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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1903)
iilYin'Ji i iwy ySftPfiwjyyg's gywwf ',, j . v. "," ' ,, 1. , v Gbe 2)ailp fUbraeftan TTIM', ' r i.i cwci i mi mm n in f i miiii in MV i. i f I E Ms V m if i H r tt- f-f ' I-argeet assortment of high grade pianos to bo Been In the west, including such celebrated makes as Stclnway & 80ns, 8toger & Sons, Voae & Sons, Emerson, A. B. Chnso, Geo. Stock, Schmoller & Mueller, nnd twenty other makes. WE SELL STANDARD MAKES OF PIANOS ON ?5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Our prices are nevor beaten by any house cast or west. Wo ront now pianos at $3.00 to $5.00 per month and allow six montha' rent when you buy. SCHMOLLER S MUELLER Manufacturer, WhoUf 1, Retail PIANOS 135 So. nth St. Lincoln A. G. SPALDING & BROS.' OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIE ARE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OFFICIAL RULES o J J Spalding's handsomely Il lustrated catalogue of Pall and Winter sports contain ing all the new things in football will be sent free to any address. Spalding's official footbal Kfc guide, containing the new rules. Per copy JO cents. How to Play Foot Ball. Bp Walter Camp. New edition. Per copy 10 cents. A. Q. Spalding & Bros. New York, ChUago, Philadelphia. San Francnco Boston, Baltimore. Buffalo. Kansas City. St. Louis. Minneapolis, Denver, Montreal, Can. London. England Jhc Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen . I ALWAYS EASY The Name" BOSTON GARTER" Is stamped kon every loop. CLASP, Lies flat to the leg never' iSUps, Tears nor Unfastens. OLD fcVERYWHCftE. SampU pair, Bilk 80c Cotton Kg. w .Mailed on receipt of price. 1 OTO. FK08T OO.tUaUr mihs, Maae., UJUL. VERY PAIR WARRANTED'Vsfl Campus Gleanings Miss Van Home, of Pawnee City, Is pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma. Next Monday Miss Howell goes to Omaha, whero she will give a reading. Mr. John Wright has been sick for tho past few days. Roy Hazon, law t)4, is enjoying n visit from hla brother, from Avoca, la. Tho clasB In organic chemistry is working with acet aldehyde and Its polymers and derivatives. The physiological chemistry class is separating albumoses and pepton from tho commercial so-called peptons. Professor Fossler's c1$bb In German 3 began "Des Waldschul Melster," today. The Junior Prom, comes off on Feb. 5th, Instead of the 12th, as announced In Fri day's Issue. The beginning class in elocution will give a recital tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Roy Burt, '04, has not been able to attend vlasses on account of an at tack of pleuresy. Tho cloak room In the basement of tho main hall has been opened and can bo UBed from now on. P. G. Lewis returned fiom Beatrice yesterday, where be has been in the Interest of the Y. M. C. A. The Kappas and Sigma Alphs were entertained Saturday evening by Miss Llndley and Mr. Ray Lindley at their home. Don't forget Judge Holmes' lecture on "The Iegal Aspects of Divorce." this evening in the law lecture room, main building, second floor. The public telephone In the Y. M. C. A. room, which has been out of order for some time Is now In working order again. Tho canoe lately received from the Pawnee reservation has been placed on a case In the Historical society's rooms and can now be examined at any time. , . The first consignment of pictures for the art exhibit which will be held dur ing the holidays, has arrived from Chi cago. Consignments will arrive later from Boston and New Yoik. The English club held a very nieas nnt meeting Saturday evening at the homo of Miss Bowen. Papers were read by Professor Frye, Dorothy Gieen and Claia Koch. The class of 1902, Lincoln high school, will hold a meeting at the high school this evening at 7:30 sharp to arrange for a reunion during the holi The Dramatic club is holding re hearsals for Its first play, "Mr. Bob," which will bo given to the public the first week after the Christmas vacation. Last Saturday MreH. C. Rudge en tertained one of the divisions of tho locution class. Miss Howell gave a reading, a pianola program was lis tened to and refreshments served. A large gathering was present and all had an enjoyable time. One of the cases for the equity side of tho district practice courtswlll have eight different claims to decide and will be argued by eight sets of attor neys. It is expected that this will give the judge something to do while this case Is before tho court, and midnight oil, also, may be burned. Lincoln Transfer Phone, 176. Co. Baggage. Seo us about our $2.50 a week rate. Good Health Cafe. Meerschaum pIpeB, 25 per cent off this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver The atre building. Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to 1200 O Street. $5.oo RECTORS. x0 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 1200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vlco-Pres. Cashier H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS AsBt. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. UNDSEVS CIG AR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. 113 North 11th Street, FR1NK:C RICHARDS JEWELER Fine Line of Watchos always on hand. Expert Watchmaker. No trouble to show goods. RED FRONT. n?. v vO fl t 128 O Street POWaiS BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N llth SI PUone L M4 We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream OOMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Daily Co. 188 Sk. lathSt. Phono. P 208 Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For ail Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-QreerPrlntlng Co There U no watch, dock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. JJ23 O Street s 'i Wi Quality goes a long ways with particular ocoolc W the patronage of all particular -"llfil F . ,, KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH fi BLAKE, PROP. Phoses 741-775 SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Bond model or skcteh for Free opinion fin tn nntln tnMlltv Qj.n.1 f.- n.. .... Book ornl ' What to Invent." Tlncm pub llaitloim liwiiPfl for Free (llNtrlliutlon. Iutfiitn The Pntant Ilccon'. Huniple Copy Free. Mcure.1 tliroiiKh un n!Vi.'rtlMol without cliurne In i iir I'll t am 11 A (Id rf 38 EVANS, WILKENS &. CO., WASHINGTON. D. C. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Soo our full line of fancy box, Inolud ind FOOT BALL8 and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bitter-Sweote, But termilki and Venitrana. 1337 O STREET W. F0LL4RT 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels for Sale or Exchaafc 'Wil T. J. THORP COMPANY . General Maohlnlsts All Kinds of Ryaittnc Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 6s. 11th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Phone. U FJ2 The University of Chicago Professional Schools & Medicine I Theology Law and I Education V r ESChmaS a SpCC'al. Clr?ular of Information which will be sent on aDolicaUnn Each will be in session during the Summer Ouarter ( Z it . ? W l B-The courses in Medicine are vlaTSlch Rush Medical College. connection with the work of The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois .'M ,- " . J A., H!SBia A M