'P???1 m m "& mmji-tA I Gbe Dailp Tlebraelian I' to- ' I l ? i t .. - ft . SCHMOLLER &MVELLED THE DIG Piano House Phone F 763. 135 South Ilth Street Wo offer for your selection tho largest stock of strictly high grade planoB to be scon in the West, including such cele brated. makoB hb "Steinway & Soiib," "Stcgor & Sons," "Vobo & Sons," "Emerson," "A. B. Chase." "Geo. Stock," "Hard man," "Schmoller & Mueller," Etc. Wo hoII Standard Milken of IMunos on $5.00 monthly paymontH. Wo rent now pianos at $3.00, $.1. HO, $4.00 to $5.00 per month nnd allow hIx months' rent when you purchaBC. Wo accept organs, Bquare and upright pianos as part pay on now p Inn ob. Drop In and see us lot's talk it over. SCHMOLLER S MUELLER Manufacturer Wholesale, Retail PIANOS J35 So. nth St. Lincoln Melick's Stables Phono 435. Closed! Carriages. Baggage. The ftneat Ltvcrr In 1230 N StooCt.rLlncoIn, Neb. -"J...j..j...;..j..j..j.4..j...j..t...,...j.. T t s r : ONEWAY RATES To many points in Montana, Utah and Idaho. To many points in California, Orogon, Washington. EVERY DAY From Sopt. JCth to Nov. 20th, in ohmivo, tlio Union Pacific will HOll on way tickois from Missouri Hi cor Terminals, Council Bluffs to Kansas City inolusivo, us fol- $20.00 to Oregon and Salt Lake City. ! 120.00 to Helena and Butte, Mont. $22.50 to Spokane and "Wenatchee, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to SanFranclsco, Los Angeles and San Diego. ' Correspondingly Low Rates to Many other CaUfornla.Oreon. Washlnoinn. Montana, Utah, and Idaho Points. Vor further Information call on of address. m uwn, uviu j;u T 4-HH4H'!W,HI'4,H Campus Gleanings Roy I'almor visited nt his home, Lib erty, Neb., over Sunday. CharloB Liober and Oeorge Carpenter spent Sunday nt Richfield, Neb. The Tri Deltas entertained informally at the chapter house Friday evening. Mr. V. R. Gould is out on account of sickness. Mr. R. Yates, who hnB been sick for the paBt fow dayB, is back at Bchool. Edgar Mallot has been unablo to attend classes on account of illness. Fred Hawxby was visiting Universi ty friends yesterday. There will be a meeting of tho Se nior class Monday at 10 a. m. in U. 10G. Mr. E. L. Brown from Chester, Neb., took In tho football game and visited his brother, M. J. Brown, Saturday. Tbo second team lias been trying to schedulo a game for Saturday, but has met with no success as yet. Miss Florence Whipple of Murdock, Neb., visited her sister, MIbs Whipple, over Sunday. Tho law class in public speaking will bogln extemporaneous work next Fri day. Miss Hayden entertained the Wo man's club at tea Wednesday after noon from 3 to 5 o'clock in her studio. Misses Edith and Gladys Lnndis vis ited their homo nt Wavcrly, Neb., Sat urday and Sunday. Professor Cox, of Wesleynn Univer Bltp. visited the Philosophy department yesterday. Tho Faculty Ladles will serve tea to University girls in tho art room next Friday from 5 to f p. m. The Kappa Alpha Theta girls enter tained with a house party at the chap ter houso over Sunday. ' Harvoy Crandall and Dr. Combs, of tho Univoralty of Pennsylvania, were University visitors last week. Miss Fay Snyder of the Conservatory of Music has been missing her lessons on accounl of sickness. Tho board of editors of tho Senior Book will meet this morning at 10 a. m. in U. 10G. Miss M. Richards 1b out of school on bo back until nfter the Thanksgiving holidays. D. C. Dungan. reader in tho political economy department last year, was a campus visitor yosterday. Mrs. H. B. MoBher. of Load. S. D., formerly a student in the University, is visiting her parents, Professor and Mrs. 11. II. Nicholson. Miss Margaret Bracelin is unable to attend to her school work nt present on account of the serious illness of her sister. Marcus Jacobs, who was a student at the University last year, was visiting friends in Lincoln over Sunday. He is now in Chicago nt work for the C. B. & Q. railroad. Chancellor-"Andrews will return the last of this week from his trip to New York City, where ho delivered nn ad dress before the national convention of Delta Upsllon. Miss Grace Stewart, formerly a stu dent of the Lincoln Academy, left for California Saturday evening. She will spond tho winter with her grand par ents near San Francisco. Mrs. Anna Keyes Moris, a Univer sity Btudent of tho early '80's, now pf Now Castle, Wyo., is in tho city. Mrs. Moris attended tho "Old Timers' Pro gram" In Palladian hall Friday evening. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). J37The courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Electric Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels 35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Wolfange Wathon & Co. 220 O St Phono A 902 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Floe Chocolates and Bon Bona of our own manufacture. Cheapest in the city. CONFECTIONERY FOR PARTIES ia:$7 O Strot. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to O. II. Man Gnsolinc, Kerosene, Lubricating: Oil 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $200,000.00 Surplus 100,00.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. II. BURNIIAM. President. A. J. SAWYER II. S. FREEMAN Vico-Pres. Cashier H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. 8em1 model or Hketch for Yrcv opinion A tri llfirnrk tnhllltl Ctptwf 'trtr nur tfttl.ln nook tnl Wlint to Invent." Ilwft pub lications iHsnwl (or Free distribution. Patents Becurt'tl through uh niHecllseri without ctmruoln II ....! .- a .a. Lsed without charge In Mimiilu Coiiy l-'rco. 1 ENS &, CO., )N. D. C. P 1 iic i-nium iiccori. iMimino iouy i-rco. jvcxirt.in EVANS, WILKE WASHIHGTOI Mill-Hill .- .J HMMM,TB ! Si I Theology I Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska. CAPITAL - - Stoo.ooo.oo. OFFICERS . John B. Wright, Prta. J. H. Weicott, V.ce-Prt Jot SamutU 2nd Vice-Pro. P. L. Hall, Cubic V. B. Ryoru. An. Cah. Western Glass & Paint Go, 12th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Net. ' Steiner-Woempener Drug Co., Successor! to STEINER PHARMACY. 1146 O Street' Phone 707 Lincoln, Neb. Manufacturers of Stoiner's Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Ouro and Gray's Condition Powdora. Clary Cigars and Tobacco 111 N. 11th Strccl Telephone A 1035 Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. '& jfi & jt, KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-77S DAKEiDR05. LN CRAVING CO. JLwsrmroRS ENGRAVERS f ies al-tone pfantin iKc wet m ra.i iA :M1 v MljS HA :. r?i m v:l 4 . A. t! X :.f .1 i: . .vrJ 1 m v .'(1 V 'w ' II m r-: y. :Oi & . . i.;A,- $&&, " tfi--fea yjs- ja tvZM, &?&&&&.