The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 25, 1903, Page 2, Image 2
plm!pyfww-yi,ii'i'1 " mw " " uy tf'f yp "WWWW tlbe D a 1 1 TRebraehan & M A F1 hi M f r "3 L ' 71 II $: the Daily nebraskan. A oonnnlldntlon of Th HvajMsrian, Vol. 81, The Nebnukan, VoL lo, Boarlok and Cream, Vol. 4. Bdltor-ln-Chltf dnalneM Manager Circulator John D. Rice A. O. Bohralber O. A. Bawjer amooiatb xmTona: Athietto Literary A. I". Becker Oaylord Q. Bennett Dorotbjr Orea IlKPonTKnB P. A. Ewlnjt, Violot Irwin, C II. Taylor. W. C. Unmwiy, Rlgar Mollott, and Mabel Fotwlor. Omoeai Editorial, U VXM Bmrinwui, U 211X. Post Offloe, Oox 10, Btatlon A, Lincoln. . Subscription Prlo, 3 per yar. In advanoe. BUred at the poitoflloo at Llnooln, Nebraska aa aeoond-olaaa mall matter. Editorial Remarks Tomorrow's Game. Tomorrow our football men will don their flRhting garb for a game that promises to be one of tho most excit ing contests eVer wltnesfied on our Hold There la Just enough of uncertainty about It to create In us a breathless In terest, and not until tho whlBtle an nouncing tho end of the last half 1b blown, will the feeling of doubt that enshrouds our minds be removed. Tho meu from Illinois have suffered defeat already on their western trip, and naturally they have an overwhelm ing doslro to retrieve themselves before returning home. Herein lies danger for Nebraska. A defeated team especially ono having Btrength and weight, Is a dangerous opponent to meet, actuated as It Is by motives of pride and even shame. Having a purpose to fight for, they aro apt to lose all self-consciousness and entering Intq the spirit of the game, fight like demons for a touch down. But Nebraska alBo has something at stake. She has a glorious record to preserve and round out by a brilliant and effective victory. Our men are nerved up for this game and we are sure that they will play as they have never played before. Under the stimu lus of the demonstration of a large body of enthusiastic rooters, we hope to see them fight their way down the Held to the opposition goal, pushing before them their gallant opponents. A victory over Illinois means much to us, and It would substantially in crease our prestige. Hardly a parallel can be found In tho country for the wonderful record Nebraska has made in the past few years. Our high position 1b universally recognized among col leges of the west, although two forms of recognition are evinced generous and outspoken admiration for the rec ord our team has made, and envious at tempts to disparage Its showing. Hence a victory 0er Illinois would have a pronounced effect in elevating us to a position that none of the western col leges has successfully aspired to And now finally. Let us extend to Illinois the same spirit of fairness that has been prevalent in all the former games on our field, and which has earned for us the hearty commendation of those wo have met. Illinois is a now guest whom we have not previously had the pleasure of entertaining and we wish the visiting team to depart favor ably impressed with Nebraskan cus toms and manners. This-is the way That cordial relations are established, and thus the standard of collegiate athletics Is elevated. Remember the caution give by those who have spoken authoritatively and try to observe them faithfully, cheering whenever proper and preserving silence when necessary. This will be the last Issue of Tho Nc brasknn until after Thanksgiving. Wo hao concluded to give our staff the full benefit of their vacation In order that they may have an opportunity to re cuperate from their ardorous dutieB. Our next issue will be tho Football Number, upon which we shall make a special effort in striving to give a full and complete history of our team and the men constituting It. besldeB a num ber of articles written especially for Tho Nebraskan dealing with tho foot ball situation In general. NEITHER SIDE SCORES. Seniors and Freshmen Combat in Vain for a Score. -o- Tho mass meeting yesterday morning was the last appeal to the students to come out tQ the game tomorrow and make the culminating event of the sea ton a grand sucess. The presence of us all Is needed In order to represent fully the sentiment and interest pre vailing hero In regard to our team. We are pleased to see such visible signs cf spirit and Interest exhibited by the stu dents, and we hope that they will fur nish their full share of the quota nec essary to make this game yield the best financial results of any In me history of the institution. The Seniors and Freshmen met on the gridiron yesterday afternoon to de cide the championship, but after a hard game they had to leave tho field without a score. This la a strange co incidence, tho (lass of '04 last year having to play the championship game over with '06, neither side scoring In tho first contest. Tho class of '04 final ly won, but that is by no means an Indication of the outcome this year. Yesterday's game was so close that even experienced football men were di aled as to which outplayed the other. During the first half the ball was most ly in Senior territory, it being carried most of the way on penalties for Se nior off-sido plays. Hero It swayed back and forth until it made its way to the centre of the field when time was called. The second half was even more exciting than tho first. The Se niors Blowly, but gradually advanced tho ball into Freshman territory, but lost the ball on a fumble. The Fresh men were compelled to punt and by an other bad fumble the Seniors lost the ball well up In their own territory, and the ball was pushed up to tho Senior's 2-ard line, where they held the Fresh men for downs. By Newton's punt the bnll was again taken toward the centre of the field, where, after much sawing back and forth, It rested when time was called. Frequent end runs were attempted, hut the endb were held down In excel lent shape and no gains were made. The team work on both sides was good, both teams being held for downs and punting was frequent. The game will hae to be played over to decide the inter-( lass championship. I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I II' I t 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' t Will Any of These Determine a CHRISTMAS GIFT Leather purses and bags with an initial of silver or gold. Iooms and patterns for Indian bead work. Now gold necklaces of Roman or bright beads. A host of fancy baskets In the Art Department. Thousands of beautiful new handkorchiefs with Christmas boxes to put them in. Dutch poster pillows with tho quaint figures to bo appllqued. Collar foundations covered with Bilk muslin and all tho feather bone bound with Batln, ready for pretty decoratlonB of medallions, stitcheB, beads, etc. New soft kid belts, 3 Inches wide in white and golf colore, that crush when you draw them around tho waist. Reversible leather belts, black patent loatnor on ono Bide, and a color on the otner. Lincoln souvenir spoons Capitol. University, St. Paul's church, Library, or plain "Lincoln." Beautiful wide rlbbonB for ag8 and sachets. Fancy silk garters and i. on sachets made to order in our corset JepartmenL Fine lisle hoso embroidered in rolors to imitate Indian bead work. Miller Paine CORNER 0 AND 13th STREETS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ,, i n ! 1 1 n , University Pins 0UR work is well known Have you seen our pennant window? If not stroll around and look at It. We have the most complete as well as the best line of pennants In the west, and our prices are as low as those of any eastern city Be sure and get our pi Ices before securing your colors for' the Thanksgiving game. We guaran tee you satlstactlon and the best and most courteous treatment In tho city. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Academy Notes. 'Hie Social Hour club will meet one week Trom next Friday at :i p. in. The first ten In the alphabetic list of young women will hae charge of the refresh ments and Misses Helen Waugh, Jane Blanchard and Florence Chapman will be responsible for the program. These monthlj meetings of the oung women are primarily for social purposes. The division of loyalty between the Unl erslty and the Academy Is disintegrat ing In Its effects and such organizations Reem necessary to cement iho union. Under its present efficient officers, Miss Le Gore and Miss Talfiot. Its bid's fair to correct this disorganizing tendency. Were the Academy ten miles from the University the question of unity and Academy spirit would offer no diffi culty. The committee on pennants has done a rushing business and finds It necessary to order more. Have you noticed that the city mer chants are displaying the Academy colors lavishly? Of course, some Jealous competing school will probably answer that the display is In honor of Illinois University, but Academy people know better. Marshall & .Richards, hair cutting, massage, shaving etc., 130 So. 3th. Half Tone cuts ol all the play ers in the Football Special. Do you wear a Uni. pin? We have them in moht every size and style at most any price. Also souvenir spoons, hat pins, cuff buttons. Uni. calendars, etc. THE COOP Owned and Managed by Uni versity Students. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to O. H. Man dasollne, Kerosene, Lubricating OH 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 We always have and always will an- preciato the support of tho students reports to the contrary notwithstanding. YULE BROTHERS LAUNDRY Tel, 754. 1514 O Stroot. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. j jfi jc jt. KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 c r .r - - . -- -'--- - . 'sr.-.v (J'F-OR ARTISTIC PORTRAITS' vi THE STUDENTS FIIND: tt fl w IS" 1ZT TV.T 1X.1 r? w-x "H. r ti -. . f rv. t i l l w, ij Y v fj r-noiograpner M JRIGHT UP-TO-DATE jJ W S"cllo Aen equipped and modern. Very latest M ij styles In oil sizes. jft l132 So"h 2th St. LINCOLN. NEB.iW -"w...r..rrr.-.r J 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n ,, EVERY FRAT f Thovse j I -SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE '' I Burrow Portable Combination Tables J They are not expensive and just the thing to entertain your friends. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS f SIDLES CYCLE COMPANY! 13J7 O STREET I t ' ' " ' ' 1 1 I I I I I I ! 1 9 j - n v " -. ) ' :,, i 1 l - f 1 'ifr 11 ) ' II ry",m"KTF,i ,i.jfc. 'y'ffPj "I t . 1 a - r- t ' '.- .1