The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1903, Image 1

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WSc 2)atl IRebraekan
VOL. m. NO. 49
Law Students Intend to Publish
A Class Year Book.
Quite a stir has been caused in Uni
versity cireleB by the announcement
that the law Btudents are contemplat
ing publishing a class book this year.
The nature of this book has been
somewhat misunderstood as It will be
a year book, instead of a simulacrum
of the Senior Annual published each
year by the Senior academics with the
co-operation of their fellow classmen
in the law school. This book, it is in
tended, will represent the entire law
department and will be issued biennial
ly, being sandwiched in between the
issues of the Sombrero.
The ofTlcials who will be most prom
inent in carrying on the work liuve
alreally been appointed. C. P. ('raft
will occupy the position of eclitor-in-chie,
while A. H. Knutson will look
after the financial side. The problem
of raising sufficient money for making
the book a.BiiccesB has apparently been
dealt with, as some very elaborate
plans have been laid and only await
the carrying out. The business man
ager has guaranteed to secure twenty
ilvo pages of advertising at $10 a page
and practically the whole school has
agreed to purchase copies of the book.
The. style of the book will be mod
eled much after the ordinary Senior
Annual, with such improvements as
may seem proper and necessary. Many
of the articles will be written by the
s-taff and the usual material compiled,
and in this work many of the students
aot represented on the board will be
i sked to confer the benefit of their
intellectual powers. Academic stu
dents will also be invited to contribute
of their genius and everything under
ihe sun will be done to give the book
a University color. The law students
are taking hold of the matter with a
strong purpose, and we may expect
inom to make a glowing success of it.
In this year's book the members
of the two classes will have their half
tones printed, but ris soon as matters
are adjustod and three classes estab
lished in the school, a different prqeess
of procedure will be used. Half-tones
of the members' of the two upper
classes will be printed, and after two
years have passed those, who were
Freshmen In the interim will be upper
classmen and will occupy the high
places of dignity.
Tho Juniors met Tuesday morning
and pledged their support In a most
enthusiastic manner, which goes far
inwards ensuring the financial succofs
of the venture.
Team Banquetted at Sam's Cafe.
The parlors of Sam Westerfield's cafe
was tho scene of a brilliant banquet
yesterday evening, tendered by the pro
prietor to tho football men who helped
to make Nebraska famous. The recep
tion was given to the football men
alone, their being only three special
guests present, as It was Mr. Weater
ficld's desire to show In some substan
tial ,form his appreciation of the splen
did record Nebraska had made this year
and hlB pride In thoteam's buccqss. No
ono has been morOr.enthUBldstie for the1
success of the team than he, and it is
from motives springing from this in
terest alone that Me offered to enter
tain In Us honor.
Eyery detail waif attended to with
tho greatest care, and everything In
tonnoctlon with tho affair betokened
Bleganco of service. The men were
made to feel that they were being en
tertained by a friend, whost chlefest de
sire was centered In their enjoyment.
AH express themselves as being high
ly pleased with their hqsnltablo treat
ment and the high order ,of entertain
ment provided.
Union Shining "Parlor, 1018 O St.
Chairs for ladies and gentlemen.
.Jt- '""0 ' "'-', "-'-0l0",m --?. v.
Tickets $2.00. Walts' Orchestra
Two Hundred Present at Banquet
at the Lindell.
Tho flist public banquet eor tend
ered a Nebraska football team v as
given Monday night at the Lindell ho
tel under the direction ot the Pan-Hellenic
congress. While the affair was
given by the fraternities others were
welcome and a few Lincoln b.isincss
men availed themselves of the oppor
tunity to show their appreciation of
the Cornhuekcis' hard victorious work
on the gridiron this year.
Dean Roscoe Pound presided as toast
master with his usual grace and dig
nity and called Tor responses from
Coach Booth, on "Football East and
West," W II. Hayward. "The Good,
Old Days;" Captain Ponder. "The Team
of ':;" George 8hedd, "Championship
Teams of the Past." Manager liuck
ner "Football Finances."
The banquet consisted of ten courses.
The committee, W P. Townsend,
chairman ; Updike, Moore. Ruhenhall
and Lundln, dcseie great credit for
the enjoyable evening and their care
ful attention to details. It Is planned
to make the affair an annual event.
Revised Senior Prom Committee.
Owing to unforseen circumstances
the Senior Prom, committee, as pub
lished a week ago was somewhat in
complete. Below is the list fully com
pleted by President Elliott:
L. P. Hewitt, chairman. Clark Hell,
master of ceremonies; P. .1. Harrison.
Kathnne Sterling, M. E. Townsend, E.
F. Myers, Mabel Stephen. Roy Hick
ford, Ernest Bridge. May Edholm,
Elizabeth Heacock, 1 . M. Huntington.
R. S. Harris, R. J. Mansfield. G. F.
Brown, Lillian Robison. Louise Wood
ruff. H F. Parker. Maiy Meok'r
Sophomore Basket Ball. .
The Soph basket ball team has elect
ed George Lee as c aptain The Sophs
Intend to keep up their former lcputa
tlon as the lnter-c lash champions,
they won as Freshmen last year. The
following men have already reported
for practice: Davies, Nelson,' Samp
son. Thompson, Laird, Mathewson. Le
gro, Lee, Crair, Gibson and Pem
brook. Juniors Hold Meeting.
The Junior class met Monday morn
ing, November 30. Committee on class
caps reported, but nothing definite was
decided upon.
The president waB given the power
to appoint a class debating squad.
A committee to take charge of cha
pel program are to be appointed, as
are also the captain and manager of
the class basket ball team.
Wright JMig Co 117 No Uih.
Go to the Burr Barber shop -qor first
class halr-cuttlng and shaving. Shan
non & Dimlck, proprietors. Basement
of Burr block.
Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage.
Phone, 176.
Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 1.1th.
Academy Notes.
The prompt return of the students
after the vacation was very gratifying.
Friday afternoon the young women
will have their second social meeting of
the year. Refreshments and a pro
gram of musical and literary character
are anticipated.
The business managers have met a
most cordial reception from advertisers
and the exchange editors have secured
exchanges with some thirty secondary
school organs.
Saturday evening (he young men will
assemble for a general good time. Sev
eral matters athletic and debating must
be arranged. Speeches will be made
for various people and the evening
completed with refreshments of a sim
plo order.
This Ib a busy and eventful week In
Academy circles. Today the copy for
the first Issue of the Lincoln Academy
News goes to tho printer. It will ap
pear Friday. The editors and report
ers have done their work under diffi
culties on account of change In plaiio
In size and date of Ibbuc
And now for the most important
item of the week. Last Saturday the
football team defeated the Weeping
Water High School team by a score of
28 to 0. The score does not represent
the merits of the contest, which was a
desperate battle from start to finish.
This closes a most satisfactory season.
Friends of the team a month ago re
cognized that It had In it the material
for a strong team. Tho results of the
past five games have established the
correctness of this estimate. Two of
the five they have won by heavy scores,
the other three have resulted in no
score for either team. Best of all no
dishonorable methods have been re
sorted to. For this and the marked
success of the season the principal
feels very grateful to the "hi en and
The team reports a most pleasant re
ception on the part of the Weeping
Waer team. The Academy hopes that
an opportunity will occur next year
to return the courtesies.
Senior Class Play Committee.
The committee to have charge of tho
Senior class play is now complete, and
will In a short time commence prepara
tions for the play. The committee is
as folows:
N. J. Elliott, chairman: Miss Mabel
Stephens, MIbb Mae Edholm, Enfory
Stanley, L, P. Hewitt and MIbb Gould.
The first committee meeting will be
held this morning at 10 o'clock In U.
10G, to discuss plans and such other
business as may come up.
The first of a series of articles on
"The Agriculture of Russia," by Pro
fessor Bessey, has appeared In the
Twentieth Century Farmer, of Omaha.
When he went abroad last summer he
was asked to prepare a number of ar
ticles on this subject.
The Seniors and FVeshmen will meet
next Wednesday to settle the question
of supremacy. Their last meet resulted
In a tie, and neither Js content to admit
that the other Is as gaod as Itself.
Coach Booth Will Stay.
Changes in Team.
The prospects for next year nre as
bright as could bo wished for and all
lovers of football may look forward to
a team which will be as strong as this
year'B star aggregation.
Coach Booth will be back, which fact
In Itself almost assures a good team,
even though the mntenal be all raw. A
largo number ot this year's torim will
be back and there Ih a great deal of
undeveloped material which will be
brought out next year.
Tho probabilities are that Bender
will bo here again, although he may
possibly move out west. When, how
ever, he sees that he is needed and
wanted here by all the students, wo
think, at least we earnest hope, that
he will remain and help to add- to Ne
braska's fame
The prospects for a good schedule
next year are good. Two big games
have been scheduled already. IlIlnolB
will play here again next Thanksgiv
ing day. which will be something to
look forward to.
Iowa will play hero next year. The
(into has not yet been set, but it will
probably be about the same time that
the game was played with them this
How the rest of the schedule will de
velop Is not yet known, but. with hot
reputation Nebraska will have no diffi
culty in securing games.
Very probably Knox will be added
to the list. We hope a game can be
arranged with them, as they are all
gentlemen and play a good, clean
Nebiaska has again ben denied ad
mittance to the "Big Nine" but they
at the conference received our dele
gate. Mr. Buckner, with every cour
tesy. The reason that we were denied wab
that they did not wish to make the
affair too big; they wish to keep the
number down to as small a limit as
possible. Nine Is about as large a
number as can be conveniently hand
led, and the organization not be too
Illinois proved to be'our good friend,
and urged strongly that we be admit
ted. We appreciate your efforts, and
thank you, Illinois.
It Is stated by some that the letters
sent by Kansas around to different
colleges in the "Big Nine." which let
ters were rot particularly complimen
tary to Nebraska, had much to do with
our being refused admittance. This Is
a false Idea, the conference treated the
Kansas letter as a comic valentine.
The members of the team, all men
who had tho first team signals, will
have a banquet tonight at Westerfield's.
It will be a final rally of the season.
Toasts will be made and responded to
and a very enjoyable evening is an
ticipated. The season is over now and atTone"
look back upon It, he can not help re
calling the good and faithful work of
tho Scrubs. To them a great amount
of credit Is due for helping bo very
materially In bringing the 'Varsity up
to the perfection which It attained.
Captain Bender "wishes to express
his thanks to the men who worked so
faithfully and well and wishes to as
sure them that he appreciates their ef-
Tho University has never had a bet
ter Scrub team than this year and It
will probably be some years to como
before a better one is developed.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
Tel. 787. Baggago hauled.
The Whltebreast Co., at U06 O St,
Is the place to buy coal.
Lincoln . Local Express. Tel. 787,
Marshall & Richards, hair cutting,
massage, shaving etc., 139 So. 13th.
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