V vtvj i 5- "A tt b e Dailp llebraelian yafArt'iHJW!l .-JT jMf-tqfcjiV'JEJfeJilUMBBMHBtai c in ; i i r rr & . i' s- IV ?r- Ce ap llebraskan- A romollrintlnn of Tha HMpcrinn, Vol. 81, The Nobriwkrvn, VoL lo, Bear lot and Cronm, Vol. 4. Edltor-in-Chlof dUHlnesa Manager Circulator John D. Rico A. Q. Bohrolbor O. A. Bawjcr ABSOOtATI XDiTona: Nwa Athlotla Literary A. P. Becker Qoylord O. Bonnott Dorothy Green Rki'oiitf.iih P. A. Kwlnu', Violet Irwin, U II. Taylor. V. ('. IttuiiNor, HdKiir Mollott, and Miilicl Fosshr. Oftlces: Editorial, D 8TC1H: Bnslnoss, U 21I Post OlUoo, Box 18, Btntlon A, Lincoln. Babsoriptlon Price, (2 per yonr. In advance. Bntered at tho postoftV.o at Ltnooln, Nebraska an Recond-olans mail matter. Editorial Remarks The Bollevue boj'B nrc hero prepared to enrn themselves credit In tho grid iron lmttle this afternoon. If they enn get through for a score. It will moan much to them. Such an achieve ment would be by them considered as lmpoitant as n victory against any of tho college teams that they have met this year. There will bo plenty of Interest to Keep tho crowd awake, und ull Bhould come out and sec this, the next to the last game of the season. docs not forget anyone who Is so un foit.inate as to be Invalided, through fighting for her honor. o Thanksgiving Football. There is a move on foot among some of the members of tho Ulg Nine to dis continue Thanksgiving football. This Is a move In the right direction and tho Big Nino ought to be Btrong enough to carry It through to a suc cessful finish. Now-a-days Thanksgiv ing and football have become almost synonymous and where wo once an tUipntrd tho Joy of a turkey dinner at home and a day of quiet and rest and Thanksgiving, wo now look forward to a day of fiercest rivalry of strenuous contention on the football Held. And this Is nil wrong. We are breaking down an institution of our forefathers. Tho moment of tho day Is entirely lost and too often we nro many miles from home yelling our throats sore and for getting nil about the day and It beauti ful significance In the thrills of vic tory or gloom of defeat. Why can't the game be played on the Saturday preceding Thanksgiving. If there wrre no Thanksgiving game the football enthusiasts would find some way to see the Saturday game and the stickle box would not suffer, but best of all, Thanksgiving day would cease to be used as a money maker and again become one of thankful qulot. The Ncbrnsknn will print a special post-season Issue on tho Tuesday fol lowing Thanksgiving. In this special edition we expect to have cuts and write-ups of all the regular players and artltles on leading topics In foot ball by those who havo taken an active part In steering our team to success. Wo hope to make this paper of such artistic design as to recommend it to the Unlveislty public, and it will serve as n souvenir recalling the splendid record of our team, not only during the present season, but during the past threo yearn as well. Those desiring copies can reserve them In advance by notifying our business manager. o Tho prospects of a good crowd at tho Thanksgiving game aro very favorable. The sale of reserved seats has been especially encouraging. It has been found advisable to raise tho prlco of general admission somewhat, In order to enable the management to make ex penses for the season and meet all ob ligations without a handicap. This will bo one of tho biggest games that any one of our teams haa ever par ticipated in, and If we defeat Illinois, wo will havo a victory to our credit that wo can nlways feel proud of. Therefore all the students should take an active part In helping to dispose of tickets to this game, and they them selves should como out In as largo force as possible to root our team to victory. o We must not lose sight of the mis fortunes nnd sufferings of one of tho men who fought valiantly on tho grid Iron last year and helped to win a share of the series of victories that made our toam the Wonder of the. west ern football world. We refer onco more to "Chick Shedd, the former end on our football team, who now lies help less under a terrible affliction: which arose from an Injury received during one of tho games last year. Being be set by both utter helplessness and lack of means, he needB our help and de serves It. A benefit entertainment can be arranged for blm without any great trouble. It Is our duty tb see that thin 1b done and to show that Nebraska Schedule for Farmers' Institute. The Instructors at the state farm hae been arranging the schedule for tho fanners' institutes to bo held throughout the state thiB winter. About t!(M) towns have already been placed on the list and applications have been re ceived from several more. Considera ble dlfllculty Is anticipated In secur ing speakers for these meetings, but the force hns been much strengthened by the addition of Mr. Joseph 13. Wing of Mechanlcsburg, O., a prominent au thority on the staff of the Breeders' Gazette. Mr. mg win be able to de vote his time till me holidays to ims work. The schedule begins November 21 at David City, and will bo continued al most daily at other towns. It is be- llecd that tho interest that will be aroused by these meetings in sclontlllc farming will greatly increase the Im portance of the. Instruction at the Btate farm. Thanksgiving AT HOME The Union Pacific will sell round-trip tickets from Lincoln to joints In Ne braska for studonts and teachers con nected with tho Nebraska University, at a rate of Fare and One-Third Tickets on sale November 2G and 26, good to return on or before November 30th. Certificates must be secured from the Chancellor's oflke, executed by the sec retary of the local ticketrnBsoclatlon, then presented for your tickets to city office, 1041 O street, or depot, O and Fourth street. E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. DIERKS LUMBfiR & COAL CO. Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Coal Manufacturers Yellow Piuo of General of f ice 201-202-203 Fraternity Bldg Yards 125 to HO So. Eighth St. Telephone Gen. office 120; Lumber Yard 13; Coal yard 45. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nobraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. & Lincoln, X. Nebraska. bribriib5ir5iibriiii K 1 Mr. J. S. Welch, a former University student, and graduate of Northwestern Medical College at Chicago, was a lFltor at the anatomical laboratory on Monday. He Is on his way to Chicago, where he will serve as Intorn in the Cook county hospital for eighteen months, beginning January 1. I The large, new assay furnace has Just ben finished. Mr. Jacobson, who has charge of the assaying class, says the students will uso It next week. There are thrcc-furnaces-now and more work can be done In the classes. The students aro assaying gold and sliver from the ores. The first meeting of the bct-.nical seminar for this year will take place next Tuesday afternoon in 5 o'clock In re o ill. 102, Nebraska Hall. All advanced students are expected to attend the meetings of this society. At this meet ing Dr. Bessoy will present a paper entitled: "Notes on the Botany of the Caucasus Mountains." WE ARE SHOWING Stylish Shoes ! Tho studonts In plant pathology are selecting their special topics for In vestigation, and upon which they are to prepare reports during tho year. Among those already chosen are, "The Smuts of Corn and Grains." "Pruning and Disease," "Wheat Scab," "Apple Diseases," "Damping Off," and "Dis eases of the Cottonwood and Poplars." "When completed these reports are to bo published for the benefit of tho far mers and hortlculturallsts of the state. Tho celebrated Han nn, Walk-Over and W. L. uouglas makes for men. llanan and Sorosis Shoes for W omen. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. None genuino unloss stamped "Perkins' Swedish." Perkins & Sheldon Go. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Eldora, Palace. R. C, Shannon, Marshall & Richards. BATHS Chris" Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Gtrard. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Llndsey, Claroy. CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong, Toggery. COAL Gregory, Dlerks, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Lomlng. DRUGGIST Stolnor, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Rlggs, Wright. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. DANCFNG HALL Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall Bros. HOTELS LIndell, Walton. JEWELERS Tucker. LIVERIES Mellck. LUMBER Dierks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern ComnifcT clal. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co., Kostka. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILIARDS Powell, Stevens Neville. PRINTING, Griffln Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health, Eagle. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoe, Cincinnati Shoo Store. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. MANDOLIN & GUITAR INSTRUC TION Mrs. Roy M. Rhone, 1332 J. SUITORIUM Weber, Burfs. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Lud-Wlg. 1129 O St. NMHt4f44f4f444Hfi B LUE FR ONT SHOE S HOP J. Ko I bac h 1326 O St a&AAA2ASAaA&ASASAajj THE P. D. SMITH CO. COAL Go to the Burr Barber shop for first class halr-cuttlng and shaving. Shan non & Dimlck, proprietors. Bajement of Burr block. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which will find tHe Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.50. All kinds of steam coal, the best money can buy. j jt jt jt Office 1140 O. Phone 329. Yard 6 and N. Phone 376 VVtttt 2$ - - J4yi iiewapiwij g..r- -H Si' Jm