The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1903, Image 1

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P. f
Tflne atlp flebraekan
VOL. m. NO. 52
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Indications Good for a Debate
With the Badgers.
Indications point to a meeting in de
bate between Nebraska and Wisconsin
next spring. In reply to a communi
cation sent some time ago from here
the autl.jritles at Wisconsin have ex
pressed a willingness to meet us in a
forensic contest, which will probably
take place next spring. They have
heard of what this University has been
doing In recent years, being cognizant
of our triumphs over the neighboring
Institutions that wo have met and of
our title as champion of the Missouri
Valley. In seeking a worthy oppo
nent then, Wisconsin has certainly
found one In Nebraska, and such an
event as la promised will open to us
the door of opportunity to prove our
merit and establish a reputation in
fields unknown to us before.
This Is the first attempt that has ever
been made by us to secure a debate
with Wisconsin, and the favorable re
nlv was in resDonse to a letter of in
quiry, not a formal challenge. Prof.
Fogg has a number of personal friends
among the faculty of the English de
partment, whose acquaintance he had
enjoyed at Brown and Harvard. Doubt
less this had much to do with secur
ing for us this opportunity to meet
This takes our University out into
the big college world of debate. The
public press has never In the past no
ticed debating here to any large ex
tent, but now an opportunity to meet
with larger institutions will bring us
Into greater prominence.
A debate with Wisconsin means a
tremendous task, and will call for an
amount of effort never before exercised
In connection lth any similar event
at this University. Our team will have
to work early and late in making prep-'
aratlons, for the great contest, but the
trouble will bo amply compensated for.
Wo shall bend our efforts toward mak
ing a good showing, whether we win
or lose and to make an impression upon
our opponents. Such an event can not
help but be a big affair, and the audi
torium should and probably will be
called into service In accommodating
the crowd that will be called forth.
Wisconsin is a leader In debate. She
is accustomed to meeting Minnesota
and Michigan and has provd herself
one of the strongest institutions in the
country in this line. Along with other
schools, such as Northwestern, Indiana,
Knox and Chicago, she follows, a poli
cy of concentrating upon one or at
tho most two debates. Such a policy
has been found necessary, notwith
standing the nymber and ability of the
students who have to be dropped out.
The students at Wisconsin are con
sidered above ours In many respects,
as there are more schools In that Btato
and they have more leisure time. Wis
consin Is one of tho best state univer
sities In the country In wealth, scope
of work and equipment Tho library
there Is great, and the department of
political economy and sociology, and
the English department are noted for
their high standard of excellence. Grad
uates from all over tho country are ac
customed to tako work at the great
school of political science there. All
these resources being supplemented by
an Immense enthusiasm, exhibited in
tho literary societies of the college and
tho law school, which have been organ
ized for a quarter of a century or
more, and by tho students as a whole.
have made Wisconsin strong in intel
lectual contests.
Hence, upon tho first impression that
Vro make against Wisconsin will de
pend largely our reputation in tho mis
sisslppT Valley,, and If it be a good one
Tickets $2.00. Walt's Orchestra
Prof. Palmer of Harvard to Ad
dress Mid-Year Commencement.
it will tako us Into the east. The de
bate will occur next spring in this city
and then we will have an opportunity
to prove whether wo will be able to
hold our own with tho higher institu
tions beyond the borders of jour past
conqueBts. '
Tho Missouri Independent reports
that a debating league Including Illi
nois, Missouri, Iowa and Notre Dame
is being projected. Missouri fiays that
she has received $everay.other propo
rtions to debate-this -j&xr.
Athletic Board Meets Tomorrow
to Transact Important Business.
Y. W. C. A. Girls Meet and Make
a Liberal Pledge.
The Y. W. C. A? girls have followed
In the footsteps of tho men's associa
tion and mado a substantial pledge to
the Temple Fund. Yesterday at a meet
ing held during tho convocation period
in the Interests of the fund, they agreed
to raise tho sum of $1,500. The meet
ing was addressed by Chancellor An
drews and Professor Barbour, who
brought home to the girls the advant
aces of such a building as Ih in view
and the aids it will furnish in the ex
pansion of their work. Each girl
pledges a -certain amount, which she
will undertake to raise among friends
during the Christmas vacation and at
such other times as she may have the
opportunity to work.
The Y. W. C. A. deserves credit for
undertaking such an enterprise as this,
and taking into consideration its mag
nitude the spirit displayed is commend
able. The University societies will
reap advantages from having such a
building as the 'Temple and such solid
recognition as has been given this fact
by the Y. W. C. A. girls sets a good
example for the others who have not
vet taken action, to follow:
Freshman Hop Committee Meets.
The Freshman Hop committee met
yesterday morning and made prelimi
nary arrangements for the Hop which
they will give January 8, at Fraternity
hall It was decided to put tickets on
sale at once, and they will bo In the
hands of the committee for distribution
the last of this week. Tho price of
tickets will be $1.00, and no compll
mentarles will bo Issued. Decoration
of tho hall was put in charge of a spe
cial committee, consisting of Mabel
Williams, chairman; Reeta Clark, Den
tan Slaughter and John W. Voorhees.
This committee will meet next week
at call of the chairman. v
Indications aro that the Freshman
Hop will be In every way successful.
One member of the committee reports
a sale often tickets already promised.
The Interest among tho Freshmen 1b
strong, and this Hop promises to bring
out a larger number of FreBhmen than
Is usual at the first class function. "
Sam's Cafe. The only place in the
city to get tho famous "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service for laddies.
Go to tho Burr Barber shop ror flret
class hair-cutting and shaving. Shan
non & Dlmickr proprietors. Basement
of Burr block.
The ballots for football captain havo
been out a couple of days and must be
)in by tomorrow.
How the election will go no one Is
able to say. and no one seems to have
any definite opinion. The result will
probably be known by tomorrow even
ing. The Athletic Board has taken no ac
tion in the appointment of a manager
for the coming- year. Mr. Buckner Is
still acting and will probably continue
to do so until a new manager is ap
pointed. Mr. Buckner will not take the posi
tion another year if It should be offered
him. He is desirous of attending the
Harvard law school next year and
wishes to have no work here of a blnd
lng nature so that If he finds It possi
ble to carry out his plans he will have
nothing here which will Interfere there
with. There Is a rumor to the effect that
steps are being taken towards the or
ganization of a "Minor Seven" modeled
on plans similar to those of the "Big
Nine." This would Include Kansas,
Missouri, Haskell, Knox, Nebraska and
two others.
Nebraska has received no official no
tification as to such a movement, so
that nothing definite can now be stated.
The members of the faculty have or
ganized a basket ball team with Dr.
Condra as captain. They meet for
practice three nights a week.
They hope to schedule some games in
the future, but nothing definite Is yet
Dr. Clapp desires all men entering
the gymnastic contest to meet him in
his office at 10 o'clock on Wednesday
All men working for the Charter Day
contest Dr. Clapp desires to be on mo
gymnaslnum floor from 4 to 5 p m.
The events for Charter Day will be
as follows:
25-yard dash; running high Jump;
pole vault; shot put, 12 pounds; runn
ing high kick; fence vault; rope climb;
inter-fraternity relay potato race.
Tho above events will all surely come
off. Some others will be added at a
later date, but It Is not yet decided.
There will be basket ball practice as
usual in the gymnastum tonight. No
deflnltefglffmeB havo yet been scheduled,
but tho western trip is pretty sure and
there will be some local games soon.
Following 1b a short communication
from Jack Best. The spirit of it Is ex
cellent and we hope It may be con
Well boys, now the football season is
ovor, and we have won honors lor our
Unlvorsity for the last two years. Let
us now turn our attention to the base
ball and track teams. We have good
men, with good spirits, and a good
physical trainer, and If the work Ib
done well there will be no doibts as to
our fut,uro victory.
So, here is good luck to our baseball
and track teams.
George Herbert Palmer, professor of
philosophy at Harvard, will deliver the
a .,.ress at the midwinter commence
ment, Februnry 15th. This announce
ment, which was mado public yester
day afternoon has called forth com
mendatory remarks from all who are
acquainted with Professor Palmer or
with the work he has done and his ex
perience in the field of education. To
these the wisdom of the choice Is ap
parent and we are assured of another
good attraction for our midwinter
graduating exercises.
Professor Palmer is an alumnus of
Harvard, having graduated In the ear
ly seventies, since which tlmo he has
been almost constantly connected with
the faculty of that institution. Since
1889. as head of the philosophy depart
ment there, he has been professor of
natural religion, moral philosophy and
civil polity. He is tho husband of
Alice Freeman Palmer, who was presi
dent of Wellesly College, and who died
a few years ago, leaving behind her a
record of having been tho greatest
leader In the country in advancing the
cause of education of women. She was
the head of the movement In the coun
try and the noble work that Bhe did
stands as a monument which tho ever
growing advancement of women will
constantly bring out in clearer relief.
Ho has written a number of books
and has lectured widely, being one of
tho most popular and ablest men in his
line In the field today. HIb most recent
work Is entitled. "The Nature of Good
ness." and it has already gained a wido
circulation for Itself. Several years
ago ho published a small pamphlet
entitled, "Self-Cultivation in English"
which attracted much attention.
In dlBcimslng the merits of tho man,
Professor Fogg said yesterday:
I shall never forget an address
which he delivered before the Modern
Language Conference at Harvard on a
"Criticism of Mathew Arnold," in
which he amply demonstrated himself
to be. a Ilternry critic of great ability.
He is typical of the fine culture of that
University and is one of the best speak
ers on the faculty. He is a fine, culti
vated gentleman of about 55 years of
age. and is a very clean cut speaker. He
lectures a great deal among the col
leges of tho east, and is greatly in de
mand. I feel that we ought to con
gratulate ourselves upon securing so
able an orator."
Lawyers to Play Wesleyan.
Arrangements have been made -for...
a basket ball game between tho Senior
law team and Wesleyan University, to
take place in tho Armory Wednesday
evening, December 9. The presence" of
all laws Is required and all academics
requested to cheer tho law team to
victory. The law team Ib now woll or
ganized, having put In a month and a
half In practicing, and expect to give
their opponents a warm reception. Cor
lett Ib captain and Vanco manager of
the law team.
"Stiff" Ryan', an old University stu
dent, woll known In University foot
ball circles three years ago, Is in Des
Moines, la., attenolng Highland- Park
College, where ho played end thin year
on tho football team.
Don Cameron's
good service.
lunch counter for
Lemlng's, ice cream and candy; 11th
and L Sta.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
Tol. 787. Baggage hauled.
Choice rooms, single and en suite, for
students, 510 Np. 14th 8L
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