'ipw-w-ffjisw v;twpsr'tvwrvK'"--"-r'"-w , "r- JM'f Tl L Ml ill .-.i-. , . . . i" hi JWAVf"' ''nr'-vr ,wr'MMf.g'a.'",""-w' f - I tKv, ' ; ' ' r 'Jli'i- ,i in ,. .I i i i ' ii " " ""' '" ' J f: .w-4"- ' .""!- i " ,' """' IK fl uC "'- Hbe ails fUbraeftan ri n II L6 .iw .8 F r? BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. Campus Gleanings Charlca Sawyer will give a reading at Convocation this morning. ?oHoiionoonoiioionoKOHoitonoi?oi?oHoKo?oi?onooonoKoono o Mr. Ware, '07. of Do Witt, waft vis ited by hl father on Tuesday. & Captain Drown of Company C waa Initiated Into Kappa Slg Monday evening. BANKS Columbia, First National. BAUBKR SHOP Bldora, Palace, It. C, Shannon, Marshall & Richards. BATHS Chris' Placo. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall. Sidles, Glmrd. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co Op, Brown, University Book Storo. Sara Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. OIOARS Powoll, Llndsey, Claroy. CLOTHING Unland, Mageo & Deomor, B. L. Palno, Armstrong, Toggery. COAL Gregory, Dierks, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Loming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kltchon. DAIRY Franklin, Loming. DRUGGIST Stoinor, Woempnor, Roc tor, Brown, RIggs, Wright. DRY GOODS Miller & Palno. DANCING HALL Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guonzol, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hal Bros. HOTELS Llndoll, Walton. JEWELERS Tuckor. LIVERIES Mollck. LUMBER Dlorks NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpo. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Lino. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co., Koatka. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILIARDS Powell, Stevons & Novllle. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Westerflold, Unlquo, Don Cameron, Good Health, Eaglo. SHOES Perkins & Sholdon,, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoe, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. Cincinnati Shoo Store. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAI IX) RS Unland, Bumstead, Lud-wlg. J. 1). Ringer, secretary of the Univer sity Y. M. C. A., has been pledged to Phi Delta Phi. Mo1el and Pearl Sterling mode their usual weekly visit to their home in Omaha Saturday, returning Monday. L. J. Sid-well's father of Omaha, visited- him during the latter part of last week. Orion Mather has boon' appoinrted captain of tho Junior football team, and Frank Beers manager. Mm. Hopkins of Crete will be en talned by tho Episcopal church club this evening. o o X o o o X o o o 3 0 X o o o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o X o COLLEGE FOOTBALL H Is more thoroughly described and pictured in The Illustrated Sporting News Than in any other American weekly Edgar Christy enjoyed a visit from his sister, Miss Emma and Alta, of Scrlbnor, Monday and Tuesday. The Medical society will entertain Undverslty students at tho home of Dr. Ward at 1520 D street, next Friday, October 30. The Zoological club will meet a week from today and regular meetings will bo held every alternating Wednesday thereafter. NOTABLE ARTICLES September 19 Captain Rafferty and his Yalo Football Sqnad. September 26 Dowitt, Princeton's Versatile Football Horo. October 3 What is tho matter with Pennsylvania. October 10 Captain Marshall's Vicissitudes at Harvard, October 17 Football at the Universities of Chicago and Michigan. October 24 Tho University of Wisconsin on tho Gridiron. Illuetratod by tho boat Football Photogrophors In tho World RALPH D. PAINE and FRANK BUTTERWORTH, both noted Foot ball authorities, writo on the gamo exclusively for The Illustrated Sporting News An energetic and reliublo subscription representative is wanted at tho University of Nebraska. Address for particulars, The Illustrated Sporting News, 7 w 22nd st N y MofcofcoteoltoMoMoteofcoltofcoMoViofcoMoMofcoMofcoMofcofeoitovcvMOMo X o X o x o x o K o X o X o X o X o X o o K o X o K o X o X o X o X o X o X o X Miss Bessie O'Connor has returned from her homo at Missouri Valley, la., whore she went to spend) a few days with her parento. Fred Wright will give a special re port today im tho course of economic problems. His subject is "The Econ omics and Economic Advantages of Trusts." Professor Barber's reception for tho students of tho Iatln department, which was to havo been held Tuesday, November 3, In Fraternity hall, has been postponed for a week. MIbb Susan1 Dlnsmoro, a reader in the American history department, has left the University to accept a posi tion as teacher of history at on Iowa high school. Tho hockey club Is still continuing practice and tho gaime begins to look a little less like tho scientific game of "shilniney,' which wo played in days long agon. flppKThe Improved I wLs Jj fL .. hh. dm The Standard ' WVi2 jYtoM!i -" raxiFVJ for Gentlemen ( ALWAYS EASY The Name BOSTON ( ft A MTU " f bmnr.H ; r"52Son vcry '00P The ' ZfJW CUSHION if IT BUTTON CLASP LIm flat fo the fetf never ..Slip5, Tears nor Unfastens. bold EVEimvHcnc. Cullun2c f Malkil mi f rvclpt ol urice. aEo.rao3Tco.,ukri Boitcs, IUm.,U.S.A. Every Pair Warranted?! iSiSSaaEa One of the faculty football teams hold signal practice out behind the shops during convocation! period yes terday. From tho vim which they put Into their practice wo predict an ex citing gamo Saturday. . Allam S. NollBoni, Ptui Delta Thetn, who has been doing post-graduate work Im the University, goes thi week to Columbia, Mo., where he is called as Instructor In English in the State Uni versity of Missouri. DAKERDRD5. LNCKAVINC CO. If ILLUSTRATORS . 1 lgj ENGRAVERS H Of2") pTaruinlncwesr (Pm THE ONLY UP-TO-DATE 'Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tabic Nt-wif Covered Powell's, 146 North llth St. Phon L 664. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda and Magazinos. Fountain Hotel Walton J5J5 O Street. Phone 5o6. 100 rooms befit low-priced houso in city. RATES $i Per Day and Up 113 North llth Street. There is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. U23 O Street Wx, u This signaturo is on every box of tho gonulnc Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets tho rotnody that cnrtH n colli In one day SECURED OR TEE RETURNED. Bond model or sketch for Free opinion ns to imtpn tabllltv. Send for our Oulilo Dook nnl ' ' What to InTent." Klnetit pub lications Imuotl for Free dlHtrlbutlon. I'alenta necurco iiiroiiun us muniMti wiiiiiiiii cnunjo in n I Tho l'ntent Kccori'. Hamplo fopr Free. W I Aildrf is I EVANS, WILKENS &. CO., I WASHINGTON. D. C. I Kappa Sigma held initiation cere monies Monday evening at the chapter house. Four new men wore added to .the chapter roll. The indtiates were: G. F. Brown of Geneva, G. W. Bates and GleiD Mason of Lincoln, and ll. It. Edwards of Los Angeles, Callfornlas President Rposovelt says in reply to a telegrapi' from Prof. Dann ask img tho president to bo on the athletic field next Saturday to see him boat the squad in tho wheolbarrow race, that nothing prevents, his presence but tho fact that his message Is not yet fin ished. Tho president odds that he r hopes all his friends will aittond. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Tito students intending to make the trip to I alwropce are requested to leave thoir names wibi Manager Buckner. Lt will bo necessary to secure 1GG names before tho rates can be secured and students should bo prompt in sign ing "up and not hold back in the ex pectation that bnough of other stti doute will register to make up the re Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circularof Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3)! EST" The courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of Kuan meaicai college. N The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois A 4, AT 3i quired number. v ill t, I"- fc&v w v .v