The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. ID. NO. 51
Dr. Lees Plans to Organize Party
and Visit Europe.
The progress of a people, it is said
can almost be estimated b theii tiav
cls tlirougli foreign lands The influ
ence of travel on education, too. has
long been iccognized, but up to iom
paratlvcly recent times only the ver.v
rich could aail themselves of the op
portunities offered, and it was theie
forc practical! confined to centeis uf
wealth in our eastern states As a e on
sequencn people on this side of the Mis
siBsippi were regarded by the eastemets
as rather backward in civilization and
refinement. This belief, how.evei, is
being rapidly dispelled, for with the
development of the webt and the in
ducements and facilities of transporta
tion, people from the so-called west are
beginning to travel moie ever car
In this respect Nebraska is perhaps in
tho lead, as well she should be.
Among the tourists from I Mucin,
perhaps few hae tiaveled moie than
Dr. Ices, cf the depaitment of Girek
history and litorntuie.
parties to Cuiope eei
years ever
He has taken
two oi thiee
since he first tame Id the
Sms know
ity of Nebraska in 18S0. ami
ledge ot Euiope, with all its
attractions, is ery extensive. l)i Lees
is planning a GO to 7u davs' tup
through Euiope during the coming
auminer. This trip will be made with
a paity of Nebraska tourist1- This
tourist part is dpen to nil students.
teachers, ladles and gentlemen, who
wish to join It and ppend an enjo.vible
as well as profitable summer The itin
erary of tho tilp, according to piesont
plans, to leave Lincoln about the
middle of June and go directly to the
exposition at St. Louis. Then after
spending about a week at the exposi
tion, to proceed by waj to Cincinnati
to Washington, D. C. with stopover
privileges, and carriages provided.
Thence to New York City, wheio two
or three days will be spent sight see
ing, with automobiles, in the Amctiiarl
metropolis. From heio the part will
set Fall for Liverpool. The piincipal
places of Inteiest in Client Britain will
bo visited. Thence the part will pro
coed to Rotterdam, The Hague and
Amsteidam. making a stay at each
place, according as the interest de
mands. Thence on to Cologne with
porhaps a moonlight lide on the Rhine
-and a glimpse al the lamous castles
and ruins. Other points will be visit
ed In Germany as the tourists wend
their way bouth thiough the Austrian
Tyrol. The party will then visit Ve
rona, Venice, Florence, Rome, Milan,
and proceed through the St. Gotthard
pass to Zurich and Lucerne. From Lu
corno tho party will proceed to Inter
lochen and to Geneva. Proceeding
from Switzerland, the party will visit
Paris and return to London, theffCe to
Liverpool and back to New York. The
teturn from New York will be made via
CSlfiWara Falls and Chicago, with stop-
" itjvur privileges In each place.
Tho price of the trip will be definlte-
- ly announced In a short time, when a
prospectus will appear. Tho trip, as
j, was, stated above, will be made Ln about
v' seventy days, and will beyond a doubt
ho as fine a tour aB was over made by
,, NobrasknnB. The wide experience of
Dr. Lees as a traveler and his acquaint
ance with Europe and custoins will 'add
much to the enjoyment 6f tho com
pany. To Nebrnskans this is a rare
treat, and Dr. Lees can not be compli
mented too highly for bringing this
splendid opportunity within our reacji.
v. Snccial nrlces to students deslrlne
Fr1 typowrltlng work. 512 Richards block,
""'phono F11G5.
:sa -a-Ja-j -.J2!--js -:
. --
'-S '-S S 'Js '42 vs '2t 5 via iS -ja s -js -jr vv
W -?vi
jjj Tickets $2.00. Walt's Orchestra
v .'. ssr- . 5. v. . ?5 . . s. y. sj'. 5?: s-. t -. j .
Cornhuskers Informal Will Be
Given at Fratern
The Coi nlniske r." FMst Annual In
founal will lie held at riatouiltv hall
Wednesday evening Dpi cmln i lllth,
at 0 ir This 1. an lion Is a diieit ir
sult of the Pan-He Honk .banquet tnd
eicd the lootball team a lew das ago,
and which did iiot icccInc Hiiflh lent
blip, ort among the ctudciitH along the
financial liii" A .moie pleasant way
to lrmejve tne e ml ai lassmonl than h
eubsc liplion has been do id d upon, in
the shape o! this infoinial Tho -nme
committee whiih marie the banquet a
foc ial sti(c-s will have this in (haigr
Wall's oiilu'-tia has i.een hhiuiI loi
ihc evening I'm Is-i , aie SI mi and
evei v bfalv can I'l ilwi tin ii.ii ii' is
going to a go(d aw-i
Attendance at the Settlement.
- w
Rcpoit of aeiag alt mlaiu c ;:t llie
College Hettlement im the nioiil'i ced
ing Nov em he r 2S lin I)
Old Uoh' Club . 11
Literal and Hoc ial Club :?1
Hewing School 11
(lame Rooms 10
Little Girls' Club 11
Cooking School 11
Cai pentcr Class . 8
I it tie Uos' Club II
The total numbei in atteudaiue lor
the month vns 717 Ot thcbe iil." ha.e
been (hildien, .'?(')!) bojs and 21'i glil-.
ranging in age Mom ." t) IS xcii1-
Noon Prayer Meeting.
If vou want youi c,ti- to laK v, iu,-,
and oui lcsi-onti to run smoo'lil nl
tend tlie roon bony; sc vice In 1 1 Y W
C. A. room, 'ficr nuc'iiigi- m i n.-e
daily in numbei.-. and iiiKir-,1 Tin
loach is and topic b loi next week ,io'ii
ibc bettei things than v.o h..i had
befoie. All girls and latilt la.l'i .up
coidially Invited
Pedagogical Club to Meet.
There will bo a meeting of the Cni
veislty Pedagogical club next Wednes
day evening at 7f30 in V 212 This
club Is composed of "students who have
or who are soon to receive tho Univci
sity teacher's certificate The subject
of the lecture will be, ' The Tenc her,
and Ills Preparation."
Girls of Y. W. C. A.
Stand up for the association Come
to mass meeting in U. 107 Mjnda at :0
a. m. Don't let the Y. M. C. A. have
all the honors bring all your f Mends.
Chancellor Andrews wants to talk to
you on a matter ot personal inteiest
to each -one of you. Wo musi have a
full attendance.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 O stiect.
Marshall & Richards, bajr cutting,
massage, shaving etc., 139 So. 13th.
The Whltebreast Co., at 1106 L Jt.,
Is the place to buy coal.
Addresses Botanical Seminar.
.Jaicri (! Smith. XK, and 'Jn' diicc lot
ot the pxpptinirnt station nt lloiioluln.
spoke io the botanical spinlnai on'
Thuisria aftPinoon on the ' Vegetation
ol lhc Hawaiian Islands" Jle do
sciibcd the iihvsicul conditions ol the
Isliuiclb as affecting thp vegetation,
bi Miring out the lac t that these aie
exceedingly rilvoise, lesuliing In a most
diveise vegetation. Mr. Smith was the
liist scientific investigator In the Ne
biaska experimental ntatlon. having
been appointed to the losilicm MnniPdl
alclv alter graduation (t( i seveiai
eais he ipsigneel in okIcm to turn I
and stud nbionri He stiullrd foi a
time In the I'liheislt ol Zinhh anc
lat'i botaniocl in Austiulia When he
re tin tied he spent some tune in Tin the:
ituriv in the Univpisit and on liolc---oi
li(shp'j, km oiiimendallon was a
ointeil to an instnic toiship n the
Shaw Seiirol of Jiotanj Mi St I ouls
I-'iomi thuo he was called to a po.sil'on
in th- I'nitcd States cleuai tmc nt ot air-
nc n It uie Tin ee oiyis ago he was sent
Io Honolulu in ordqn .tc establish the
new expeiinieiU station die sah one
ol the (baiter members oC'tfhc botanl
eal semlnai In the sunimei ol is!2.
li Smith and I)r Pound, now dean c"t
the college of law, exploircl the sand
hills of noithwcstern Nebiaska and
published a ieport which enioet'ed the
attention of botanists to this peculiar
Astronomy Notes.
The dass in piadiial at-tiononiv is
leaining how to Mn! the value ol the
b've 1 c onstant
The liist ycai class in artToaioni has
j.:st coni)letod its study ol die caith
as a planet and will have an examina
tion on the sbjeet toela Alter the
piesenl vvoiks done it will take up the
-tudy ol the moon
Piofessoi Rose of the Wesjean I'ni
eisity ha.-, made ni rangcinenth with
Piofessoi Sweey to biing his astion
oni classes to visit the Univoisity
oliservator the second week in i)c
cember T
Mathematical Seminar to -Meet.
The next meeting of the mathemati
cal seminar will be held on Saturday
Doe ember i, a't 7:30 p. m , in M. 302.
The program:
1. Introductory notes, on "Hilbeifs
dundlargen de Geometric," A. R.
2. "IlMistiatlons of the biological
theory of regression." C. C. Bngberg.
3. "Towaids a solutlpn or a prob
lem in local probability." R. K. Mor-
English 5 Debate.
Yesteiday afternoon the second squad
in English -16 debuted the "Immigra
tion Question," in an interesting way.
After the debate a thorough criticism
was given by Professor Fogg. The
speakers were: C. A. Sawyer and Chas
T. Borg on the affirmative, while James
Anderson conducted the whole case on
the. negative, Mr. Monroe being absent.
Chapln Bros., Plorlsta, 127 So. 13tu.
Senior and Fteshmen Teams
Meet Wednesday to Settle Tie.
'1 lie Mite i ( ln-s , luiinalo'ifdilp in fool
I all will be llnallv decided in i Weri
ix'smIh afternoon at 3 o'clock This Is
the second game between the SenloiH
nnri Kicshnipii theli (list game being
plavcd on November 21th and result
Mm in no si cue loi eitbei side The
riesluneii sugg(Htd that thev elthei
flip loi the chnmpionship oi that the
nianageiK and captains jilav a gaire of
wlnst but the Senioi-, thought this
would not clcilile who could pla the
bettei football and MihIhIccI on a post
season game
The loi nui game was a vei (lose
one Captain Uondei said "It was the
best ( lass game I ever saw. both of
l he teams plnoel lien football"
The Hympttthieis of tho two teams
differ as to which bad the better ol
the game The Seniors point out thai
In the flist half the phi was mainly
In I ne Fipshnipa's teiiitoiy and that
in the mm one! half the freshmen wcio
able to make liist downs but once
Both teams vvue nine h sliongci in tin
cleleii.'-e than in advancing die ball
The bac k field loi the Sculois wa
paitb ulail laeking in team woik K
liott being put in at lullbai K at the last
minute lo lill Waltinan's place
The we aide i w ill piobablv be c ool
i nough to insui e a tast game
Coach Iloolh left tc hih home In
Connectuiit cveiria alleinoou at 3
o ( lo( k lie will piobablv not make
hi- iii( name h"i again until nrxt
We will miss him When ne comes
he takes bK place among us as ihoiigb
In bad boon heie nlwavs and when he
gees ve teel his abseiu e
He will be heie again next laH and
his place will slllj be o,,t n in the Unl
veisit lite as vel-as In our hearts
fiie v'le-it beaitecl. good iniuiecl mail,
swavs the hearts cr all witli whom he
comes In (ontnet with the. hiuiii' assui
anee unci .stienglli as he does a trjlng
football situation
We wish him eviiv sues-. vvhcievei
he mav be en In whatcwi woi k he
is engaged
Bcvinning with todav the b-isket ball
me-i will pi jvc tie c at 3 3'i in die altpr
noon i'liel those woi king lot the Chatter
Dn Aihleth Cauiival will meet tor
v oi k at 2 ,':i) t in
The niglit c) Decenibei tne Midi has
bcon set loi the g.vninnstle xontest I ot
eveijone ie nu-mbc i thlsyand be pies
ent Lecture by Judge Holmes.
Under the ausphes oT die LM-coln
L"gal club nnaiigemc nt- nave been
mad" whereby Judge 15. 'P Holmes will
give nn addrebs on "The Legal Aspects
of Dl voice," next Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock in the Cnlverbit law lecture
room. Judge Holmes has lor ten yenrs
been district Judge In Lancaster coun
ty, and hab had a very large equity
practice. He ranks very high ns an
authoilty on the above subject and his
talk will be highly Interesting All arc
invited to be present.
Three boxes of apparattib anc sup
plies have been received by the botani
cal department from Dausch & Lomb,
of Rochester, N. Y. The class In gen
eral botany has been waiting for this
supply for some of the woi k which
in to be taken up at once.
Meeischaum pipes, 25 per cent off
this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver The
atre building.
Chris Bath Parlprn, nth and P Sts.
" ' H'I"PWW
JBJllI j ifv,-V