The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1903, Image 3

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Freshmen ?nd Seniors Will Fight
It Out on Gridiron.
County Fair Held With Very Fe
vorable Results.
'iho inter-class Championship will be
decided on Nebraska field at 2 oclock
thl aftSrnoon. The game- is between
the two extremes of academic great
ne , the Seniors and the Freshmen.
Th Seniors having won in their game
wll l the Juniors, and the FreBhmen
in heir game with the Sophs. It is a
ha 1 matter to pick the winners and
ev ryone is expecting a very hard'
I ga le. The class of '04 has maintained
Unfipnviable reputation in football dur
linfithe entire four years of its Uni
VJIity life. Aside from competing in
cery inter-class series the Seniors
have met n number of outside teams
and in all their games have never yet
been scored on. They have met the
Kearney Military Academy, Lincoln
High School, Lincoln Academy and
teams representing the law classes. In
all of these games they have either
been victorious or no score has result
ed. Captain Myers, when questioned last
night in regard to the probable out
come of the game, said:
"It is our last football gttnie and
we expect to play the game of our.
The Freshmen, Joist beginning on
(heir University ,career, have their fu
ture all before'them, but the Seniors
think that by tonight the Freshles will
have It all behind them. Much more
interest Is exhibited this year than ever
before in inter-class football. Both
teams today have their loyal partisans
and the best of judges are expecting
a close game.
Many are picking the Freshmen as
winners because they have practically
the whole Scrub team, all of their men
but one having held down a position on
the Scrubs during some period of the
present season. But the Seniors also
have a large number of men who have
learned the ways of football while
bucking against the 'Varsity.
Myers, their captain and left half
hack, has played the Bame position
regularly on the second team during
the past three years, and did most of
the ground gaining against ine Juniors,
and It 1b expected that he will make
his distance when given the ball to
day. Newton, at left tackle, has played
the same position on the Scrubs for
four years and has been thoir captain
for the past two years. Hasten, the
quarterback, made the trip to Minne
sota as a 'Varsity sub last year, and
is expected to play a good game.
Prltchard. Waltrpan, Monch, C. N. Wal
ton and M elicit have all played on thej
second team during some period of,
their college course.
Three of the Freshmen. Captain
Stein Drain and Bishop, weie given a
try-out on the 'Varsity the first of the
ear. Drain was the best ground gain
er for the Freshmen in their game
with the Sophomores, his end runs be
ing the feature of the game. Against
the Seniors he will have to go around
Allen, who i an old York High School
player, and a fast man.
The garqe begins at o'clock. An
admission of Jt) centB vVlll be charged,
the gate rqceipts from all three games
being tumec? over to the manager of
(he winning team to buy caps and
jTseys for the champlorrsr-
The line-up will probably be as fol
lows: Seniors. Freshmen.
Allen r. e Cramer
Prltchard r. t Strykor
Walton r. g Dork
Lewis c Haushouch
Vasey 1. g Burns
Newton 1. 1 Weller
Mouck I. e Galhoun
Hazen qb Bishop
MacDonald r. h Drain
Waltman f b Craig
Myers (Capt.) .. 1. h. ... (Capt.) Stein
The olllcials are tho best the state
affords: Coach Booth will referee the
game; Ex-Captain Westdver will be
umpire and "Stub" Crandnll head-linesman.
The great county fair was held in
the Armory Saturday night and was a
success In every sense of the word.
Nothing waB lacking that one expects
to see at county fairs. There was the
animal booth, containing all the ani
mals known to Noah from the rat to
the brass monkey. The elephant, too.
was there. Next came the vegetable
Jjcoth, under tho direction of Secretary
of Agriculture. MIbb Beth Wallace, and
here all of Nebraska's prize pioducts
were on exhibit. Then there was the
fortune tcllctr's tent, where by, the
dingy light of a smoky lantorn Ida
Taylor, the Gypsey maid, rffead the
cards and read Into the nrysterlous fu
iuro of the sad victims. Tho W. C. T.
(I. also occupied spacious quarters and
with the special aid of uarrio Nation
and the Wqrrian'B Suffrage League a
thorough Canvass In the Interests of
tempernfice was accomplished. Fake
side hows were numerous and a good
many rubes weie taken in, including
Josiah and Samantha Alien, and not
Infrequent. ly was the stalwart copChas.
Sawyer, called upon to set them aright.
The "Plantation Olrls were there In
a body and tho nue boys and girls
who for the first time In their lives
?av a black nigger were almost fright
ened to death. Tho cake walk given
by the "Plantation girls" would have
been a great success had It not been
broken up by Carrie Nation, and her
hatchet. Just when the "hilarity" was
at Its height.
Peanut and lemonade stands were
numerous and were constantly sur
rounded by rubes and their girls In
low necked attire. The baby show waB
alone worth the price of admission,
and the skill with which Mother
Goose (Corris Damon) successfully
took care of fourteen babies would
have been good Instruction Tor any
Thadeus Bolton, the porting man,
and Mr. Pepperberg, the dude, added
much to arouse the curiosity of the vis
itors. Coats' the acrobat, also was an
Important personage, and pei formed
feats which knocked the breath out of
more than one of the spectators. Later
as the fair was drawing to a close and
the lights bean to be extinguished one
by one, wares weie disposed of at half
oi ice and the lingering "farmer boys"
spent their money freely.
To Mibs Elsie Piper, chairman, and
Missrs Fdholm, Whaley, Casey, Athen.
Wilson, Stephen, Damon, Spears. Sly.
and Travis, of the social committee,
'he success of tne fair Is largely due.
Come In and see us about out 2.50 a
week rate.' Good Health Cafe.
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service.
Lincoln Transfer Co.
Phone, 17G.
1 1 n 1 1 n a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 n 1 ii 1 1 1 a i ; i ii 1h 1 1 hi 1 1 n i
Let YouvJoy
0 :
The happiest scenes In all the world will be found this week at X
T ., . , . .... , X
, , me iiuiuuvriuHB iunuBiuiuiH iiiruugiioui America. rnanksglvlng joy
1 ; will reign supreme. We are all going somewhere to help celobrnto this '
restlvnl. Let us enter into the full spirit of the occasion. Before go- . .
. . lng to your home or the homo of your friends drop In and irot somn ' '
of those pretty Armstrong fixings A Suit, an Ovorcoat, a Hat, a Shirt, ' ' '
;; anyimng wearauie me cost now is trilling during tho big mld-Boaaon
. oale and the effect on your personality will bo 1,000 per cent to tho good ', ',
, . TRY IT.
Just A Suggestion.
There Is nothing that one can give
as a Chi 1st mas present that is moie
a ret-lated than an artistic, life-like
Money spent in this way goes faither
than in any other line. Think of this
suggestion. Sep what we are produc
ing and make an appointment for your
sitting immediately.
22G So 11th St.
Chanin Bros., Florists, 127 So. Mtli.
v.i.l-ft.US.JWWJt.lJtWJK zla&jzaJV
1 Phone :$84
1131 N Street, Lincoln
II Armstrong Clothing Co. I
i i i i i i i i i Illllllllliiiini
The Rovghest I D0 ajnow
. It would improve your looks and
fr WmdS & might save your life to wear
one of our
x v 1 1 1 not harm your skin if you use
BENZOIN CRL,v.. regularly; and that
is the proper way to use It. Why
should you wait until your hands chap
and your face roughens? It Is always
easier to prevent annoyances of this
kind than to cure them. Better use
Benzoin Cream now. It isn't greasy
nor sticky, but it Ib pleasantly per
fumed, readily absorbed.
All headaches do not come from
Summer's heat. Indigestion .causes
some, overwork others. Whatever the
cause TRILBY TABLETS Btop tho
ache Try them. Tell your friends
about them.
California Sweaters
to the Nebraska vs. Illinois game.
We have a nice assortment of
You want 'em. We don't. A small
price will get em.
Melick's Stables
Qoatd Carriage.
Phono 435.
Baggage. The flnaat Urrjr In
the citv
1230 N Street. Lincoln, Neb.
Samuel Tyall
The Yellow Front, H23 O St.
for acceptable Mtati
State If fateatotf.
Battlnero. M4.
quDscnpi on price or tne- I'ATmrr iibooh
Der anii'iru. Sam Dies free
Cigars and News
Novels lor Sale or Exchange
Buy Ideals of
Constant Attendance
J25 Southi'2th Street
r, -