J$?9WW$&'??iftft0Vto 'Wjiftwl u.:'r,n -.i-i'iyjf r.T rWHflH!-' 3BPB rTT.' WfJiM' It Mlll t ttl v - - ; ' tf jOs, -1 ' ' ' V G be alls We br aeft an L ?f& :i'. PA kl 4 T ' ' S If- W' t; J : Editorial Remarks e Ztoj UzbvasUan. A consolidation of Tho Hnporlnn, Vol.ill.Tho Nnbriwknn.Vol.lo, Bcarlot and Crown, Vol. 4. ECdHor-in-Chlef dnilncM Manager Oironlator John D. Hie A. G. 8ohrelber 0. A. Sawyer AMOOIATB XDITOOA: Netm Athjotie Literary A. F. Decker Qaylord O. Bon not t Dorothy Green RicronTKitH P. A. EwIiir, VIcAtit Irwin, O II. Tnylor. W. C. HiunHoy, Ednnr Mollott, and Mnhul Fosuhir. OflloMtt Editorial, D XRU; Btuiincsa, U B11J. Post Offloe, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln. Hubuorlptlon Price, $3 por yoar. In advanoo. Entered at tho poatoflloo at Lincoln, Nobroska as Rooond-olass mall mattor. The Senior boys have decided to 04ir ry ennes thin year. Whether thiB will nrouse jealousy In the hearts of their immediate rivals Is as yet uncertain. While a cane Is a mark of station and dignity when borne by a Senior, yet there is something about It probably tho nrsociatlon that Is offensive to a Junior. Hut whether or not the Ju niors will allow these caneB to be car ried promlaeously is a mater of doubt. It Is not altogether unlikely that some of the Senfors will find themselves vio lently deprived of their property if they do not exercise extremo caution as to the time ajid place in which they ap pear with their canes. that tho size of tho crowd will be con sistent with the quality of the at traction afforded. -o- Dcepite the tendency of Eome of our neighbors to disparage our football team, we still have confidence in Its ability to occupy the position as the lending team In tho midwest, since It Is there already, anu has proven Its superiority by Its unbeaten record, i ne more fact that outsiders attempt to find fault with our team in face of the wonderful work that it has done, shows plainly that their feelings of envy have been stirred up and that no fair criticism is Intended. And one thing noticeable is that all these com ments come from Institutions whose tearnp have been defeated by Nebraska on their own home grounds within the past two years. It is certainly not an admirable thing for any University to directly disparage the team of a rival ir.Htitution. It looks especially Dad In Instances wheie there are nc Jurt grounds for criticism, and still worse when these attempts to (hid fault come from Institutions that have Buffered dff"at nt our hands. As a rule our meeting with other teams, both this yrar and last. hae been pleasant and most of them speak generously of the class nnd strength of our team, but there are tome who can not accept defeat without displaying an uncalled tor amount of bitterness. The students who have neglected to attend chapel regularly have missed lomo splendid opportunities for hear ing able and Instructive talks. The quality of the attractions provided thus far this year has been of an extremoly high character, and It Is regrettable that more students do not tako occa sion to attend chapel. The time re quired is certainly a small obstacle, in face of the compensation given. The most interesting and prominent sub jects are discussed by speakers who are the best fitted to treat of them, and those who do not attend chapel, are wilfully depriving thomsejvea of bene fits thnt it is within their power to grasp. Bellevr.e comes Saturday and Ne braska will have a good practice- game to aid hor in getting into shape for the struggle with Illinois. Bellevue has made an exceptionally good record this year for a college team, having won the college championship of the state, and held the strong Haskell In dian teahi down to 22 points. They are a plucky aggregation and will iin doubtcdnBuible to spring some plays and trlckl will puzzle our team for a time rit least. They are deter mined to score on us, and will doubt Icsb use some extraordinary plays In attempting to accomplish their pur pose. This game will furnish a convenient opportunity to our men for exercis ing for the Illinois game and will be a relief from tho heavy strain of hard games which have been played success ively since tho season began In earnest. Wo may expect a splendid game on Thanksgiving day. Although Illinois has been defeated by Minnesota, that -does not count for much. A week's time even can work remarkable and Important changes and a, losing team often takes a brace that makes It a dangerous opponent. Henco there Is no doubt but that the game will bo a stirring one, and It Is, only to bo hoped An Interview With Dr. Bprbour. The superintendent of education at the world's fair has sent out 250 let ters to different Woman's clubs in the state to Interest them In the Nebras ka exhibit at the world's fair. Women's dubs are being called the collegps for married women because of their educational value. Very few states have recognized Woman's cluliE as being educational and is believed that a very unique feature will appear in the Nebraska education ex. There will be original music, designs, illustrated articles, programs, poems of both literature and scientific character furnished by the state. The superintendent of education of the world's fair Is printing and will soon distribute nmong the school teachers of the state some ten thous and circular letters, Intended to inter est every school man and school wo man In the work of having our educa tion exhibit represented in the best possible manner the schools can give. Pictures- of school houses and school children of different regions of the state are preferably desired. Teachers are being urged to state statistics as to the growth of the pupils in school, etc. Also the photographs showing the evolution of very little old sod or Ion;; school houses' up to the frame school house, and then to the brick or stone school house with modern equipments are especially desired. The department of geology has pre pared the first of a series of large col ored transparencies, by which is meant photographs of glass, colored to life. Most of these are to be the size of the lower sash of a window and are to be set up in screens to rendgr the educa tion exhibit as Interesting and attract ive as possible. Over one hundred of such transparencies of scenery are to be shown in this way. Fifteen such transparencies are now ready for shipment. Discussion In English 15 In the advanced course in debate there was a lively discussion yesterday afternoon on the adoption in Nebraska of tho Minnesota, direct-primary law. C. C. Wilburne conducted the case for the affirmative, while S. E. Black and J. C. McReynolds supported the negative. Call and a&k about our special rates to students. When we explain to you you will see why you want to come. Good Health Cafe. r'"1"' "''"" " - - -1 r TTfl "-jirLUru I I I 1 I 1 If I I I I I I I I III I f X I t ? Mf A: : k I 4 1 I : eft " ' .-v, Hi f ll II M I II 1 I I I i M 1 I I If You Haven't Done It, Do It Now. You are overlooking a brilliant money-saving opportunity If you fall to avail yourself of the bargains now being offered by the big American clothing store. If you haven't dono It, do it now! -r Genuine $20.00 Value Overcoats At $15.00 Genuine $30.00 Vnlno Suits At $15.00. Genuine $15.00 Valuo Ovorcoats At $10.00. Genuine $15.00 Valuo SuitB At $10.00. All this season's goods, all tho latest styles and all the newest patterns. Everything in this immense stock go ing at the same proportion. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. The Place For Bargains, 1221, 1223, 1225, 1227, O St. J atm0mm . - jj-jj-mu-jii-j Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qriffln-QroorPrlntlng Co There Is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-fvlinule Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1J23 O Stri SWA W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchange for acccnfnhla Moan. fl JL fl I I -.:. i; jt.t.. 4 W J 6 I THE PATENT RECORD, Subscript' an price of tho Patbnt Ueoohb ftLOQ DcroiiuMia. oumoie roc Yrzrtr This Dljrnaturo is on ovory box of tho'gcauln Laxative BromoQiiinine Tablets tho remedy that enrca n colitja ono cloy Fraternity Hall 13th & N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER SHARP Room 308, Fraternity Bldg. The Weber Suitorium Is the op-to date place where you can get your Closing Cleaned and 'Pressed Phone 708 Northeast Cor. 11th & O Sts. T. J. THQRP COMPANY Qonoral Machinists AU Kinds of Rplrinf Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Pbont.614 ChGX00XChC)XCkC'XCOOChG Fwlir firrlw0 SHOULD SEE THE NEW Standard Gasoline Lamps & THE BEST LAMP POSSIBLE TO STUDY BY SIDLES CYCLE CO. an O STREET '000000X0X0000OOOOo8 4 ' J n -1 & h y " t U.-' iiL j, -,- ?. j' :&4- i-'- vt .fc V" '.- !'.. , , "t ,j,n: jAa'.-.a, iA && tkgsAb -i y - -. MS