours quickor to Salt I,ako l City. , it 16 hours quicker to San Fran- jt clsco. . H IC hours quicker to Los An - geles. : 16 hours quicker to Portland, it THAN ANY OTHER LINE it it it Electric Lighted Trains Daily ' it1 if E. B, SL0SSEN, General Ajcm wxmmmmh in' l-y wyent prlmnrovai Hut OAVMT TRAOe.MARK. CORUUQHTorrtFft T&5,'a9&M!L "ketch, or pho BOOK OH TATENTS KHfetei- WG.M.SimWJt ! 11 ' I I "-l, s Patent Iamm lit ... . -T7 smjlasZZJ1, -"' nuTN0U. S ( r 1 vj&rr A-- , . I