The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1903, Image 3

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Plans Outlined for Coming Year's
At the last mating 9f the Board
of Directors of the College Settlement
plans for the work of the coming year
Vvere putllned. It was decided to con
tinue the various clubs and classes
which were conducted last year, and to
Increase the usfulness of the lnstltu-
tlon along certain llnee.
The Antelope Valley Boys' club will
continue under the management of Mr.
Posten. This club has had a very sat
isfactory growth, and various plans to
interest the boys have been carried
out. Likewise the Ruby Seal club
for girls, under the energetic manage
ment of Miss Jeanette Burlingham, has
done most excellent work and1 will be
continued along tho old lines.
One of the most interesting features
of the Settlement has been the Neigh
borhood club. This club provides a free
platform for the discussion of questions
of the dtay. A special effort will be
made to extend its influence. It is
especially desired that tho labor organ
izations of the-city should co-operate
in a larger degree than in the past.
Since a full and open discussion, of
public questions is essential to good
government and good citizenship, it is
hoped that abundant use will be made
of this feature. Many municipal mat
ters should be discussed frankly art
these meetings. Grlevancebf any na
ture whatsoever should be discussed,
thus making tho club a power in mat
ters of municipal reform. Certain
phases of work now done exclusively
by the City Improvement society might
also be taken up by this organization.
During the last year a sowing school
was conducted on Saturday afternoons.
Mrs. A. L. Candy, who made this ono
of the most successful features of the
year, felt obliged to lay down this
work. Tho board has suceeded in ob
taining the services of Miss Carson,
under whose leadership the present
high standards will be maintained.
Women in and out of the University
who can devote their Saturday after
noons to the teaching of sewing are
requested to confer with the new super
intendent Preparations' are under way for the
organization of a class in cooking. The
women of the Faculty club have ap
propriated $60 for equipment, and an
attractive room is being prepared for
the classes, which will meet In the near
future. The work Will be of high
grade, being under tho supervision of
Prof. Rosa Bouton of the department
of domestic science of the University
of Nebraska.
The Settlement also wishes to oc
cupy a field which at present receives
little attention. In such a city as
Lincoln there are .a large number of
ambitious working men and boys who
are anxious for practical training
which will enable them to do their
work better or to occupy better po
sitions. Ini order to provide for them
free classes will be organized in archi
tectural drawing, free-hand drawing,
and clay modeling. All who desire- work
of this nature are requested to apply
to Dr. Prevey, superintendent of the
Settlement house.
Tn onFertcr promote a general inter
est In all kinds of artistic and manual
work, an arts and crafts exhibit will
be held during the spring of 19047 The
purpose of tho same is to call atten
tion to those who are skillful and to
develop such skill in others. This ex
hibit will Include woodwork, ironwork,
designing, mod'ellng, weaving, basketry,
painting, sewing, cooking and baking.
A miioh closer co-oneratlon between
HtiznnR eenerallv. tho student body
and) tho Settlement is desjred. To
bring this about an evening will be
set apart for entertainments to bo given
by various organizations of tho city
and of the University. A number of
University societies and fraternities
aro already preparing to give high class
At all times the Settlement house is
open to visitors who may desire to be
come acquainted with the work.
Chris' Bath Parlors, 11th and0P Sta
Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 18th.
Marshall and RlchardB, hair-cuiling
a specialty; massage, shaving, etc.
Carnival Mass Mooting,
Yesterday's convocation period was
devoted to stirring up enthusiasm for
the Faculty Athletic Carnival, which lb
to be held Saturday, October 30, on
the football field.
Professor Caldwell acting as chair
man began by stating that the old
adage that there is nothing new un
der the sun Is going to be disproved
Saturday when the athletes in the fac
ulty of the University will strive upon
the field for supremacy. Ha urged
everybody to be out to witness the
contest and introduced Professor Foss
ler, Eaying that he could tell all the
secret plans.
Professor Fossler said that the ambi
tion of every boy could1 be divided Into
seven partB. His first ambition is to
be a motorman, then as his ideal rises
he wants to be the best speller In
school, then he wants to marry the
prettiest girl in school, his next ambi
tion is to whip the teacher. As he
grows older his chief desire Is to be
come president of the United states,
then changes to the wish to earn an
honest living and lastly his only effort
Is to keep out of the poor house. The
professors of this institution have add
ed another ambition to these seven;
that Is, they desire to pose as athlotes
and they are going to endeavor to show
that thiB is not merely a pose but a
fact next Saturday, when they meet
in stern array upon tho field'.
He said that when he was a boy some
forty years ago his ambition was to
be an engineer and thento see two of
those monster engines como together
at full speed. If there are any persons
now who have that same desire they
will have an opportunity of seeing
something ndarly like It when the
two teams come together Saturday on
the atnletlc field'.
Ho theh Introduced Professor Bol
ton as the "high mogul" of the Car
nival. Professor Bolton announced
that if he desired he could tell some
deei) secrets which different members
of the faculty had confided to him of
their mighty deeds upon the athletic
field. How ono of them had gone in
as center In theoruba and rolled Borg,
Hunter and Cotton all over the field;
how another excelled with tho padded
gloves; in fact all the members of the
faculty are athletes. There is no get
ting around that fact and If anyone
doubts it let him come around Satur
day and' be convinced. He asserted
that it was not faculty foolishness but
that they were in dead earnest and
could prove it. He said that there Is
to bo a football game, a baseball game,
footraces, wheelbarrow races, a high
school horso and last, but not least,
a midway at which the "Electric Lady"
will disport.: He urged everybody to
ProfesBor Grummann then spoke in
behalf of tho College Settlement upon
tho more serious side of the question.
He said that there has been a criticism
made of the College Settlement, that
there Is no need of an institution of
this kind in a place tho size of Lin
coln; that it is all right for a city the
eize of Chicago or New York, but Lin
coln does not need one. He asserted
that it does and that a great deal of
good can be done by it. There is one
trouble and that is the Settlement and
students are too far apart. He urged
each student to get acquainted with
the Settlement and tho work that is
being done by it. Every student should
lend both his moral and financial sup
port to the College Settlement.
Athletic Goodst
A 4 3mT J7Q -!. 4U Ui A,- , ..... jLm .
See Sidles foi athletic outfitet for every fifing.
Sidles Cycle Cat
o YoTcrrcrroTrroror8TcrB ravs oY&YsrryrB'rBryo'rffVffvs
nishings that you will find
in our west show window.
r - t
L. A. Rassell, president oNjiejState
Horticultural society waB a visitor at
the Historical society rooms yester
day. He is prepariug for tho St. Louis
exposition, a collection of the His
torical society's medals, which are
kept in tho Historical society's rooms.
Alex Hitchman, '06, was visiting old
friends on the campus yesterday, re
turnlng'to his home In Weeping Wa
ter this morning. He will leave for
Tamplco, Mexico, shortly to work for
his brother. Jack Hltcman. an old Uni
versity student, now an engineer on
a Mexican railroad.
Your g
Attritirm 5
We simply wish to call
your attention to a very
attractive uispiay ui iui-
3V ?Mrf ?Hv i P
The rich samples ot
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p-ood wear win appeal
very strongly to all young g
men who appreciate cor
rect form and good dress.
Notice particularly the
offerings in Dress Shirts,
Sweaters, Underwear.
They are fit to wear.
Armstrong Clothing Go,
!2lltol227 0St.
J. Ko I b ac h
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Call at 1 1 34 O St.
For all Kinds of
Commercial and Society Printing
Grlffln-GroorPrlntlng Co
til T5s&3jk&j I H
or Oregon
Every Day
Double Berths 5.00. Accom-: ;
modalions provided lor all '
classes 01 passengers. Be '
sure that your ticket reads :
over the Union Pacific, rail '
information cheerfully fur- ' :
nished on application to : '
JED. SLOSSON, Gen. Ajjt i
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service.
Meerschaum pipes. 25 per cent off
this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver tho
atro building.
Wright Drug Co., 149 N. 13th, Tel 313.
Capital $200,000.00
Surplus 100,00.00
Undivided Profits 40,000.00
S. H. BURNHAM, President.
VIce-Prcfl. Cashier
Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier
P. R. DASTERDAY, Auditor: - .
The Weber Suitoriurn
Is the up-to date place
where you can get your
Clot tying Cleaned and 'Pressed
Phone 708 Northeast Cor. Itth ScCTSta.
General Machinists
r aA nM "J"0 Kpamng
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308 So. Illh Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
Good Shoes f
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