t- Cbc Pallj fUbrneftun iV to .. V tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, Shannon, Marshall & Richards. BATHS Chris Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Girerd. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CI OAR8 Powell, Llndscy, Clarey, Fo- Hart. CLOTHING Unland, Magoe & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong, Toggery1. COAL Gregory, Dlerks, Wbitobrekst, P. D. Smith. ' CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DRUGGIST Stoiner, Woompner, Rec tor, Brown, Riggs, Wright. FLORISTS Chap! n Bros. PRY GOODS Miller & Paine. GROCERS Keystone. FURNITURE Rudge & Gueneel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. HARDWARE Hall, Rudgo & Gucnzel. DANCING HAUL FfaSei-nity. -HOTELSLindell, Walton. LIVERIES Melick. LUMBER Dierks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoe, Cincinnati Shoe Store, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. MANDOLIN & GUITAR INSTRUC TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Lud-wig. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop. 222 S. 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates furniahed upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OCXXXXXXXXXXXXDOCOOCOOCOOO Ncw Time Card Late Society Notes Delta Tau Delta gave a Christmas party Thursday evening at the chapter house. Pi Beta Phi gave an Informal spread at the chapter house last night. The Thetas and Kappas will have their customary Christmas treeB Thurs day evening at their chapter houses. The Pi Phi's gave a china shower last night for Miss Darleene Woodward, whose marriage to Mr. George Burgert of Kearney, will occur Christmas Eve. Mr. Burgert is a member of Sigma Chi and a U. of N.. ex-'98. There will be a meeting of the Ju nior Prom, committee in U. Ill, at 10 a. m. Wednesday. Important business is to be transacted and Chairman Lun din desires the members below named to bo present without fail: J. W. Hoar, Ollvo States, John Ben der, Ray Gould, Ned Loomis, Julia De weese, R. S. Campbell, R. E. Dumont, Alice Towne, Edna Holland, H. W. Conkling, Edna Spears, Orin Mather, Lulu Losch, Martha Woods, Leon Pep perberg. Frank Beers. Daughters, C. B. Cornell. Academy Notes. The editors and reporters of the Academy NLews had a meeting Monday morning at 10 o'clock to plan the cext issue of the pnper. which will appear about January 11th. Cordial greetings are being received from other Hchool journals, with a large number of ex change offers, for which arrangements have been made. Ijite Friday evening the debating club organized' with H. G. Myers as president; O. J. Shaw, vice president; H. M. Scott, secretary, and A. H. Miller, treasurer. The men will have their next session on the Friday evening fol lowing the vacation. All Academy men not members are cordially invited to join. The club starts with enthusiasm. Messrs. Dunaway, Smith ami Scott were elected to revise the roiiolitution. The next debat" will be on the ques tion of national and state nld tor good roads. VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December 6th, train No. 208 ' will leave Lincoln at 8:35 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman sleeper to Kansas City. City Office, S. W. Cor. 12th & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. Last Saturday invited guests wit nessed the game between the two girls' basket ball teams at the city Y. W. C. A. gymnasium. The cold weather kept some away, but the evening was greatly enjoyed by those present. The young women put up a good game considering the fact that Miss Nellie Dean had had but a few weeks to coach them. Although mns of the clrls are small the visitors fell that there was material there for a winning team against almost any high school in the state. A rute little box has been placed on the office desk for news Items for The Nebraskan, Star and Academy News. It Is being used by the students, to the great relief of the principal, who often does not hear or events in time., in this connection his negligence of re porting the last meeting of the Social Hour club deserves censure. A delight ful program, literary and musical, was followed- by light refreshments, fur nished by a committee of young wo men. The credit Tor this pleasant af ternoon will bo probably given when once the writer can secure the facts. Homer Martyn. a part Academy stu dent was forced to return to. his home in Columbus, Neb., through sickness. Mr. T. J. POrter left yesterday for his home, Stewartsvllle, Mo., in the hope that he may ward off a threatened at tack of rheumatism. Mr. George Scott of Columbus, Neb., has again been sick. He lcft-'ior home Monday. Mr. Paul Dlhel of Rising City, Neb., on account r rhnumntlnm lfift for home yesterday. . ...!. y.nr.r..nf rt alnlrnnoo hflR "ficairred among the young men of the school this semester, ah regret, uie absence of these men, anc' hope the va cation rest will restore them to their accustomed physical condition. See iis about our $2.50 a week rate. .Good Health Cafe. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St Chalra for ladlea and gentlemen. STUDENTS TREAT YOURSELVES TO A LOOK AT OUR BOOKS This is not a season when Books need be selected from meager lists. Ours are by the thousands The tempt ing things that one wants to duplicate for himself after buying mem for gifts are here. George Washington Jones, by Ruth McKnery Stuart, 85c. In Babel, my George Ado, 1.20 . Lovey Mary, by Alice Hegan Rice, 85c. Mrs. Wigg of the Cabbage Patch, by Alice Hegan Rice, 85c. The MadneBS of Philip, by Josephine Dodge Daskam. $1.20. Monsieur Beaucalre, by Booth Tarklngton, $1.20. An Old Sweetheart of Mine, by James Whitcomb Riley, $1.75. The One Woman, by Dixon, $1.20. The Right of Way, by Gilbert Parker. $! 20. The Shorrods. by McCutcheon, $1.20. The Story of the Other Wise Man, by Henry Von Dyke, $0c. Little Rivers, by Henry Von Dyke, $1.20. The Virginian, by Owen Wlster. $1.20. Two Little Savages, by Ernest Thompson Scton, $1.75. The Court of Boyvllle. by Wm. Allen White, $2.00. The First Christmas, by Lew Wallace, $1.25. Poems of Cabin and Field, by Paul Laurence Dunbar, $1.20. Tho Coll of tho Wild, by Jack London, $1.20. Cherry, by Booth Tarklngton, $1.05. The Mettle of the Posture, by James Iine Allen, $1.20. Miller & Paine Y. W. C. A. Notes. A most inspiring Xmas service was he'd Sunday. The attendance wns much larger than that of any Sunday meeting tlilr year. Fourteen new mem bers wete welcomed Into the associa tion, making in all elghty-flve mem bers who have joined the association this semester. The next service will be held the tenth oi January. Dr. Swear lngen of tho First Presbyterian church, will address the meeting, and his wife will sing. The Y. W. C. A. Temple Fund pledges reach about $700 at present. How do the Y. M. C. A. 's stand. Just a Suggestion. There Is nothing that one can give as a Christmas present that Is more appreciated than an artistic, life-like portrait. Money spent in this way goes farther than In any other line. Think of this suggestion. See what we are produc ing and make an appointment for your sitting immediately. TOWNSEND'S ELITE STUDIO, 22G South 11th Street. We wiih all our stndenta friend to know that 'the Best Ice Cream OOME8 FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Daily Co. 138 So. 13th Bt. Phone. F 200 Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th, The Whltebreast Co., at HOC O St., is the place to buy coal. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, NebrAtkAl CAPITAL lioo,o.. OFFICERS Jfcn B. Wright, Frt. J. H. Wcott, Vic-PtM J SuautU 2n4 Vlc-Pru. P. L. Hil, Ctifclw W. B. Rjtmu. Ami. CuL OUD WORK IS WELL KNOWN We always have and always will ap preciate the support of tho students reports to the contrary notwithstanding. YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tel, 764. 1514 O Street. )(Kl(-HNH)K)(y)()i()i()( fc- jk- I H H it it it it it it n a it it it it it n u Barney & Berry Skates 65 Cents to $3,09 Pocket -Knives, Safty Razors, Qiafing Dishes $350 up 1308 it it it a it it it ir I it it it it a a it it it it it a it it a a it it tt)mmW f fl XM 'Ml m m t R 1 n, fc '"l .V V f Y . v ', - .di' a -' Mr- H " ? a . , X i -m , . i l ' - V v .v 7 . i .. m iv;( ftrtMMttca y.,' . 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