The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1903, Image 3
-rT," "7 & be B) a 1 1 p flebraeftan Late Society News Tho Vikings will give a dancing par ty December 3d. 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inn ii 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m m i M The Old Reliable &D agee eemert rown Drug & "8haranije" Pcarse visited at the Phi Psl house over Sunday. CLOTHIERS, LINCOLN, 1109 O STREET t, Book Co. The Vikings will give a party at Walsh hall December 3. THANKSGIVING OFFERING FOR IN Sigma Chi will Initiate Wednesday evening at the chapter house. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN fODNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. Pa.illne Bush, 07 of Ceresco, Neb., has been pledged to PI Beta Phi. Sigma Alpha Epsllon will entertain at a house party Wednesday evening. Phi Kappa Psl will entertain Wed nesday evening at the chapter house. The annual banquet of Delta Delta Delta will be held Wednesday evening. Ed Putnam, '02, of Omaha, was vis iting at the Sigma Alph house Sunday. Printing. THE IVY PRESS CO., 125 North 12th. The Thetas all go home for Thanks giving and the chapter house will be closed. Mr. Arthur Sholmer of the Uni rsity of Iowa, Is visiting his Delta Tau Delta friends here. The Pawnee City club held a social meeting Friday evening at the home of Mr. Will Shlnn. To bo correctly dressed we Biiggett these items tho best makes. I MIH GLOVFS I! SILK MUFFLERS ' ii it i asssaso : WHITE VESTS ASCOT TIES Miss Agnes Casebeer, who has been vlBlting her l'rl Delta bisters for some time, left Sunday evening for her home. John Wilson and Charles Lussler have returned from New York, whero they attended the convention of Delta Upsllon. PECAN BMTTLE Nothing Better. Come in and Try Some. Try our Hot Drinks MAXWELL'S I3th and N Lincoln, Nebr. Clary Cigars and Tobacco Telephone A 1035 HI H. Ulh Street COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska! CAPITAL, - - OFFICERS John B. Wright, Pit. J. H. WMCotvVlc.Pra Jo Samuda 2nd Vlc-Pn. P. L. HH, Quhlw W. B. Ryocu. Aal. Cuht Professor and Mrs. A. L. Candy en tertained a few ( Ity and University friends informally Fiiday and Satur day evening. It Fl Davidson and Ed Quillan hao been appointed delegates from the local chapter to the province convention of Sigma Alpha Epsllon to be held in Kansas City Thursday and Friday. Ar thur Hcckman will be in attendance as delegate from the city alumni chapter. SKIRTS One and two-clasp, light with plquo I seam heavy without seam, $1.50, $2.66 and $2.25. Long shawl or square protectors, white I black", fancies. ALL 81LK. $1.00 to f $3.50. 'I Single or double breast, dots and stripe, X In washablo fabrics, $1.00 to $8.00. Dark r and light pattorns of silks, $3.50 to ,$6.00. Modest or gaudy effects in thin, tke T popular shapo, 50c to $3.50. The newest patterns, both light and dark, attached or detached cuffs, $1.00 to $1.50. I "Kensington" overcoats and suits clothee perfection wo aro agents for f T Nebraska. X In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it- iii ii in tin inn mm 1 1 n For the Banquet Nov. 30th The forthcoming banquet at the Lin dell hotel Is exciting a great deal of comment and It bids fair to be one of the most popular social events of tiie season. The Llndell hotel manage ment Is making preparations to use ex tra efforts in giving the football men and their admirers the time of their lives, and this comes as a welcome as surance, as the Lindell people have always, whenever entrusted with func tions of this character, given the best measure of satisfaction to all con cerned. Tho elegance and high quality of their service Is well known, jmjfl those In charge of affairs can look forward to an event In which every detail will bo attended to wltn tne greatest care and nothing omitted to make the af fair one of surpassing enjoyment. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Date Soda Fountain and Magazines. 11 North lltH Street, POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, beat cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N Htk St Ptefle L Ii4 Banquetto Football Team. Monday evenlng-at 9 p. m., the foot ball team will be tendered a banquet at the Llndell hotel. Here Is a chance for every man to show his apprecia tion of tho magnificent work the team has done this season. While the fra ternities lnltated the movement the committee In charge wish It distinctly understood that the banquet Is not to bo a fraternity affair. Every man should be there and enjoy the evening with the team. Dr. Pound will act as toastmaBter. Tickets can be had from tho committee composed of Townsend. chairman; Lunoeen, Updike and Moore. 'Dr. Joseph Jastrow, professor of psy chology of the University of Wisconsin, lectured last night to n crowded house In Memorial Hall on "The Subcon scious.' He treated his subject In an able manner and the audience was in tensely appreciative. Dr. Jastrow 1b a specialist In this field and not to have heard him was to miss a rare treat. -r Orders lor the souvenir foot ball number should be left in NcbrasKan editorial or business office. Cornhuskers Photograph Display Several of the down-town merchants are showing a most commendable In terest in UniverBlty Institutions this fall. Miller & Paine are displaying in one of their large show windows an ex cellent exhibit in the way of photo graphs, of the entire Cornhusker -lineup, individually and in groups, together with a brilliant collection of pennants and colorB that attracted considerable attention all day yesterday. Professor Jastrow will lecture at 9 o'clock thlB morning before tho eom binde psychology claBBes In room 107 of tho library building. The 11:30 class will not meet. LOST Last Thursday evening, a S'wan fountain pen, between llbiury and Uh and S Sts. Finder please re turn to Y. W. C. A. rooms. do wa mow It would improve your looks and mi? ht save your life to wear one of our Sander- Always right In every way. son's ShoeB. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage haujed. Sec the Business Manager or Circulator about extra copies of the Souvenir number. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Just A Suggestion. There is nothing that one can give as a Christmas present that Is more appreciated than an artistic, llfo-llke portrait. Money spent in this way goes farther than In any other line. Think of this suggestion. See what wo are produc ing and make an appointment for your sitting immediately. TOWNSEND'S ELITE STUDIO. 22C So 11th St. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Coal California Sweaters to the Nebraska vs. Illinois game. We haye a nice assortment of Canes You want 'em. We don't A small price will get em. Samuel fyall The Yellow Front, U23 O St. i Stylish Shoes r--9009 WE ARE SH0W1NB i !! The celebrated Has an, Walk-Over and W. L. jjouglas makes for men. Hanan and Sorosis Shoes for Women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. None genuine unless etamped "Perkins' Swedish." Manufacturers YeUow Pino of General office 201-202-203 Fraternity Bide Yards 125 to HO So. Eighth St. Telephone Gen. office 120; Lumber Yard 13; Coal yard 45. Lincoln, 3C Nebraska. ii Perkins & A a A 1 Sheldon co. ii 1129 O St. UHUNf4l4HHHMf4MI44if ii si The Whltebreast Co., at 11W O St, la the place to buy coal. S9& . i .D i 'J :t -dl i 'I ( i 'I U' f,1 y i