r j 8 ttbe Datl flebraeftan V-x V ROSS P. CURTICE COMPANY 1125 0 STREET n wH00t The Time For Selecting Holiday Goods ...IS HERE... We still ha( h few of those IMsmos t ad 'i t iscd Saturday. lift li we will i II as lonn; as tli hut at 190.00 $S.0O Down and $5.00 Per Month This is a .spi'iial Xmas offer and several liao taken advan tage of it Why not do the same? Our holiday stock is now at its iy Ix st and what an assort ment ot appiopriato, useful gifts lor Xmas ran ho found here. Mandolins, Banjos, Music Rolls, Sheet Music, Guitars, Music Boxes, Harmonicas, Piano Stools - Pictures We aie ;oin to hiinjj our -pie-tuie stot It nioie to the fiont than twr this. Mai Nt xt to our choice Kood and mm at ariety, will he tlie cxtiaordmary low prices--lioin 2.rc to ?.")tl.00. (let oui oidt'is in for frames beloie the niah. We can do het t i woilt now than we can nt the latt jrfiuulp Nyra Music Boxes Sold from $12 00 to $75 00 and on terms of $1 00 down and $1.00 per week. ,'rv'wv'fwvvvvVAvvsM ROSS P. CURTICE COM P A NY 1125 0 STREET CHARACTER OF THE JAPANESE (Continued from papo- 7 ) all agiee that we need imagination. It in an historical fact that the Greek nation wan the greatest in the ancient wrold. and they had a wonderful power ol imagination. It is a well known fact also that eastern people have an Imag inative power and I agree with the. pioposition in Chinese literature, which contemplates the greatest developments of this power. It is true also to say that .lapaneseH literature Is developed laigely by the Imaginative power. If you observe Japanese arts you un doubtedly notice that their imagina tion had left its fantastic Imprints there Imagination often misleads us into unieal and unscientific methods on cernlng material things, but Jet us not forget that it Is a most important in stinct in developing arts. The .lapaneses are exceedingly eager to learn from all nations, but not to adopt all that they learn. I have no doubt that they learned almost all of their methods from China, but they did not adopt even one. They ciirated new literature, founded new religious customs, established arts and reformed old phases of their own life So you can not find in Japan a single Chinese har acterlsth, though they learned from the Chinese largely, all are distlnctlve 1 Japanese. You may find in Japan a different Huddhism and Confucionism from that in China, because they did not adopt Buddhism and Confucionism In whole, ut learned the best in both H -ddhm and Confucionism. Japan's recent i.rogrcss is not based in any part on the entire adoption ol European and American systems, but an . e'ormation of her own old systems b learning of all the different nations This is the gi eat est strength of the ( haiai ter of the Japanese I consider Japan as the only nation able to understand throroughly both the occidental and oriental characters. It is tine that distinctively opposite chaiaitei in men make a closer fiiend ship Then is no doubt that in the future Japan and America will have a most affectionate friendship through the coming eastern and all questions Dr. Wolcott Honored. At a leient meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union Dr. Robert H. Wolcott was elected to Dill membership of the society This is a position ol considerable honor in that out of the membership of about flOO all but 100 are associate, members and only as vacancies ocur by deaths can one be elected to full membership and become one of the active 100. Election to mem bership is considered a recognition of meritoiious and important work done in ornithology There.aie but X or 10 active membeis west of the Mississip pi including California. Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 3th Union Shining Parlor. 1018 O St. Chairs for ladies and gentlemen. Don Cameron's lunch counter for cood service. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Marshall & RlchnrdB, hair cutting massage, shaving etc., 139 So. 13th. Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage 'Phono. 176. A new castiron pedestal has been re ceived in the machine shop for an emery wheel bland. This will be equipped with polishing emery wheels for the use of the class in mechanical engineering 1. Ujnivezsity Bulletin The Sophomore class will meet Mon day at 10 a. m.( In IT. 107. PltES. STEEN. If the person who took my overcoat from the chemical building would re turn it I would appreciate it greatly. F. II. Morrow. Thoro will bo a rehearsal of the Glee club this evening at 7 o'clock in U. 10G. Waterman Fountain Pen $2,00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital , $200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. II. BURNHAM, President. A. .1. SAWYER II. S. FREEMAN Vlce-Pres. Cashier II. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. 11. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. 118 North 11th Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL wtvs opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and bolls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N lltb St. PHone L (64 We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream GOMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 188 So. 12th St. Phono. F 20 SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. Scnl mrwl.M or nkctrh fur Vrvr opinion HM t(l Olllmi tfthtllti' Sm.I fnr f.nr ful.ln nook ihmI ' ' Wlinl to Invrnt." I li-i-t piili- f Mention Ih-'imhI for I'imt illHtrll ullnri. l'litciitn Bwurvil through ni iKlwrt'tt-)! without dmrvelii Tin- I'ntuut Itci'oi'i'. Nmiikih- ( op) Free. evvns, wilken:; co., WASH! - i.T '. ' u The University of Chicago 9 Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has a special Circularof Information which will be sent on application Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3) AST" The courses in "Medicine are given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Ilntow J1.00 rind $1.25 Por Dny. 8xclnl Ilntcn by the Week. BOYD HOTEL MHB. KATK MARTIN, PROP Only one block from B. M. Depot. Only ono block from Post Office Near nil KtrcH-t enr line. 1U O Street. Lincoln, Nobrtwka Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GroorPrlnting Co There h no watch, dock or Article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The l'p-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. JJ23 O Street Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. J- j o j KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH 5 nLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-773 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN See onr full line of fancy boxes, includ ind FOOT BALL8 and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bittor-Swoetu, But termilkB and Vonitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLLART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels for Sale or Exchange T. J- THORP COMPANY General MiohlnlsU All Kind of Rplrtaj Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Phon. u I Theology I Education TA d r :.' . k gJSjSa iv-"-' 'Jt ii. "'-esS5Xu.u--.iii. ,,. .T -rfXF B, K.v' ,,j.&j-i,v . . iL. a-(wv