The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1903, Image 1

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    V' M&'
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Team Prepares for the Big Battle.
Basket Ball Prospects.
The team was out for practice last
night despite the wind and cold. The
men arc stiff and sore from the Kansas
game, but all in the best of spirits and
determined to finish the year with the
clean record they have so far sus
tained. A,
The next big game, to be played on
Thanksgiving day against Illinois, will
close theseason.
The team will be in the best of con
dition by that time and ready to do
battle till the last foe goes down to
There is a rumor abroad that Dean
Ringer is to be in the game against
There is a good deal of truth in this
report. Ringer Is out every night get
ting into form and placing himself in
such a way that he will be able to be
of use if the occasion demands.
Can we use him? Well I rather
guess wo can.
He has had the signals for some
time and is rapidly getting into condi
tion. Now that the football season Is draw
ing to a close, basket ball begins to
loom up and attract attention. The
prospects for a good team this year are
excellent. Many of the old men are
back and from the new ones some
splendid material (an be drawn.
Active work along this line in the
way of games will not commence for
.some time. Practice, however, is go
ing on every night, and the team will
be in good condition whon the time
for them to test their powers arrives.
We hope that a good deal of interest
may bo manifested in the game this
year among the students and that the
team may bo well and loyally sup
ported. This game is growing in favor year
by year among the largest colleges and
Institutions of learning throughout
tho country, and it is hoped that the
fine points and advantages of It may
bo appreciated hero and the game
placed upon a high plane.
The work in the gymnasium is pro
gressing rapidly. The classes are
large and a great deal of interest is
being taken in tho work.
Tho Gymnastic Carnival which was
written up at some length in an earlier
Issue of this paper, will take place
about the middle of December, prob
ably just before the Xmas holiday?.
A good deal of individual work is
being done by students preparatory to
this test.
Work on the horizontal and parallel
bars and in tumbling will compose the
Bach man Is given three figures in
one of those lines and he may choose
any one of the three.
Silver cups will be awarded for first
and second places.
This Is a new departure In the Uni
versity and as It Is to be made a yearly
affair ltls hoped that tho Interest duo
to It will be forthcoming.
Tho cross country run men failed
to materialize last night, probably be
cause of cold weather. The runs will
bo resumed as soon as the weather will
Wright IV ug Co.. 117 No. Mth.
Restaurant Unique. 1228 O St.
Chapln Bros.. Florists, 127 So. 13th.
.,;-v: -
4- V Chrb' Bath Parlors, 11th and P Sts.
Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage.
j Phone, 176.
J Stevens and Neville, 1330 O St, Man
x ',??ftifacturera of cigars. Billiards.
Laundry Trust Concern Out After
Student Trade.
The vertebrae or the Laundry Trust,
after show,ng for some tun" a wind
ing elasticity, :i is been iK.jkc.i and
now c:ip of the concerns i3 offering
inducers its to the e . .ents. With the
oiler . 'rue:; the assurance that no on-(p-'h.ii
t) tho students Is olTei "..
v ! vo can readily appreciate, but
this charitable company can accept
student laundry now because the rush
of business is not so great. This is
cheering news to many, but the ofler
came two months too late for most of
'.he students to take advantage oT It.
The .nanaj-'er of the company that
hns been offering Inducement riui
ns a lea-on for his action the nllcgii
lio.: thut the rusn entiiled by summer
gc. i'o ! so much lighter that t!i" ein
Iilojcs need extra work to fill out their
houid. He does not say thr, ( m! ha?
come down, that the avarice of the
empires has i pen at'endel to and
the myriad adverse ' ondition.i m -fronting
the company has been s1 tiled.
And : hove ail, he doesn't explain what
i.u-thc us he will r How in makim; stu-ur-i.l
business pay, since h" st'.Uod six
week'- :go that work of th's Kind was
i'one i.i a loss on account of the reduc
t on i c ( essary. An employe stato) then
t',,nt the company die; not care to take
student tiade at a reduction. But im
that .i long, c ,' winter in np'iio.ic.i
II)'.;, ard "he sun ol prosjilty ins
been blotted from view by a heavy
lnni. ol clouds, it 's perfectly wiiiini;
tj ii-ji e an in lucement tc tho ctu
clcjt: a'ler failing to hold tin m up I i
rxm.j ., 'ant ratos
And now one word to the students.
The Omaha laundries are giving the
best of satisfaction, as they are doing
work as good or better than can be
obtained in this city. Furthermore
through them alone could reasonable
Kites be secured by the students, and
at lo-ig as the students abide by this
anangement they can always be sine
of fair treatment and reasonable prices
The laundries here have been the colc!-
st of all tho business nouses of Lln-
coln toward student enterprises, and
we ha'"e no "cause for feeling unpatri
otic in sending our laundry aw.iy to a
I.Inee ";here fair prices wore often I.
and in staying by those who spared us
the mccfsity of paying rates that, nor.e
of us could well afford to pay.
Such an offer coming now deserves
the cold shoulder. It comes only after
a thorough trial by the laundries here,
iho object and prayer of which was
to see If tho Unverslty Iaundry club
nould not run Its course and favor
able series of circumstances bear the
trade back Into their hands. If such
a happy state of affairs had taken place
all would have been well for the laun
dries and bad for tho students.
But the students can not afford to
pllow themselves to be weaned away
from something that Is butp to
something full of uncertainty And they
do not intend to. Wo can place no
relian'f- In their Inducement, for the
Lincoln laundries would raise prices If
they could get all the student trade
Into their hands again. This we must
avoid. And the only way wc can avoid
s:. h a result Is to turn a deaf ear
t'. the entreaties of the companies here
and stand by the organization that en
sures a permanent scale of fair prices.
Rate for Excursion.
The Burlington route has Issued the
following statement In regard to the
Thanksgiving excursion to Lincoln:
"For the Nebraska-Illinois football
game at Lincoln, Thanksgiving clay,
November 2th, the Western Passen
ger association has authorized a rate of
one fare plus f() cents for the round
trip from points in Nebraska from
which the local one-way rate to Lin
coln is $3.00 or less. Tickets to be sold
November 25th, limit 27th."
This announcement Insures a good
outside attendance at tho game, which
has already attracted much comment
throughout the state. The authorized
excursion will draw from practically
the whole state and will doubtless
prove a great succcbb.
Unions Hold Successful Meeting
The Union Boys' Debating club held
another successful meeting Saturday
night. Twenty-five men were present.
After i he football celebration on tho
campus, James and Klrwln on the af
firmative and Ijevy and Fox on the
negative, took up the Panama question
and discussed It in a skillful manner.
The question selected for next Sat
urday night is "Resolved, That the
Vulted States should pass compulsory
voting laws." Mitchell and Itmb will
take the affirmative. Waltman and
Shelbourne the negative.
Convocation Program.
Following Is the convocation pro
gram for the balance of the week:
Wednesday "The Roman Forum,"
stereoptlcan; Professor Barber.
Thursday-rProfesBor Caldwell.
Friday Music.
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service.
Girls Team Starts Practice To
morrow for Busy Season
dlrls' basket ball practice will begin
tomorrow So far the lenders In glrln'
athletic have been playing hoclcey and
will continue with the outdoor game as
long as the weather permits. Cold
weather, however, will put a stop to
this, and until Indoor hockey can he
ni ranged, basicct ball will be the chief
recreation. Moreover, the basket ball
'onaon Is drawing near.
The Inter-class tournament will tnke
I lace In December, JtiRt beforo the
holidays, and there will be at least
thiee big games with outside teams.
The outlook for a strong first team Is
very promising. Miss Jansn, last year's
star forward, and MIhh lClva Sly. guard,
will again play. Miss Pearl Archibald,
center, Is not In school, but Ida Taylor,
a star two years ago, Is again In school
and will try for a place. Miss Corn
Scott Ib also back and a number of
last year's substitutes. MIbb Townc Is
barred through professionalism, but
her position as assistant will give tho
team tho benefit of her coaching.
Among the new girls there are a num
ber who played on prominent high
school teams laBt year, and consider
able competition for places on the 'Var
sity Is looked for.
The class of '0." bus won the cham
pionship iwlce In succession at tho
int'T-class tournament, but through
the absence of MIbb Archibald and
MIsb Bryan their team is materially
weakened, and their prospects for win
ning this year nre at present a little
doubtful. The popular "Midget" team
of last year which put up such plucky
games against tho Academy and the
Alumni, will ngain organize this year
and some Interesting games may be
expected. Miss Pound will again man
age the 'Varsity, but as yet no Bched
ulo has been urranged. Last year tho
team won agalnBt Omaha, Baker Col
lege, and tho Haskells, all of which
were strong teams, and to duplicate
the record will mean some good, hard
Law Students in Cold.
Tho lawv students are complaining
because they are constantly left In tho
cold. Up to Saturday no arrange
ments had been mado for heating tho
new law library and on cold days the
boys were compelled to wear their
overcoats while studying. Now Utree
radiators have been put In but their
cnly work has beon to keep tho room
dark with smoke. Tho room Is a
lare one with a number of north win
dow and tho radiators are entirely In
adequate to furnish the necessary heat,
and If-something is not done pretty
seen the lawyers may take the law Into
their own hands and strike for warmer
Dr. Hermann von Schrenk, patholo
gist of the department of agriculture In
Washington, wlio has beon Investigat
ing the diseases of forest trees, and
the decay of timbers, spent tho evening
with Doctor BeBBey on Tuesday of this
week. He Is out on a tour of Inspec
tion, giving his attention especially to
the decay of railway ties and other
timbers used. In construction.
Union Shining Parlor, 1018 0 St.
Chairs for ladles and gentlemen.
Sam's Cafe. The only place in the
city to get the famous "Little Gem
Hot Wafflps." Special service for la
dles. Go to the Burr Ba'rbor shop for first
class hair-cutting and shaving. Shan
non & Dlmick, proprietors. Basement
of Burr block.
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