The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. DX NO. 53 I
ffgiviirVL''1'' nrivrnmff
Chairman of Athletic Board at
inois Writes Fine Letter.
Through the courtesy of Dr. Clapp
The Nebraskan is able to publish a let
ter which was received very recently
-from the chairman of the board of con
trol of the athletics of the University
of Illinois.
As the letter will show, the Illinois
men were very greatly pleased with
the treatment they received at the
hands of the Nebraska men, and ap
preciated it very much.
The fact that the genelemen from
Illinois wero not booted in and out
and that our uand did not play, nor did
tte students make) any disturbance
while the Illinois team were giving
their signals, aside from being the
proper state of affairs and a state
which we hope will always exist aid
ed very materially In our securing a
game with Illinois for next Thanksgiv
ing. Had our treatment been otherwise,
Illinois would probably have scheduled
u game with Chicago or Northwestern,
waich she had the opportunity to do,
and left us to go on our weary way
. Following Is a copy of the letter:
"Not writing officially, but as a mem
ber of our IllInolB Board, let me say
that our team came back with only
good wordB for all at Nebraska, and
we hope that the pleasant relations
thus begun may be continued in the
future. Very sincerely yours,
Dr. Clapp desires to meet all men
Intending to take part In the gymnastic
contest at his ofuco this morning at
10 o'clock.
Men who are going to enter the
ovents on Charter Day he wishes to be
on the gymnasium floor between 4 and
6 p. m. today.
The events for Charter Day wero
published in yesterday Issue of The
Nebraskan and anyone can find them
by referring to it
Arrangements have been completed
for a baBket ball game with Wesleyan
for next Tuesday night. This will
probably be played in our own gymna
sium. Oeflnlto announcements will be
made later.
The faculty basket ball team is try
ing to arrange a game With the Wes
leyan faculty team, but as yet nothing
deflnlto has been decided. Wo hope
the game may bo secured as it would
certainly prove Interesting.
There la to bo a different arrange
- ment i5f the classes In physical train
ing, thlTchango to take place aft,er the
Xmas holidays.
This arrangement is being made in
order that there may bo something to
stimulate , tho students to put- forth
more energy.
The classwlll bo divided according
to thoir ability in apparatus work into
three divisions, tho best will be in tho
first, the men with less ability In the
second and tho others In the third.
Men who do good work In the second
and third divisions and are worthy of
it will be promoted, and those in the
first whose work Is not kept up to the
highest point will bo put back.
There will be contests of the whole
class once a month. The first of these
ovents will tie held on Monday next
at the regular times appointed for the
meetings of the divisions of the class.
Regents Meet.
The Board of Regents held a session
yesterday afternoon, adjourning at C
o'clock. Tho board met again yester
day evening; the session lasting to a
late hour. The two new members of
tho board, Messrs. Allen of Lincoln,
and Whitmore of Valley, did not at
tend tho meetings. In tomorrow's paper
wo hope to be able to glvo an account
of the chief business attended to.
Basket Ball Tonight
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Alio Brother Laws and other Universi
ty people that ye honorable Lincoln
Laws and ye right reverend preachers
from Wesleyan are to engage In ye
royal sport of Basket Ball this oven
ing. Yo doors shall bo opened at
half past Beven and ye Laws greatly
desire that ye be present and forth
with offer encouragement to yo Laws.
The Law line-up: Mellck, Corlett,
Mathews, Llghtner, Vance, Waltraan.
Academy Notes.
The men's rally at tho Academy last
Saturday evening was a success. Ex
cellent talks were given by Prof. M.
M. Fogg and Mr. C. P. Craft, on the
many benefits to be derived from debat
ing. Mr. Craft will again have charge
of this work and the students are plan
ning to make the debating club as pop
ular as was the football work. Messrs.
Smith, Scott and Meyers testified to
tho good they have obtained from this
work. The men are expecting to sched
ule several debates with outside teams.
If the University qan not beat Wiscon
sin tho Academy is willing to try.
Messrs. F. N. DuCray, A. H. Miller,
A. L. Beekly and A. Edgren discussed
the football results of the season. And
now comes a surprise. These men have
evidence that this year's team had no
need to be afraid of any high school
team In the state. Consequently a re
solve was made to produce a team next
year that will win the high school cham
pionship. This decision was reached
only after a careful Inventory of the
men and moans, and having been made
the decision will be carried out with
the persistence and energy characteris
tic of tho Academy students. No rash
boasts are made, but Nebraska high
schools are hereby warned to Keep a
watchful eye on Lincoln Academy. The
team retired to a closed room and elect
ed J. T. Dudgeon captain for next year.
Mr. Dudgeon will prove an admirable
Bucessor to A. L. Beekly. who as cap
tain this year has won highest praise.
Here is to a season of hard, honest,
work, harmony and well earned vic
tories. Captain Dudgeon!
Edgren -was re-elected manager. He
has done the work so well this year
that the men would not release him.
The team has decided to purchase
sweaters with the Academy letters on
tho breasts.
At the !Ho8e of the business of tho
evening coffee and doughnuts were
served and toasts responded to by every
man present. Not a guilty man escaped
from making a speech. It was mid
night when this harmony social broke
Tho Academy News Ib receiving
many generous words of greeting.
Hearty encouragement has been given
by tho Nebraskan, State Journal, Star
and News. The paper was mailed to
outside subscribers yesterday. Friends
will bo pleased to know that the paper
starts out with excellent support.
English 17.
The briefs for the debate on tho
pension question will be due at 5 o'clock
Saturday, December 12.
Chris' Bath Parlon. llrh and.P Sts.
Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th.
Special prices to students desiring
typewriting work. 512 Richards blotk,
'phono F1165.
Meerschaum pipes, 25 per cent off
this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver The
atre building. '
A Number of Faculty Members
Perfect Organization.
A Men's Faculty club has been organ
ized hero and lncludos in Its member
ship about twonty-flvo profossors. The
primary purposo of organization was
to provide tho members of tho faculty
with an opportunity for physical train
ing, and such work will bo Indulged In
as will best meet tho roqulromonts. In
cidentally, tho social side will bo em
phasized and an effort mado to bring
thoso on tho faculty Into closer ac
quaintance with each other.
A committee has been appointed to
make all nocessary arrangements and
to discharge all duties coming up In
connection with the business of tho
club. It consists of three members
Professor Cook, chairman; Dr. Bolton,
and Dr. Clapp. Upon these three will
devolve tho work of steering the club,
so that all Its wants can bo attended
to and a healthy growth promoted.
This committee Is but an Informal
one ,and its present duties aro to call
the members together for physical ex
ercise and to look after special meet
ings. The physical work at present Is
Inrgely confined to basket ball practice
In the Armory at 5 o'clock on Mon
day. Wednesday and Friday of each
week Preceding the practice fifteen or
twenty minutes brisk exercise is in
dulged in under the direction of Dr.
( lapp.
Two teams have been organized and
will practice together, and eacn ex
pects to attain a high state of perfec
tion at the other's expense. The first
team has not yet been chosen and It
Is understood that every place Is still
open. Suffice It to say that no man has
his place cinched. It is hoped that the
team can bo chosen on merit nlone, and
the person who will be compelled to
pass Judgment on the abilities of the
competitors will have a difficult task
on his hands, as those not chosen are
apt to draw Inferences and feel offend
ed. Yet It Is thought that the attrac
tion of the game may be sufficient to
oreserve the entity of the club and
overcome any disintegrating tendencies
that might arise.
In order to glvo the game in this
University such an impetus here as to
shoot it high up the scale of popularity,
the faculty first team when once or
ganized will condescend to meet with
some other institution, some evening as
an attraction at one of the games that
the first University team will play.
An attempt is being made to arrange
a game with the fatuity of another in
stitution. Those In charge of matters
are very reticent about giving out in
formation, but w are assured that It
will not be Kansas; for In such an
event tho contest might not be confined
to basket ball alone
Tho present organization is designed
to be permanent, and new members
will be admitted at any time. Other
athletic contests will be Indulged In,
and the club expects to be up-to-date
in all departments of the games they
will take up. In' tho spring a baseball
team will be organized, and a strong
schedule arranged.
A meeting was ..eld In chapel Mon
day evonftig at which about fifteen
members wore present. Tho club will
meet again tnis afternoon and prac
tice as usual.
Judge Holmes Spoke In Law
Lecture Room Last Night.
Judge E. P. Holmes of Lincoln de
livered an address last evening In the
law lecture room on "The Legal As
pects of Divorce." Judge Holmes' ad
droBB was for tho benofit of tho Young
Men'B Legal club, but his audionre con
tained a fair representation from tho
law school in general, as well as sev
eral of the more prominent lawyers of
this city.
Judge Holmes was Introduced by Mr.
Hacglin of Lincoln.
After reviewing the general progress
of the profession In the past fifty years,
Judgo Holmes contrasted the status
of tho lawyer today with that of tho
last generation. He showed conclu
sively how great has been the general
Improvement In tho understanding of
the law since that time. One thing,
however, which threatens to mar tho
evolution of the civil law exists In
tho Increasing laxity of our marrlago
laws. Great care must be exorcised,
said Judge Holmes, that we avert tho
catastrophe that threatens the perpetu
ity of our government and Bocicty in
general. The history of tho decay of
tho ancient Roman family relation
should serve as an effectual warning
against the result.
Judgo Holmes dwelt for some tlmo
on tho great Influence of the Cnrlstlan
religion on tho marriage bond, pass
ing from that to a discussion of its
control In tho various states of tho
union. Chief importance waB laid, of
course, on tho position of tho courts of
Nebraska toward tho marriage contract
and the remainder of the nddress was
concerned chiefly to pointing out the
more important rulings which affect
Its Interpretation here. The spoakdr
reviewed the various Bteps which ought
to. bo taken in conducting a divorce
suit, and concluded with a conclso re
view of tho subject of alimony.
The address throughout was very
scholarly and interesting and had tho
closo attention of audience. It Is
to be Bincerely hoped that tho Legal
Club can contlnuo to secure. speakers
of such recognized ability at future
The Seniors and Freshmen Will
Settle Supremacy Todayr
This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Se
niors and Freshmen hope-to settle their
football differences once and for all.
Tho gamo decides who are tho inter
class champions and who shall wear
caps and sweaters as tho proud In
signia of victory. That tho funds will
be sufficient to purchase these for the
winning team Is now practically as
sured, as good crowds were present at
each of the former games.
As a result of the prosperous con
dition of the inter-class treasury tho
management has decided to admit la
dies free. The usual ton cents will bo
charged gentlemen.
As to the prospectifof the two teams
the Freshmen j.hlnk they are in bet
tor condition to play than before, as
Foster, who was unable to play owing
to a bad foot, wlllbja back at his old
position At quarter. Thls-wIII enable
the Freshmen to put, Bishop at right
end, where he showed up so well In
the Freshman-Sophomore game. For
the Seniors Vavra is unable to play on
account of a bad knee. Myers also
has a bad knee, but will probably be
In tho game. This will certainly be a
fierce game, and well worth seeing.
The line-up is as follows:
Seniors. Freshmen.
John Westover will umpire the game;
Bender will bo referee and Benedict
head linesman.
MacDonald . . .
Myers (Capt.)
i. e Bishop
r. t Strykor
r. g. Dork
c Haushouch
1- g Burn's
1. 1 Woller
1. e Calhoun
qi Foster
r. h. Drain
fb Craig
1. h. ... (Capt) Stein
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