'mfw!mtfKrn, ZLhe IDailp "WcbraoRan ! i Campus Gleanings V A. G. SPALDING & BPOS.' i rr7frp; -j $$m'JCr2' '," V i. OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIL3 AM; MAM: IN ACCORDANCE WITH OITICIAL RULIiS W jAfw$ Sp.ltding' lUucfcomely il luMr.itrd dialogue of Fall And Winter 11 porta ConlAln mjj .ill tlic new things in foiti,ill will t sent free to any adJrcir. SpaWm'n olfictal footb.il utdc, (ontaimiiK t Ic new r.ilcc. Pr copy lOccnti. How to Play Foot Ball. Up Walter Camp. New trfltlon. Per copy 10 cents. A. G. Spalding & Bros. Nw York, Clue iro, Philadelphia, San Francisco Boston, Baltimore, Iiufl.i'o, Kaiuan City, St. Louis, Mmncapoln, Denver, Montreal, Can. London. Kngt.ind .-ji . vmffims smmwi A.'F.-T Wff.iVAJU.-ii &mmm&1 A'-SitC!-, i&fw J .-.. n 1 ,.& Lrt"rS. lvi-i:DSS,5.,'iH. 93J9KtrB 8 s StVt rMJt.- r s.vv,-- "j IJAwV J 7 . "" I i. &sy iy iimvai I nrge-M nssoi Inu'iit of high guide pianos to 1)0 seen in the S'-M in- Ittdirg sui h eh bratcd Jiuilvi ; as Stcinway & Sops, Steger Ai Sons. Vose Ai Sons, Emerson, A H. Chase. Ceo. Steele! Hilimoller A- Mueller, ami twenty other make.-,. WE SELL ST A XI) Alt I) MAKES OF PIANOS ON $r. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Our prices are never beaten by any house east or west. We tent new pianos at $3.00 to $r.0ll per month and allow six months' rent when yon buy. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Manufacturer, Wholesale, Retail PIANOS J35 So. nth St. Lincoln Jhe Improved i &. The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name " BOSTON I GARTER" Is stamped Con every loop. The fM- m.JK IB AS m CUSHION BUTTON I CLASP Lies flat to the leg never Slips, Tears nor Unfastens. BOLD EVERYWHERE. Sample pair, fillV t 'c. lulWll Sttc. Mailed uu ieceii of pm e. I OEO. FI10RT CO., Mii.n notion, aulu., U.8.A. "EVERY PAIR WARRANTED Am a .(ones. ' 2. is piiniipal ol the I 'unbar high si hool l.eona Pollaid. 'n2, is ,rlm 1;1 of Hie Nehnw la high school The Pi dago'h al club wjll mi i I -next Wednesday night in I' :!M. There are two ver large green houses bt ing ret fed al tb" state farm 'l .1. Hull. oT Ci nt i Ml Oit, is the guest ot I'nhcrsiiy friends todnj I.. M. Hooding has gone to the lila- K Hills in the inteiesl of the entomology depart mi nt Miss lteu-ie O'C'onnoi. "uT. of Mi--s-ourl Vallej. la. Is pbdged to Delta in Ita Delta The hoi I i lib urn I building at the slate farm is progressing uondei fully. It is nearh llnMied Til" Y W. C A is tin proud pows s-or ol a t:atrloiue u pit tun. Hie gilt ol Miss uiits. 11 C Swallow ol St i ling. Ni b a I'lumei l'nierit student, is isiung in I iiu olu at pi cm nt Dean Pound lias appointed the judges for the pinitice louris. whit h ill iiiiiinii'iiii' in a week oi so A new law t las.s lias been organized of men who will graduate next ear. There are about tin uu minis m the t lass Pit pinniioiis are being made b the V M C A. for getting out the annual student's tliieitoi Thc will be ready lor distribution in a h w weeks. The lolloping old I'lii.tisilj mi u are now m iing m t)( icgulai aimy. W H o-:i dr. - !p ui(.:--.nt , Thomas Kjnri. S A White, (' 11 Pulis - . ond lieutenants '"lie books uu plant ph:uolni; ai d plui.t paili'dog;. ai i to be aiiangtd ami ta'a'oguetl b Pioiiss,,, lleaid Tin ne ii" in loom 1!I7. where atblnion al s lit 1 ing w ill soon be pun iib d Ada Caldwell, an old ruieisit sii. denl. ami a ginduate ol the ait in-ii-tue ot Chit ago! has entircd ('olumbia rnieisity. Miss Caldwell is a sisiei of Piolessor H. M. Caldwell ol the de paitinenl ol Anicrhan hi.stoi I list i in toi Shantz's i las.s in agin ul t urn I botany now numbers twenty, which is as main as can be aiorunio daled b the tacilities and apparatus low at (he disposal of the department of botany. l.aiger rooms and more ui aratus must be provided bet'oie the opening of the next school year. Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital rrrr. $200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits tO.OOO.OO S. II. HUJINIIA.M. Presidint. A. J. SAWYKIl H. S. KltKKMAN Viie-ProH. Cashier H. H. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY. Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Konntain and MiiRirineK. IIS North llth Street. POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables nil newly eoered, hist cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, Including 1 ustomers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N lllh St. Phone L 664 We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best 8ce Cream FRANKC, RICHARDS JEWELER Fine Line of Watt lies always on hand. Expert Watchmaker-. No trouble to show goods. RED FRONT. 128 O Street Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-GroorPrlntlng Co There Is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-fo-the-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Street Quality goes a long ways-with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. & js. jl ja KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCII & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 comes from Fanklin Ice Cteam and Dairy Co. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN i See our full line of fancy boxes, includ- liid ! our HALiLS and DRESS SUIT (JASES. Try onr Bittor-Swcots, Bnt termilks and Venitrana. 1337 O STREET The friends of Miss Floreru e 10 Hart.ell. 'u2. will be pained to leai n of her death last Saturday. .NoumhIh r L'Mti, at Sun Dieio, California The NibiasUa has not been able to obtain the deiiiiK ol her demise, but is in loi ini-u liei funeral will be held at 2 oi lot U tomonow at'Trlnil .M. K. i linn l." t inner ICth and A stieets The top-story of the College Settle ment house will soon be plastered in-i-nie, and a new window added. This will provide accommodation for two mire men, who will lie Kiven a' room, furnishi (1 and heated, in return for work done there. All debts against the Settlement hae beeji paid and a bal ance of over $2(10 remains in the treas ui at the present time. WrlKht n-ug i , 117 Xo :ih. Lincoln Local Express. Tel. 787, Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage 'Phone, 17G. Sie us about our $2M a week rate. Hood Health Cafe. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 0 St. Chairs for ladies and gentlemen. Go to the Burr Barber shop ror flrsl ilass hair-cutting and shaving. Shan non & Dimiek, proprietors. Basement of Burr block. 1113 So. 12th St. Phone. F 205 u SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. riil mrMcl or sk'toli for tfrrr l mli n us to iiili-iitiil)llf . Si ,1 I ir i nr Cnlili- Book uml ' ' hut to Invent. M I imt pnl lUaitloim h um1 for Free iltaLclt-nt Win 1'itli nln iwniiwl tlinniKli us nil rtlwd w itlnnit clinriif In The I'liteiil Iteeori'. Siiiiiple i) l-'ri'e. EVANS, WILKENS &. CO., WASHINGTON. D. C W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchange T. J. THORP COMPANY General Machinists All KiruU of Rpalrintf Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th SlrooL Lincoln, Nebraska Phon. 614 Tlie University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 1) B-TThe courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois i a i 'ti $ i vi i V 4 I f 1 K. ,r K".- f.- t. -u ifrft, ri. - w -8fc- -J,