WP I, mi-wS " ,."ri,'r' 'J.1 MPj-; , -rs- " !"'"":" I n i'i i if i i i iii i ", ii y n.i r t if ( t, ' ., jk . x ' T't i&Bail flebraefean I vol, m. NO. 30 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3J, J903. PRICE 3 CENTS t? f r L 'Wl ,' MAY BE POSTPONED vi-F Flag Is at Half Mast, There Will Be No Carnival Today, If tho flag hangs at half-mast this morning there wili Indeed be cause for grief. Nowb, sad and melancholy, would be heralded abroad, to sadden tho hearts of the faithful and bring unspeakable sorrow to disappointed members of tuo faculty. If the flag is at half-mast at nine o'clock and after this morning, the Athletic Carnival will bo postponed until next Tuesday morning, when it is hoped the rain god will be more pro pitious. This is tho means decided "upon of acquainting the students of tho lamentable fact, if it is necessary to postpone the Carnival, which will like ly bo the case. Indeed the occasion would be a sad one and' tho students would havo as muoh cause to grlevo as If ono of their beloved frlondB or ln- atructors had passed away, or if Tho Nebraskan was suspended. The mere fact of the Carnival being po&tponed is tho only cause for regret. If it wore postponed Indefinitely then the blow to us all would be hard to bear, but there Is a comforting and as suring hope hold out. If it can't be held today It will bo hold Tuesday, so that after all none of us will be de prived of a privilege which 1b both an Honor and a blessing to possess and a priceless treasure into tho bargain. We may oven look for a better class of entertainment. The professors will have all day Sunday to practice, being unhampered by work or detracting con siderations. Improvement acquired at thoir stage in tho course of training Is noticeable indeed, and the delay will bo for tho good of the game. . Nothing will bo omitted from tho program and wo will get a half-holiday into the bargain; for who'll be there to teach us? Tho faculty won't for they will all bo at tho moot. Those who do not take part will arrange themselves along tho wire fenco-in order of height, and boxes to stand on will bo provided f6r those needing them. Whatever happens, don't feol dis couraged. If tho rain does spoil our pleasure today, it will help tho crops. What's our loss Is someone else's gain. And our loss of today will bo our gain Tuesday. Let us at least bo philosoph ical and bear our disappointment in good part, -keeping in mind the fact that the meeting will bo held In spite of present discouragement. PRIZES FOR MEDICS. .Dr. Orr Gives Incentive to Med ical Students. To encourage careful note-taking on tho lectures In tho History of Medicine and collateral reading with, additions to tho notes taken in tho locturo room, it has boon decided) to mako tho fol lowing offer: For tho beet sot of notes submitted at tho ondi of the course, a first prize of medical books to tho value of $10 will bo given. A Becond prize of medi cal books to tho value of $5 will bo given to tho student who submits tho set of notes which aro considered to bo tho second best. Tho following ruleB shall govern tho competition: The notes when submitted shall be written clearly on Index cards such as have already boon recommended for use in this course. They must bo written carefully On one or both cards and ono subject only to occupy each card. More than- one card! may be used if necessary for a single subject Tho prize will be awarded after hav- MMWMINIWWWW FACULTY ATHLETIC CARNIVAL Today or Tuesday At 2:30 today if the 'weather permits, otherwise 2:30 Tuesday HATF HOTTnAV IF P.ARNTVAL IS 1 T Tnivretv flao will he. hnnc al half-mant j-jxJwrijrrrrwifrrfrrrrfrrrrfrrrfrrr'rrrfVTrfn ing been judged by tho following points: Quantity of material collected, value of the notes and tho caro and neatness with which they aro prepared. Tho best three sets will bo chosen by tho lecturer and the best two of these will be decided with the assist ance of Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, and Dr. H. B. Ward, dean of the de partment, H. WINNETT ORR, Lecturer in the HiBtory of Medicine. . The Union Debating club will dis cuss the following question tonight: "Resolved, That England should adopt Chamberlain's tariff policy." Milek and Schneider will uphold tne affirm ative Brubaker and Daughters the negative. J. A. Barrett is now engaged in pre paring a list of tho surviving members of the Nebraska constitutional conven tion of 1875, by correspondence with the survivors. The best shoe for young gentlemen and, ladles. Sanderson's $3.50 and $4.00 Specials. They are made in all the swell styles. Try them. Laundry Club at tho Co-Op. cNgvj Songs for OUR UNI. Nestling in a fertile valley, 'Neath Nebraska's smiling sun, Rlso tho strong walls of our college, Scene of many battles won. From' afar wo see their outline, Clear against tho western sky; Like some high and lofty purpose, Seeming time's strength to defy. Chorus. So hero's to our loved college; May her gem of success over gleam, May her students bo true to their colors, Three cheers for the Scarlet and cream. In the battlo of life still before us, When far from tho campus we roam, We'll bo true to the 'Varsity colorB, Thor banner that waves o'er our homo. Bravo old Unl. How wo lovo Thee, How wo cherish thy dear Fame. HoW each student heart Is stirring -At the mention of thy name. All our hopes and aspirations Found their birth within thy walls; Wo have-breathed tho air of Freedom In thy class roomB and thy halls. Chorus: When tho daylight yields to twilight, And tho sun sinks to his rest; Over all tho world reflected Are tho colors wo lovo best. Far across tho sky at sunset We behold our colors gleam Olor tho fields and o'er the valley Streams the Scarlet and the Cream. Chorps: Ah, wo love Thee, Dear Old Unl! With a lovo that will endure. Time can only mould thy memory Into purpose high and pure. As It made us better students' So 'twil make us better men. Our respect, our love, our friendship, Will continue to the end. Chorus: I HELD TUESDAY AFTERNOON after 9 o'clock todiv if carnival U nntnnnr4 f University Lecture Bureau. Owing to the frequent callB from different, parts of the state for Uni versity men to lecture, a locturo bu reau has been arrangod under the di rection of the committee on University extension work. This plan Is very sim ilar to tho lecture bureau In connection with Chicago University, which has become very famous and which sends men out to all parts of the country. Tho work hero was systematized this year under Professor O. W. A. Luckey, chairman, and Virginia H. Clark, sec retary of tho University extension com mittee. The names of tho various lec turers are arranged alphabetically In the bureau over their topics. A num ber of the professors have already been out, and tho secretary, Mrs. Clark, is In receipt of a number of communications asking for men in the near future. Professor Barbour lectured Thursday at York on the "Yellowstone National Park." Professor Fossler will give his lecture on "Vacation Rambles in Eu rope," before the RichardBon County Teachers' association, Nov. G, at Ver don, and Professor Grummann will lec turo at Hastings next week. Laundry Club at the Co-Op. University) Use ALMA MATER NEBRASKA. On the bosom' of tho pralrlo, Far out In tho west, There aro dear old college buildings, All In glory dressed. Refrain. Hall, Nebraska, hail! Hail to thee and hall to tho Scarlet and Cream. Fairest of all tho colors the Scarlet and the Cream. When tho wanderer disheartened, Woos swoet memory; From tho shelf ho takes a volumo, Ono that speaks of thee. Refrain: Standing by our Alma Mater Till tho day wo die; Ever will wo fondly greet her, Shouting to tho sky: Refrain: THE UNI. Let us shoutr-for old Nebraska, Let tho trumpets loudly blow; For the glory of tho Unl. That has conquered every foe. Oh, the Unl. is a winner, And she does It up bo fine, That tho teams who dare confront her Can not phazo her sturdy line. Thus, t football Is in season She Is ever at tho front, With a Bonder for a long run Or a Benedict to punt. Or, porchance, 'tis on the roBtrum, Then again she towers high; She can triumph o'er this section Though she needn't half but try. Let us cheer for old Nebraska, Lot the hills and vales resound; Causing, terror to the Unl's For a thousand miles around. M. . AT A STANDSTILL Football Affairs Dull in Absance of Team' All affairs In football circles were at a standstill last night owing to tho rain. A dull, misty, clammy fooling pervaded the atmosphore and filled tho souls of tho rain-coated, umbrollaed being hurrying "souzingly" across tho damp campus. This ehango of weather broods no good for the game at Iowa City tomor row. The toam will be in a Btrange place on an untried ground and possi bly may be outwelghted. On a heavy field a light faflt team can not do as good work as a heavier Blower one. But wo havo faith in tho ability of the Nebraska team to adapt Itself to any conditions and to be ablo to rise above any obstacles. How big 1b our score going to be? There will be bulletins of tho game at different points about tho city, both from tho Dally Star and tho Evening News. OWing to tho courtesy of both these papers It will bo possible for all who so desire to follow tho game close ly throughout. The second team' leaves this morning for Grand Island, whoro they will play tho Grand Island College team. The team Is in good condition and will give tho Grand Island boys all they went, and wo think, a little too much. Tho following men go on the trip: Laird, Striker,- Barta, Frazier, Burns, Nowon, Do Bey, Myers, Foster, Drain, Craig, Stein, Weller, Calhoun. The train leaves at 10:30 over the Burlington Routo. A splendid exhibition of tho game of football was given at tho F. & M. park yesterday afternoon by tho Lincoln and York high schools. The field was slippery and In consequence all very brilliant work was eliminated. The York toam had tho advantage In weight, which counted much In their favor owing to tho condition of tho ground. Neither Bide was ablo to score. In tho second half Lincoln took a brace and ruBhed tho York team- down to York's 10-yard lino, where one of tho Lincoln men was laid out and after tho delay which this cause Lincoln was unablo to strike the touchdown pace, and York hold on her 10-yard line. This was tho nearest to the making of a. score during tho game. Today 1b tho faculty field mcot, don't miss It. It will go on record In the his tory of tho University as ono or tho events of athletic Interest, Unless the field is too bad the affair will happen as scheduled. Freshmen To Meet Monday. The Fjreshmfon are making flnn1 proparatipns to complete their class organization. . They will meet again In U. 107 to complete the necessary ar rangements and choose their officers for the present semester. Every Fresh man is urged to come and bring his green ticket, as this alono will admit him to tho meeting. A large repre sentation l& desiredrin1 order that the officers elected nray be the choice of the clasa as a whole. At the last meeting a constitution was adopted, but time was lacking for tho election of officers. But Monday there will be a complete election, thor being no other business on hand or in view to hinder. The list of candidates lias narrowed down, bo that only tho fol lowing aro in the field. Sunderlin, Scott, Voorhe.es and1 Grinnoll. If you want your feet to be comfort able and look trim and pretty, wear Sanderson's $3.50 and $4.00 Special. Warranted patent colt shoes. Support the faoulty and, the faculty will suppport you. M i ;' t . "'py ,: i. iiUMtii -;' iL.. m X ,i n.. i.iiTi