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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1903)
'"'T-T- S ' V " 4 . .P1 ,!. J CI f Ml cCbe 3Datl$ IFlebtasftan Wl . i'.iW . VOL, m. N6. 46 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, J903. PRICE 3 CENTS S l isf.ii. rj rt m B- fr, . ,' ?i NEBRASKA Words by Will M. Mnupln, muBlc by William O'Shoa. Nebraska! We stand while we sing to thee! Thy star on the flag we cheer. No star on the blue shinea brighter than you, None other to heart so dear. Whatever betido, our hearts swell with pride. At mention of your great -ame: And joyfully Bing, till the echoes ring, Of our Nebraska's fame! Refrain: We're singing thy praise through the sunlit days; Undimmed Bhall thy glory stand Nebraska! Nebraska! The Queen of the West! Our own Nebraska land! Wo hail with acclaim thy glorious name; We love ev'ry inch of thy sod. Wo shout In our glee when agleam we see The sheen of thy bright goldenrod. Wo sing in our pride of your rivers wide, Thy boundless resources proclaim; And cheer when we hear the echoes clear Of our Nebraska's fame. ,, Refrain M The storehouse of earth In thy bounds wo build, And point all the world to thee. The nations we've filled from thy fields well tilled And ranges so broad and free. From valley-nnd plain pours the golden graini In fullness that men acclaim; And loudly wo sing till the echoes ring Of our Nebraska's fame. Copyrighted, 1903. THANKSGIVING GAME NEBRASKA-vs. ILLINOIS Reserved Seat Tickets On Sale At The Mis souri Pacific Ticket Office. FINAL MEETING Mass-Meeting for Illinois Today. How Bellovue Was Swamped. This morning at chapel time there occurs the last reat students' rally of the year. This rally is in connection with the great game on our schedule the. rontest with Illinois. It Is de signed to Into flory cbulitlon the languid spirltB of-the student body, so that on Thinksjdvlglng day Nebraska's team will be cheered to victory with all the ardor I hat a large and united form of ronterB can arouBe. Coach Booth will address the meet- Ins. Ho hOB some Interesting facts to disclose, and bis" opinions will certain ly arouse Interest. Others vlll also speak and all will strive to make this meeting the ..moEt successful of the1 year. The band will operate on the spirits of those present In an effort to incrfcaso their vitality. They will ren der the new Nebraska song, which Is printed elsewhere on tulcpage. " Bellovue was here, Shels not here now, but she was last Saturday. The Bellovue team and about 150 rooters arrived in Llncqln at about 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon on a spe cial train. , The game was called at 3:10 p. m. The day was a good one and the crowd fair-sized. The Bejlevue con tingent qccuplcd reservoa seats In the grandstand, and hung a largo banner between two of the 'posts In front of the stand. Each student was supplied with a pennant, th.elV- "coldrs being blue and gold, and the effect was vfjry pleasing. They cheered loyally for their team dear through to tne bitter' end and their spirit was to bo commended. The spirit throughout the game was of the best. Both sides cheered for each other and their opposing teams. The game itself was a very clean one. The Nebraska line was a. mixture a goQd many of the 'Varsity men were kept out and saved for the Illinois game, so that the full strength of the team was not used against Bellevue. The visitors were rather light but very spoody and sure. The game on both sides was remarkably free from fumbling. Bender kicked off for Nebraska at 10 minutes past 3 o'clock, the Belle vue man retaining only a short dis tance. For a few brief, sensational minutes, Bellevue played a hard, snappy game and "did things" to the Nebraska team in the way of end runs. Tne visitors had some very clever plays which for a while they sprung on the Nebiaska team with telling ef fect. Twice Moore of Bellevue circled our left end and got clear of all the play ers except Bender. But Bender was there and got blm sure, and hard both times. '1 lie new men soon steadied down and Bellevue's brief splurg was past. During the first few minutes of play Bellevue rushed the ball down to our -yard line, and there tried a drop klkck. but failed. This was the near est the scoring the visitors came. As soon as Nebraska got the ball she marched steauny down the fle. for a touchdown, Graves going over for the score. Before the half closed Marsh was sent over for a second touchdown, this ending the scoring In the first half. In the second half the team pulled itself together and the new men playe1 like veterans, otandeven at left end played a good game. He is credited with a sensational run of sixty yards, dur ing the course of which he was tackled three times, before he was finally downed. Vvilson and Mason were also strong and consistent ground gainers. Every little while Bender would take the ball under his arm and amuie down the field for twenty-five, thirty or for ty yards. The Bellevue men found it no easy proposition to tackle him. In one of his runs he hurdled clear over wooro and went on down the field. 'ine visitors were unable to do any thing against the Nebraska attack and we gained almost at will both through the line and around the ends. Toucndown after touchdown was made until it became almost a constant race up and down the neld. Bellovue played a very gritty game till the last whistle blew, but were sim ply out-classed at every point. When the final score was counted and th,o books balanced Nebraska had 52 points and Bellovue 0. Moore, for Bellevue, played a star gnmo and deserves great praise. Ben der played his usual uriiuant game and time after time played horse with tho Bellovue men. During the last half Marsh Is credit ed with two toucuuvvns, Belle two, Bender one. l.antz one, Mason one. NO GRAFT ALLOWED THE SENIORS MEET Play Arranged For and Prom Committee Appointed. Freshmen Will Conduct Hop on Fair Principles. President Scott, of '07, has finally appointed a committee to have charge of tho Freshman Hop,. which Is to be held December 18th, at Fraternity hall. This committee and Its work will form the center of social opinion for some time to come, for it represents the first real step ever taken In the University toward the elimination of graft in eo clal functions. This la not a commlt tco or one or two men, or for ono or two men. but a committee of the class of '07, and for the class of "07. There will be no rake-off to ilne some Indi vidual's pocket, but the Income from sale of tickets will be expended where It should bo. In making the Hop more complete and more enjoyable, and any funds left over will revert to the class treasury. There are some who contend that a hop Is made up of three com ponent elements a partner, music, and floor. This conclusion has doubtless been reached by tho method of elimi nation and all the pretty enjoyable fea tures have been cut out, leaving only the essentials. This is the theory of the grafters, and they proceed to put It into practice by announcing a hop, providing a hall and musk-, too often not of the best, and charging a price which would warrant three times the outlay, and so far has this spirit of graft been tolerated and so Immune have the grafters been from censure, that at a recent hop the price of ad mission was raised by half at the last minute. Every fellow had invited someone, and of course had to dig" up. The grafters took advantage of the situation beautifully and nearly made expenses by tills strategic coup, but they failed to reckon with public opin ion, which didn't pass with tho hop and which, though perhaps not spoken openlv, severely condemns the act. And this is not entirely tho fault of the In uTvTduaIs at point. It is the fault of custom, and of us in tolerating such thlngB. The class of 1907 Is to be congrat ulated upon Its action, taken whore It should be, at the very beginning, look ing toward the cutting out of the mer cenary grafting of one college man upon his school mates, and toward making tho Freshman Hop art affair distinctly one of the whole' class and for the whole class. The Seniors met yesterday morning In U. 100 and a number of business items of an important nature were car ried out. It was voted that both tho boys and girls have their pictures for the Senior Annual taken In caps and gowns. Tills Is a decidedly new ven ture In the University, but It a step in the right direction which should bo credited to the present Senior class. The class play alRo is to be conducted In a businesslike manner. Tho com mittoe reported that the outlay will bo about $300, which amount is to bo raised at once by an assessment levied on each member of tho class. By this means tho committee will know whero they are at and can proceed to get up a good play without fear of run ning behind financially. Receipts will be issued which entitle the holder to tickets tb tho play. N. J. Elliott was unanimously chosen chairman of tho pluy committee. The pin committee re ported that sample pins will be left in tho executive office and Seniors aro requested to express their prefcrenco so that a vote may be taken at some futuro class meeting. It was decided that a monogram made from "U. of N., "0'1," be worn on the boys hats. Tho committee reported that orders for hats and canes may be left at tho Co Op. Mr. Harrison, manager of tho class football team, spoke of tho Senior-Freshman football game and urged every Senior to bo out and help hold up tho honor of tho class by cheering the team on to victory. The Senior Prom committee was announced by President Elliott, and Is as follows: Mr. L. P. Hewitt, chairman; Mr. Clarke Boll, master of ceremonies; P. J. Harrison, MIbb Katherlne Sterling, M. E. Townsend, E. F. Myers, Miss Mabol Stephens, Roy Beckford, Ernest Bridge, MIbb May Edholm, Miss Eliza beth Heacock. Y. M. C. A. Business Meeting One of the important business meet ings of tho year will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms tonight at 7 o'clock. The subject of raising the association's pledge to the Temple Fund will bo taken up. A full attendance Is desired as the opinion of every member of tho association Is of importance In tho matter. The meeting will bo dis missed before 7:45 p. m., In order that everyone may attend Professor Jas trow's lecture. lnter-class.Athle.tic Board to Meet Sam's Cafe. Tho only place In the city to get tho famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ladles. BUSINESS MEETING UNION Y. M. a A. Association Rooms tonight y:oo-y:45 P. M. Every member urged to attend. Adjouzhment in time to pet mit attendance at Iecfuze. The Inter-class Athletic board will meet this morning at 10 o'clock In U. 10G. The purpose of the meeting Is to consider the legality of- the amendmont to the Inter-class rules -passed nt a meeting In -which the Freshmen wero not represented. The Freshmen claim that tho amendment will not stand, tho Seniors hold the acthpn was legal. At tho meeting this morning tho point will be decided. Conservatory Notes. Miss Bessie Snyder is able to attend classes again after a week's illness. Quito a number of tho girls will go home Wednesday to spend Thanksglv- Ing. Tho rogular Saturday recital will not be hold this week on account of vnca-tlon. Wright Hnig Co. 117 No. 11th. 4 . . 3r - i - t ' .2 "' y 1 - 4 -& ' t ( " V IF? ! VI a r u f) ,?- irt. K-l . FSk J c s i .- "4 "V-w US ZhTRaK Will "JR?A ! "., Mi