The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
SfJSSijr&'wf 'uw''p'fi5pRt ,r,-, m.v,, im?jmSmM , .t-T7?A. ' - " ' "- - - - - " : -JL " ' , '" , "- 4pr be IDnilp flctraehan Si SI& liff w. IF Lnrgoat assortment of hlgh grndo pianos to bo Been in tho west, including such celebrated makes as Stclnwny & Sons, Stoger & Sons, Voso & 8ons, EraoiHOn, A. B. Cliaso, Geo. Stcck; Schmollcr & Mueller, and twenty other makes. WT5 SELL STANDARD MAKES OK PIANOS ON $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Our prices aro never beaten by any house cast or wost. We rent now pianos at $3.00 to (5.00 per month and allow six months' ront when you buy. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Manufacturer, WhoUaalc, Rull PIANOS 35 So. Uth St. Lincoln Fraternity Hall 13th & N Street Nowly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frator nity dances. Special rates to studonts. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 308, Fraternity Bldg. FRANKC. RICHARDS JEWELER Fino Lino of Watches always on hand. Expert Watchmaker. No troublo to -tihow goods. RED FRONT. 128 O Street LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Soo oar fall lino of fancy boxes, includ ing FOOT BALL8 and DRES3 SUIT CASKS. Try our Bittor-Swoota, But termilks and Vonitraus. 1337 O STREET W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Nerds far Sale or Exck&nf c We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream (DOMES FROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 133 So. 12th St. Phono. F 205 Go to tho Burr Barber shop for ilrac class hair-cutting and Bhaving. Shan non & Dlinlck, proprietors. Basement of Burr block. 8atn'B Cafe. Tho only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ladies. Campus Gleanings No basket bajl practice Thursday. Watch for tho half-tone cuts of the 'Varsity team In Tuesday's issue. Watch for John Westover's article in the Bouvenlr "Football Number." Don't fail to read Coach Booth's artl clo in the "Football Number." Margaret M. Lucas has been pledged to PI Beta Phi. Sigma Chi will entertain several vis itors from Geneva, Neb., Saturday. Claudo DaviB father, of Lead, S. D.. Is visiting at the Dela Upsllon house. Chorus classes will lead in the sing ing at chapel this morning. Professor Nicholson has been out of tho city the past few days. L. J. Popperberg has not been in at tendance at band practice tho past week on nccount of an attack of tonsllltis. P. O. Burns, a former University student, was visiting on the campus yesterday. Manager Buckner will toll In Tues day's Ibsuo how he was "Touched" In Kansas. I eavo orders for extra copies of Football Issue at the business man ager's office, second floor, U. Hall. There will bo no Y. W. C. A. service Sunday, November 29. Grand rally De cember 6, 1903. LOST Now largo black Watermann pen. Return either to woman's gym nasium or registrar's office. Junior themes will be due Wednes day, December 16, and Wednesday, April G, 1904. Tho Senior theme Is due January 20, 1904. The Senior boys should order hats and canes at once, as tho committee wlsheB to Bend for them very soon. Iet every Senior leave his order today. Business manager's office open be tweon 9 and 11:30 a. m. ieave orders for extra copies of tho football num ber. Hal Roberts and Guy Cooper, both old University students, will visit at tho Alpha Theta Chi houao and attend, tho big game Saturday. On account of tho Thanksgiving re cess tho library will be closed from Wednesday, G p. m., till Friday, 9 a. m. Tho hours on Friday and Saturday will bo from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., inclusive. Vale Norton, a Freshman In the Uni versity two years ago, is Home in Lin coln for a three weeks' visit. Mr. Nor ton has been in Montana tho past year In tho employ of the Burlington rail road as operator. Ono 15 cent breakfast, one 26 cent din nor, and ono 25 cent supper will make 65 cents per day, or $3.95 per week for your board. At" the Good Health Cafe this will only cost you $2.50 per week by our weekly rate, or a saving of $1.45 each week. Come and try us a time or two. Fred K. Nellson has Just returned from AtchlBon, Has., where he spent five weeks coaching the Midland Col lege football team. Mr. Nellson re ports a very successful season and has a standing offer to coach the team again next year, which he will probably accept. There are a good many Ne braBka people In attendance at the col lego, which made Mr. Nellson feel vory much at home. Tho list of members of tho Freshman Hop committee, published laBt week, should have contained the following names, omitted through error: Mabel Williams, Lincoln. . L. Dort, Pawneo City. A Tasteful Display. The beautiful' display of pennants in tho west window of the Armstrong Clothing company's store Ib attracting much attention among University stu dents. Tho ingenious arrangement of the numerous and varied colors repre senting other Institutions as well as our own and a large number of fra ternities, blend In a display of exquisite tasto nnd attractiveness. The Scarlet nid Cream predominating Is a welcome sight to University people and all who hne taken the opportunity to vieV the dipninv to most outspoken in com plimenting it fnMMMMVMMMMMNMMWMIWMM MMMMIMWmftNMMMAMW Western Glass & Paint Go. J2th fc M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Succeuon to STEINER PHARMACY. I Mi O Strut1 Phona 707 Lincoln, rf A. Manufacturers of Steiner's Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Ouro and Gray'i Condition Powders. O00QQOQQQQQQQ THE P. D. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which will find the Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever, saw at $7.50. All kinds of steam coal, the best money can buy. jt o j1 J1 o Office 1140 O. Phone 329. r&tfrys3Y?rroTrtfrtfrtfT5T Waterman Fountain 'Pen $2.00 to $5.00 ;. 1200 O Street. RECTORS I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! Dry Oak For Stpves. Gregory, The Goal Man. J Office 1044 O St., wiiiii mi nil mi iiHiimii iHiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiir Your Fall Dress Suit ( May be ordered now at a substantial saving from our regular prices This week only we will take your measure and make to your order with all possible skill our regu lar $65 Dress Suit at $50 and $55. Perfect Satis faction Guaranteed. c MAYER BROS. 1 Call at 1 134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-QroorPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Street QQJkQJ&2Jt&A&A&9 QA&M&A&A&AA. r SMITH CO. r Yard 6 and N. Phone 376 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If Chunks j! Phones, 343-488. 1 V a W: k ,J t I '4 i .. ii n. $mfmm - i4JA.vr i.k it. .!. ii vmmm i '' f-T.iftijr. - i.-.,, ,A a. v K5K2 33?533?St rW ' -A.-W w.. w; . jfrwm&iwaaaMis&s