The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1903, Page 2, Image 2
'&f?lffimaaVtyy$. r.,T--- """riyiirvi j(r1MJTrjt -" tfbe ails flebraeftan v- r " K I: ' I K ? M & In V .1 v. m tf Ul si i 'i m ft v i- i' K h. i i e Dap Tltbraskan. A A oonsolldatlon of The Htpr1an, Vol. 01, The Nobnuikan, VoL lo, Soarlet nd Cream, YoL i. Edltor-ta-ChJif JobnD. RIm 4olnM Manafar A. Q. Bohrtltor Circulator .... O. A. Sawyer AMOOIATB BOTTOM : Ni 7tin Iterary A. F. Becker Orlord O. Bennett Dorothy Qreea BKronTKiuj P. A. Ewlng, Violot Irwin, O II. Taylor. W. C. Ranwoy, Edgar Mollott, and Mabel Fooalor. Offloeai Editorial, U VXH; Btulnca, U 811H Post OOtoe, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln. Subaorlptton Price, P per year. In ftdvanoe. at taepottoflloo at Llnooln, Nebraska aa aooond-olasa mall matter. Editorial Remarks actlvo spirit of rivalry Is instituted, which will stimulate Interest in gym nasium work and call forth greater ef fort. Tho reward is certainly worth tho effort, and tho distinction Is one that any aspiring young athlete might well bo proud to gain. o Another encouraging step towards raising the balance of tho Temple Fund is that which has Just been taken by the Y. W. C. A. girls. Although their pledgo la a large one wo feel that they have tho ability to redeem It, as they have manifested a spirit that will per mit of no failure in their undertaking. Such substantial and grateful acknowl edgements as have been manifested by tho Christian associations here, of the benefits promised to them through the new Temple Is encouraging to those laboring In the cause, whose duty It Is to accomplish tno end that will give to us a building of which we can all bo proud when onco It Is within our possession. ... -- - Alteration m NOW IN PROGRESS AT THE A. M. DAVIS (O'S. STORE THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY FVRN1TUBE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The prospect for a debate with Wis consin Is hailed with enthusiasm here, as it will give us an opportunity to teBt our strength In a lino In which wo have excelled among thoso we have met, with an Institution (hat stands as ono of tho foromoBt In tho country. A mooting with Wisconsin will mark tho Initial stop In an expansion that will take up Into new fields of conquest whoro It 1b to bo hoped wo will find an opportunity to gain such laurels as have crowned our efforts In the past. Already wo have proven ourselves su perior to our neighboring Institutions, having gained the championship of the Missouri Valley. In this debate concentration of the strongest and closest kind will be nec essary, and a tremendous amount of effort on tho part of our team will be called for. In this, our first meeting, with Wisconsin, wo must make a strong showing, so as to Impress our opponents with our worth and with our strength In debate. Being aware of this fact. It Is certain that those having In charge tho training of the team will neglect no opportunity to strengthen their proteges In all the arts that govern argumentation, so that they will make the best possible showing within their power. Such a debate as is promised can not 'help but be one of the big University events of tho year. Tho assuring pros pect of meeting Wisconsin on our own grounds can not fall to excite interest and speculation as to how our strength will measure with her's. For as to tho showing we can make against Wisconsin wo can only specu late. Wo can not even make any claims of being able to beat her, as tho proposition seems a large one In deed. However, when tho clash does occur wo can trust to Nebraska repre sentatives to acquit themselves with honor and credit, as they always do, no matter whom they meet. TEACHERS MEETING. Pedagogues Will Convene Here During the HolidaySc $50 SUIT GIVEN AWAY XMAS EVENING Each and every cash $5.00 purchase entitles the cus tomer to one chance on this suit. Premiums in Silverwear is also given with cash fur niture sales. NOTICE OUR Show Window for Premiums. Quito a degree of interest has been manifested in tho Interdoor Athletic Carnival which will occur December 16th. This is a now stylo of competi tion that has been opened up for Ath letic honors and bids fair to bring out a representation of University athletes of such class and ability as to mafte the contest exciting and hard fought. Men aro now training In the points in which they excel, evincing a spirit that speaks well both for their own chances and for the success of the Car nival. A corresponding event will bo held in March and the man having the greatest number of points in both con tests will bq given tho title of Universi ty "gymnast," and have tho privilege of wearing an "N." Thus a clean Programs for the twenty-eighth an nual meeting of the Nebraska state teachers' association, which will bo in session from December 30th to January 1st, Inclusive, have been Issued. The" program of tho general sessions In cludes the following speakers: James H. Canfleld, former chancel lor of this University. Frank Roberson, Joseph F. Nugent, William Gardner Hale, William Wallace Stetson, Ed ward Alsworth Ross, M. Adelaide Hol- ton, Clara Cooper and Mrs. J. M. Pyle. Among tho leading features of the program are the Btate spelling contest, to which representatives will be sent from all parts of the Btate, and an art exhibit. Prof. Willard Kimball will have charge of tho music. The fore noon and afternoon general sessions of tho association will bo held In Memor ial hall and tho evening lectures at St. Paul's church. There will bo a reception by the teachers of the Lincoln public schools and tho faculty of tho University of Nebraska In honor of ex-Chancellor Canfleld In Memorial hall Friday, Jan- flary 1st, from 4:30 to C:30 p. m. Thurs day afternoon from 4 to 5 p. m., a re ception will bo given by tho Latin de partment of tho University In honor of Dr. Hale, nt the homo of Professor Barber, 1230 L street. A bureau of Information will bo maintained by tho local committee at the University library and will bo open until 6 p. m., each day of the associa tion. In the evening the headquarters of the bureau will bo found at St. Paul's church. Teachers arriving dur ing the day should go at once to the University library building, where they will find the headquarters of tho en rolling committee and the bureau of Information. Persons arriving on the evening trains and desiring accommo dations In private homes should go at once to St. Paul's church. Enrollments will be received after 6 p. m. each day at tho bureau of information in St. Paul's church nnxl at the enrolling ta bles at tho various hotels. Tho infor mation bureau will endeavor to furnish guides so that teachers may be direct ed quickly to boarding places. require strong antidotes to eradicate Now in tho name of all decency and manhood, 1b this a necessary adjunct to the Band Informal? It ought not to be and so I repeat the question: Why can not men act like gentlemen at a dance as well as at any other place? Is It too pertinent? S- Wright Ii'Mg Co 117 No. 11th. Lincoln Local Express. Tel. 787, The Whltebroaat Co.. at 1106 G Is tho place to buy coal. eft. Special prices to students desiring typewriting work. 512 Rkliards block, 'phone F1155. Univezsity Bulletin LOST Pair of undressed kid gloves. Finder return to E. Colllngs or main offlce. SENIORS Photos for Senior Class Book must be in by December 18, '03. Go to Townsend'B. Caps and gowns provided. Order of committee. Tbe OK Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Haa no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. j A Communication. Editor Nebraskan: I have a query. I want to know why It Is that men can not act like gen tlemen at a dance as well qs-at.t' any other time and place. Is it safe to say that unless men acKas gentlomon most of tho time that they are not such very much of the time, or is there any relation between a gentleman and his actions? Tho question came up as a sequel to the Band Informal last Friday evening. The next day the floor of tho hall and stairs leading to tho chapel were strewn with burnt matches and cigar ette snipes. Tho recitation room and tho ladies' rest room were so thorough y sutured with thto fumes as would I I I II I Ml I I I II MJIillll III II I I I II II I I I I II I I I I I II I III Ho for Santa Clausi and Christmas Ever since this Btate was made tho .general western headquarters of and tho distributing point for tho jovial old saint, Santa Claus, the holiday goods have been cqming in bewildering variety. The assorU ments aro perfect. They combine beauty and utility in tho highest de gree. You can And just the right thing for both men and women, youths and maidens, in this beautiful stock. This announcement 1b for tho sale purpose of persuading you to drop in and see for your-, self the generous amount of brilliant holiday goods and tho more than generous low prices attached, to every one of them. Armstrong Clothing Co. ' THF HOLIDAY STORE 1121-27 O STREET : : i-iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiufc !&&&& ..I t . . .. J. . . '!,-; fc- isLc) jifch. ,;&.' i-!. ittlMmi ' ' .;,i ji&Sfe$j,5.'. JJi it'll' t ''- i : i & 4 ..amj'