The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1903, Image 1

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oeau ineoraeRan
VOL. IH NO. 2?
Faculty Chafe Under Restraint.
Program of Events.
Sophor, the god of sleep, will find
himself locked out of many of the
faculty homes in this city tonight.
Many a troubled1 head will roll uneas
ily on the comfortless pillow, as
thoughts of tomorrow's events throng
through the mental corridors in count
less troops. The coming of tomorrow's
morn will bo awaited with the
same anxiety and anticipation with
which a cowering felon perceives the
dawn of the day of doom wax into full
ness, and closes his eyes to Bhut out
the light. They are up against it and
there Is no way out. They have scat
tered broadcast reports of their own
abilities and it is up to each to make
good or stand forever in an unpleas
ant light.
The members of the faculty have
worked hard though the statement
may seem1 paradoxical they have an
ticipated) the rising of the sun each
morning and prolonged1 their activities
until after nightfall. They have swung
on the ball or trodden Imaginary foes
into the dust of the gridiron with re
lentless persistency, showing quarter
to none, but accepting it In return.
They have run, jumped, vaulted and
turned1 air springs each evening until
obliged to suspend opeiatlons in a
state of physical collapse.
George Shedd and Dr. Condra have
labored long and earnestly to bring
their respective teams Into condition,
and the results of their efforts are
startling and wonderful. The way the
ends get down the field and the quar
terback snaps the ball Is a revelation
especially to those well acquainted
with the ethics of the game. The
greatest difficulty has been in checking
their turbulent spirits and preventing
a coming to blows. But all promised
to bo good tomorrow, and the contest
that they will put up will show plain
ly that no foolishness Is intended in
this event at least Following Is a line
up of the teams, although changes are
of momentary occurrence.
Shedd's. Condra's.
Pound r. e Evans
Morltz r. t. .. Aliniy, Wallace
Dorman r. g Hanna
Willard c Condra
Bmmerson ... 1. g Votaw
Cook 1. t Uoltou, Fee
Clements 1. e Congdon
Moore -qb Waltc
Lane r. b Wolcott
Shedd fb Woodi utf
Sheldon 1. b Clapp
' Substitutes Llllle and Crabtree.
Captain Ward has at last secured a
winning team, so bethinks. Yesterday
on -meeting Captain Spencor, he re
marked: "Spen"cer, I ha.vo thee on
the hip." In thG ensuing conversation
a Nobraskan reporter overheard the
following: "Spencer, if you think this
Harvard phenomenon of yours Is going
to win all tho laurels at the Carnival,
you will find yourself woefully mis
taken. Trpt out your professional bat
tery if you like, and all your crack
players. Wo dont care." Later It was
learned that Dr. Ward made a trip
out In the country the other day, where
tho sons of Ireland are numerous, and
found -a team they call "Rube's Rust
lers," Who agreed, if they could get
back in tlnio for the milking, to come
in andl play a,fow Innings with "that
'ere University faculty." They are
pretty husky lads and although not
much skilled in baseball, will make
things lively around hero for a while.
They have lots of backing In tho sub
urbs ami a largo aggregation will bo
in to support them. Dr. Ward will
have charge, of tho bats, however, and
General Admission 25c. Reset ved Seats 50c.
will try to prevent an open scrap.
Meanwhile Mr. Spencer's proteges
are laboring diligently to get Into
condition for accomplishing the down- (
fall of Dr. Wards aggregation Pror.
Fogg has developed a straight ball that
is simply wonderful, because it fre
quently goes over the plate. He (Iocb
not deny the reports In circulation
about his being a professional, but '
is calm, cool and confident.
After ome difficulty we have suc
ceeded in obtaining the list of the
members of Dr. Ward's team, which is
as follows: F. W. Smith, H. R. Smith,
H. L. Shantz, F. D. Heald, A. L. Candy,
H. 13. Ward, A. L. Hatcher, H. Cald
well and C. E. Persinger
Following is tho force that Mr.
Spencer will marshal against Dr.
Ward's formidable host: Fogg, p.; Vo-'
taw, 2b.; Loeland, ss.; Condra, c. ;
Spencer, lb. and captain; Barker, cf. ;
Lane, 3b.; Dean, If.; Hinman, rf. Max
Westerniann and Prof. Barbour will
bo held in reserve to strengthen the
team nnd to look after the bats.
The members of both teams are te
quested to call at the Armory this af
ternoon, where they will be supplied
with uniform?.
Following is the list of those who
will participate in events: Hammer
throw, Ross and Caldwell.
Handicap race, Pound, running, and
Bolton with wheelbarrow.
Sack race, Emerson, Engberg, Crab
trro and Bolton.
Wheelbarrow race, HodgmalVDann,
Miller, Chntbuin, Sweezy, French.
Following is a program of the after
noon's events in their order:
1 General exercises Midway.
2. Exhibition by Professor Clapp.
3. Baseball game.
1. Races Running, walking, wheel
bairow, obstacle, hobby horse, sack
i a( e.
5. Professor Taylor's exhibition of a
High School Horse.
G. First half football game.
7. Hammer-throw, jugglery, cabinet
nicks, etc.
8. Second half loot ball game.
!). Songs and award of prizes to
Oljmpic victors.
The following rules and regulations
will be in force:
All faculty membeis caught lewlng
tho game from without the grounds or
fiom telephone poles will be removed
from their position, and any student
guilty of the same offenso flunked in all
his studies and nuxde to drill an extra
All profosfioys' must come (losely
shaved or they will not be admitted to
tho grounds.
Dr. Bolton can take no one to or from
the grounds in his wheelbarrow
All professors deficient In dress or
guilty of unbecoming conduct will not
bo admitted.
1 And this, wo add on our own au
thority: No faculty member will be
nllowcd to take part who is not ,i sub
scriber to Tho Nebraskan.
j Thoro ore no other requirements, and
all tho students will be allowed to at
tend, although at first there was some
doubt as to whether UiIb could be done.
But the faculty are liberal a..d open
hearted and have concluded to discrim
inate against no one.
Tho Star bulletins of tho lowa-Ne-biaska
game will be received, and the
resents announced through a megaphone.
Former Nebraska Star Gives
Views on Iowa Game.
We take pleasure in publishing tho
following letter from H. S. Benedict,
which will doubtless prove Interesting
to our readers:
Cincinnati, 0., Oct 25, 1903.
Editor Daily Nebraskan:
Dear Sir The Nebraskan Is a moat
welcome visitor. It gives so many re
minders of the undergraduate days. In
these footbnll days, when the chief In
tel est of the alumnus centers lii the
team, the Nebraskan supplies that gos
sip of the team which is tho breath
of life. It seems to me that my Inter
est in Nebraska's contests gets Btrong
ci rather than weaker as the dayB go
by. Today I hae gathered what I
could from three Chicago and two Cin
cinnati papers, antli am eager for the
nrrhal of the Nebraskan and the Lin
coln Star, and tho letters from home.
I am sure that I speak the minds
of all alumni who were formerly Inter
ested In Nebiaska athetotics when I
say that to us the big game of this
year is that with Iowa. Next Sunday
morning, there are hundreds of us Who
will snatch up the morning paper with
our hearts In our mouths. We are afraid
that Iowa will profit by our overcon
fldence. Wo fear that excuses will bo
called for to explain the score. We
old-timers have some sore spots which
time has not healed and we want them
plentoeusly salved next Saturday. We
feel that even tho game with Illinois
is secondary to this game. If we could
all get out on Nebraska field this wcok
and pour our tales of the past and our
hopes for Saturday Into the ears of our
team, I bellee Iowa would be beaten
as bad as she was by Minnesota. From
Maine to California, Nebiaska alumni
are yearning with yearnings whlch-ean
not bo uttered, that the rancor which
was born: in our minds on that awful
day in Omaha, 1899, and which has
lankled ever slnccwlll be changed to
pitying compasion for poor defeated
On next Saturday as we watch the
ghrnes which wo can reach wo will
think less of tho plays before our eyes
than we will of what Is happening at
Iowa City, and 'overy fellow will be
salng to himself "Oh, eatr 'era alive,
Nebraska; eat 'em alive!" Sincerely,
Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe.
Team Leaves Over Rock Island.
Take Drinking Water Along.
The team left yesterday afternoon
at 3 o'clock over the Rock Island road
for Iowa City, where they play tho
University of Iowa Saturday afternoon.
They had a private tourist sleeper
ami each man has a berth to himself.
The team will be given the best possi
ble care in order that they may appear
in good form on the day of the game.
They will not arrive at Iowa City un
til about 3 o'clock this morning, which
makes an all-night Journey. They went
this early In order that they might
have time to recover from any Indis
position suffered from tho trip.
They took with them two ten-gallon
kegs of Buckner's Beer, which 1b
brewed from pure Nebraska water.
This will do away with all dangors
resulting from changes in drinking
water. Some times the results of this
change- aro harmful and It is not safo
to expose a team to anything so try
ing. The team will arrive in tho city upon
their return from Iowa at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon.
Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock the
Senior and Freshmen law teams met
on the football field to "have it out."
They had it.
Tho teams were pretty evenly
matched and before the line-up a good
game seemed to be forthcoming, nnd
no one was disappointed in lil hopes.
Tho Freshmen ran up against a
streak of hard luck In tho beginning
of tho game and1 were unable to get
into their winning gait thereafter.
The Seniors made their only touch
down and the only score of the gamo
In about half a minute of play.
On tho first kick-off the ball went
well back toward the Freshman goal,
and In attomptlng to catch It tho man
to whom It was up to failed. The ball
bounded on and back of tho goal line,
whero a Senior fell on Jt, making tho
score. The try for goal failed.
Tho rest of the game was a see-saw
up and down the field, neither side hav
ing much the better of It. If tho fum- .
bio had not been made In the start
there would probably not have been a
score made "but, of all sad words,"
Tho Freshman had tho mlsfortuno
to have tholr fullback laid out early
In the action and a green man was put
in who was not voryfamlllar with tho
signals. This was a great loss to tho
Freshies, although tho new man ac
quitted liimself with honors.
All In all the game was a good ono
and was characterized by the best of
spirits from both teams.
The class teams are beginning to tako
forih and appear on the field for prac
tice during chapel hour. These- teamB
ought to bo. pushed. They engender a
wholesome and healthy claps spirit and
class spirit in turn stirs up college
spirit. This Is what Is needed.
Tho faculty are working hard overy
night and as tho day for th3 meet
draws near tho Interest grows. No ono
can afford to ml3 this.
Aside from spending a few enter
taining liours everyone who comes out
will bo contributing to a most worthy
The scrubs were out for signal prac
tice and showed up In good form. Their
work Is speedy and sure and wo pre
dict for .them a very successful year.
Their next game is with Grand Is
land College at that city next Satur
day. Lincoln Transfer Co.
Phone, 176.
'. J
. 1