-IjM' tl' m fi i ' '' 'ayer" " ' y-'fuin - iwi jiy ) ', i H.T.,,,..i.ti.i'i.uiui....r''r!'''.11.''''' '?'"" '" ll""y'J'"' SEftBjw I ii i i 'i ii Mi -wyfyy';. i" ' l fnl -rRMHWa wsHiawrgciaweraJf: T ftbe Bails Webraeftan -"" ' " ' "i '.' .Vwn - -r- r ' - ' -- ' ; if XEbeme IReaber's Ipevsonal Experience - Recalling Incidents That Hamidappened During His Term of Service Tho Thonio Reader brightened up as the reporter touched hla weak Hpot. In roquoBtlng him to tell something of his own experiences (hiring his long Bervlce In tho English department. The eyes thnt had stared moodily out of tho window, while the reporter wnn at tempting to drain him of news facts, now lit up with a light that betrayed an Inner feeling of satisfaction and gratification His heel slipping down from the window-sill where he had stubbornly placed It, Htrtick the floor with a bouncing whack, and folding his arms and assuming a contemplative ex pression, be settled down to work. "Some curious pieces of work have come to my notice," be said, "since I have been connected with tho English department, and' all tho freaks of writ ing and grammar Imaginable hnvo paBBCd under my surveillance. Some phase of every stylo In existence I might say In some shape or other has wandered Into my observation, and some highly amusing Incidents a few of which I am able to recall. "I remember once when 'My Idea of a Gentleman' was assigned as a gen eral Bubject, and most of the class took n serious view of It. Hut there were a few that didn't. One of them went through a long process of vl.uallzatlon culminating In a climax which proved the gentleman In question to be a trump walking down tho railroad' track with his bundle suspended over his shoulder on the end of a stick. "Anothor young literatus went at the subject something after this order: 'My landlord Is a gentleman; that I'd have you know. He room's across the hall from me and always does bis best to please. When he comes upstairs at night, ho takes off his shoes so as not to disturb me. Sometimes on cold nights ho takes and heats a flatiron and fetching it Into my room he wraps It up In a blanket and tucks It under tho bed-clothes at the foot of tho bed, so that my feet wouldn't get cold. "Upsoy, upsey," he says, and when he gets through ho apologizes for disturb ing me. When I don't get up in time for breakfast he fetches it up to me, and then takes my socks down and warms them at tho grate. I told him once that my room was cold, and he put In another radiator. And he wouldn't take uny rent, when I asked him to. If ho wasn't a gentleman, what was he?' "I am quite sure that this young genius had a correct conception of a gentleman in his mind. But I hardly think his landlord was a gomiine character. However, he was not quite ns erratic as tho student who wrote: i think a gentleman Is a man with good manners. The kind of a man who would lay down and let himself be kicked and their get up and apologize for taking up your time. Tho kind of a man who would lend a frleful a quar ter to get his dinner with and then go off to the free lunch counter, himself. Not tho klndi that dresses in ' fine clothes, plays smash and goes In tho hole to every business man In town. He b realty all the- ladles' hearts and has every old fool woman in town doting on him. He gets married and settles down, generally as a clerk In a dry goods storo or an apprentice In some paint shop.' "This student evidently believed in the negativo process In showing what a gentleman ought to bo like. How ever, ho was altogether loo ranibllng and I couldn't give him full credit for some excellent Ideas. "Upon one occasion tho class was di rected to write about some pleasure trip they had taken at some time dur - lng their lives. One of the class wrote an aCcount of Mb grandmother's funeral but whether this was Intentional or not I am unable to -state. Ho may have misunderstood tho Bubject. Upon anothor occasion one of the Freshmen students wrote an unbiased and Impar tial account of hl& visit to his mother at tho Insane asylum. "Some experiences that I have had with students tried me quite sorely. Some of the students who Indulgedkher papers, She constantly haunted my their young fancies with poor literary effect would come to me with com plaints of unjust criticism, accusing me of marking them" wrong, When they 'just knew' that they were right. Some of these were so ambitious In their them to be taught something new. "I used to find myself overwhelmed with work at times. I remember bov oral times when I allowed tho papers to accumulate and had to Bit up all night to Btralghten things out. One time I was rushed pretty near to death, and I finally concluded that In order to get through I would have to cut the reading short. And so, as I recognized all the names and the grade of work each was In the habit of doing, I grad ed tho balance of tho papers accord ing to the reputation of tho writers. In this way I made Bhort work of my task, and secured an opportunity for some much needed sleep. Just before retir ing, however, I noticed one of tho pa pers lying on the floor, and picked' It up. I was bo Bleepy, howevor, that I couldn't keep my eyes open, and as tho name seamed good' to me, I didn't take tlmo to ovon open tho paper. I simply wrote: 'This is a charming lit tle sketch, but I think some of the points might have been brought out stronger.' I marked It A plus and let It go. Two days later the English teacher came up to my desk with a broad smile on bis face. I looked at him Inquiringly, but be simply handed mo this sketch. I unfolded the manu script and as my ejes fell on what It contained I was simply horror stricken. It contained a problem in trigonometry all worked out, and this was the charm ing little sketch. The boy had got his papers mixed, and of course I was a long-suffering victim of my own lazi ness. "I remember another Incident, when the class was required to write on tho subject of 'Style,' and of course they were expected to express their own views ou the styles of leading authors, and the individual elements entering In. One paper on this subject struck me as being decidedly peculiar. It ran something like this: " 'Stylo Is tho way a person fixes up. Lots of people try to put It on when they ain't got It. Money and lots of it is essential to style, and If people ain't got any and try to put It on, they always look cheap, lots of people do anyhow that have got money, because their looks are against them. Rich people sometimes send clear over to ) Paris to get ciotnes mauo up, just be cause It comes from there and 1s made by a Frenchman. Some people put on too much style and they generally bust up. I guess this Is all I know on this subject.' "Yes, Indeed;" ho said In reply to the reporter's question, "I have had a great many call on me on purpose to roast me. So many students, In fact, have such high opinions of their literary abilities, that any sort of a correction, no matter how evident or legitimate, comes as a severe blow to their pride. Ono day I was busy with my papers when a self-contained youth of about eighteen years of age stalked In and demanded an explanation. " 'There ain't no Bense,' he said, in markin' a feller's paper up like this Just because a few grammatical errors slips in. I'm pretty dead certain I can use as good grammar as most any body, and I don't want no wise guy jumpin' on my paper "with red Ink. After a feller stays homo from the show and cuts a date with his girl, It makes him feel llko a four-cent piece when some blamed, kitin' tight wad of a reader butts In and knocks his wrlt ln's silly. Evon If I don't get things straight sometimes, ain't you got sense enough to see what I mean? If you ain't then let some one correct my themes who has. It would probably cause you a blame lot of sufferln' any how, to treat feller decent.' "I confess that I felt severely cen sured by this appeal to my finer feel ings and I was often annoyed after wards by his Importunities. And there was a girl whom I remember In par ticular. She wrote torrlby silly stuff, which she evidently thought was pol ished literary style, and I found plenty of opportunities to use tho red ink on olllce, until I rew sadly tired of her. " 'Why isn't, this clear?' or 'Why is this overdrawn,' sho would come in and Bay, and If I tried to explain She would regard mo critically, Just as if. I was tryi., to coavlnc her of a faUchood. bigotry, that It was hard for She never was satisfied with my ex1 planatlonB, and always wont away feel ing grieved. One day she sent In along with her theme, a special note, the contents of which ran something like this: " i have tried and tried and tried to write the way you tell me to. You seem to think poorly of my Btyle, but It Is the kind that Mrs. Southworth uses In her writings. 1 don't think that you intend to mark me unfairly, but I don't believe that you understand me I don't think for a moment that you would deliberately mark me down, and since It doesn't do me any good to talk to you, I'm not going to bother you any more and you can go ahead and do just as you please.' "I certainly admired her spirit of self- sacrifice, but she never showed any signs of improvement, and she finally changed to another division and to a new reader. "Tills work Is a great deal liko any other. You can get used to It and may enjoy It, if you don't allow It to get piled up on you. If It ever does then it Is a burden to get everything In a strnlghtened condition . The supply Is always constant and It Is to one's best Interests to keep up to date. Some times I get behind, and then I have a genuine cause for regret. There is something of an education to be ac quired from reading the work, and not ing how poIntB are brought out and what corrections to make. But if you haven't patience and perseverance, and lots of both, I would advise you never to become a tbem reader. For if you haven't these qualities your work will In nowise be a pleasure to you, but a burden grievious and even Intolerable." A Rare Treat. One of the strongest attractions of the year has been booked for the big men's meeting to be held at tho Oliver theatre Sunday afternoon at -1 o'clock, when Mr. Alton Packard, .ao famous impersonator and cartoonist, will de liver a lecture illustrated with crayon sketches. Mr. Packard has occupied the lecture platform for several years, and haB been unusually successful In his line of work. He comes with the highest recommendations, and will have something of special Interest to college men. Prof. Wilbur F. Starr, formerly of tho University School of Music and leader of the University Glee club during tho past season, will furnish the music. All men are ex tended a very hearty Invitation to at tend. Y. M. C. A. Afternoon Meeting. Owing to the fact that the University and city Y. M. C. A. societies are joint ly Interested In the big men's meetings which are to be held In tho Oliver theatre each Sunday afternoon during the winter tho Sunday afiernoon meet ings at the University will bo discon tinued. In order that University men may actively engage in that work with tho city association. Tho first moot ing will be held there Sunday after noon nt 1 o'clock, when Mr. Alton Packard, the famous Impersonator and cartoonist will deliver a crayon lec ture. College men are extended a spe cial Invitation to take advantage of this rare treat. Chapin Pros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. I HERE'S WHERE WE LIVE' I WHITING'S LATEST AND NEW j CREATIONS IN & 1 PAPE'TRIES 1 2 HARRY PORTER 125 So. 12th S ggSgqSgagggggJggggg COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska! CAPITAL - $100,000.00. OFFICERS John B. Wright, Prti. J. H. Weicott. Vlce-Pre Joe Samuel 2nd Vic-Prca. P. L. HiD, Cubic W. B. Ryon. AiV Cufw T. J. THORP COMPANY Genoral Machinists All Kind of Rplln Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nobraska Phone. 614 &A&.$L&&AjSASZJkSUUiJ&&3U &JtA2 SEE THE REVIEW PRESS ABOUT YOUR Printing Phone 384 li:51 N Street, Lincoln rST&5YST5ST?TBTb-ToT3r8Yi Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For ail Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Griff ln-GroorPrintlng':Co J9-9-9-9'i WE ARE SHOWING 1 Stylish Shoes j The celebrated Han an, Walk-Over and W. L. uouglaa makes for men. Hanan and Sorosis Shoes for Women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. Nono genuine unless stamped 'Perkins' Swedish." ii Perkins & II Sheldon Go. w ii 1129 O St. i4444444f44f44Hf4f4f4f4f4f4Nt4MiA r f L -4i h I - . y . Lfrlifo A&S yWy&aife; vj