f? rm Mt&FK''i'y,i ' v'tv - r- ?, -c . r4f.t,mmri m,, m,, "T- r iv , ""'. i iimr ' mil in "iy i---1'--'r----" i.wfiii.niKi m" 'i muw'','"i" "rT .:;;'"'' arr-tT-nrn &' l -Gbe H) a t I p Hebraefian A .fl . i I h :' e Zap Uebraskan. A oonnolidntlon of The HmperlMi, Vol. 01, The Nobrtwkan, VoL lo, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Edltot-ln-Chltf i)alnH Manager Circulator John D. Rico A. O. Bohrelber 0. A- Bawyer Auooun xditoiu: A. Y. Docker t daylord O. Bennett Dorothy Qren Newa Athletle Literary RKPonTEiiH P. A. EwlnR, Violet Irwin, C H. Taylor. W. C. UnmHcy, EdRnr Mollott, nnd Mabel Fowtler. Offlceai Editorial, TJ SOOW; Boalneaa, T7 211U. Poat OOUje, Box 18, BtaUon A, Lincoln. Subscription Prio, tt per year. In advaaoe. BaUrad at the postoflloo at Llnooln, Nebraska as aecond-claaa mall matter. I- I 1 ! 1! KU I . Editorial Remarks Iowa Is boaten; therefore there 1b cause for rejoicing. The uncertainty that had overshadowed this gamo worked up a high tension of feeling, and now that the strain has been re moved we should all rejoice because we won. True, our goal line was crossed, and while none of us can take pleasure In this fact, there Is no special cause for grief. If there Is any special significance and there may be attached1 to this, each one Is priv ileged to weigh the matter for himself and draw his own conclusions. Hut at the same time Ave should not lose sight of the fact that our team won a glorious victory and retrieved the hu miliating defeat that fell to our por tion at Omaha In '99. Indeed, the hearts of the supiorterR of the Scarlet and Cream were filled with sadness, when the tidings of that terrible defeat at Omaha in '99 came to their ears. How we longed for the time when our team could meet Iowa again and retrieve the disgrace. Hut peculiarly adverse circumstances arose making the attempts to schedule a game between the two Institutions a failure, and wo were obliged to retain in our hearts the remembrance of a dofeat that was galling to an extreme degree. Hut a favoring tide sol In, bearing with It an opportunity of meeting Iowa again. And as a result of this meet ing the Scarlet and Cream floats proud ly aloft as a proud token of our team's success, Nebraska won because of her superior ppeed and strength, theIowa team being completely overmatched in these respects, Jn face of the almost hostile demonstrations of the crowd our team beat back the assaults of their opponents and fought their way down the field, In spite of all active and auxiliary opposition that could be brought to bear against them. We certainly have reason to con gratulate, ourselves upon this victory, and It should quicken an interest in the big games that will soon be played here. We have beaten one member of the Big Nine. Can we beat the other two with whom we shall meet? The answer to this question rests in a large measure with ourselves. We have received from James K. Sullivan, chief of the department of physical culture, world s fair, St. Louis the preliminary program of Olympic Ga,mes, and a very elaborate one has been arranged. The Olympic Games will surely Interest all school boys and athletic colleges. The Inter-Scholastic meet for schools in the state included in the Louisiana purchase is scheduled for May 28. Tho Olympic College championship, open to the athletes of western colleges will be 11 eld on May 30. The Olympic track and field col lege championship open to the col leges of the world, has been scheduled for June 11. The Olympic gymnastic college championship has been sched uled for June 9 to 10. Inter-scholastic bnsket ball, July 15 to 1(5. College bas ket ball championship, July J3 and 14. The. Olympic Games, the feature of the year, are scheduled' for August 29, 30, 31, and September 1, 2 and 3. College fencing in September. College relay championship and school relay, No vember 10 and 11. There has been arranged an Olympic championship at baseball In the Bprlng of the year for colleges and schools. An Olympic foot ball championship will also be held In the fall of the year, one for colleges, and one for schools. The physical training committee will have gymnasium exhibits from all the schools and colleges of America. These exhibits will consist of charts, photo graph records, pictures of teams, and other matter that pertains to physical training and athletics. o There are numerous things that It is necessary for a student to learn, but there Is one thing that It is important for him to know. He should be able to give the various University and foot ball yells, so as to be able to Join In on proper occasions and make himself heard. Any student who has not taken the trouble to learn these yells should not allow a great length of time to pass before doing so. It is the enthusiastic student who makes himself felt and who best brings out the spirit of the institution to which he belongs. o The appalling calamity that has be fallen our sister Institution, Purdue, has called forth an expression of sympathy and ..horror from us all. It Is seldom that any college Is called upon to meet a sadder misfortune, and it Is with a genuine spirit of compa slon and deep feeling, that we tender our sympathy to her in her hour of trial. Y. W. C. A. Lecture. The opening lecture of the city and University Young Men's Christian as sociation occurred Sunday afternoon in the Oliver, theatre. A large audience of some f00 was in attendance and a splendid lecture was delivered, accom panied by crayon Illustrations of Bible verses. Those in attendance expressed themselves as highly pleased with the lecture and the prospect for a very suc cessful year in this department is ex tremely flattering. The same high quality of entertainment and liistnir- j Hon will be continued in subsequent Professor Starr furnished music for Sunday's meeting. Dr. Fling Gives Special Talk. On account of so many men being away for election, Prof. Fling did not give his regular Monday- lecture, but gave a talk on his experiences at Leip slg University, which was amusing as well as instructive. He had studied some German before going, but found it quite difficult to get along with his little knoweldge of it. He spoke of the peculiarities of German life, and par ticularly of the student life. The Good Health Cafe is selling a $5.25 ticket for $4. Meerschaum pipes. 25 per cent off this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver the atre building. Don Cameron's lunch counter for good service. Marshall and Richards, hair-cutting a specialty; massage, shaving, etc. Band Informal at Armory Saturday, Nov. 7. The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. j j j jt KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Gigars and Ncws Novels lor Sale or Exchange Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Succexton to STEINER PHABMACY. I Mo O Street? Phone 707 Lincoln. Nefc. Manufacturers of Steiner'a Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Cure- and Gray's Condition Powders. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 S. 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates furnished upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska) CAPITAL - - Sioo.ooo.oe. OFFJCERS John B. Wrfght, Prcj. J. H. Weacott. Vlce-Prea Jo Samuel 2nd Vice-Prea. P. L. Hall, Ouhiu W. D. Ryona. Ami. Caalu T. J. THORP COMPANY General Machinists Ail Kinds of RpAlrinf Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Phone. 6 U anythln ou invent or Improve : also cet r CAVEAT A0E.MARK, COPYRIGHT or RESIGN PROTECTION. Bond model, sketch, or nhoto for freo examination and advice. nnnir nu dattutq ?", noau,-- fee before patent. Write , f M 0MVlfl O to MJHm3WmMW OC0fJm Patent Lawyer. WASHINGTON, D.C. for acceptable Ideoj. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Rnltlmnro Urf h Subscription price of the Patknt Rbco&s (LOO an rittiLSM mfrJM &&VUVVA&JUlJ2JijwjijuiA2 $25.00 X o o X o X o X o X o X o To the Pacific Coast Tickets on Sale Daily to November 30, 1903. Call and get hH information. G. W. B0NNELL G. P. 5 T. A. LINCOLN ST&TSTsrarryrsrrsT? A. G. SPALDING & BROS OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES ARE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OFFICIAL RULES Spaldlng'i handaomely il liutratcd catalogue of FaU and Winter porta contain ing all the new thlnga in football will be tent free to any addreai. Sojldlnt?'. nffirlji! f-,,k.l Hfc guide, containing the new " rulci. Pir f nnv ID rml. How to Play Foot Ball. Bp Walter Camp. New edition. Per copy JO cent. A. G. Spalding & Bros. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. San FrancUco Boaton, -Baltimore, Buffalo, Kanaax City, St. LouU, Minneapolii, Denver, Montreal, Can. London. England Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Griff In-GroerPrlntlng !Co Electric Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels 35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Woifange Wattton & Co. r 220 O St i It 1 4J4 lUJUiliU, DJUUU1GC UVC Phono A 902: ? Sr jZ