The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. IH. NO. 62
Nebraska's Exhibit at St. Louis
is Being Prepared.
Professor Barbour, who is superin
tendent of the Nebraska educational
exhibit at St. Louis, is at present en
gaged in vigorouply pushing matters to
v deflnito conclusion. Ho has just
sent circular letters to 300 club women
in tho Etate; viewing these clubs as
educational institutions Hi a certain
sense, for married women. They will
he asked to contribute original produc
tions in literature, mush and art. Ten
thousand letters have been sent out to
school teachers. The school exhibits
will Include specimens of work of vari
ous sorts from the kindergarten up
through the grades, and even through
the normals, colleges and the Un,iver
sitj. Dr. Barbour has visited a number
oi schools in tho state and arranged for
a large amount of material, much of
which has been received, no mentions
a number of instances of the surpris
ingly fine work mat is being done by
children in romo of our state schools,
in drawing and sketching, and tome of
the best productions will be sr cuitd for
our exhibit. Even in the lower grades
l)r Baibour repoits an unusual a ...
ty for .'etching and di signing among
tho young children.
A l.ilf-carload of muteiial ha. hern
iecoied and packed up by Mi. Wood
lufi ot the gr.ilogy department and
stored in the I at anient ol Memorial
hall. As .ion as additional consign
ments now exacted ainve. a shipment
will be made to St. I. oil's
It Is planned to exactly icpieFenl at
the fair the status of education In Ne
braska at tin. piesent time. An op
portunity will be gien us fcr a com
parison with other states in tdiua
tlonal progress. Our present status will
be represented as fairly and squarely
as possible, and no exaggeration of
Uie facta need be made, for our exhibit
will Bhow for itsolf
Tho Palace of Education In which all
of tho oducatlonal exhibits will be
housed, is shaped like- a great key
stone. It is the Hi si that has ever been
built at any exposition. It covers teven
acres of gum ml, and is of Immonse pro
pciticii9. But even this great building
as oiiginally designed waR-cntlrely In
adequate to meet the demands for
smicc An open court cocring two
acres had been left in I ho center, but
it was found necessary to loot it over
and utilize the space A building cov
eting thirty acres would not sulllce
to accommodate all the requests for
space that have been received, iowu
desired 10,000 feet, but was obliged to
be content with 1-00. We would have
desired 4,000 feet, but have been abllgod
to do with much loss.
Tho spaco allotted- Nebraska is ad
vantageously located on the main nlale
of tho Palace of Education. Hero, on
a slightly- raised floor space of 900 feet
square, will stand a booth 30 feet
square, with two suitable facades fac
ing tho aisles. Tho wall space will bo
Increased by ceitain wings, and by cabi
nets of swinging frames. Acording to
tho intention of the chiefs of the de
partment, everything educational
should reach a high standard of excel
lence. Exhibits must bo seloct, con
densed, and well classified, bound In
books and portfolios. Diagrams, photo
graphs, statistics and tho like will be
displayed1 mostly In swinging frames.
Other work will bo displayed on the
wall. In addition there will he coun
ters, book shelves, cases, desks "and
lockers'. It 1b particularly desirable to
obtain history and data concerning
each school, to be accompanied wher
ever possible by photographs of tho
earlier as well as the later school
houses the principal and his teaching
staff,and groups of representative pu
Lincoln Hotel, Friday t January 8, 1904
Fw P T F
ills of various grades, the proportion
of boys ami girls, and any otlur facts
which the teacher may deem Interest
ing and worthy to be recorded. From
the kindergarten to the Unlveisity may
bo found a wide range of material from
which to choose that which will repre
sent att. music, literature, drawing,
fclencc, manual t mining, etc
Adjoining our exhibit will lu those
of Wyoming. Kansas and Montana, the
design being to group all Immediate
states together The plan is not to
separate the space for each t hool, but
to group the work ol all the grades of
all schools, making a continuous ex
hibit The state normal schools, oth
er colleges and universities will be
grouped as the top of our educational
The woik that is 1 "lug done in Ne
braska embraces many feat uie"- and iij
the end a large and complete t hihit
will I'p ni tanged will be al lc to
le Mice i-fully with other M-it"- The
Fchools oir the Mate haw la many
instaiK es- taken pie narntor .".(turn and
lli'iu !. expiitrd to do m as si, on as
the niutle'i is laid be toi e ! 'k .,i in a d fl
nllc inai.tirr
Big Match in Basketbal
Armory This Evening.
A basket ball game l'eten the Se
nior team and Ves!ean first team has
hern arranged and will be ijaed In
the, aimory this e wiling This will be
a goe.el game, as Veslean is m line
tiim, having played a number oi suc
cessful panics this seas n. The Senioi.i
hae piactically t lu same invincible
.Junior knm of Inst jear. and while
they have no ieord this yeai. they are
in good piactiee anel will go in to win.
MewMb, Noyes, Tyner. luddeu. Flans
buig iMoitck anel ,h Hi aie the nun
Wc know them all and know they an
1 !a Lasket ball This gain? will be a
Matter for the intei class gam- s and
irmch elepends on the outcome No
lover of basket ball should full to be
there. Bring your oices and show
your spirit by yelling. Tho PnachciH
must be defeated, n large aggie gition
of Seniors should bo present to cheer
theirteam on to victoiy. An admis
sion of 10 cents will be e-hargnl and
the game will commence at s o'clock
DrBrace Returns.
Di. Brace has just returned fioin St.
Louis, where he presented several pa
pers before tho American Association
for the Advancement of Science, which
held Its annual convention thare- De
cember 28 tp January 2r3efore the
Amorican Physics society, which is a
bianch of the above association two
I-apeis wore prepared by S. R. Cook,
while follow In tho' physics depart
ment here, were read. Mr. Ccok is at
present connected with the Case
School of Applied Science. Mr. Wm. B.
Cantmel, a former fellow in physics
here, now of tho University of Cincin
nati, also had a paper on results of his
investigations hero; and John Mills,
fellow last year, now in Western Re
serve University, had two papers.
The Whltebreast Co., at 1100 O St.,
is the place to buy coal,
See us about our $2.60 a -week rate.
Good Health Cafe. ' . -k
Freshmen Denied Fraternity Hall
For Class Event.
The Freshman Hop will be held at
the llneoln hotel Friday cenlng of
this week, and not nt Fraternity Hall,
as formerly announced. The price of
tickets will remain the same as adver
tised. $1 00. The hop will be an In
formal affair, as planned at tlrst, and
the airangemenls previously made for
the best music, programs, etc-., will not
be altered. The only effect of the
change from Fiatcrnity Hall to the
I incoln hotel will be to give those who
buy (i krts moie for their money than
has cer been given belore at any Uni
ciMly flint tion.
The change w.t- made bee ause of an
.nor in lenting the hall to the Fiesh-
incii and to another organization for
tin Minie .'enlng The Frateinlt Hall
was legulailv se in cd h the flop eoiu-
inittce tor Januaij -. but it was ells-
eeneied this week that the hall was
a bo he lei toi thai e ning by otbn
panics on a pieviou.- long time leas-e.
The e-hange to the Line-oln means moie
expeus-p to the Ficshmen. but there
will be no chang. in pile-en The Fresh
man Hop -judging from all lepoits. will
be hugely attended, and will be the
most successful Informal affair ot the
Receives Handsome Gift.
Dining the holidays Cr lain C. A.
Mohiman of Company B. was the
piouel recl)icnt of a supeib sabre fiom
the membeis of his e-ompany. Tho wea
I'on is a fine piece ot workmanship, the
blade being a piee-e of dellcatel tem
peicel tin with a luautlfullj embossed
hilt of polished bras.-i. The scabbaiji Is
of iaiseel tin and l)rass, with a strap of
braided gold and sliver etrlngs. The
whole Is fmingly encased In a puste-
i 1 1 ''OV.
Captain Mohrman Is mueh clateeymd
cneouiaged oer this markof appre
ciation from the men under his-direction,
and takes this opportunity of
tendering his sincere" gratitude for this
splendid gilt.
Y. M. C A. Meeting to Resume.
Next Sunday afternoon at 4 p. -m.
tho series of men's Y. M. C. A. meet
ings will bo resumed at tho Oliver. The
meotjng will bo one of tho strongest
of the series. Mr. "Charlie" Palmer,
field secretary of "The Gideons." an or
ganization of traveling men, will speak.
Mr. Palmer is a man of wido and varied
experience, and Is well acquainted with
tramp life, from which much of his
talk will ho drawn. Last Sunday he
spoke to a great audience at Philadel
phia, and it is expected that a largo
crowd will greet him here. Music of
an unusually high order, to be secured
in the east, will also bo provided. A
special invitation is extended to Uni
versity men to attend tho meeting.
Marshall & Richards, hair cutting,
massage, shaving otc, 139 8o. 13th.
Don Cameron lunch counter for
good service.
University vs. Lincoln High.
Faculty Team to Play.
Fridaj evening of til's week the sec
ond basket ball gnme of the pracon will
be played-. Like tho last time there
will lc two games In the evening, one
between the Lincoln High School team
anel another between the High School
faculty and our faculty.
The faculty game will be a good one
all the way through. No one Is to be
baned on account of professionalism,
anel all tho men who have ever won
fame on a banket ball field will be In
the two tennis All step ladders have
been ruled out anel only the strongest
rules of tho game will be recognized.
Tho gamo will be a fight to tho finish,
no ouarter will be given or even asked
anel all who turn out to s.'e the game
will be treated to a first class exhi
bition and will have no cause to rogret
their going.
In regarel to tho other gamo it is
hardly necessary to say anything the
lcspcctlve merits of the two teams are
pretty well known and If any one is
not thoroughly acquainted with tho
I laying of tho Nebraska team It Ih
high time that person became acquaint
ed with them, and now, this coming
Friday, is a gooel lime to begin.
The two trams will line up as fol
Nebraska. Llneoln.
Be ih elb t .. . .e-entor Wnlsh
Hagcnslck . . lorwaiel. . .. Raneauel
Flliott Schurr
Beers guarel Burrus
Hcjaid Bell
Nebraska. 1 incoln.
Willarel center Murrell
Condra forward Cronan
Congdon Woods
Clapp guai el Roost rum
ClementH Fllpotl
In lrgard to the different trips noth
ing very definite has yet been decided
upon all of them. Tho western trip Is
still on the doubtful list. The northern
trip la almost an assured fact and
the eastern trip Is pretty sure; the
f.ruthern trip being scratched from the
list, there will be none.
Just at present everything Is at a
Ftandstill owing to the recent vacation.
Managers have not yet taken up their
work, but within tho next week things
will assume a different aspect and tho
trips will bo settled.
All track men meet In gymnasium at
o'clock this afternoon in suits. AH
wishing lockers can then apply.
The Charter Day program will In
clude the following events, and all of
tho University athlotes are- urged to
find their specialty nnd enter: -- -25-yard
Fence vault. - ?
12-ib. shot put. -'
Running high Jump. -
Rope climb. , -.
Running high klqk.
Polo vault. : -"
Inter-Fraternity relay race. ,
Come out and help make tho contest
a success. Send your entries .to' Dr.
Clapp. .
Tho results of tho competition In
apparatus work, which was held short
ly before the holidays, aro as- follows:
The 9 O'Clock Division
First place: ;
Anderson, Blanchard, Fa,wctt, Mans
field, Steventj, Woodford,' Vrltcharu,
Cole, Finoloy, Wilson.
Second: ,
Anthe. Cramer, Green, 111, Lang
oven, Llghther, TtoherK .'ShumSvay,
Sward, Wilson. . n L ' '
Third: . "" . '
Davidson, wire Little, Mass-; Rant,
' . ("Continual1 nnnaraS)
. I
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