The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1903, Image 1

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Conservatory Opens Its Second
Term. Recital Tc-night.
Registration for the second term of
tho Conservatory of Music began yes
terday, with prospects even more pleas
ing than heretofore.
Tho enrollment of new students will
continue during the entire course of the
present week, and new arrivals will
take place daily. Up to date the follow
ing new students have registered this
Graco Edmlnsten. Anselmo; Annie
Barrio. Friend; Charlotte Roberts. Sut
ton; Martha Dill, Thedford; Edna Zim
merman, Ulysses; Flora Steiner. Lin
coln; Florence Durbln, Malvern, la.;
Gaylo Jones, Wayne; Hazel Mannard,
Lincoln, and Clara Albion. Custer,
S. D.
Tho usual annual attendance at tho
Conservatory of Music is between 300
and 400. The enrollment this year is
undoubtedly the largest in the history
of tho institution, and it has before it
every prospect of steady and prosperous
MIbb Griggs, a graduate of the school,
has been' added to the teaching force.
ono 18 aiso a grauuaie oi me um-
Tho first public recital of the year
is to bo rendered in tho chapel tonight
at 8 o'clock. Tho public Ib cordially
Invited to be present. Following is
tho program of the evening;
Two Etudes, Chopin; Louise Walker.
"Tho Dandelion," "Thou Art So Like
a Flower," "He Loves Me," Chadwick;
Elm a Marsland.
Study, Op 20, Kwast; Pearl Fodrea.
Sherzo, Caprlcclo, D. Scarlatti; Bes
sie Mickey. .
Tho "Shoogy Shco," Mayhew; Harry
Gavotte, Bach-St. Saens, "Stacatto
Etudo," Scharwenka; Ethel Syford.
"Morning Greeting," "Faith in
Spring," Julia McCuno.
Intermezzo, Op. 76, Brahms; Inter
mezzo, Op. 9, Strauss; Cora Herrick.
Organ Prelude, Bach; Winifred
Howell. ' -
"Long Ago," "The Swan Bends to tho
Lily," "Robin Sings' in tho Apple Tree,"
McDowell; yera Upton.
"Without Thee," D'Ardelot; Olive
"Rlgaudon," Raff; Edith Shedfl.
Nebraska's Prospects of Defeat
ing Illinois on Tnanksgiving.
Noted Psychologist of Wisconsin
University to be Here Tuesday
Kansas Board Notifies Us That
Relations are Severed.
Tho following letter is the official
notification from Kansas, notifying us
of the action of tholr board in severing
relations with Nebraska:
"Mr. R. G. Clapp, Secretary A. A. Uni
versity of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb.
"Dear Sir: This Is to Inform you of
the action of our Athletic Board taken
on Friday, November 13. It was 'On
account of the strained athletic rela
tions which exist and have existed for
several years between the- University
of Kansas ami the XJnlverslty of Ne
braska, the Board of Athletics of the
University of Kansas, at its regular
session November 13, 1903, votes to
sever all athletic relations between the
University of Kansas and the Univer
sity of Nebraska, this action to take ef
fect on and after Monday, November
16, 1903. Very truly,
"Secretary Board of Athletics, Univer
sity of Kansas.' "
Our Athletic Board will meet this
evening to consider, tho matter.
, i
Still the practice for Thanksgiving
goes on. Night after night the team is
being rounded into that almost perfect
form which is going to win on that
That great rallying spirit which is so
characteristic of Nebraska has been
more In evidence since the Kansas
game than at any other time during the
season. I ma 10C3 not particularly
apply to tho team. They need no rai
ding. Throughout the entire season
they hae a played a game which enti
tles them to a place In the "nig Nine."
Iowa docs not allow this because she
Is fearful left Nebraska may wrench
from her grasp that much coeted
Knox has appreciated the strength
of our team and has admitted that the
record we hae mnde during tho past
two years has most emphatically en
titled us to a place. Knox Is not trying
to excuse her defeat at the hands of a
superior team, but is glorying in the
fact that against such a superior ag
gregation, of players she was ablo to
score and she has Just cause for her
Iowa is sore. She is vainly trying to
excuse or explain a legitimate defeat
and is unable to do so. A team hardly
wins by luck on foreign grounds with
all odds against it.
One of the best testimonials which
has been tendered the Nebraska play
ing is the fact that all the teams about
us are so anxious to beat us or even
score on us. They will sacrifice every
other game on their schedule if by so
doing they can ain any strengtii ior
their game with Nebraska.
Colorado, Kansas, and In olden times,
Missouri, practiced these tactics. Even
now Missouri takes out her spite on
us tii rough the columns of her well
edited weekly newspaper. We are sorry,
but it's not our fault that our team
will persist In winning.
Too much praise enn not be given
to Coach Booth for his untiring and
earnest efforts to produce a champion
team. This end has been his ciesiro
eer since his advent here and whether
or not he has realized it we have only
to" glance at the record Nebraska has
made for the past two yeacs.
The next game la with Bellevue .on
Saturday. This team played a mighty
nervy game against the Haskell In
dians on Saturday last. Though they
were defeated by a score of 22 to 0 the
game was a good one all the way
through, and the score Is no index of
the playing that was exhibited. It must
bo remembered that the Indians are a
strong team and have been playing
excellent ball all season.
The game with Bellevue will bo well
worth seeing and will be next to tho
last chance that people will have of
ceing the team play this year, so eery
one who posBlbly can, and surely every
one can, should be there.
There will in all probability be an
excursion from Bellevue, and a large
number of the students will bo hero
to encourage the team.
The practice last night was fast
and furious. The Scrubs succeeded In
mnklng their distance but could in no
wise endanger tho 'Varsity goal.
Graves came out of tho fray with a
game eye and a disfigured nose, but
neither injury wis serious and he con
tinued to play In spite of them.
Benedict was not out, but is saving
up his strength and adding to hip store
for the game Thanksgiving. Ater the
gamo ho played at Kansas apd the gilt
and nerve he displayed ie deserves a
Rlngpr was In the line at left guard
for signal .practice, but did not' stay foV
tho llne-tjp against the Scrubs.
Eat at Good Health Cafe.
Unlott Shining Parlor, 1018 O St.
Chairs for ladles a,nd gentlemen.
Next Tuesday evening Lincoln people
will hae an opportunity to hear a
lecture by Dr. Joseph Jastrow. profes
sor of psychology at the University of
Wisconsin. Mr. Jastrow lias written
extensively upon general psychological
pubJectB, and has conducted some ex
periments of considerable importance.
In more recent yearn he has given
attention especially to occultism, tel
epathy, spiritualism, hypnotism, Jug
glery, legerdemain, etc. In this work
he has attempted to separate the true
from the false and to find out what has
been really established from a scientific
point of view. Throughout he has re
mained true to his earlier K'lentific
ideas, not having been led Into an ac
ceptance of belief in any of these
things. He has Fought carefully for
the psychological foundation upon
which Biich movements as spiritualism.
Christian science and theosophy rest.
He 1b therefore probably the best qual
ified man in America to speak upon the
subject he has chosen, "The Sub-conscious."
Professor Jastrow is a man of rare
culture and literary attainments, so
that we may expect to hear a lecture
of unusual merit. HJs statement is al
ways clear and concise and his lan
guage good. The lecture will be given
In Memorial Hall, entirely free, and
all are very cordially Invited to attend
as guests of the department of philoso
phy. On Wednesday morning he will
speak especially to the students of tho
psychology department in the depart
mental lecture room. It is hoped that
he can appear before t he student body
at the convocation exercises Wednes-
Debaters Will Soon Compete for
Places. Contest With Kansas.
Seniors Arrange for Insignia.
The Senior boys at their class meet
ing yesterday decided to carry canes
and wear hats this season. The canes
are heavy black affairs, but after the
fashion of a shepherd's crook. The Se
niors say the crook is for the guid
ance of Freshman lambs that fail to
find the fold at night. The hat Is to be
a dark blue with a "U. of N." mono
gram embroidered on it. The "N." will
be In scarlet and the "U." in cream.
Seniors loa.vo orders for tho hats at
the Co-Op.
Pershing Rifles.
Muster rollcall and inspection by
Captain Chase Thurbday evening, at
7:15 sharp. Every member must be
present. There will be a drill-down
for the gold medal.
E. D. STANLEY, Capt.
Kappa Epsilon, an Inter-fraternlty of
Phi Kappa Psi, was installed in Kansas
by the Nebraska chapter last Saturday
night. MesBrs. Peters, Liuscott and
Craeger of Kansas, and Morrison of
Nebraska, were Initiated.
The direct-primary question will be
debated this afternoon In U. 100 at 1
o'clock by C. Wilburn, J. C. MeRey
nolds and S. E. Black,
Laundry Club at the Co-Op.
Don Cameron's lunch
good service.
counter for
Tho Sophs and Freshmen will meet
oh the gridiron Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Both classes have Btrong
teams this year and a fierce battle is
The Kansas-Nebraska debate, which
for some years liaB been an annual
event. Is up again in connection with
the break in athletics. Before 1902
victory went flrBt to Knnsas and then
to Nebraska. In 1901 Nebraska got
whipped at Lawrence, but two years
ago C. M. Bracelen, '02, now In charge
of the instruction In argumentation and
debate and bend of the department of
history at the Omaha high school, J.
C. Doubt, '03, and S. C. Hawthorne, '02,
annihilated the Jayhdwkcrs on tho rocl--proclty
question, and last April Jj. 'R.
Muckner, R. C. James and Getfrge A.
Lee cut them to piece o,n compulsory
arbitration. When eliraska finished
lior final refutation slaughter Chan
cellor Strong arose and said that ho felt
as if he hrtd been "going on an express
train, through a tornado."
For the debate which is expected to
take place in Memorial Hall this year,
no definite arrangements have yet been
made. Kansas has proposed some hard
and fast -regulations, such ns tho de
bating board declined last year to ac
cept. Two or three little things oc
curred at the Lawrence debnte last year
It will be remembered, which loft a
rather bad taste in the mouths of tho
Nebraskans, for Instance the slip by
which the Kansas 'time-keeper called
Lee down when only about half of his
time had expired, whereupon Lee de
manded and got his proper time.
Some of the large charts which Ira
Uyner introduced into the Nebraska
Mlseourl trust debate last May and
which extended for forty feet across
tho north end of Memorial Hall, are
being used In connection with the stu
dent reports in Professor Robb' course
on trusts. They show the variation in
prices and in margins In times of com
petition nnd of culmination 6' steo.
whisky, sugar and oil. These charts
Ryner sprung near the end of tho
fight with Missouri.
On account of tho Freshman class
meeting in tho chapel, tho German
chorus mot in Palladian hall Monday
Bishop J. C. S. WerellB, of Norfolk,
vltltcd the Sigma Chi boys last week.
He was a member of the fraternity be
fore the civil war.
Tho class in division 3, English lit
erature 5. has nearly finished the study
of "Elaine." "Evan Harrington" will
bo taken up In the near future.
Professor Caldwell's class In "current
toplCB" today will discuss "Panama, tho
Revolution, and Cannl." Tho subject
next week with be "Strikes."
The Union society at Its last meet
ing acceptod the following members:
Miss Esse Hollingsworth, Mr. Baker
and Mr. M. P. Castelloe.
Professor Caldwell will not talk In
chapel this morning, as heretofore an
nounced. Professor Fossler will take
his place." Professor Caldwell's address
will be delivered some time next week.
Wright D-ug Co.. 117 No. 11th.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 O St.
Two copies of the first volume of
"Thayer's Cases In Constitutional Law"
have been taken from the law library.
This Inconveniences tho work of tho
class In Constitutional Law to a great
extent slnco now there are only six
copies to be used by nearly eighty .students.
Chapln Brps., Florists, 127 So. 13tli
Marshall & Richards, hair cutting,
massage, shavjng etc., 139' So. 13th.
The" Whltebreast Co., at HOC O St.,
Is tho place to buy coal.
Lincoln Local Express, lllh and N,
Tel. 787. Baggage hauled.
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