The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1903, Image 1

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abe 3Daih IFlebraefean
vokm. NO. 57
i '
Our Teams Will Meet Kansas
and Washinrton University.
Sophomores Meet-
Tne debating board held its first
meeting of the year yesterday after
noon in the trophy room, the new mem
bers, Dean Pound and Professor
French, meeting with the board for the
first time. By unanimous vote it was
decided to discontinue the annual de
bate with Missouri University this year,
and to meet instead Washington Uni
versity at St. Louis. Of this decision,
Secretary Ira Ryner telegraphed Mis
souri last night, and the following let
ter was sent:
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 14, 1903.
Mr. Redmond S. Cole, Sec'y of the De
bating League, University of Mis
souri, Columbia, Missouri.
My Dear Mr. Cole:
As a result of the first meeting of
our debating board, held today, It was
decided to discontinue the regular an
nual debate with Missouri this year.
We greatly regret that matters were
not d'nltely fixed earlier, but in viev
of the fact that you say that you have
offers for debates from other institu
tions, and that we ourselves are In
receipt of recent overtures from other
universities which facts show that
those matters are yet unsettled with
other institutions we feel that this
action will work no great inconven
ience to Missouri.
In lehalf of our Board I bog to wish
Missouri the largest success in dobate,
and hope that friendly relations be
tween Missouri and Nebraska may con
tinue I remain, most sincerely yours,
Secretary of the Nebraska Debating
Washington University is much larg
er than Missouri University, haing an
attendance of over 2,200 last year. It
Is a wealthy school, heavily endowed,
and part of the world's fair buildings
go to the University. Among their de
partments is a strong law school, and
in science they also rank high. They
expect to draw the members of their
team, as does Nebraska, from all de
partments of the University. The head
of the English department is A. O.
Lovejoy, a friend of Professor Fogg,
the two being acquainted at Harvard,
which fact may have had something
to do with arranging the debate be
tween Nebraska and Washington Uni
versities. Professor Lovejoy, former
Professor of philosophy of Leland
Stanford, was one of the three judges
which gave Nebraska the unanimous
decision over Missouri In 1902. in the
street railway debate, In which Craft,
North and Meier defeated Missouri.
Alter this debate he said.. JThe discus
sion of the question was far better
than the mayor of St. Louis and a
Missouri congressman7 discussed it."
Our other debate this year Is with
Kansas, which will come off here. Both
debates will bo rousing hot The Kan
sas debate is the sole connection be
tween the two Universities. For Kan
sas it is one out of three to win and
they will come prepared. They have
adopted- a new stylo of debate and will
send a team strong and efficient in
every respect. As for Washington
University, wo may consider ourselves
fortunate In securing a debate with this
strong Institution where debating holds
a high place, and will meet In them
a foe worthy of our Bteel.
Mr. Ryner has written South Dakota
regretting our Inability to accept
their courteous Invitation to meet them
in debate this year, and that we hope
to meet them another year. The change
from Missouri to Washington finds
popular favor In Nebraska, being In
duced, perhaps, by the element of nov
tley, after th,e five straight decisive vic
tories, four of which were over Mis
souri and Kansas.
sFraternity Hall, Friday , January 8, 1 904
TICKETS $1,00 - - - - TICKETS $1.00
A committee to arfane questions
with Kansas and Washington has been
appointed, made up of Professors Ross,
Taylor and Fogg. " ,
The debating boaid is composed "of
lor, Caldwell, Fling, French, Fogg and
Dean Pound; student members: O. A.
Lee. President; L. C. Lightner, vice
president; Ira Ryner, secretary; E. R.
Buckner, representative in University
Discuss Photographs, Pins and
Class Play.
nB the most modest are often the best
characters. The committee, Miss
Howell, MIbs Stephen and N. J. Elliott,
will receive names until Friday, and
parts will be assigned to be committed.
After the holidays active work will
commence and parts will be heard by
the committee. Miss Mabel Stephen
asks cvery Senior to hand In his two
dollars to phL the play on a financial
The Seniors met yesterday morning
in U. 106. E. P. Tyner, business man
ager of the Senior Annual, reported
that the contract for pictures had been
let to the Elite Studio, and requested
that all Seniors have their pictures
taken before going home for the Christ
mas acation. This is Important and
all should1 attend to the matter at
once in order that work on the Annual
may not be unnecessarily delayed.
A vote was taken for a class pin,
and No. 9 of the list, an original de
sign, by a member of the class, won
out on the first ballot. The pin will be
manufactured by Hallett, the O street
Jeweler, where they should be ordered
at once. The class also voted to have
a yell, and President Elliott was em
powered to appoint a committee to pre
pare a yell, and instruct the class in
its rendition. For this Newton, Bell
and Miss Brayton were named. The
matter of class orator again came up
and since no conclusion has been
reached it was agreed to empower a
committee to confer with Chancellor
Andrews and that the procuring of the
speaker be left to their discretion.
In regard to the class play Miss
Howell was asked to present the mat
ter, which she did very ably. She em
phasized the fact that it will take some
extra time for those who take part,
but no one should allow this consider
ation tosand in the way of his trying
for a place. There will be some honor
In representing the class in this phase,
but honor should by no means be the
first consideration. To presennrTjood
play comes first and secondly the
amount of good each person derives
from the training a play of the stamp
furnishes. Two plays have been thought
of, ono of which will 1)e selected.
Shakespeare's "The Taming of the
8hrew," and Goldsmith's "She Stoops
to Conquer." These are both well
known plays and when once mastered
will be well worth the effort.
Miss Howell asked that no one be
backward In trying for a place, not
even to let modesty stand In the way,
Pass Resolutions Commending
Football Players.
The Fresnm'en met In Unlveislty hail
yesterday morning to discuss decora
tions for the Freshman Hop and to
transact other class business. The
subject of basket ball was discussed,,
and a manager appointed by President
Scott to arrange for a Freshman basket
ball team. The excellent work of the
Freshman football team was eulogized
by different members ot the class, and
a resolution intioduced by De Young,
the substance of which was: "That
the class of 1907 to show our apprecia
tion of the commendable work per
formed by our athletic heroes on the
gridiron in winning the laurels from
our worthy Sophomores and forcing
the noble Seniors to the goal for safety
after two closely contested muscular
combats do extend a hearty vote of
thanks to the manager, captain, and
all the players for their valuable and
skillful services," which was passed by
the unanimous consent of all members
present, and loud cheers and hearty
Inasmuch as the assistant manager,
captain and one other member of the
Cornhusker football team have been le
queBted not to attend the First Corn
husker Informal on December 1G, the
public is Informed that the same is not
a representative function and are re
quested to act accordingly.
Restaurant Unique, 1228. O street
Leralng's, Ice cream and candy; 11th
and L Sts.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
Tel. 787. Baggage hauled.
See us about our 2.50 a week rate.
Good Health Cafe.
Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St
Chairs for ladles and gentlemen.
Board Holds Lengthy Meeting
Basket Bhll Tonight.
The Athletic Board met laBt even
ing and transacted what business came
before It The affairs were kept secret
and the board does not desire to make
public what was done
The election of a manager for the
football team for next year did not
come up and' probably will not take
place until some time In January
Manager Buckner will continue to
net until a now manager Is elected. He
will arrange as far as possible the
schedule for next year, which is the
work of the manager at the close of
the season.
The board awarded sweaters and
laps to the members of the football
team and they will be delivered as soon
as possible.
In regard to a new manager, Mr.
Buckner will probably not All that po
sition next year, as he stated to a re
porter a Bhort time ago that he did not
wlHh to tie himself down here, as he
might wish to leave and continue his
study of law In the oast.
This leaves nn opening for a dark
horse and the outcome of the election
will be awaited with Interest by all.
Tonight Is the night of the opening
game of the basket ball season. The
management are sparing no pains and
intend to make the evening a memora
ble one for basket ball lovers and oth
er lovers.
Two games have been scheduled, one
with the Wesleyan first team, and ono
with the faculty team from there, to
play against a team picked Irom our
The game will be called at 8 o'clock,
and everyone is asked to be on time,
so that there will be no delay from
people trying to take their seats dur
ing the game.
Wesleyan will send a large delegation
of students to support their team and
It Is hopped that Nebraska will turn
out well ,and show some interest In
the game.
Remember the time, 8 o'clock, In the
gymnasium, admission 25 cents for both
Following Is the line-up and a short
communication from an ardent lover of
the game:
Wesleyan. Nebraska.
Bell, Capt . forward CapL., Clemens
Wills - Ross
Cox center Caldwell
Turner guard Barbour
Fordyco Cook
Subs Wesleyan, Alebaster; Nebras
ka, Bolton, Martz, Emerson, Wolcott
and Ward.
Dr. Ward may not be able to be out.
as he was' Injured in a scrimmage in
practice Friday evening.
No person can carry ball more than
10 yards without making a down.
Step ladders not to bo allowed except
for Professor Caldwell and Dean For
dyce. Owing to protcrt of Wesleyan Dr.
Condra, Dr. Clapp, Professors Cong
don, Wlllard and Dorman were fuled
out on account of professionalism.
Wesleyan. Nebraska.
Atwood forward Capt, Elftott
Fordyco, Capt. Hagenslck
Lowell center Benedict
Wyatt guard Beers
Smlht Hoar
Manager Hewitt received word from
Wesleyan that they were coming with
a crowd and the Intention of cleaning
up Nebraska all around on both games.
It's up to the students to get out and
help stave off txe bitter dregs of defeat.
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