X Gbe H a i I mebraeftan r' hi v if ( vi IT ti-i. HT I l V sh I' 1 I' II I' i ill & :,t. i&S. & Ce Daj; Tlebraskan. A comolldutlon of The Hcaporlnn, Vol. ai , The Nobnwlcnn, Vol. lo, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. i. Edltor-ln-Chlef dtmlncsa Manager Circulator John O. Rice A. Q. Bohrelbor 0. A. Bawyer ASflooiXTK xniTOiu: A. P. Becker Oajlord a. Bonnett Dorothy Green Vnyn Athlotlo Literary ItK'roiirKiic P A. EwIiik. Violet Irwin, C II. Taylor. W. '. Uiunm-y. Edirar Mollott, and Mabel Fooler. OITlc: Editorial, U 3OTM; Biwlnenn, U 211)$. Poat Olllce, Box 18, Station A, Lincoln. i Subscription Price, $2 por your. In advance. Butored at tho postofTloo nt Lincoln, Nobraska as necond-olaw mall matter. Editorial Remarks Tho prchidi nt of n e Junior cIiish luis been ftlwu the power to appoint a de buting squad vhi b insures another KtronK forensic attraction, for this year. The Seniors have already a ted lo the same pin pose When they meet the contefct will he worth speinp;. and doubt less will attract wide-spread at tention in the University. o Tomonow's Issue of The Nebraska n will consibt of foui pages. This is for merely business reasons aleme. The -t-traln on our aeherttsers entailed by our Special Issue lias been too severe to permit our l mining the usual amount of Satuiday aeheitising Aftei tills week, howe'WT. we- expect to publish our Saturday's issue In the snnie form and of the same sl.e as heretofore () Among the spei lal football editions of college papeis that base come to our table we note the following. The Mis souri Independent . Dally lowan, Pur due Exponent. The Tech. (Boston, Mass), The Atheneoum Vox Wesle"jana (Winnipeg, Manitoba), and the I. S. C. Student (Ames, la.) All of these issues represent a high artistic finish and an unusuaLj degree of complete ness. The papeis of the Universities of Michigan, Wiseonsin, anel Minnesota will soon publish their usual annual football numbers. Kauris' action In sending letteis to members of the "Big Nine" inveighing agajr.st NebiasUa's admission to that organl.atlon was an underhanded in sult that rained tor her the contempt of those she bought to peisuade. When ever we have auv rivalry with any eith er institution we seel; to settle it in gome substantial foun. through either athletic or debating contests, acknowl edging our elefeut If beaten and giving our opponents elue eTcdit for their good showing. At all events we never hopo to stoop so low as to attempt to injure them by writing letters. But if we have anything to say we say It openly, and do not earry In the folds of our sleeve some torni of e-oncentrated ma lignity to spring whenever we think that wo have an opportunity Some of the charitably disposed pub lications of neighboring institutions continue to show In their weak way their intense borrow that Nebraska should make such a splendid leeeirel ein the gridiron this year. So inconsist ent nre their aiguments tkat they en deavor to bring foith anel se monoto nous have tney become through the lepetition of statements, that they tire rather than convince. So great is their poverty of ideas that tho same material suffices for all of them. When one, in a fit of malignant Jealousy, undertakes to quote some unheard of truths, the others, following In Its wake, either copy the same material or rewrite it giving it a color of their own. express ing in a iudlcrouB fashion some out right misrepresentation that enn not stand for a moment in the face of a close analysis. Each one of these institutions that Fepk to misrepresent us have been beaten by Nebraska and instead of showing a gentlemanly spirit they per sist In drawing out In wretched fashion a petty form of abuse and using eery underhanded trick in their limitless repertoire to Injure us. They are tne kind that have abused every rite of hospitality to visiting athletic teams, and debating teams, and It Is quite nat ural that they should seek to insult an Institution where notnlng of the kind is ever allowed to take pla e They seek excuse for their defeat by (barg ing their opponents with unfairness, and such statements as they make are leccived everywheie cum grano sails. There Is ol course, "o special need of taking up and lefming their beparate statements, as they effuse nt random and without lesponsiblllty, but it is well to call attention to their untoward conduct in a general way, not giving their statements any serious considcr tlon, but dwelling upon the motives by which they are piompted. To Debate Negro Question. Next Saturday night the Union lub will debate the "Nrgro Question" This is the cii(stion for debate, on week from Satuiday night between Doane College and the Union club The Ibiee speakeis who will icpiesent the club at Ciete in the joint debate, are I O Pfeifei. R ('. James, and Mr. Mc Reynolds will take the affirmative, while Mllek. Lev) and Shelbo.nne will take the negative. Special piepaiation has br n made on this question, and a lively discussion is expected. EnglUR Club Program. The English club meets Satuiday evening with Miss Bowen at Ki2l V street. Those who will read are Mr. Frye, Miss Dorothy Oreen and Miss Clara Koch New membeis lecently elected are Miss Woodman. Mr. P. II. Pearson Mibs Koch, who comes from the Engllbh club a' the Unlver.,1 of Missouri; Miss Music. Miss Ade! I ath ro.i. Mr. Hunter and Mr David ITlm gren. Sigma Xi Officers. Their has been a change ot offieeis i:i the Sigma XI society, caused by the resignation of Dr White and Dr. Hill The following are the piesent acting officers: Piesldent- Plot. -T-. L. 1 yon. Vice President Prof. R. H. Wolcott. Coi responding Sccietary Prof. Candy. Record Secretary Dr. B. Dales. Tieasurei Prof. Richards. Y. W. C. A. Meeting. Mrs. Hinman wil speak on her 'Per sonal Reminiscences of Turkey" Sun day, December (. at 3 p. m., in room U. 0j. On account of the ajjsence of Profes ror Peisinger, the class In "Current Events" elicl not discuss the labor sit uation yesterday afternoon, but lis tened to a very profitable talk by Pro fessor Caldwell on "Grafting." He ix plained the historj of "graft" in the x United States. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St. Chairs for ladles and gentlemen. The "Toggery Quitts" sale of men's furnishings has made a sensation among the young men tills week. To day anel tomorrow a special effort will he' made te close out the stock. $5.00 Dunlap hatsMor $3.25. $35.00 suits for $24.F). and orHe r bargains at the same rate. The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN fOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. -irjHP&JWHHWr)W 3 WE ARE SHOWING Stylish Shoes 5 The celebrated Iliin an, Walk-Over and W. L. uquglaa makes for men. llauau and Sorosis Shoes for Women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoo. None genuine unless stamped "Perkins' Swedish." Perkins & Sheldon Co. J 114V W OL. It DAKLKD1T05. LN CRAVING CO. M vwwwvwwvvwvwv unytlilnpr you lnvont orlmprovo; nlso get CAVEAT.TRADE.MARK, COPYhlGHTor DESlCN f, PROTECTION. Bond mode, Dkctcb, or photo, for free examination and advice. nnnir nu datcutq frke. Noxtty: uuun Ull l H ILIl U ico ocioro patent. , GA.SNOW& COB Patent Lawyore. WASH4NGTON. D.C. At- "r.stik'fev'-' v wwW l gA ?7rin. If ILLUSTRATORS l U ENGRAVERS g Wf tfTSywNs if fjk) plant IntheWest (?fch mm This signature ia on ovary box of tho gonulnc Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets tho remedy tbat ciarca a cold In one day EDISON Phonographs -and Records New hard Gold Molded Colymtxa Records at Half Price, 25c eagh Full line of Barney & Berry Skates. ATHLETIC GOODS Of Kvery Description Girard Cycle Co. 1304 O Street. ttAAAt2AAlSAa5AaJlSLAAJ9j8 K To the Pacific e Coast o) Tickets on Sale Daily to November b 30, 1903. Call and get full information. G. W. B0NNELL G. P. & T. A. LINCOLN s rororii5Tcy5rr5Trriy(TjTy Electric Shoe Repairing Factoid We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c ITadies Rubber Heels 35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Wolfange Wafthon & So. 220 O St Phono A 002 F:2jliflHUH:PIHBb $25.00 5 o o i KHh I a s K .! - e v .' i -'I i ;-' ' 'i . fr M! ! v m "i w