The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1903, Image 6
r- r- We are Celebrating Somewhat Also Han SchafTncr ( Marx Hand Tailored Copyrif.ik imi uy uulHuuiuar Mtri i ft w Wk i' B Tho Bcriraraago Is over. Our hat Is off to the victorious U. of N. team. Nor do we assume any special virtue in doing this. All Lincoln is doing tho Bame. But we don't believe it does any harm to say honestly and squarely that for our part we are proud of our champion football players. And And wo are Just as sincere In that statement as wo are in any statement made to a critical public. All of which reminds us of tho football game wo'vo been into for many years. This clothing football game is a strenuous one. There are many shrewd and plucky players andi they are seeking tho best of It as against competitors. That wo have an unbroken line of touchdowns and goal kicks in the face of this is to our credit Wo win. Winners will understand how we feel about It. Tffhow by how big a margin we constantly wlq, let ub quote you as present day instances: Our Touch Down in Suits Mon's Rogulor SIS Suits at $10 Here is where we are strong. Suits are rightly made. Have a wonderful amount of style and ginger In them. Cut from extra fine Tweeds, Cheviots, Worstods, aud CuhsI meres, both In black and fancy. Over 1,000 suits to select from. Positively the greatest assortment of men's strictly high-grade suits ever offered at one time at this figure in those parts. They are worthy of your most careful Investigation made as they are, by Union Labor, cut over most approved pat terns, and being thoroughly hand-tailored, makes this range of Buits the equal of any $15.00 suit shown hereabouts. Sale price $10.00 Coal Kick in Overcoats SlOOvorooots tho Equal of any SIS Cost on the Markot We know exactly what we are talking about, and we fully appfeciate the boldness of this statement, Tho whole thing Is up to you to prove or dlBprovo. You personally have no Interest In the matter beyond get ting a value that It would bo impossible for you to obtain without putting more money in it. Hundreds of men have told us that they could not buy garments possessing the same merit in fineness of fabric, fit and finish for less than $15.00, and wo believe them. These coats may be had plain in 42, 44, 46 and 48 Inches in length, or belted in 48, 50 and 52 Inches. They come In fine Kerseys, VicunaB, Friezes, and the like, while you are given choice of blacks, blues, browns, and4in fin fancy colors. Sale price OIUiUU A Little OIT-Sido Play in Neckwear Wo scooped all competition in a big purchase of genuine $1.00 vol no silk neckwear all of tho latest patterns and have penetizod ourselves by marking them to go at 39c Hero's Whore the Hooters Get Lively A Great Offer in Hats Genuine 8,50 Hats, tho equal of many 500 grades, in all tho pattorns of soft and stiff, tho popular colors, sizes to fit you you perfectly $2.4-0 And tho Band Breaks Loose Hero $1.00 Underwear lor 50c In this assortment of western mado, honest weight, Boft fleeced underwear. Wo offer you in all sizes genuine 1.00 garmonts for '. 50c ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS. 1221 to 1227 O Street 4 I & 2f if if if if if ic 2c &P if if Sf if 'if &f &P &P if &f "if "if "if "if "if "if "if "if "if "if "if "if $& 7tde&w 1309 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Day and Evening Sessions Instruction given in Bookkeeping Shorthand, Typewriting, Grammar, Composition, Letterwriting, Arithmetic, Spelling, Penmanship, Rapid Calculation, Commercial Law, Business Practice and Banking. NIGHT SCHOOL Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Call at the office or telephone 747. ShalL we send you our catalogue? J. L. STEPHENS, President. , )ftHPHfmtt4ttt4iUt Good Skating Requires good states. Our stock of the reliable BAR NEY BERRY make is complete Prices 65 cents to $3.00. I-TA LLS 18Q8 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. ,r Tfm I H GA "f "? T "T T f v T T v T Wf3 I Alteration Sale! T NOW IN PROGRESS AT T t THE A. M. DAVIS COS. - STORE THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY FURNITURE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. $50 SUIT GIVEN AWAY XMAS EVENING Each and every cash $5,00 purchase entitles the cus tomer to one chance on this suit. Premiums in Silverwear is also given witfy cash fur niture sales. NOTICE OUR Show Window for Premiums. . f , ,- a