r;S!9SBS!rrs V' '-. iiiW j,l' mmifW"".' TygypQirwwry ttbe B)aUg tlepraaftnn ft. fri & ! I iS I ft" 1 r I iri 8.- SCHMOLLER MUELLED THE BIG- Piano House Phone F 763. 135 South Ilth Street We offer for your Helectlon the largest Btoek of Btrictly high grade pianos to be Been In the west, including such cele brated makes as "Qtelnway & Sons," "Stegor & Sons," "Voae & Sons," "Emerson," "A. B. Chase," "Geo. iSteck," "Hard man," "Schmoller & Mueller," Etc. Wo Holl Standard MakoH of Pianos on $5.00 monthly payments. Wo rent new pianos at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 per month and allow six monthB' ren when you purchase. We accept organs, Bquare and upright pianos as part pay on now pianos. Drop In and boo us let'B talk It over. SCHMOLLER MUELLER Mamifjcumr Wholesale, Retail PIANOS J35 So. JJth St. Lincoln Melick's Stables Phono 435. Ootid Carriage. Daggae. Tb (Inert Llwrf b 1230 N 8trVot!rLlncoln, Nob. 4.4.......--.wf'?"MMlMl j - fe PlCTOV 1 ! ? I ONE WAY RATES JL To many points in Montana. Utah t A and Idaho. To many points in t ? i v y California, Oregon, Washington. EVERY DAY From Sept. 15th to Nov. 20th, in clniivo, tho Union Pacific will soil on" way tiokoiH from Missouri Rivor Tormiuals, Council Bluffs to Kansas City inclusivo, as fol 'owb: $20.00 to Oregon and Salt Lake City. ' 120.00 to Helena and Butte, Mont. $22.50 to Spokanr and Wenatchee, Washington. $22.50 to Huntingtc ton ana iNampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, and - Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore- .. gou, via Portland. f $25.00 to SanFranclsco, Los Angeles. V nA San THron. Correspondingly Low Rates to Many other Callfornla.Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho Points.' For further Information call on or address. E B. SL0SS0N, Gen. Agt..:: fill Ss&cTOlKJ I Itt TM . I'lIM- IMI I IB University Verse "His Grace" The Bclon of a house of kingly blood I mot, Damo Fortuno'B favorod child, whoso name Tho plodding millions used synony moiiB With wealth and power and fame. Dehind tho pomp and Bplendor of hlfl life I saw tho hopeleBB eyes, tho haggard faco, Deep lined with care, and did not envy him "HIb Grace." Poised on the portico I saw her stand, Waiting for him who swiftly toward her camo, Confident, eager for tho welcoming words Which I could never claim. Up the worn steps ho sprang with hasty icei, a To whore, above, he stood with smiling face; I watched him go and deeply envied him "HIb Grace." Unidentified Tho following misconception of the art of poetry mysteriously found its way to our copy-hook, and we can find no one who would risk assuming the responsibility for it. So bolng un ablo to flrtd out who the perpetrator was, wo publish his production in hopes that it may lead to the revela tion of hlB identity and final convic tion: "I've found tho missing link!" Cried the youth wild with delight. Earth topped In her orbit Wrapt with swift descending night. Tho stars flod from their courses Through the great abyss of Bpace; Thp Bun stopped still in wonder And gloom o'erspread his face. "I'vo found tho missing link!" Cried f.o mad youth once again, "The ljklk of my sleeve button, Which turns my Iobb to gain." A Lady's Hat. In tho clasBroom you are seated. What of that? Ah, perhaps you are defeated By a hat. Then you twist yourself askew And you wondor what to do, For you never can see through A lady's hat. Now of courso you are perplexed. That is plain. Though your neighbor may bo vexed, You refrain. For tho Co-Ed is bo sweet That you think It indiscreet To romonBtrato at her feot, Or complain. The Death of Leaves Thoo was no outcry as they flutterod down, There ws no agony of.doubt or fear; Without a protest and without a tear, The trusting leaveB have gone, without a sound, Down to the bosom of the ' 'unknown ground. L. S. Unwezsity Bulletin WANTED Two part time. stenographers for B. H. CLARK. SENIOR BOYS Order Hats and Caps at Co-Op; Canes at Llndsey's, at once. Pay in advance. Class In Gernian 17 will have prac tice teaching on Tuesday Instead of phonetics. PROF. GRUMMANN. NEB EI01IT SAT .. C. G..vG ..G.. WANTED A student who has had experience in soliciting, for a respon sible business house in this city. A chance to make some money. Address, "are Nebraskan. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St. Chairs for ladles and gentlemen. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Law and I Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). B57"Thc courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. . The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Electric Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels 35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Woifange Watfthon & Co. 220 O St Phono A 902 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Floe Chocolates and Bon Bons of our own manufacture. Cheapest in the city. CONFECTIONERY FOR PARTIES 18: J 7 O Street. " Lincoln Tank Line SuccosBore to 0. H. Man Qasolino, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital .-. . . .$200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER II. S. FREEMAN. Vlco-Pres, Cashier H. B. EVANS ' FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. Send model or sketch for Free opinion as to tinten tiihllltv. Semi for our f.iililn Rook and ' What to Invent." Finest pub lications Issued (or Free distribution. Patents secured through us advertised without charge in Tho Pnl Addreaa The Pntant Ilccort'.. Bumplo Copy Free. EVANS, WILKENS A. CO. WASHINGTON, D. C. S?Si321 Theology Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nubraakai CAPITAL - - fioo.ooo.so. OFFICERS John B. Wright, Pri. J. H. Wcott, Vlc-Pr ) SmucU 2nd Vic-Pru. P. L. Hall, CuUm V. B. Ryotu. Ax. Cash. Western Glass & Paint Go. I2th fc IVLSts., Lincoln, Neb. Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Successors to 8TEINER PHARMACY. 1146 O Street? Phone 707 Lincoln, NeV. Manufacturers of Stoiner'a Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pilo Ouro and Gray's Condition Powders. Clary Cigars and Tobacco Telephone A 1035 HI N. 11th Street Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. c 6 jft jt KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones744-77S J DAKER.DRD5. UN CRAVING CO. v 1 I ILLUSTRATORS l Mg ENGRAVERS Pal I VWJ h JV AVerflYU tfSSL sas Jfl. 1 m2 'if . i M 1 n ra w fe- t rM 'fttl Pi & .. Al .:j ' H4HWW"WHHH, ':; 1 n HftiMarmfffm ftff y3Ko Tftf. 'JMMwmiyt?l,ffyi' Ttjmi-inT-iL.w!l,T"y" .;' . V ?nc SEC -M