The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1903, Image 3
f1pl! 0&mK!m &&$iiiv&x&rTqfiT - Cbe Pallg Hebraeftan t BUSINESS DIRECTORY HAVE UNITY AMONG SLAVS. - R.. $ i' L.J&1 7 &.- m w l" t Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOH-Palace, R. ft C, Shannon, Marshall & Rlcharda. BATHS Chris Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Girard. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powoll, Llndsey, Clarey, Fo- Hart. CLOTHING TJnland, Mageo & Deemer, B. L. Paino, Armstrong, Toggery. COAL Gregory, Dlerks, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemlng, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Lemlng. DRUGGIST Steiner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Riggs, Wright DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. DANCING HALL Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS-'-ChapIn Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GtOCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & Guenzel. HOTELS Llndell, ' Walton. JEWELERS Tucker, Richards. LIVERIES Meliclc LUMBER Dlerks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PLUMBING Korameyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, Now Cen tury,, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoe, Cincinnati Shoe Store. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. , MANDOLIN & GUITAR INSTRUC TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Lud-wlg. Stephen Panaretoff Delivered Lecture in Chapel Last Ni?ht. Mr. Stephen Panaretoff, of Robert Collogo Constantinople, lectured last night before a well filled house in Memorial hall on 'Pan-Slavic Unity," or the tendency toward unity among the Slavic people. The national awak ening of the Slavs and their political Importance, said he, is one of the most important events of tho last century. In Bulgaria tho first public school was opened In 1837, and the Scriptures were first translated Into tho Bulgarian lan guage In 18G0. With this awakening of the national slf-con8clou8nc88, poets and writers came forward from varlouB parts laud ing the idea, and in the universities a chair of Slavic philosophy has been established, and a distinct science has grown out of It In recent times. But there were, and still exlBt, a great many difficultly. The principal of the80 are their clannishness, differ ence In dialects, literary language and religious creeds. All these, with tho exception of the clans, perhaps, are becoming greater all tho time, and while there has been an awakening of a spirit of national unity the trend Is to drift farther and farther apart. Mr. Panaretoff Is professor of Bulgarian history and literature In Robert Col lege. He 1b himself a Slav and treated his subject In a very broad and liberal style. He has a distinct foreign ac cent, but speaks very eloquently and holds his audience throughout, making himself well and clearly understood at all times. His treatment of this Im portant subject was highly Instructive as well as Interesting. Ho Is on a lecture tour through the United States, having lectured at Yale, Harvard, Wis consin and Illinois before coming here. Would Like $85 for Damages. Messrs. Forburger & Speldell, pro prietors of a marble Bhop on 11th street have filed a bill with the Athletic Board of $85.00 for crates contributed to tho football celebration after the Kansas game. Messrs. Forburger & Speldell aro exhibiting a deplorable lack of college spirit. Battalion Inspection. WE ARE SHOWING f i Stylish Shoes I i The celebrated Hun an, Walk-Over and W. L. .uouglat makes for men. Hanan and Borosis Shoes for Women. S w e i a h Gymnasium ' Shoe. None genuine unless at omnia A uPArVina stamped Swedish." Perkins' "!H" i Perkins & Sheldon Co. i J 1129 o St. i i 4M9S04 The regular monthly inspection was held on the campus last evening. The Inspection was not bo severe as the last one held, but the names of several men were reported, nevertheless. Captain Chase announces that an inspection will be held regularly each month here after, following the custom set last year. Tomorrow's Football Game. The class teams are practicing again for the final game tomorrow. Captain Myers of the Senior team has a bad .knee as tho result of a fall on the Ice last Saturday. Raaschm, a man who played on a college team In Wisconsin, will probably be at guard for the Se niors part of the time. Hi 'iSX wzfwa noTTionrir DnoTDniTCV: THE STUDENTS FIND: ft (IjKENISEDY, The Photographer q jfy Studio iAe)l equlppad and modern. Very latest fjfK i atylea In all alze. A yLi32, South 12th St. LI IN CO LIN, INEB. iP . n Schools supplied with competent teach erb free of cost. Address, with Btamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION, 1423 Arch Street, Philadel phia, Pa.; 174 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tenn. Tho monkey-faced owl recently pre sented to the Historical Boclety, has been killed and stuffed and is mounted and placed in the society's rooms. Tho owl Is an excellent specimen, and will prove a valuable addition to the socie ty's collection. OVD WORK IS WELL KNOWN We always havo and always will as praclate tho support of the student reports to tho contrary notwithstanding. YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tol, 7$4. 1614 O Stroot. Chris' Bath Parlors, 11th and P Sts. Chapln Bros.. Florista, 127 So. 13th. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Marshall & RichardB, hair cutting, massage, shaving etc., 139 So. 13th. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St. Chairs for ladles and gentlemen. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, NebrsiUat CAPITAL - OFFICERS John B. Wrif ht, Pr. J. K. Wwcott, Vlce-Prw Jm Stimuli 2nd Vlc-Pr. P. L. HU, OulUt W. B. Ryoo. Ant. Cb Melick's Stables Phone 486. CUm4 CanUfu. Bz22c. Tb (inut Lirwy la the city. 1230N Street. Lincoln, Nob. Tho Instructors in the department of American history are ordering a series of lantern slides to be used in illus trative lectures . before the ' various classes of the department. This is somewhat of an innovation at Nebraska but will doubtless provo very success ful, as tho need) of something of the klndf&as been felt for some time. Fraternity Hall 13th N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER SHARP Room 308, "Fraternity Bldg. B LUE FR ONT SHOP SHOE J. Kolbach 1326 O St DAKERDKD5. LNCRAV1NGCO. $ If ILLUSTRATORS l MO ENGRAVERS gf Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Succcuota to STEINER PHARMACY. 1144 O Stmt Phone 707 Lincoln, NV Manufacturers of Steiner's Balsam Rhubarb Gold Capsules, Pile Ouro and Gray's Condition Powders. xne Historical Society has just re ceived a collection of Indian arrow heads from Mr. A. O. Parker of Yu tan, Nob. The collection numbers 27 in all, each being an excellent speci men. They wero all found In the Platte river bottoms. Miss Florence -Hartzel, sister of Miss Mabel Hartzel of the Academy, was burled Sunday afternoon. She was a graduate of tho University, class '01, and since September has been sojourn ing In San Diego, Cal.,.for her health. TEACHERS WANTED. Wo need at once a few more teach ers, both experienced and inexper ienced. More calls this year than ever before. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 8, 12th. Telephone D 1397 Estimates furnished upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA EaUw 11.00 and $1.25 Per Day. Special Rate) by tho Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, PROP. Only ono block from B. Jt M. Depot. Only on. diock iromvoai unioc. j car. ail , street ear Ilnca. 781 O Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Hotel Walton 1515 O Street Phone 564. 100 roqma best low-priced house in city. RATES $ i Per Day and Up EDISON Phonographs and Records New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at .Half Frice. 25c ach .Full line of Barney oc.Berty Sfcates. ATHLETIC GOODS Of Every Description Girard Cycle Co. 1304 O Street. "! .5 '.-'I .. ' K'.l I . . .'.: m Hi H m 'it -f3 r -ft i